Maplepaw's Redemption

By tinyoakshadow

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Set in the former ThunderClan, now called FireClan, a she-cat named Redpoppy gives birth to two kits: Mapleki... More



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By tinyoakshadow

When Maplepaw woke in front of the Moonpool, it was still dark outside. Hardly any time had passed since she'd fallen asleep; her meeting with the mysterious cat had only taken a few moments. She got to her feet, surprised to find how sore they were, stretched, and glanced at the horizon. You lived once before. She'd never heard of anything like that happening in the Clans. A cat living a second life? Why? Who had she been before? Is that why I know how to fight so well? She padded away from the Moonpool, stifling the whimper that rose in her chest. None of it makes any sense! If only she could ask Redpoppy. If only she could ask someone. Maybe Yellowstar? She talks to StarClan... Maplepaw shook her head. Yellowstar will have enough to deal with once Sunsplash announces his news.

Maybe the elders would know. But then again, Myler talked about a time before the Clans came to the lake--and that was before anyone alive was old enough to remember. There was one elder in BlackClan that was older than any cat--Dawnwhisker--but even she wouldn't be old enough to remember that. FireClan liked to joke that Dawnwhisker was older than the Sky Oak, but that was just elder gossip.

Maplepaw pushed through the moors, heading into the furthest edges of Thunder forest. She breathed a sigh of relief when she felt familiar undergrowth beneath her paws. At least I'm home. She opened her mouth to taste the air, remembering she needed to come back with prey. Soon she found a shrew nibbling at the base of a tree, and dispatched it quickly. She found two more mice and headed back to camp, content with her catch.

Downtail, still standing guard, blinked at her in surprise when she came through the entrance tunnel, then dipped his head when he saw her prey.

"A night hunt," he mewed with a wistful look. "When I was a paw, that was my favorite thing to do. Get some rest, Maplepaw."

Maplepaw gave him a nod before depositing her prey on the fresh-kill pile, which was empty except for a very squashed mouse. At least the elders get to wake up to a meal, she thought. But I'm not going to sleep yet. Sometime between her bewildered encounter and the walk home, Maplepaw had made up her mind: she was going to ask her mother some questions.

Ducking into the warrior den, she weaved past Jaggedclaw, Foxjump, and Goosefur, before nudging her mother's side with her paw.


"Shh. Follow me."

Blinking sleep from her eyes, Redpoppy slinked out of the den. Jaggedclaw woke up long enough to grumble something but immediately fell back asleep.

"What's wrong, Maple?"

Maplepaw gestured to a secluded spot behind the warrior den.

"I have..." She paused, unable to meet Redpoppy's orange gaze. "I have some questions."

Redpoppy eyed her warily. "Go ahead."

"Well, my father. I know it isn't Thrushflight. Who was it? A cat from another Clan? I won't be mad, I just... I need to know." And that's the easiest question.

Redpoppy sighed heavily. "You don't have a father."

"Of course I do." Maplepaw blinked in surprise. "Everyone does."

"I don't know how StarClan gave me to you, but I never regretted it for a moment. I always meant to have kits, and Thrushflight probably would have been the father anyway. He helped raise you from the moment you came into this world even knowing you weren't his, and that means much more than blood ever could."

"I'm really not normal." Maplepaw found herself quivering. "Am I even real?"

"Of course you're real." Redpoppy drew her tongue over Maplepaw's head in slow, soothing laps. "You're as real as any other cat. And you're definitely my daughter. You inherited my long fur, my big paws, my eyes. I see myself in you every day. StarClan's powers and ways have always been a mystery, even to medicine cats and leaders. They can grant nine lives, for Gray Wing's sake. They have the power to resurrect a cat from death. They can send clouds to cover the moon. I suppose it makes sense they can do this... But I don't know how it works."

"Mom, I... I went to the Moonpool. I talked to--"

"Shh." Redpoppy slapped her tail across Maplepaw's muzzle. "If StarClan spoke to you, you must keep it to yourself. At least for now. They're very..." She licked her chest nervously. "Mysterious."

"What do I do? I have to know why I'm here."

"Maple, none of us can choose how we come into this life. All we can do is make the best of the life we're given."

"I guess." She slumped against her mother's side, breathing her comforting scent. At least I still have you and Bloompaw. At least this will always make sense.

"You should get some sleep. Tomorrow's a big day. You didn't hear it from me, but Paletuft's decided you five apprentices should have your first assessment tomorrow." Redpoppy purred warmly. "I know you'll make me proud."

Soothed by her mother's tongue, her kindness, and her warmth, Maplepaw yawned and made her way to the apprentice den. Wrenpaw chirruped happily in his sleep as she curled up by his side, tucking her tail over her snout.


Redpoppy had been right; Dapplecreek announced that she, Frecklepaw, Acornpaw, Wrenpaw, and Bloompaw would all be assessed together. Acornpaw, Frecklepaw, and Wrenpaw would be given a fighting and tree climbing challenge, while Bloompaw and Maplepaw, being less advanced in their training, would simply hunt.

"You're not competing against each other," Paletuft warned with her usual grim expression. "But there's nothing wrong with a little competitive spirit. Dapplecreek and I will follow you as you bring down as much prey as you can. It's not a race, either. You'll have until sunhigh. Bloompaw, head toward the old Twoleg den and past it. Maplepaw, you should follow the trail to Sky Oak." Paletuft flicked her fluffy white tail for them to start.

"And good luck!" called Dapplecreek as the apprentices turned to leave.

"Bet I catch a rabbit," Bloompaw whispered.

"Bet I catch a thrush."

"Get a move on." Paletuft's eyes narrowed. Needing no further prodding, Maplepaw picked her way through the undergrowth, mouth open to scent prey.

It was good to do something so mundane. The harder she focused on catching food for her Clan, the less time she had to think about her unbelievable situation. Redpoppy's revelation hadn't given Maplepaw any real answers, but it was a relief to know there was one cat, at least, that she could talk to. Mom understands. Everyone else would just think I'd gone mad.

She spotted a blackbird perched on the low branch of a maple tree and tensed. The wind was blowing towards her; if she stepped lightly and stuck to the shadows, she knew she had a good chance to catch it. She padded cautiously closer, ears pricked, and sidestepped a dry twig. The blackbird sat preening, oblivious to her approach. Close enough now, Maplepaw burst up the trunk, cursing her short legs. The bird saw her a moment too late and tried to fly away, but she batted out of the tree with a paw and it lay winded. Hurrying down the maple, she pounced and snapped its neck, thanking StarClan for the clumsy catch.

Burying her prey, Maplepaw headed further into the trees. She'd have to try somewhere new after such a messy kill. Soon she came to a clearing thick with bushes. She paused, ducking low, and spotted it: a fat, juicy squirrel. Haunches low and tail parallel to the ground, Maplepaw slunk forward. Her prey was too busy unearthing acorns dropped from the tree above to notice her. It didn't even heave the chance to squeal before she killed it.

As the sun rose, Maplepaw managed to kill two mice, a shrew, and a tiny mole. Satisfied with her cache, she unearthed the buried prey and headed back.

"Good work." Dapplecreek appeared out of nowhere. "Keep it up, and you'll be a warrior in no time."

Unable to stifle a purr, Maplepaw bounded through the trees with her prey swinging from her jaws, Dapplecreek close behind. Near the thorn barrier, Bloompaw flicked her tail in greeting, carrying her own load of prey.

Maplepaw set down her catch to speak. "You actually did it! You got a rabbit!" It was a young one, but newleaf-plump. Bloompaw purred loudly and headed to the fresh-kill pile with her ginger tail held high. After dropping her prey next to Bloompaw's, Maplepaw thought the Clan had never had so much prey. Bloompaw took the rabbit to the nursery first. Fallensnow and her kits, who were old enough to eat meat now, would appreciate such a big meal. Maplepaw watched the three gray-and-white kits tuck into the rabbit next to their snow-white mother. Their father, Downtail, bounded over from the camp entrance, rumbling a pur.

Maplepaw's paws felt light as she settled in front of the apprentice den with Bloompaw to eat. She let herself sink into the sandy soil as the Clan's pleasant chatter filled the camp.

"Oh look, it's Fatpaw," came a voice. Maplepaw stifled a groan. Frecklepaw.

"And it's Foxheart."

"I'd think you could come up with something cleverer than that by now, but." Frecklepaw shrugged, her eyes gleaming with malice. "Guess you really are too stupid."

"Frecklepaw." Yellowstar's voice was low and dangerous. "What did I hear you just say?"

"We're only playing." Frecklepaw's amber eyes looked mutinous. Her tail swished behind her. "No big deal, right, Maplepaw?"


"Since you're bored enough to throw random jibes at a fellow Clanmate, perhaps you'd enjoy gathering new sand for the dirtplace? And after that, you can refill the water skins and clean out the elder's moss. I expect you to keep busy until evening. After, if there's time, you can join the dusk patrol."

"But I have dawn patrol--"

"Quiet." Yellowstar seemed to be trying very hard not to growl at the apprentice. "Do as you're told."

"Yes, Yellowstar."

Maplepaw avoided the leader's gaze, her chest tight with conflicting emotions. I don't need you to fight my battles, she wanted to hiss. But she was happy to seeFrecklepaw stuck with the most annoying Clan chores. Bloompaw shook her head in wonder beside Maplepaw.

"Wow," said Bloompaw. "Wow."

Before Maplepaw could give a retort, a commotion sounded from the entrance tunnel. Jaggedclaw and Paletuft padded into the clearing, their ears pushed flat against their skulls, their tails bushed out. Maplepaw tasted the air nervously. Is that--

"BlackClan," hissed Bloompaw in her ear. "What are they doing here?"

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