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By nakylvr

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Welcome to Godolkin University School of Crimefighting where young adults with superpowers attend in order to... More

Cast 2. | STUDENTS
CAST. | Heroes
CHAPTER ONE. | The Welcoming Party

CHAPTER TWO. | The After Party

39 3 17
By nakylvr

Welcome to Godolkin University, School of Crimefighting

Last chapter's events included the welcoming party for the new freshmen and those returning, only for someone to improperly use their powers and blow someone up in the process, now causing chaos in the fraternity house

"Someone blew up."


"There's a fucking dead body is what!" Taichi yelled, his hands pulling at his hair.

"So we get the fuck out!" Ellie yelled just as loud.

"We're just gonna leave it?!" Taichi asked.

"Well duh! Let the administration clean it up!" Ellie nodded. "It's not our fault someone used their powers and blew someone up!"

"True," Taichi agreed. "Okay let's get out of here."

"Holy shit!"

"Is that a dead body?!"

"I don't think it can be considered a body anymore..."

"What the fuck," Faye muttered as she followed the chaos into one of the back rooms. "Holy fuck," She said when she finally found the body everyone was talking about. Blood was scattered across the floor and walls in the room, and the body was now blown apart into tiny pieces. With a flick of her wrist, an apparition appeared beside her, only able to be seen from her own two eyes. "Find Lena and bring her back to me," She told the ghost before pushing past the other people and heading out of the room. The ghost gave a thumbs up and vanished once walking through the wall.

People were still freaking out as Faye walked out of the house and stood on the grass of the lawn, watching as other students ran out and on their way back to the dorms. She let out a long sigh and waited, tapping her foot on the grass impatiently.

Faye stared at the grass for a while, listening to others run out of the house, some yelling, some calmly talking, she didn't pay much attention to it. When she looked up again, she saw Lena walking towards her, well, stumbling more or less.

"Y'know I would really rather you find me than one of your apparitions," Lena said as she made it to the other girl. "Why did you even find me?"

"We're leaving," Faye told Lena, grabbing her hand and starting to walk away from the house.

"What? That's what you found me for? To leave?" Lena questioned but followed after Faye.

"Yes, someone's dead, so we're leaving." Faye nodded.

"Dead!?" Lena exclaimed, her eyes going wide in shock.

"Yes," Faye nodded again, seemingly unfazed by the situation.

"Oh my god," Lena mumbled to herself, glancing back at the house. "Do you want me to teleport us back?"

"Will you take us to the right place this time?" Faye raised an eyebrow.

"No promises!" Lena smiled. "C'mon I swear I'll get us there way faster!"

"Fine," Faye grumbled out and stopped walking.

"Yay!" Lena grinned, "Ready?"

"I guess, just give me a-"

Faye was cut off of her sentence by Lena suddenly teleporting them back to the dorms, and it was actually their room this time. Landing in the middle of the room, Faye stumbled for a second, still not used to being dragged along for teleportation.

"Thanks for the warning," Faye rolled her eyes.

"Sorry!" Lena said with a sheepish smile on her face. "But look! I got us here!"

Faye nodded, walking and sitting down on her bed. "Yes, you did for once."

It was silent after that, with Lena fiddling with her hands, looking at the ground as Faye watched the girl.

"Alright, I'll ask," Faye sighed after watching for a few silent minutes. "What's wrong?"

"Hm?" Lena glanced at Faye. "Oh, it's nothing," she mumbled and shook her head.

"Nope, I'm not taking that for an answer," Faye pointed at Lena. "What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry about earlier," Lena murmured quietly, looking back at the ground. "I...It's just that..." Her voice trailed off.

Faye got off her bed without a sound, walking up to the other girl and carefully lifting Lena's head with her hand. "What is it?" She asked in a softer tone than her usual one.

Lena stared for a minute, trying to come up with a lie she could go with but couldn't come up with anything. "It's just...everyone at this place likes me a lot...But...I like someone who probably won't like me as much. I wasn't just trying to use you when I needed it. I just thought...if it happened enough then it would work out." She explained slowly, not sure if the gist got across or not.

It took Faye a few seconds before her expression changed to subtle shock. "Lena, do you have a crush on me?" She asked the other girl.

The sudden change in Faye's demeanor made Lena's eyes go wide as she stuttered out a response. "Uhm I uh, well, erm I uh...Maybe," She mumbled the last part. "I know it's dumb to seeing as we're supposed to be strictly roommates and all but I couldn't help it. You're the only person who actually cares about my well-being and after the first time it happened I knew I wouldn't be able to ignore it. I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't but-" She stopped suddenly, seeing how Faye's expression on her face was changing for once in the three years they'd been roommates, and she couldn't tell if it was a good or bad reaction.

"I'm sorry!" Lena said quickly before closing her eyes and teleporting out of the room.

Faye remained in her spot for a few minutes after Lena teleported, as if she was waiting for the girl to return and when she didn't, she dropped her hand and let out a long sigh. "God fucking damnit."


One student, who preferred to stay in her dorm rather than go to the parties that happened on and off campus, was Mariana Guzman, who, as you could expect, was in her dorm room smoking a blunt when a girl who happened to be Lena Wang teleported into the room.

"Jesus fucking christ!" Mariana cursed loudly, jumping slightly at Lena popping in out of nowhere. "What the fuck, man?!"

"Sorry!" Lena immediately apologized. "Uhm I don't know you and I am so so sorry for teleporting to your dorm but I need you to let me stay here for a few hours."

"What?" Mariana questioned. "I mean, I guess? You're uh uh fuck what is it?" She muttered, snapping her fingers a couple of times attempting to remember her name. "Lena! Right? That's it?"

"Yeah," Lena nodded.

"Wow! I mean, I knew of you but like, haven't actually met you, though, so hey I'm Mariana," She waved, taking a hit from the blunt in her hands and ashing a bit off.

"Nice to meet you," Lena smiled at the other girl. She noticed the blunt in Mariana's hand, and pointed at it. "Can I take a hit of that?" She asked.

Mariana raised an eyebrow, but a sly smile formed on her face as well. "Fuck yeah. Sit down, I'll roll another one," She said, patting her bed next to her and sitting up to reach under her bed and pull out her stash.

Lena sat down next to Mariana on the bed, and watched as the girl handed her the blunt and start to roll another one. "Thank you," Lena said, taking a hit of the blunt.

"No problem," Mariana replied. "No one told me miss sunshine smokes pot, though. So I was definitely not prepared. But like, is it just when you go to parties or also just like, on a regular day?" She glanced at Lena while rolling.

"Depends," Lena shrugged, taking another hit and ashing it then handing it to Mariana. "If I'm stressed or anxious enough, a regular day. Though, I try not to as much."

"Mm, I see," Mariana hummed, putting the blunt in her mouth and hitting it without holding it. She took her second hit quickly and handed it back to Lena. "Why did you even teleport to my dorm? Did something happen at that dumb party?"

"Yeah, someone died," Lena nodded.

"What? Are you serious?" Mariana stopped for a second to look at Lena. "This place is fucking insane."

"I know," Lena sighed, taking the last hit of the blunt and ashing it out completely. "Just someone used their powers improperly and so they killed someone I guess. But, that's not why I teleported here, well, to even come here specifically was an accident so."

"Damn," Mariana said, going back to rolling and finishing it soon after. "So then, why did you teleport?"

"Roommate problems," Lena answered. "Which is why if you'll let me stay for a few hours I promise I'll pay you back somehow," She added.

"Don't worry about it," Mariana waved her hand around and shook her head. "I got lucky to not have a roommate." She placed the blunt between her lips and held it there, grabbing a lighter and covering the flame with her hand to light it.

"Must be nice," Lena mumbled.

"It is majority of the time," Mariana nodded, taking a few hits of the blunt to get it started before exhaling the smoke with a few coughs, handing it to the girl next to her.

"At this point I wish I didn't have one," Lena murmured, inhaling the smoke from the blunt and exhaling with a long sigh.

"Damn, is she that bad?" Mariana asked.

"No," Lena shook her head. "I think I just messed up big time."

"Ah," Mariana nodded, pointing at her. "I bet you I can guess." She smiled.

Lena looked over at Mariana, gesturing with her free hand to continue as she hit the blunt and handed it back.

"You got a crush on your roommate and you confessed but teleported because you freaked out," Mariana guessed, taking a hit after.

"God, is it that easy to tell?" Lena sighed.

"You're easy to read," Mariana shrugged. "Who's your roommate, though?"

"Faye Campbell," Lena mumbled out an answer.

"Ah," Mariana nodded, taking her second hit and handing it back. "Well, you've been roommates since you started coming here, right?"

"Yeah," Lena nodded, inhaling the smoke and leaning her head back against the wall. "I just don't know what to do now. I can almost guarantee things are gonna be weird once I go back but, I don't know. What if she hates me now? Is changing roommates allowed? Surely Ms. Zheng would if it was reasonable, right?"

"I dunno," Mariana shrugged again. "But I think you'll be fine. You're a really sweet girl, it'd be hard for anyone to hate you. Like, every person I've spoken to at this place says you're always helping others and incredibly nice to everyone, so, unless she doesn't have feelings for you also, I think you'll be okay."

"I suppose," Lena nodded, handing the blunt back to Mariana. "But, what do I do if she hates me now?"

"Well, I wouldn't mind having a roommate," Mariana said. "If Ms. Zheng allows that, that is."

"Really?" Lena asked.

"Yeah, it gets boring sometimes being alone," Mariana nodded, ashing the last bit of the blunt and also leaning her head against the wall. "And you're pretty cool, so I wouldn't mind."

"Thank you," Lena smiled.

"No problem," Mariana gave a thumbs up.

It was silent between the two, now high and extremely high girls, with both of them staring at the wall. After a few more minutes of that silence, Mariana looked at Lena.

"You want to cook something crazy?" She asked.

Lena looked over at Mariana, immediately nodding. "Hell yeah I do."

The girls then smiled at each other and got up off the bed, rummaging through the pantry and started to make whatever possible.

Within the hour, it was completely forgotten as to why Lena ended up in Mariana's dorm in the first place.


"That party was fucking insane! I got a shit ton of money though, thank the Lord! I really needed it. But then shit hit the fan! Someone blew up someone and it ended in chaos! It was like- Are you even listening to me?" Taichi was ranting to one of his upperclassmen friends, well, more like acquaintances seeing as he knew essentially nothing about her.

"Mhm," The girl, Ezra Kim Harrison answered with a short hum, reading the book in her hands. "Party was crazy, someone died, what's new?"

"The money!" Taichi exclaimed. "You should've been there!"

"Mm, I think I'm glad I didn't," Ezra replied, flipping the page of her book.

"For a senior shouldn't you be doing what you want to do?" Taichi asked, putting his gloved hands on his hips. "I mean, you're ranked four, so you're obviously going to be a member of The Seven, but don't you want to have some fun before you become an A-lister?"

"The reason I'm ranked high is because I actually care about my academics and making the world a better place. I've been fine without going to a single party, therefore I will remain fine if I never go," Ezra told him, not looking up from her book. "Plus, too many bright lights, if something were to happen my powers would be close to useless."

"Yeah but it would be fun!" Taichi pouted. "Ezra, you're one of the coolest chicks I've met at this school, you need to loosen up and have a little bit of fun in your last year!"

"Why should I?" Ezra finally looked up from her book. "Nothing marvelous comes out of college parties, and I would rather spend my time somewhere dark then filled with alcohol-ridden idiots."

"Okay," Taichi trailed off. "But what if it isn't a party? You still need to have some fun before your life is filled with the responsibility of saving humans all the time! You need a drink," The boy smiled.

"No," Ezra shook her head. "I don't need a drink, Yama. I need you to leave me alone and find someone else to bother for the rest of the night. We have classes tomorrow morning." She looked back down at her book.

"Fine," Taichi grumbled. "I'll drink by myself," He mumbled, leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

Ezra waved her hand towards Taichi as he left, not looking up from her book as she was left in her dorm.

While yes, the young woman was ranked four out of the whole school, meaning if she remained in that spot she would get a position in The Seven, it was a torn decision if becoming a member of The Seven was a good idea. The team was currently known for more damage than good, seeing as one was almost murdered, one became a "traitor" to supes and is working with a rebellion, one actually murdered, and the other half burned to a crisp. All in the past four months. There was hardly any good representation from the remaining three men, who were all equally bad in their own ways, and the A-listers were crumbling apart under their own feet.

Vought Industry was desperate for new faces as brand new members of The Seven, seeing as one single member was the reason the other members perished. But, it's not like they could kick him out of the team, he was the leader, he was the face of supes in America. Hell, his statue was even in front of Godolkin. But, things were going to be difficult this year. Much more than predicted.


"Jesus," Eliana gasped quietly when she walked into the fraternity house and saw the dead body. She rubbed her eyes with her hand and let out a long sigh. "Great welcoming party."

"Looks like you're in quite the predicament," A male's voice said from behind the principal.

Eliana turned her head and saw Hunter Richardson, one of the primary teacher's at Godolkin. "Unfortunately," She nodded.

"I could give the students a word tomorrow during class," Hunter offered, hands in his slacks pockets. "They should know by now to not be this immature."

"A word won't be enough," Eliana shook her head. "You'll need to try a different method this year. We have to shape these students into powerful beings, not heroes. They just have to become a member of The Seven and we'll be free from this damned school."

"You'll let me spar against them, then?" Hunter asked.

"Yes," Eliana nodded. "Do your best to make sure they don't do it again."

Hunter nodded his head, a small smirk forming on his face as he looked at the body. "What do we do about this?"

"Call a cleaner and get it done fast," Eliana told him, then turning and walking out of the room

"I got a better idea," Hunter said as she walked away. He took one of his hands out of his pockets and raised it towards the body parts, and fire began to emit from his hand, torching the body to pure ash. "That was much easier," He smiled and walked out of the room.


The remainder of the night was spent with students heading back to their dorms and either sleeping in preparation for classes the next day, or busy talking amongst others about what happened. Meanwhile the staff was trying to clean the mess up and investigate who did it in the first place and why no one told the staff and instead let them find out on their own. The welcoming first day at Godolkin University, had ended with a bang.


"So, what do we think of the rankings?"

Eliana sat at a meeting table with Hunter and Lee Jongsu, who was the primary counselor at the university. The projector was showing the top fifteen ranked students, and the two men looked through the names seeing who was listed.

"Why is Life-bringer at fourteen?" Hunter asked. "He can hardly even fight. If he used those powers of his like a weapon of his own, he would be much better. He's ranked too high."

"It's not too high," Jongsu shook his head. "He's quite great with his powers and has complete control over it."

"That doesn't mean he can save people if it came down to it," Hunter retorted.

"Either way," Jongsu looked back at the names. "Heartstopper is ranked five, why did you choose that?" He asked Eliana.

"Well, she's one of the best powered students we have had in years," Eliana answered. "The biokinesis is one great thing, but the immortality is a completely different story. Not to mention the angel
image she has for herself. She could be the next Starlight."

"Starlight is a traitor," Hunter snarled. "Working for a damn rebellion group now against supes."

"This one won't do that," Eliana shook her head. "I can guarantee it."

"How?" Hunter questioned. "One cannot be an angel and an A-lister at the same time."

"I have my ways," Eliana said, "The top six are likely not going to move. Unless one goes up and another goes down, otherwise, they're not changing in the near future." She told the two men.

"Well, I think they look fine," Jongsu nodded. "I don't have any complaints."

"Me either, I suppose," Hunter said.

"Good. Then be ready for tomorrow, because that's when it will really start," Eliana said, rising from her seat.

"We'll be fine," Hunter waved his hand around like it was nothing. "Surely, they can't put up that much of a fight."

"You never know," Eliana replied. "One of them could become the next Homelander."

"Or worse," The three employees all spoke at once in a grim tone.

"But, that is why you're here, Jongsu. To make sure that doesn't happen," Eliana told him.

"I know," Jongsu acknowledged with a nod. "Trust me, I've heard some interesting stories come out of these kids' mouths. But, they will be fine."

"They better be. We cannot afford for something terrible to happen," Eliana said. "Not again."

After a few moments of silence, Hunter got up out of his chair. "We're done then, I assume?" He asked.

"Yes," Eliana nodded.

"Then I shall see my way out," He said, walking away and leaving the room.

"I must as well," Jongsu did the same, getting out of his chair and leaving the room.

With only Eliana left standing in the room, she stared at the rankings for a few minutes before ultimately letting out a sigh and turning the projector off. She slowly made her way out of the meeting room and wound up back in her office where she always was. Did she even sleep at this point? Not really. It was hard when dealing with college kids with superpowers trying not to accidentally kill each other daily or a civilian. She never had any time to herself anymore, it was all about Godolkin. Nothing else. She was starting to get tired of this seemingly cursed school. She wanted out, as did most of the other teachers. Unfortunately, she wouldn't get what she wanted until this year was over.

If she would live that long.

bam chapter two is UP! im proud of myself lowkey. this is mainly just a filler chapter, the next will start things off to the real plot! again, more ocs will be added each chapter cause i keep having to split these apart due to how long they are D: i hope you enjoyed!

- jay ♤

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