vengeance | woosan

Af neoteezcore

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San isn't the one to fuck with when it comes to his friends. When Wooyoung rejects one of them, instantly, he... Mere

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Af neoteezcore

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The drive home was silence mainly due to Jimin opting to carpool with Mingyu, someone who managed to piss me off without doing barely anything, but the little things. he was gettin in my way, and i will not have it.

I found myself sighing, staring out the window, silently hoping Wooyoung would notice my distress and ask what was wrong. I bit my lip, waiting for him to break the silence, but he didn't. Stealing a glance at him, I saw he was focused on the road ahead, seemingly oblivious to my internal turmoil.

Summoning my courage, I decided to initiate the conversation. "Woo," I began tentatively, "why didn't you tell me about your shrimp allergy?" I asked.

Wooyoung's expression shifted slightly, a mixture of surprise and relaxation crossing his features. "It never really came up," he responded casually, though I could sense a hint of curiosity in his tone, as if wondering why I was still fixated on the matter. Yet, for me, it was a reminder of the embarrassing moment when I accidentally almost about to kill Wooyoung literally ! had it not been for Mingyu's timely intervention.

Mingyu, the man Wooyoung warned me not to worry about, I would be stupid not to. He was Wooyoung's first love, and their bond ran deep. They knew each other inside out, and the fear of losing Wooyoung to him loomed over me like a shadow. "I want to get to know you more." I confessed

"I want to get to know you too," he declared, his eyes flicking to me, sparking with curiosity. "Seriously, 21 questions now?" His smile widened, the corners of his eyes crinkling in amusement.

"Why did you and your brother major in art?" I ventured, trying to understand more about his family dynamic.

"Jimin is a business major; he just creates for fun," Wooyoung clarified, dispelling my confusion with a simple explanation.

The conversation shifted, Wooyoung's question turning the spotlight onto my family. "What do your parents do?" he inquired, his tone gentle, perhaps sensing the complexity behind the question.

Not thinking twice i revealed ," My mom also abandoned me, and my fathers is dead." a truth tbag i never talk about. I usually refer to my grandparents as mom and dad,.

Wooyoung's face dimmed with empathy, his voice carrying a weight of sincerity. "I'm sorry about that," he murmured, and I could feel the genuine regret in his words.

"It's okay. I've been living with my grandparents, and they are retired chefs," I continued, trying to steer the conversation toward lighter shores.

Curious about his social circle, I asked, "Who is your best friend?"

Wooyoung's answer took me by surprise. "I don't have one; I'm friends with everyone," he stated, a hint of pride in his voice. It was an unusual confession, one that hinted at his inclusive nature.

Our conversation meandered through various topics, from how I met Yeonjun—omitting the part about his brother who was my actual friend—as I felt that he didn't deserve to know that part.

As we chat as answer added another piece to the puzzle, I was able to build a more complete picture of who Wooyoung was beneath the surface.

"Are you allergic to anything?" I ask him smirking.

Wooyoung chuckled softly, his laughter filling the air. "Yes, shrimps, almonds, and bananas," he admitted, his expression light.

"That's such a random mix," I remarked, genuinely intrigued by the peculiar combination.

Wooyoung scoffed playfully, his eyes dancing with amusement. "It's not like I handpicked my allergies from a menu at the doctor's office," he retorted with a grin.

I couldn't resist teasing him further. "You'd be surprised what money could do," I teased, a mischievous glint in my eye, earning an eye roll from him in response.

His question about what I liked about him now caught me off guard, forcing me to confront my initial misconceptions. "Well, I like your humor, I like how affectionate you can be, which surprises me," I admitted, acknowledging the depth of his character that had slowly revealed itself.

"Why?" he probed, curious about my initial judgment.

I shrugged, a smile tugging at my lips. "When we met, I just thought you were some alpha male fuckboy." The honesty of my admission felt liberating, a confession of how wrong I had been about him.

Wooyoung's next question, delivered in a serious tone, was so unexpected it made me laugh. "What if I told you I was a werewolf?"

"Team Edward," I snickered, playing along with his tease.

"Boo!" Wooyoung playfully retorted, his laughter mingling with mine as we continued our journey home, the miles slipping away under the wheels of our shared understanding and growing affection.


As Wooyoung and I entered the house, his arms wrapped protectively around me, I couldn't help but notice the eerie silence that enveloped the space.

"Are your parents home?" I inquired, a hint of apprehension creeping into my voice as we made our way inside.

"Nope," Wooyoung replied casually, leading me towards the screening room, "They decided to stay at a campsite, giving us the house to ourselves."

I couldn't suppress a nervous chuckle as I followed him, the anticipation of being alone with him heightening my senses. As we settled into the love seat, Wooyoung pulled me onto his lap with a gentle tug, his touch grounding me in the moment.

"What about Jimin?" I asked, turning to face him.

Wooyoung's expression remained nonchalant as he replied, "Jimin might interrupt us," his words matter-of-fact, yet tinged with a hint of mischief.
"I would be mortified if your brother walked in on us," I confessed, feeling the heat rising in my cheeks as I imagined the scenario.

Wooyoung chuckled innocently, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Why? We're just going to be watching a movie," he reassured me, grabbing the remote to switch on the large TV.

I couldn't help but laugh at myself, realizing it was my own horniness speaking. It was embarrassing, but also a little amusing. "Right," I replied, trying to shake off the inappropriate thoughts. It was definitely too early to think about that.

As Wooyoung's hand gently stroked my side, I couldn't help but notice its chill. "Why is your hand always cold?" I asked, curious.

Wooyoung, still focused on the screen, simply shrugged before his hand wandered under my shirt to toy with the fabric of my belt.

He chose a random movie on Netflix, but I intercepted his wandering hand, holding it firmly in mine. "My hands are cold," he protested, pouting slightly.

"You're such a baby," I teased, rolling my eyes as he pinched me in retaliation. "Ow."

"Want me to kiss it?" Wooyoung offered, seizing the opportunity to tease me further. "nah," I said, scrunching up my face as I looked at the screen.

My expression dropped when I saw the movie title sequence: 'John Tucker Must Die.' I turned to Wooyoung, my voice shaky. "Why this movie?"

"I just randomized it. Wanna watch something else?" Wooyoung suggested, and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, forcing a smile as I nodded. "Yeah, I hate this movie."

"I've never seen it," Wooyoung commented, clicking out of it. I found myself absentmindedly raking my fingers through his hair, using the gentle touch to calm myself. Little did Wooyoung knows the movie is why i'm here.

Wooyoung put on another movie, and I couldn't help but laugh when I saw what he chose: the SpongeBob movie.

"This is a kids' show," I chuckled.

"It's not!" Wooyoung defended himself, but to me, it seemed like he was never going to beating off the baby allegations. He sighed and pulled me closer. "Fine, maybe I am childish."

I gave him a playful look, and he threw his head back, groaning. "Fine, I'm baby."

I couldn't resist teasing him further. I grabbed his face gently so he could look at me. "You're my baby," I said, squeezing his cheek. Wooyoung's face flushed red, and I couldn't help but lean in and kiss his fish-like lips, feeling a rush of affection for the playful, endearing side of him.

I pulled back from the kiss, and as I watched Wooyoung, his eyes closed and his lips slightly parted, a sudden intensity filled the air as he spoke, his voice lowering.

"Maybe we can ditch the SpongeBob and hope nobody walks in on us," he suggested, his tone carrying a hint of invitation.

Something shifted inside me as I considered Wooyoung's proposal. As another  part of me felt like I was also overthinking his alternative motive, overall becoming tired of being on edge. After all, I had needs too!

As unspoken words hung heavy in the air between us, Wooyoung's hands, starts to explore a little too boldly. He looked at me, his eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and desire, as his hands roamed freely, inching dangerously close to my pants buckle.

But before things could escalate any further, the intrusive ringtone chimed loudly, breaking the charged silence. Wooyoung, ever the gentleman despite the interruption, moves faster than me, Wooyoung slide my phone from my pocket and handed me it.

"Sorry," I muttered, feeling the weight of the moment pause, as I glanced at the caller ID - Yeonjun.

Was this interruption a sign from the universe, or could I simply ignore it?

Answering the phone, I put it to my ear, trying to maintain composure as Yeonjun's voice came through, filled with frustration.

"Hey," I greeted, glancing at Wooyoung who innocently watched his show.

"Hey, you haven't called or answered any of my text messages," Yeonjun complained loudly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just had an unexpected long day," I explained, feeling tense. "His family and I went hiking, and it was so fun. We should go hiking one day."

"Not my style, and you should've updated the group chat about it," Yeonjun retorted angrily.

"You sound annoyed at me," he accused.

"I'm not," I lied, feeling Wooyoung rub my back in a comforting gesture. But then he loudly burst into laughing earning a look from me, but it soften when wooyoung  mouths 'sorry' as i got up.

"Are you with him?" Yeonjun questioned, and I walked out of the screening room, leaning against the door.

"Yes, sorry, I'm alone now," I replied, trying to diffuse the tension.

"Are you in love with him or something?" Yeonjun suddenly accused, and I frowned, feeling like this wasn't my friend on the phone.

"No, I'm not Yeonjun. Calm down, please," I pleaded, attempting to remain calm.

"Fine," he conceded, and I wished he would apologize, but instead, he said, "When are you coming home?"

"Miss me already?" I teased, trying to lighten the mood, but Yeonjun scoffed.

"Well, I don't believe you," I said, forcing a laugh, feeling awkward after telling him I'd be staying for two extra days.

"Okay, make sure to update us," Yeonjun pressed, his voice laced with concern. I offered a noncommittal hum, eager to conclude the conversation and not let Yeonjun's worry dampen my spirits.

Sensing the shift in my mood, he softened, "Remember, I love you." The words, albeit expected, managed to soothe the edges of my impatience. "I love you too," I responded, before disconnecting, a sigh of relief escaping me as I re-entered the screening room. The sound of Wooyoung's laughter, robust and infectious, immediately lifted the heaviness from my shoulders.

"Your really enjoying this," I quipped, sliding next to him, only to be playfully pulled onto his lap in response.

"I rather enjoy you," he retorted with a smirk, his breath warm against my neck as he showered it with kisses, each touch sending shivers down my spine. A soft whimper broke free when his teeth grazed my skin, the sensation oddly exhilarating.

Repositioning myself, I sought out his lips, my hands finding their way around his neck, deepening our kiss. Wooyoung maneuvered us until I was lying beneath him, his movements pausing only to carefully remove my shirt, which I allowed.

He paused, his gaze fixating on the inked tapestry of my skin, a look of sheer amazement in his eyes as if this was the first time he had beheld me shirtless. "Stop staring in silence." i teased,. wooyoung looks at me and i smirk," it's rude."

Blushing wooyoung lips found mine again, trailing a path of fervent kisses downward, halting teasingly at my waistband. His eyes, alight with mischief, met mine, his hands boldly exploring as he awaited my consent, which I eagerly gave. Because at this point i was desperate and touch deprived, really really touch deprived

He pulls me closer as he skillfully undid my pants. His touch against my groin sent a surge of desire through me, causing my eyes to flutter shut. Instinctively, my hips rolled against his palm, seeking more of that intoxicating pressure. Wooyoung plants tender kisses along the corner of my lips, each touch a promise of the passion that lay ahead.

I tugged at his shirt, an eager gesture met with his cooperation as he helped remove it, momentarily pausing our fervent exchange. He then positioned himself atop me, settling on my waist with a dominance that only heightened the tension between us.

My hands moved to his belt, a silent plea for more, but Wooyoung gently halted my actions. "I said I want to enjoy you," he murmured, a statement that under different circumstances might have served as a HUGE RED flag. But, in this moment, any potential for caution was obliterated by desire.


After the intensity of the moment faded and the rush of post-nut clarity washed over me in the solitude of Wooyoung's room, my thoughts turned reflective. The shower did little to cleanse the guilt that clung to me, guilt born from the pleas for pleasure I had unabashedly voiced. It was just a blow job felt enough to prompt Wooyoung to start distancing himself from me.

As I pondered a way to balance the situation, I realized that allowing my needy impulses ruin the plan was not an option. With determination, I decided to take control of the moment and steer it back on track.

As Wooyoung re-entered the room, the sound of water droplets from his towel-dried hair seemed to fill the space with a tension I couldn't ignore. I turned my back to him, feigning sleep, as he busied himself with his phone, his voice a mix of irritation and concern. "Where's Jimin? Why won't you call him?" he muttered, frustration evident. The sound of the bathroom door slamming shut echoed in the room, followed by the rustle of clothes and the unmistakable sound of distress in his movements.

I lay there, a part of me itching to turn around, to break my pretense and confront whatever was causing him such agitation. But I held still, even as he murmured, "I don't know what to say," his voice a soft echo of defeat.

Suddenly, there was a resolve in his tone. "I'm coming... Mingyu, I'm on my way," he whispered his into the phone, fucking Mingyu the guy he said i don't need to worry about because fucking married. I contain my anger for even slightly thinking wooyoung isn't cheating .

As he approached the bed, my grip on the blanket tightened, a barrier against the uncertainty of the moment. He crouched down to my level, and I felt the gentle press of his lips on my cheek, a whisper of a goodbye. "San," he breathed, a term of endearment that felt like a balm.

In a low hum, he added, "I'm going to help a friend real quick, I'll be back babe," his voice soft but heavy with unspoken words. He carefully tucked me in, a gesture so tender it almost made me break my act. But I remained still, listening to the sound of his footsteps recede, the click of the door , my eyes shoot open.

"i gotta get the fuck out of here."

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