Go easy on me~ Dennis/Arthur

By StylesCS

51.1K 1.6K 1K

Arthur Leclerc, a Uni student and the little brother of F1 driver Charles Leclerc. Ever since 2017 his life c... More

1. You can't deny how hard I've tried.
2. I've missed you.
3. Liar.
4. Leclerc?
5. First day to disaster...
6. Who is he?
7. Moody teenager
8. I knew you were trouble
9. Who's he?
10. Bigger Person
11. These high walls.
12. Carried away.
13 Hurting means nothing.
14. You're on your own kid.
15. Monday, School day
16. Texting
17. I can't stop thinking about him.
18. 8 months till freedom.
19. Back home.
20. I remember it all too well.
21. You are not alone.
22. Trust
24. You don't know who I am...
25. lies.
26. It's all your fault...
27. Can we still fix this?.... Us?
28. Shall I call him? No. Yes?
29. Welcome in Austria
30. I'm trying
31. They don't want me here.
32. I tried.
33. Headlines
34. Same old situation
35. Getting to know each other.
36. This feeling is something new.
37. Hurt like I did.
38. Who hurts who?
39. There's no fixing.
40. I miss you...
41. Claim him.
42. Drunk.
43. The truth.

23. Missing post.

1.1K 43 68
By StylesCS


"Okay, but how do you have an eye on him then?" She asks when Arthur lays down. She lies next to him and rolls on her stomach, so she can look at Arthur.

"I like his driving. I started following F2 this year, so I don't know that much, but he shows some good things. And I met him last weekend, and he is a nice bloke." Says Arthur.

"Let me see a picture of him!" She says.

"Then you have to grab your phone because mine is at home, remember" He says.

"Oh yeah, I forgot." She says and grabs her phone from her nightstand.

"How is he called on Instagram?" She asks

“Dennis Hauger.” Replies Arthur and Alice starts typing.

“Oh here.” She mumbles.

“Oh damn.” She says and Arthur laughs.

"He's handsome." Says Alice and Arthur leans over to look at the photos.

"I can understand you have an eye on him." She says and lets out a whistle.

Arthur laughs again at that.

"He's not ugly." Says Arthur.

"If you're not taking him you better introduce me to him." She says and moves her eyebrows up and down while she has a big smile on her face.

"I'm not gay." Says Arthur with a smile. "So no, I'm not taking him." Says Arthur.

“Shame.” She says and Arthur frowns.

"He follows you!" She gaps and Arthur nods.

"We are sometimes taking to each other." Says Arthur.

"That's so cool."

"He's just a man too, you know." Says Arthur and she nods.

"It's crazy to think about how you know some drivers and can get in touch with them because of Charles." She says and Arthur nods.

"It is. Growing up, we had Pierre a lot over at our house, playing with Charles. So it is kinda normal for me that world? Don't know if it makes sense, because Charles was karting, and I did a bit as well, so racing is normal in my family. Dad was one, our uncle, we had Jules. A lot of racing around us growing up." Says Arthur and she nods.

"It's cool, right? Why did you stop karting?" She asks.

"We couldn't handle it financially, so I had to stop. But I went with him a lot to see him driving, and we had karts at home, so sometimes dad took me out to kart together for fun." Explains Arthur

"That's a shame." She says and shrugs.

"Look where it got Charles. It was all worth it." Says Arthur.

"I think it is sweet how happy you are for your brother." She says and Arthur smiles.

"Shame how they treat you." She adds and Arthur rolls his eyes.

“Rude.” He says.

"But the truth." She says, and Arthur can't blame her.

"I must have done something that is like this now." He says and she shook his head.

"From what I know now, they left and never looked back at you. They were at fault, you were just a kid." She says

The door opens and Alice's mother stands at the door.

"Sorry to bother." She says and they both sit up.

"Arthur, they set you up as missing. I'm sorry to interfere, but I recognized your face, so I thought you might want to know this." Her mother says and gave her phone to Arthur.

"Thank you for saying. I didn't know they would do something like this. We had a fight nothing more." Arthur says.

"But you haven't even been gone 24 hours, so why are the police turning it off already?" Ask Alice.

"They only do that in an emergency." Says the mother and Arthur looks up.

Lorenzo thought he wanted to kill himself.

"Oh God." Arthur's eyes widened and Alice looks up to him.

"What?" She asks

"I will let you two, maybe you should call your family and tell them you are safe? You can stay here for the night if you want. But let them know, please." She says and Arthur nods.

"Thank you." Says Arthur and give her phone back.

She leaves the room and Alice gives him her phone

"Maman said she wished Charles were her last born. I told her that I could help with that, but I meant it like I will get out of this fucked up house because I don't want to be there anymore. Lorenzo thought I wanted to do something to myself." Says Arthur.

"They think you're suicide?" She asks and Arthur nods slowly.

"I think so?" He asks.

"Are you?" Asks Alice carefully and Arthur shook his head.

"No, no I'm not, I swear. Alice, I'm done with my family but not with life. I'm just done with the situation I am with them, all these years are getting too much. I want to leave home, yes, but not life." Says Arthur and Alice.

"Okay, good. But promise me if you ever think about giving up or something gets too much, talk with me, please Arthur." She whispers and Arthur nods.

"Thank you." He says and she smiles.

"If you don't want to talk to your family, then call the police. You need to let someone know you are safe. Because it is very serious if they have already posted it." Says Alice and Arthur nods.

"Do I need to call the police or emergency number?" Ask Arthur.

"I think police. You are safe, and they can communicate with the emergency to get you off the list. And otherwise they will tell you to call 112 right?" Says Alice.

"It says on the post to call 112 when you see me."

"But you are you. Just call the police." Says Alice and Arthur nods and types 17 in and press call.

"Shall I leave you alone?" Alice asks and Arthur shook his head.

"Are you really okay with me staying here for the night?" He asks and she nods.

"Okay." Says Arthur, and then he hears the voice of a woman on the other side.

"Hello, you speak with Arthur Leclerc. I call because there is a missing post about me." He says

"Hello Arthur, I see your post here. Are you okay? What good from you that you call." She says.

"I'm okay, I am with a friend." Arthur says.

"Good, are you hurt?" She asks.

"No, I didn't hurt myself or got hurt. I went away from home after a fight with my brother and mother. Is there a possible that you can bring them up to date? I don't want to talk with them and I don't know when I will come home." Sats Arthur.

"Okay, but are you alright, darling? You can tell me if something happened, more than only a fight at home. We are here for your safety and if your home is not safe, then we would like to know. To help you. " She says.

"They didn't hit me. I've never been hit by them. Our relationship is difficult, and we have fought a lot but only words. No abuse." Arthur says and he feels a shiver run through his body.

"So no child abuse?" She asks and Arthur's body becomes cold.

"No." Says Arthur.

"Thank you for your honesty and for your call. I'm happy to hear you are safe. Can I get someone else on the phone to know you really are with someone?'' She asks and Arthur looks at Alice, who nods.

She takes Arthur's phone and says hello with her name.

Child abuse.


"No, I will stay with him. I don't see signs on him that he is hurt, or neither that he wants to hurt himself. He will be okay." Says Alice and she grabs Arthur's hand.

He feels her shaking as well.

"Alright, thank you. I will let him know." Alice says and, with a last goodbye she hangs up, and she looks at him.

"Sorry that you had to hear that." She says and Arthur nods.

“They have to know, right?” He asks and she nods.

"But it is still shocking to hear about you being suicidal or if you get abused at home." She says

"Are you okay?" She asks and Arthur nods.

"I think I am. It's good right that they ask those questions to make sure you are really okay." Says Arthur and she nods.

"They said that they would call your family and tell them that you want no contact right now." Says Alice.

"Good." Says Arthur, still feeling out of it.

He didn't know talking to the police about your missing post would be so intense.

He thought it would be "okay, great to know, goodbye." But it wasn't like that.

"Let's lay down and watch a movie, how does that sound?" Asks Alice and Arthur nods.

"Sounds great." Says Arthur and she stands up.

"Then I will get us some snacks." Says Alice and she walks out of the door.

Child abuse? Suicide?

How can a fight at home explode so much...


"They have him?'' Asks Charles and stands up from his seat.

He is in his hotel room with the boys. They tried to distract Charles a bit, but at the same time they are also there for him.

4 hopeful pairs of eyes look at him.

"Well not really. Arthur called the police after seeing the post. He said to them that he is fine and not hurt, but he doesn't want to speak with us." Says Lorenzo

"So he's not with you guys?" Charles asks

"No, he's with a friend and will stay the night there. His phone here at home so we can't call him. And I have no idea where his friends live, so we can't do much then wait until he comes home." Says Lorenzo.

"And the police. What will they do?"

"They deleted the post. She said she asked him a few questions on the phone and to his friend. They don't think he is dangerous for himself, but they do want to speak with me and Maman too about the fight there was. They said to Maman that they have to look into child abuse." Says Lorenzo.

"What?" Asks Charles shocked.

"I know. But they probably always do this when a child walks away from home." Explains Lorenzo.

"But he's an adult." Says Charles.

"He's nineteen and yes no child anymore, but I think because I said suicide, that they want to look into it." Says Lorenzo.

"He's bringing us so much trouble. Lorenzo, what if this gets out to the press? I'm fucked." Says Charles.

"Our family is fucked then Charles. It's getting serious now." Says Lorenzo.

“Fuck.” Says Charles.

"Listen, I have this idea which we need to talk about, that maybe can bring some peace to all of us." Says Lorenzo.

“Tell me.” Says Charles

"I was thinking about taking Arthur with us to Austria. So that he and Maman have some time apart, and maybe to some more races. He loves racing and this motorsport world, so that can bring some positivity back to him. It will be good for his studies, but especially so that the two of them have some time apart." Says Lorenzo.

"Do you really think that will be smart?" Says Charles.

"Why not?"

"Can we handle him? This weekend he could do whatever he wants because it is home. What if we fight, and he walks away again, but now we are in an unknown country for him and for us." Says Charles.

"Didn't think about that." Says Lorenzo

"What did Maman say?"

"She didn't want it, because he is the only son she still has here so she doesn't want him to go. I don't understand that, but I will talk with her again."

"That's weird. I would think you want some time apart from him." Says Charles.

"Thought so too. And for us, it is time to get to know him better."

"Maybe it's a good idea." Says Charles

"We'll talk about that later." Says Lorenzo.

"Okay. Keep me updated about Arthur and the police." Says Charles.

"I will." Says Lorenzo.

"Maybe you can go to his school tomorrow. He probably would go." Says Charles.

"I was thinking about that too. School opens around 8 am so I'm going to wait for him there." Says Lorenzo.

"Okay, take care. And give Maman a hug from me." Says Charles.

"Will do. Focus on your weekend, alright? Arthur is with a friend and Maman is safe with me. We will be fine." Says Lorenzo.

"I will try, Lo." Says Charles.

"Okay, speak to you soon." Says Lorenzo.

"Bye." Says Charles and hangs up.

"They found him?" Asks Pierre and Charles nods and sits back down.

"Arthur called the police himself after he saw the post. He's with a friend and not hurt." Says Charles.

"Thank goodness." Says Pierre and gives Charles a hug. "Then you can breathe now." Adds Pierre.

"Not really. They are going to talk with Maman and Lorenzo to ask what is going on. Probably for child abuse. They take it seriously if a boy walks away from home." Says Charles

"He's nineteen." Says George.

"Sorry but you are still a child in my eyes. 19 is young." Says Lando.

"You were in formula 1 when you were nineteen, you child." Says George.

"That's different! He walks away from home after a fight. It doesn't matter if you are eighteen or nineteen, right? And if they thought about suicide then they know it is not something that happens in one second. Something happened before why a person would think like that. You don't walk away without a reason. If you're sixteen, okay, teenage hormones, but he's a grown boy." Argues Lando.

"Do you think he's abused?" Asks Pierre, and Charles his eyes are getting big, and he looks shocked at Pierre.

"No!" He says hard. "Maman would never abuse him like that! She never laid a hand on us." Says Charles.

"You don't know what happens behind your backs. You have emotional abuse too." Says Alex and everyone looks at him.

"Are you really saying my mother abuses my brother!" Says Charles angry.

"No! Charles emotional abuse is hard too. And parents are really hard on a child sometimes. You said that she said she wished you would be her last born and not Arthur. That's hard to hear. Look at Max, so far we know his dad never laid a hand on him, but still he does everything out there with his dad in mind to make him proud. Words do as much. Saying that to a child is not okay." Says Alex.

"He was wasted on Monday, I told you that!" Says Charles.

"But Lorenzo also said that Arthur told the same story but the other person and that you are getting tired of this pointing game. What if Arthur is right?" Ask Pierre.

"Maman would never do that." Says Charles.

"But Arthur would?" Asks Alex.

"I don't know who he is Alex, so yes, maybe." Says Charles.

"Don't accuse someone if you don't know how it happened. That's not fair. And if it happened like your mother says, why is Arthur so upset that he runs away from home? That's not right." Says Alex.

"I don't know." Says Charles and sits back down.

"I'm not saying this to turn you against your mother. But I'm saying this because you need to think carefully and talk to your mother and Arthur to hear what happens. Because now Arthur is safe, but you have no idea what is going on inside his head. If your mother already says to him she wished he was never born, what other things she also told him?" Says Alex and Charles looks at his lap.

"Emotional abuse is not always seen. Remember what you said about Max, that you said something was not right back in the days. And now we have seen what happened, and what came out of all that. You don't want to show people how hard words can be. And maybe your mother doesn't mean it like that, but she can still say things that can hurt Arthur. Same the other way, you have no idea what Arthur says to her. One thing is for sure. They are hurting each other a lot." Says Alex.

"I think that is enough for now." Says George and lays a hand on Alex his arm.

"I'm not saying this to make you feel bad. But I have seen it with my mother too, Charles. She was the most honest, kind and wonderful person in my world, but I had no idea what she was doing behind my back and how I then lost her to jail. I forgave her and I still think she's the most beautiful person in the world. But everyone has their bad side. So does your mother and Arthur, so do we." Says Alex and Charles looks at him.

"Sorry." Says Charles and Alex shook his head.

"All I'm trying to say is listen to Arthur, before you lose him." Says Alex.


Sorry for the late update, I had to build the caravan for the camping season! So the tent and everything is ready again, let the sun come out.

I've seen Niall Horan last Wednesday in Amsterdam and i'm not okay. I'm so happy I finally saw him live 😭 and it was so much fun! I'm so happy

Thank you to nouis_horanson91 for helping me out🫶 check her story's! If you like books about Lando then you really have to ready her, I love them. They are in pairing with Charles, Max, Alex and other drivers🥰

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