Maplepaw's Redemption

By tinyoakshadow

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Set in the former ThunderClan, now called FireClan, a she-cat named Redpoppy gives birth to two kits: Mapleki... More



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By tinyoakshadow

Finally, my first Gathering. Maplepaw followed behind Frecklepaw and Wrenpaw in the middle of the patrol as FireClan made its way across the bridge to the Gathering island. The full moon cast a bright glare over the lake, turning its languid waves silver.

"Oh look, TallClan's here already." Jaggedclaw pointed with his black tail. Maplepaw craned her neck, trying to see. The island was full of bodies milling around each other. "BlackClan, too."

Yellowstar looked regal with her prey bone necklace catching the moonlight. Maplepaw felt proud to follow behind her. When the Clan leapt gracefully off the tree bridge and onto the island, Maplepaw almost gasped aloud at all the cats around her. Bloompaw was right. Her sister was back at camp, recovering from a long gash she'd gotten from a thornbush. Cloudstep said it'd be fine, but she needed to rest or it would reopen. Redpoppy had stayed behind to watch over her. I wish Bloompaw was here. Once, she'd done everything by Bloompaw's side, and though her sister was still her best friend, Maplepaw was getting used to doing things alone--or with Wrenpaw.

Yellowstar leapt to take her spot on one of the mighty branches of Moontree, just beside a skinny gray she-cat with old, patchy fur and yellow eyes. Beside the old cat was another she-cat, this one dark red with small, rounded ears. Maplepaw looked up at the leaders as she found a spot to six next to Wrenpaw.

"The old one's Swiftstar," explained Wrenpaw from behind. "The red one's Weaselstar. The light gray she-cat is TallClan's deputy, Lightfoot, and the wiry brown tom next to him is the BlackClan deputy, Scratchface."

"I see where he got the name," said Maplepaw with a purr. The brown tom's face was a patchwork of long, scraggly scars. "Where'd he get all those?"

"According to Heavypaw, he got them fighting off a giant fox. But that's probably a nursery story. More likely they're from BlackClan and CrookedClan old border skirmishes."

"What skirmishes?" Redpoppy always said the plans had been at peace since Softfeather was alive.

"Apparently they used to be pretty common." Wrenpaw shrugged.

"I'd like to see BlackClan try that with us." She flexed her claws. "I'd shred them."

Just then, the heavy scent of old water and fish drifted across the clearing. CrookedClan. Maplepaw recognized Troutstar, as well as Dustapple and Stonewhisker.

"It's starting," whispered Wrenpaw as Troutstar leapt to take his place by Swiftstar. A cat hissed behind them. Maplepaw flattened her ears as she turned to find Sunsplash glaring at her. Sorry.

"Greenleaf has blessed TallClan," began Swiftstar in a raspy voice. "Our prey heap is never empty. And we have two new warriors: Runninghare and Tinytail." At her proclamation, the entire island started chanting the new warriors' names. Maplepaw's pelt pricked. It'll be my turn soon. A lithe brown she-cat beamed under the praise, while a small gray-and-ginger she-cat looked down at her paws shyly.

"This is good news," said Troutstar smoothly. "StarClan has blessed our waters with fish, and our medicine cat, Petalheart, has recently taken Evepaw as an apprentice."

"FireClan is well, too. Our apprentice den is full. With StarClan's blessing, we'll have many new warriors in the coming moons."

Yellowstar dipped her head to Weaselstar. "And BlackClan?"

"My Clan is well." The Clan leader's orange eyes bored the crowd, seeming to rest on FireClan. "We have nothing to report." Warriors began whispering to each other.

"It's not like Weaselstar not to mention something," said Foxjump, his green eyes narrowed suspiciously. "I wonder what's up with her?"

His brother, the orange-and-white tom Sunsplash, lashed his tail. "That's none of our concern." His green eyes were fixed on the BlackClan leader.

"Who put thorns in your nest?" Foxjump's tail bristled.

"FireClan, we're leaving." Yellowstar flicked her golden tail for the rest to follow. Maplepaw got in line, her ears buzzing. That was weird. She tried not to stare at Sunsplash. Toms are weird. Did Sunsplash and Weaselstar know each other somehow? On the walk back across the tree bridge, Sunsplash's ginger tail stayed bushed up, and Foxjump kept glancing back at his brother with a mixture of annoyance and concern.

I'll ask Redpoppy about it, Maplepaw thought. Her mother would know what it all meant. If only I could ask her about my problems, too... Maplepaw sighed as she followed Wrenpaw into Thunder forest. Even Redpoppy wouldn't understand that.

Back in camp, she found Bloompaw curled in the medicine cat den next to Cloudstep, with Redpoppy dozing outside. She lay in an awkward pose with her ears still angled toward the medicine cat den, as if she hadn't meant to fall asleep.

"Redpoppy," Maplepaw whispered, nudging her mother's flank with her nose. "Mom. Mom."

"Hmm? Oh, Maple, it's you." Redpoppy woke with a start. "Bloompaw--"

"She's asleep," Maplepaw soothed. "Cloudstep's lying next to her. She's fine."

"I know." Redpoppy sighed. "A mother tends to worry." Her eyes darkened as she glanced into the shadow of the medicine cat den. "I never expected motherhood would be so hard."

"Mom?" Maplepaw's chest twisted. "What do you mean?" What did I do? Does she know about me?

Redpoppy's orange eyes cleared suddenly. "I didn't mean it that way, my dear. All the worry in Thunder is worth it to watch you two grow up." She purred proudly. "Thrushflight tells me you're an impeccable fighter."

"I do my best," Maplepaw said simply.

"How was the Gathering? It must have been scary, seeing all those cats for the first time."

"It was weird." She launched into a story about Weaselstar's reticence and Sunsplash's strange temper. "There must be something going on I don't know about. Do you think Sunsplash knows her somehow? The BlackClan leader? Maybe--maybe they're kin?"

Redpoppy shook her head. "Sunsplash is Yellowstar's kin," she said. "His and Foxjump's mother, Tallflower, was Yellowstar's sister. She died of greencough many moons ago. No one likes to talk about it." She sighed. "My mother, Softfeather, died then, too."

"Oh, Mom, I'm sorry." Maplepaw pressed her flank against Redpoppy's.

"They hunt with StarClan now. I know I'll meet them both again one day."

"What is StarClan like?" asked Maplepaw in what she hoped was an innocent voice. Are they as spooky as the shadow voices? Could that be StarClan?

"That's not for us to know." Her mother averted her eyes. "Only leaders and medicine cats. We should be thankful they don't speak to us much. When StarClan speaks, it's usually to warn the Clans about some catastrophe we're not prepared for. The territories have known peace for a long time."

"Right." Maplepaw looked away, too. "I suppose that's good, then."

"Maplepaw? Is something on your mind? Something other than Sunsplash?"

For a moment, Maplepaw imagined telling her mother everything: the strange dream, the shadow voices, her inexplicable battle skills. But Redpoppy's eyes were round with concern. She's already worried about Bloompaw. She doesn't need to be worried about her other daughter, too.

"Nothing," she said, flicking her tail dismissively. "Just tired from being up all night."

"Then sleep well, Maple. I'll keep an eye on Sunsplash, if that makes you feel better."

Maplepaw touched noses with Redpoppy, her heart heavy, and pushed through the brambles surrounding the apprentice den. Looking forward to a long sleep, she curled up next to Wrenpaw, comforted by the warmth of his pelt.

But Maplepaw didn't sleep well. She found herself standing on the shore of a rushing stream, high from recent rain. Pale green eyes stared hatefully at her from across the water.

No! Not them! Maplepaw hared down the stream, her paws outstretched to the water, trying to save them--save who? But her claws came up empty. The hateful green eyes bored into her as the stream carried them away. Carried everything away... It should have taken me, too. I should have followed them... Should have let the water pull me down... Then at least I'd see them again.

Maplepaw woke with a start, her body quivering. When she looked down, she realized her claws had raked her nest into shreds.

She stood up, breathing hard. Wrenpaw, Acornpaw, and Frecklepaw still dozed quietly around her. This is enough. She padded out of the den, weaving silently around her Clanmates. Acornpaw's nose twitched in his sleep, but he didn't stir. Enough. I know where I'll find answers.

The camp was empty save for Downtail standing guard. His fluffy gray tail curled around his paws and his green eyes were focused intently into the forest, away from Maplepaw. Keeping to the shadows so the full moon wouldn't brighten her white patches, Maplepaw snuck behind the dirtplace, where a ledge covered in vines lead up the hollow. I don't care if they've been silent lately. It's time they give me answers. She clambered up the ravine, pawstep by pawstep, until she crouched above the camp, her claws curving into the soil with relief.

She knew from nursery stories that the Moonpool lay at the very end of FireClan's territory, where their forest met the TallClan moors. It would be a long journey, Maplepaw reflected as she pushed through Thunder forest, her ears pricked for other cats, but it would be worth it, she thought. I can make it. The moon was still high above; she had several hours left before dawn. As long as she was back before sunhigh, she mused, she could come up with some excuse for her absence.

Maplepaw followed the most well-used paths, hoping her scent would meld there with the dozens of trails left by FireClan cats. Thunder forest seemed endless; her paws were already sore by the time WindClan's moors swelled into view. Maplepaw opened her maw to taste the scent line. The peaty, heather-filled smell of TallClan bathed her tongue, making her gag. TallClan and--

FireClan? She stepped across the scent line, head tilted. And BlackClan! TallClan's being invaded! Pausing, she realized it couldn't be an invasion. There were only two cats.

Curious, Maplepaw edged forward, following the scents. In a shallow dip in the grass, hidden by scraggly hedges, two cats were arguing. Maplepaw ducked down, flattening herself into the grass.

"You're a Clan leader," one of the cats hissed. Sunsplash! And--is that Weaselstar?

"I don't care," the she-cat growled. "I don't want to lead my Clan. I want to be with you--and our kits."

"Kits?" Sunsplash's voice was small. "You're--"

"I wasn't certain before, but now I am. We were reckless," she admitted. "But I'm happy. Whatever happens, I'm happy to have these kits."

"You can't leave your Clan, Weaselstar." Sunsplash's new was plaintive. "They need you."

"They don't. Scratchface would be a good leader. He's young and clever. Ambitious, but never cruel. When I gave him Flitbird as an apprentice, it was a test--that tom was about the unruliest paw to ever walk the Shadow pines. But Scratchface never lost his patience with him. I knew even then... I knew he'd be ready to take my place."

From her spot in the grass, she could see Sunsplash curl his white-tipped tail with Weaselstar's bushy red one. "If you're sure," Sunsplash whispered. "We'll talk to Yellowstar together..."

Uh-oh. Maplepaw flattened deeper into the tall grass, but it was too late; Sunsplash stared straight at her, his fur rising.

"What are you doing here?" he hissed.

"I could ask you the same question! Gallivanting with an enemy cat--an enemy leader!" Her hackles rose. Don't they know how dangerous that is? How cats will talk... How they'll exile you... Maplepaw shook her head. What do I know about it?

"We're in love. You're too young to understand."

"Yellowstar would never agree to this. Even if she was sympathetic, you're a leader! Given nine lives by the Ageless Ones. She'd think you wanted to usurp her. She'd think it was a trick. At the very least the other Clans would look down on her for sheltering a traitor."

"I'd give up my lives just to live with Sunsplash," said Weaselstar.

Sunsplash's eyes widened. "Please don't tell Yellowstar. Not yet. We need to do it ourselves."

Maplepaw narrowed her eyes thoughtfully. "I won't tell Yellowstar. If you cover for me. I'm not supposed to be out. And I won't be back until tomorrow."

The ginger-and-white tom paused for a moment, scrutinizing her, then dipped his head. "I saw you leave to go out hunting." His tail swished. "Make sure you come back with prey."


Not looking back, Maplepaw pushed through the moors beside Thunder forest, toward the Moonpool. The illicit couple's footsteps soon faded from hearing.

Time to get some answers.

Maplepaw crested the final hill, breathing hard and thanking Gray Wing she didn't see any TallClan cats. The Moonpool looked like a beam of moonlight under the night sky. Her breath caught in her throat. The Ageless Ones. She faltered, hesitating at the shore. I have to be brave.

She curled up at the pool's edge, touched her nose to the water, and fell asleep.

Immediately she awoke to find herself on a grassy knoll. Fresh blossoms and waiting prey scents washed over her tongue. StarClan? She looked around, trying to find another cat. Or just a dream?

Soon, however, a faded shape appeared over the rise. A small black-and-white tom, his pelt glimmering with stars. Tussocks of grass shone through his nearly-faded pelt.

"Maple." The tom dipped his head to her. "Come."

"Who are you?" Maplepaw followed the strange tom, her ears pricked. "Are you StarClan?"

"A visitor. The Ageless Ones don't wish to talk to you." He lowered his voice. "They don't think it's time. But I think you deserve the truth." He flicked his tail to beckon her toward a sheltered dip in the grass. "We can talk here."

"Who are you, if not StarClan?"

"My name's Myler." The tom settled down beside her. "I was a kittypet, but I can visit these hunting grounds from time to time. I knew Pinestar briefly, back when he was called Pine. And I knew you."


"You've probably guessed, Maple, you're not normal. You've lived once before... Before the Clans ever came to the lake. The others only saw you for your evil, but I saw a cat in pain. I wanted to help, but you--she--wouldn't let me." He sighed, flicking his tail tip. "I didn't have all the facts then."

Myler swam before Maplepaw's eyes. She felt like she was melting, sinking into the lush grass. Lived before. What does that even mean? Who am I? What am I?

"You deserve to know the truth. After all this time, StarClan gave you a second chance, but many of them weren't--" He gasped, eyes fixed on the horizon; a massive, dark brown tom with flashing amber eyes stared at them. "We're out of time. Maplepaw, be the best cat you can be. Don't spurn kindness, even if it comes from an unlikely place, and know that whatever happens, you can always start over--"

But his words cut off as the brown tom opened his mouth and yowled. The starry cat was fading before Maplepaw's eyes.

"Wait!" She cried. "Don't go! I need answers! Who was I? What are the shadow voices?"

But Maplepaw was thrown into darkness, the world nothing but black.

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