𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑳𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 | Seongjoon...

By kyle_exe

14.7K 932 1.9K

Seonghwa was just a simple guy trying to have some fun in a bar on a Friday night. He didn't expect there to... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter TwentyOne
Chapter TwentyTwo
Chapter TwentyThree
Chapter TwentyFour
Chapter TwentyFive
Chapter TwentySix
Chapter TwentySeven
Chapter TwentyEight
Chapter TwentyNine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Five

471 36 64
By kyle_exe

Yunho smiled at his phone screen.

He had been talking with this guy online for a few months now and if he was being honest he had kind of developed some feelings for him.

How could he not when the guy was so sweet, so caring. Maybe a bit sassy but that just added charms to his personality. The guy always asked him if he had eaten, or how he had slept and Yunho just felt so happy, so cared for.

He knew he didn't possibly have a chance with the guy, hell he didn't even know his name, but it was nice to have someone to talk so freely with.

"Are you still talking with that Mars guy?" Yeosang's voice asked from where the blond haired male was standing in his bedroom's doorframe.

Yeah, Yunho and Yeosang were roommates. Mostly because of Yunho's hatred for living alone -I mean, never someone home, full chores and full rent weren't really things he liked- but also because Yeosang had recently found a job that was too far from his previous apartment, and so he had asked Yunho if he was willing to share his.

Yunho nodded at his roommate and one of his besfriends before turning off his phone and sitting up on his bed.

"Yeah, but his bestfriend just called him so he had to go."

"You really don't even know his name? You could meet, maybe get to know each other. Maybe if he met you in person he'd start to like you too."

Yunho shook his head no.

"I don't want to ruin what we have now."

Yeosang gave him a sympathetic look and shook his head back in return.

"Come eat, I ordered chicken."

"Oh god, not again."

"Shut up and don't complain."

Yunho stiffled a laugh as he stood up from his bed and followed Yeosang to the kitchen, where their dinner waited.


"Hey Woo, everything alright?" Seonghwa spoke accepting the call that lit up his phone screen.


Seonghwa hesitated for a second.

"Woo. Are you drunk?"

"Nooooo!!! I am," he hiccuped "No drouuuunk."

"Wooyoung, where are you? I'm coming to pick you up." Seonghwa was already grabbing his keys and putting on his shoes as his bestfriend spoke again.

"Noooo. I'm funnyiiing, I want no Hwa here nooo."

The younger hung up and Seonghwa dropped his keys. God damn it Wooyoung, why did that guy have to make him worry like that. He didn't even tell him where he was.

Seonghwa retreived his keys from the floor and put on his jacket. If Wooyoung wouldn't tell him where he was Seonghwa just needed to go and look for him, hoping nothing bad happened to him in the meantime.


Wooyoung's fingers hovered over his phone screen. He was at the bar, "The Light" and he had had maybe a little too much too drink.

Enough to make him call Seonghwa.

He dropped his head on the bar counter as his eyes started brimming with tears. He felt sad and numb and dizzy at the same time, that wasn't a good combination.

On top of that, that morning he had forgotten to take his medication and he was feeling worse than ever.

He raised his head, asking the bartender for another drink. His vision was blurry and he couldn't make out most of his surroundings as the bartender handed him the drink muttering something along the lines of "this is the last one I can serve you" and he immediately downed it in one big gulp as it was just water.

He dropped his head hanging low, staring at his lap as his mind brought him back to Seonghwa. How he hated his mind.

"Wooyoung?" An unfamiliar voice spoke behind him.

He turned around just to realize he couldn't make out the face of the person he was staring at. One thing he recognized though, the bright magenta of the person's hair was impossible not to recognize.

Beside the man stood another person, shorter. Wooyoung couldn't make out to whom those red hair belonged to. He shrugged it off and almost lost his balance from the stool he was sitting on.

"Woah, watch out!" The pink haired surged forward to catch him before he could fall to the ground.

"You shouldn't be here alone in this state." The man spoke, earning a giggle from him. "Wooyoung where is your friend? The one from last time?"

Wooyoung shrugged with a pout.

"Dunno, 'nt here."

The man in front of him sighed and turned to the red haired one.

"Joong I know I said we would hang out today but I don't want to leave him here, it's not safe."

"I'll help you"

And then Wooyoung was being helped on his feet, his arms supported by the two men while they walked him to a car and helped him get into the backseat, putting his seatbelt on right after.


Another piercing ring of a phone filled the car as Hongjoong sat into the passenger seat of San's car, Wooyoung asleep in the backseat.

"Hongjoong, please it's the third time his phone rang, can you please take it from him."

Hongjoong complied and turned in his seat, stretching and struggling to take out the phone from Wooyoung skinny jeans without waking him up.

In big letters on the phone's screen "HwaSeong" was written, and Hongjoong quickly picked up the call.

"WOOYOUNG THANK GOD YOU ANSWERED!!! I just went to your apartment and you weren't there. I'm going to the bar next, where the fuck are you??" The voice spoke from the phone's speaker.

"Ehm..." Hongjoong spoke nervously. He had never been good at speaking on the phone, much less to a stranger from the phone of a person he didn't know. "This... This is not Wooyoung. I mean, it is his phone yes he's in the backseat but he's sleeping and San didn't want to leave him at the bar so we are taking him to his house and–"

"San? As in the buff guy with magenta hair San? The guitarist?"

"Yes! We–"

"Joong tell him you're gonna send him the adress." San spoke from beside him gipping tightly the steering wheel.

"Yeah ok." He replyed.

"Ok what? What did he say? Also, is Wooyoung ok?" The voice spoke from the phone.

"I think he's ok yes, I think he's just really drunk, and I'm gonna send you the adress." Hongjoong was growing more nervous by the minute dealing with the worried friend of the guy in the backseat and a worried San that kept telling him what to do.

"Ah wait, if the phone is locked I can't send the adress. How—" He spoke putting the call in speakerphone.

"I'll give you mine, send it from your phone I don't know."

Hongjoong initially nodded before remembering that the person on the other end on the line couldn't see him, so he muttered a quick "okay" taking his own phone out of his pocket.

He listened as the voice spelled the phone number and he typed it in his own phone before asking "What do I save it as?"

"Hongjoong that's not important right—"

"Seonghwa. Save it as Seonghwa and send the adress please."

Hongjoong ignored San's comment and saved the number before clicking on the little chat symbol and typing in San's adress.


"Thanks, let me just..." The voice lowered on the other end. Hongjoong supposed the guy had distanced the phone from his ear. "Ok I got it, I'll be there in about fifteen minutes, I'm really sorry for everything Wooyoung might have caused. Thank you."

And then the guy, Seonghwa, hung up, leaving a confused Hongjoong staring at the road ahead while San pulled in his driveaway and got out the car.

Hongjoong followed and got out of the car himself, going to help his friend support the unconcious Wooyoung that just laid there without any intention of waking up.

They brought him inside the house and dropped him on the couch. At that Wooyoung let out something like a grunt, turning on his side, but then got back to sleeping pacefully.

"Ok, why is there a sleeping guy on our couch and why are you home after you said not to wait up?" A confused Jongho asked walking down the stairs.

"He's Wooyoung." San replyed as it was the most normal thing in the world.

"Ahhh, the phone guy, right?" The younger asked further getting close to the unconcious Wooyoung and poking his cheek.

"The phone guy?" Questioned Hongjoong, his gaze going from San to Jongho and then to Wooyoung again, just to go back to San and start again.

"Yeah, San asked for his phone number and he refused but the guy's friend gave it to him anyway."

Hongjoong raised an eyebrow.

"That sounds pretty strange."

"It something Mingi and Yeosang would do too, wouldn't they?" Jongho stood back up and looked at him.

Hongjoong flinched at his boyfriend's name. He had decided to go out just to forget about him and his behavior for once, then they had met Wooyoung and he succeded in momentarily forgetting about him just to be reminded again by Jongho.

"Probably," Started San. "But let's just wait for– What was the name again?"


"Seonghwa. Let's wait for him."

Hongjoong let out a sigh and dropped his body onto the armchair beside the bed.

He wasn't in the mood to drink anymore.

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