A mythical Zoan in Miraculous...

By Shadow_caster_x

227 5 13

A teen from the real world suddenly wakes up in the world of miraculous ladybug with a system that allows him... More

Mythical Zoan System

TimeBreaker: Zoan is born

67 1 0
By Shadow_caster_x

On this beautiful Saturday morning Silas was walking to the fountain where Kim and Alix we're supposed to have their little bet. This bet would result with Marinette accidentally breaking the Rabbit Miraculous in  it's camouflage form and Alix getting akumatized into TimeBreaker.

He had considered preventing her from turning. But then again, where's the fun in that? He also needed an excuse to test out Soru, and TimeBreaker's ability was a perfect match for the test.

As he approached he could see that the other in the class aside from Marinette and Alix were already present.

When Alya saw me approaching she quickly called me over. "Hey Silas! What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I heard there was a bet going on between jock and roller blades, thought It could prove entertaining." I answered in a bored tone.

"You mean Kim and Alix?" Rose asked as she popped out of no where.

I flinched at the small bright pink girl that appeared in my field of vision. I didn't remember her doing that in the show.

"Yes. I'm not good with names so I give people nicknames to help me remember." I answered her question after settling myself.

"Ooh, what are the rest of us dude?" Nino asked coming over. I quickly regretted my decision of lying because I was now surrounded by the entire class.

"Ugh, fine. I'll tell you guys." I said as I began making shit up on the spot.

"As I've already said, Kim you are jock."

For some reason he pumped his arms and cheered.

"Alix is roller blades, Adrien is blondie."

He just nodded

"Ivan is Titan,"

He looked both nervous and proud of his nickname.

"Alya is glasses,"

"Glasses? Really? Couldn't I be web girl or something cool like that?"

I shot her a small glare. "No. GLASSES, you will remain as you are." I ended the debate before it could start. She pouted but nodded as I moved on.

"Juleka is nightshade."

She covered her face shyly but you could tell she liked the nickname.

"Mylene is eco."

She seemed proud that I named her after her passion of protecting the environment

"Max is brains."

The bespectacled boy seemed proud

"Nathaniel is just Nate because that what he introduced himself as."

Alya shot him an envious look while he nervously scratched his head.

"Nino is DJ."

He seemed like he liked it as he and Kim high-fived

"Rose is pinky."

She seemed delighted

"Chloe is bee."

"Huh if you are calling me a bee what didn't you call me Queen bee!?" She shouted.

I rolled my eyes. "Because that would imply you are important in some way." I stated with a straight face.  'That is also your future hero name so that would be problematic'

"I- how dare you!?"

Ignoring her little tantrum I continued. "Sabrina is drone," she seemed confused but don't argue. 'Yep, just a drone controlled by Chloe. I'll have to help her.'

Behind the group of students in front of me I saw Marinette sprinting over to us.

"And finally we have..." I gestured to Marinette. "Blueberry,"

Marinette greeted her friends and unraveled the poster she had made for Roller blades's and jock's bet.

"Nice job Marinette." Adrien complimented her as she flushed red. 'Seriously how did he never figure out that she was in love with him? How incredibly dense is he?'

Jock looked smugly at the crowd surrounding Marinette. "Sorry guys but you picked the wrong side." He said with a smirk, drawing the crowd of student attention. "Alix hasn't even shown up. Probably too scared to race an athlete like me."

I had to stop myself from grinning when the aforementioned skater rolled up behind him. "Spoke too soon Kim." She said as the other cheered. She then rolled over to him. "Your ridiculous bets are over. I'm gonna leave you I the dust meathead." She grinned.

"Ha! You're no match for me, my neck is bigger than your thigh." He shot back.

'That's not a good thing for either party' I thought as Brains piped up between them. "Alright let's review the official rules!"

"Two laps around the fountains, approximately 500 yards. First across the starting line is the victor. If Kim emerges victorious the Alix will be forced to relinquish her roller blades to him, if Alix succeeds then Kim will be prohibited from making any and all bets, dares, gambles and or chances for the rest of the school year." Brains explained.

I heard many cheers in Alix's favor as I took a seat far away from the rest of the class to not be crowded but close enough to see the race. It was also far enough away that when Alix got Akumatized I could slip away to get my gear on unseen.

I watched as Jock fell on his face because of the false start he took before Alix handed Alya her heirloom watch. 'The rabbit miraculous. Dominion over time, what a fascinating power. Not even my mythical Zoans can do that.' I thought as I saw Alya make the absolutely horrible decision of handing the watch to Marinette.

I zoned out into my mind until the important stuff happened. I was mostly thinking of the miraculous. 'I'll call my abilities the myth miraculous, but I want one of my own as well.' I pondered.

'If I'm sticking with myth, why not collect the miraculous of different mythical creatures? Or better yet, my own mythical team.' My eyes glinted with interest. 'I can get Kagami and the dragon miraculous but who else? I know that there is a thunderbird miraculous so I'll have to get my hands on that. Even if it's not a myth I'll definitely take the peacock miraculous later on, it will be up to Félix to join me or not. Oh! I almost forgot the Prodigious, it has many transformations!'

My thoughts were interrupt by my system opening up.

[New task: Defeat Alix's akumatized form: TimeBreaker.
Reward: 50 points]

I smirked as I looked up to see the green speedster headed straight for Jock. She touched him and he froze in place and he began to fade from existence.

"Alix stop! What are you doing!?" Marinette pleaded.

"The name is TimeBreaker now! And I'm going back in time to save my watch, and using you punks to do it!" TimeBreaker declared.

"Go back In Time? What did you do? Why is he fading!?" Marinette looked to Kim who had by now become transparent.

"I needed his energy" the akuma stated nonchalantly "he was a pain anyway with all those bets." I could agree with her there. "He deserves to disappear forever. And so do you!" She shouted as the charged for Marinette.

'Alright, time to go.' I thought as I made my way to a secluded corner not too far away. I opened my system and equipped my items.


Name: Silas Legend Monet

Age: 16

Devil fruit: Tori Tori no mi model: Phoenix

Haki: none


Soru-level 1

Blackleg style-level 1

Points: 100


Concealment mask- equipped

Ability shift suit-equipped

Ability shift tool- equipped

Devil switch necklace- equipped-]

The concealment mask and ability suit appeared on my body as just a gray version on ladybug's outfit and my necklace shifted into its true appearance, the  many multicolored gems glistening. The tool also appeared in my hand as just a gray pole.

"Alright let's try... this!" I focused on the image of Marco in my mind and the suit changed color. The arms became the same color as the phoenix flame, the area around my back and shoulders became purple, and everything below that became a dark blue.

My mask also changed, becoming a light shade of purple on the bottom half and the color of phoenix flame in the top.

I took a look at myself and was satisfied. "This will do nicely." I then took the tool in my hand and thought about what to turn it into. I decided on a feathered fan like Mayura had. One, Because it fit with the phoenix and two, it looked cool.

I then Focused on my devil fruit and felt as my body became flame in the shape of a bird. I took to the sky unnoticed by the akuma and perched atop a building to wait for the perfect time to strike.

I watched as ladybug appeared, Pinky, and Eco got tagged before Cat Noir showed up and Glasses got tagged before deciding to step in. "Maxim effort" I muttered as I stepped off the roof and assumed my hybrid form.

I saw the akuma going for Titan and I saw ladybug preparing to throw her Yo-yo but before she could I appeared.

"Soru!" I appeared a few feet above and in front of TimeBreaker, greatly shocking both her and the heroes.

"Epaule shoot!" I raised my leg up and slammed my heel into TimeBreaker's shoulder. She was blown back towards the other two heroes. "Keep your hands to your self little lady" I said as I walked over to Ladybug and Cat Noir.

The two looked at me dumbfounded for a moment. "Umm, uh... who are you?" Ladybug inquired apprehensively.

"The name is Zoan," I said giving them a bow. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'd love to talk more but we currently have a supervillain on our hands don't we?"

TimeBreaker stood up. "I'd doesn't matter how many of you there are, all I need to do is touch you and you're gone!" She blasted towards me.

'Well this is as good a time as any to try this.' I stood completely motionless as Cat Noit tried to warn me of her power.

"Watch out-!"

"You're mine!" The akuma shouted with glee as she laid her hand on my chest....

And completely passed through my body.

I could literally see the shock in both her and the heroes eyes.

'Alright, Logia transformation works fine.'

"Sorry, that won't work on me. Soru!" I disappeared and reappeared behind her. "Flambage shot!" My leg burst into blue flame and formed into a bird claw as I kicked her in her side. She was sent flying backwards.

"What the heck was that!?" Cat Noir demanded. I could see where he was coming from. I had just used what he saw as two abilities without the call-out phrase that miraculous powers usually use.

"That my feline friend, is the power of the myth miraculous: Phoenix transformation. I'm completely made of flame."

"Myth miraculous? I thought that miraculous had to be based of animals." Cat Noir said puzzled.

"Talk later, beat akuma now." I silenced his question as TimeBreaker got back up.

She started to run in a circle around the three of us, creating afterimages of herself. "If I can't hit you I'll just get the other one!" She suddenly burst out of the ring and touched Cat Noir.

'Shit, I had hoped to finish this without going back in time.' I thought.

"Cat Noir!" Ladybug shrieked as her partner began to fade.

"Ha! He got me up to full. Must have been those nine lives." TimeBreaker said as she marveled at the full bars on her skates. "Alright time to go back!"

She started to skate and gradually picked up speed.

I took my hybrid from and ladybug managed to wrap her yo-yo around TimeBreaker's waist.

"Hold on!" I shouted as I grabbed onto the yo-yo string as the akuma tore a hole in time.

I blinked and we were back  it he past. Ladybug and I were thrown to the ground as TimeBreaker's momentum stopped.

"W-where are we?" Ladybug asked as she shakily got up.

"Well," I pointed to below the platform we stood on. "Considering there are people down there we saw fading, I'd say that we are in the past." I said as I saw our classmates.

Below is I saw that Chloe had taken roller blade's watch. "My watch!" We turned to see that TimeBreaker had leaped the platform.

"Ok, you deal with that. Umm go get my other self," I said as I when hybrid and flew off before ladybug could protest.

When I arrived at the spot I found my other self already partially geared up. When he was me he immediately just copied me what I did for mine. "I know the drill, let's do it." He said as I nodded.

We both became phoenixes and flew back to ladybug, just as cat noir landed behind her as well.

"Woah, who are these guys m'lady?" Cat asked.

"No time to explain cat. The name is Zoan and Long story short, break the roller blades and you don't die capice?" The other me said.

"Umm?" He looked to ladybug.

"He is another hero that came out of nowhere. Or would've come out of nowhere? Stupid time paradoxes!"

Me and myself looked at each other the. Looked at rollerblades. as she finished transforming. "So...double team her?"

"Double team her."

Me and I shifted into full beast form and dove at the now similar number of TimeBreakers with Ladybug and cat noir hot on my tail.

"Is it me or am I seeing double Today?" The cat miraculous user asked perplexed as we faced the twin villains.

"If either of them tag you, you will fade out of existence, leave this to me." My other self said as we got into a fighting stance.

"But how would-?" The poor blonde boy was cut off by ladybug.

"He has a weird miraculous, explanation later!"

The two TimeBreakers looked at me and my double before one of them; the original, spoke. "Those two can't be touched but they can really pack a punch. Go for ladybug and cat noir, they'll give us more than enough energy for both of us to go back in time." She said as the twin nodded.

"Ha? These two want to ignore us?" The other me said.

"Then let's show them the might of the myth miraculous!"

We both charge towards them, followed closely by ladybug and cat noir.

"Get the skates!" Ladybug said as she throw her yo-yo to try and trip her one of the TimeBreakers.

She succeeded and one went tumbling to the ground.  The other actually dove through my flame and tried to attack ladybug. But before either of me could stop her another yo-yo wrapped around the speed villain's arm.

"Looks like you guys could use a hand!" This timeline's ladybug said as she swing TimeBreaker into herself knocking them both down.

"Alright." I said and the other heroes all looked towards me. I then addressed myself. "Time to stop playing around don't you think?" I said as I took the feathered fan of my hip.

"Agreed." The other me said as he also raise his fan toward the two akumas.

"What are you guys doing?" Cat Noir asked a bit nervously.

"Do t worry about it," the other me said. "When we give the signal, use your cataclysm and destroy the skates alright?"

Cat Noir nodded and used his call out phrase. I watched with some interest as the destructive energy formed I his palm.

I then looked to the Ladybugs. "Get ready to capture the akumas."

"Got it." They nodded in agreement.

Me and myself turned to the two villains and held out our fans to our sides.

"Ha! What are you heroes doing? What are some pretty little fans going to do to us?" One of the akumas mocked.

I smirked. 'I forgot how arrogant these guys get when they are villains'

The two skaters charged towards us just as we wanted.

"Flame wall!"

We both blasted a torrent of flame from out fans. The villain's eyes widened as they wet struck with the wall of flames.

"Now Noir!" I shouted as the cat miraculous user leaped and brushed his cataclysm across the villains skates, releasing two shadow covered butterflies.

The ladybugs then captured the akumas and resent the world with her ability. I have to say it was a little weird when the other me disappeared and his memory merged with my own.

I looked down and picked up the now repaired watch and walked over to roller blades.

"This is yours right?" I said as I offered it to her.

"My watch!" Sh exclaimed, taking it.

"I recognize the handy work on that watch. It's very old and very unique." I addressed her. "Make sure to be more responsible for your belongings," I lectured her.

"You are totally right. I'll be more careful from now on." She said as she skated away.

I saw the other two heroes approaching me. "I would like to talk to you both more but you two are running low on time." I said gesturing at one their miraculouses.

"Yeah, it was nice meeting you Zoan, thanks for the help." Ladybug said as the three her yo-yo and swung away.

"Nice meeting you too, Cat Noir." I said.

"Yeah, it's cool to have a new team member!" The energetic cat said as his miraculous beeped. "Well, I've got to go. See you next time!" He said as he launched on to a rooftop with his staff.

'What crazy people.' I thought as I flew off.

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