By sunfloraaaaa

13.6K 1K 908

~Creating something all by yourself is definitely an great achievement, but what do you feel about snatching... More

<An Important Message >
》|The leads|γ€Š
》β–ͺ︎ Trailer β–ͺοΈŽγ€Š
-| It Starts with a Death |-
♀|The Puppet |♀
||First Encounter ||
β˜† The Rule β˜†
" My Woman "
β™‘ |A Mistress| β™‘
"Your Punishment"
》A Scar γ€Š
A change of heart
[What's hidden?]
|Fooling You |
> Run <
<a secretive Truth >
β˜†The Precious Gift β˜†
| what's he up to ?|
<Look What you made me Do!>
❗️Everyone's Hidden intentions ❗️
Don't Blame me ❗️
Don't Trust the smile :)
<<Character shuffle>>
||Let's dig into His story ~β˜†
<A new Beginning >
<He's a Cheater>
| She's in Danger |
| Illusion |
Illusion -2
Heartbeats -------β™‘
- Dinner Party -
>a morning not so Good <
β€’Flynn Rider --β™‘
||Liars ||
|~Late Night Walk~ |
_Courtroom _
_____Ready for it ?
>|_The Outcome _|<
||Trapped Again ||
_γ€Š Monster 》_
> No Escape <
[ Silence before the Storm ]
The Storm
_ Character suffle _
>First move <
Who's Back !!
_Darling β™€β˜†
Let the Games Begin __
_Opponent _
Trust me !!
How clueless!
β˜† Ordinary β˜†
| Reflection |
> Tainted <
Where is she ??
Secrets we never shares --
Counter attack♀
Bring the action- ‒♀~
- A new Version -
_ Mark me yours _
] behind the curtains [
β˜† New Book β˜†
》An Explanation γ€Š

β€’ Use Me β€’

241 19 8
By sunfloraaaaa


Few days passed after that incident,  everyone in the household loves adores Y/n very much like a little kid .

"What do you think Luzy ?? "

Y/n asked luzy after slicing one piece of carrot.

"You're quite good my lady , now let me do the rest "

Luzy replied with a warm smile .
Y/n nod , she
Sat at the kitchen counter.

V is out of the House for straight two days without saying anything,  Y/n asked these servants and they replied its usual.

Suddenly hearing a sound Y/n glance at the Living room , found V stomped inside and passing the room he went upstairs. Y/n jumped off the counter and ran towards him , but he was no where to be seen , Y/n pout and was about to return,  when she saw RM entering where his arm is clearly injured and blood is flowing down .

Y/n gasp

"Luzy !!! Help "

Y/n call then ran towards RM

"Hyung!! Are you alright?? You're bleeding!!, aish !! It seems it's a deep injury "

Y/n uttered examining the wound where as RM is quite startled.

"How you get injured Hyung??"

Y/n asked looking at RM , found him staring at Y/n

"What's wrong??"

Y/n asked.

"Hyung?? Why you called me Hyung?? "

RM's question made Y/n tilt her head slightly.

"It just came out like that , you do look like a older brother figure, so... sorry if I bothered you "

Y/n replied averting her eyes , when luzy reached to her .

"Can you please bring a first aid box , Hyung is injured badly , oh sorry I mean -"

Y/n stopped and looked at RM who clenched his jaw , may be it's paining.

Luzy ran inside and soon returned.

Y/n made RM sit on the couch.

And clean the wound. But it's a deep injury.

"Why didn't you went to the doctor!! "

Y/n asked with concern.

"We can't- we're chased by cops"

RM replied, though it's clear the wound is paining him a lot yet He's not expressing it .

"You're a tough person I must say , "

Y/n finished bandaging the place and uttered with a smile .

RM stare at her face

"You're injured this badly , yet bearing it as if nothing happened,  I'm so proud to meet a person like you , but wait !! Is he injured too ??"

Y/n asked pointing to the direction V left .

"No , I tried my best so he doesn't get injured "

RM replied in a low voice.

"Really!! You risked yourself to protect him !! You're a great person, Hyung!! It's a big achievement to have you  beside , "

Y/n uttered with a warm smile .

"Yet Master, stomped inside not caring about him at all "

Luzy mumbled but it's audible to RM and Y/n .

"Shh !! Don't say such things "

Y/n whisper back .

RM got up

"Thanks for this , I should get going "

RM uttered.

"Have you eaten Hyung??"

Y/n asked which caused him to stop his place.

"I mean , you two were out for two days and you said you were chased by cops so , I think you might be hungry "

Y/n uttered.

RM looked at her

"You don't have to think about my well being "

RM replied.

"Hyung,  Please stop , don't push me away like that, you protected our master ofc your wellbeing matter to us , "

Y/n uttered.

RM didn't stop , Y/n ran towards and hold his other arm ,RM was startled and was about to state something but before that

"This sister is requesting you Hyung,  are you going to refuse your sister as well ??"

Y/n uttered with tears in her eyes .

RM stopped

"What you want ??"

RM asked with a sigh

"Have some food , your body requires food to recover the damage, if you refuse to eat here , I will ask them to pack some for you "

Y/n uttered and signal Luzy , Luzy nod and retreat herself.

"What's your gain by this ?? Why you want to show your care ,when your master clearly don't give a fu*k about me "

RM's words clearly shows the words he heard earlier hurted him .

"No ,it's not true ,he cares about you it's just he can't show it much ,that's it-"

Y/n tried to confront but RM stopped her .

"I'm with him before you , I know what he is , so no need to use the sugar coated words "

RM replied.
Y/n lowered her eyes .

"I'm sorry , it's just I don't want you to get offended,  you know as long as you stay beside him , he'll stay protected , so he must stay grateful and I believe he is , that's it"

Y/n replied.

"That is not the whole truth,  "

RM replied.

"I , uh , you see I'm relying on V , and you're His protector,  so I want you not to get offend on him and don't refrain yourself from staying by his side ,cause it will create tough situation for me , as I don't have a place for myself, not only me but these people who are serving him every day they also needs a shelter,  that's why "

Y/n replied lowering her eyes

"So you want me to Be the shield of V so you people can stay under his shelter?? In other words you're asking me to protect you all "

RM questioned,  Y/n remained silent.

RM's eyes softened

"If I was put in a situation to protect, I'll choose to protect you only  at any cost "

RM uttered Patting Y/n's head , which made Y/n look at him with a jolt .

"I mean it , sister,  you can rely on me too "

RM finished  , Luzy reached to them that moment , Y/n handled the tiffin box to RM, while still couldn't process any words .

RM left .

"What he said my lady ?? Why you're still in thoughts??"

Luzy asked.

"He accepted me as his sister,  Luzy, "

Y/n uttered.

Luzy sigh in relief and placed her arm on Y/n's shoulder.

"You're very kind and sweet my lady , it will be a pleasure to have you as a sister "

Luzy uttered. Y/n ignored the words and moved towards the room V went when Luzy grabbed her wrist.

"Where you're going?? "

Luzy asked

"To check if Master is injured or not !!"

Y/n replied.

"No way !!haven't you seen how he entered!!he's hella angry already, it will be dangerous going near him right now "

Luzy exclaimed

Y/n smile warmly.

"But I can't let him stay like that !! Who knows if he's alright or not??"

Y/n replied which widened Luzy's eyes.

"What are you miss !! You're inviting your death "

Luzy warned.

Y/n still went that direction.

"I pray for you , "

Luzy mumbled.

"Prepare some light meal , I bet he's hungry "

Y/n replied before disappearing inside the corridor.

"I bet he will eat you first "

Luzy mutter and retreat herself.



V lift his head slightly hearing the door
His eyebrows furrowed seeing Y/n entering through the door .
He lean back again and closed his eyes

"Why you're here ??"

V's question startled Y/n , The room is almost Dark and she couldn't find him

"You didn't came to your room ,so I came to check "

Y/n replied still searching him .

"RM left ?? You treated his wound??"

V questioned again still staying like previous

"When you care about him this much  , why didn't you waited?? He thought you don't care about him , I tried to convince him that you care -"

Y/n has to stop

"Who told you to convince him , don't run your head that much "

V replied

"You're not hurt ,anywhere?? I heard cops were chasing you "

Y/n uttered finally noticing him .

"No I'm not hurt , now leave me alone I'm not in a good mood "

V replied lazily.

"You're angry?? Frustrated??"

Y/n asked standing before him

"What if I say I'm both , what you gonna do ?? Do you have magic to erase that ??"

V mock finally opening his eyes

, Y/n didn't mind that and sat on his lap

Caressing him

"You said earlier  , you used to express your frustration on those girls , so I can suggest,  release it on me "

Y/n uttered , V's eyes widened.

"Are you crazy or something?? You could die !! Girl !!"

V replied rubbing his temples.

"You care about me ??"

Y/n asked smiling.  V felt embarrassed

"No ,that's not it "

V tried to deny .

Y/n chuckle

"What's that for ??"

V asked

"You have a heart too ,which cares about the people close to you , but you never shows "

Y/n uttered Making V speechless.

"If you continue to battle inside yourself,  you won't find an answer and it's ok to show that you care , at least people who cares about you will be happy , and their loyalty will strengthen,  now tell me why you're stressed "

Y/n asked leaning on his chest.

V took complete two minutes to open his mouth again.

"And why ?? You gonna solve it ??"

V asked.  Y/n smile

"Absolutely no , but it will reduce the pressure you're bearing,  and with a ease mind you will be able to think "

Y/n uttered circling on his chest by her fingers.

V stayed silent.

"It's a officer , he's bothersome,  he was behind us years previous, but previously I succeeded tricking him but he's now started chasing us again,  because of him our each deal has stopped,  we tried to trick them but it's getting tough day by day , "

V finished leaning his head backwards

Y/n stared at him for a moment, V sigh

Y/n got up went behind the Couch and massage his head .

"Does those cops know how you looks ??"

Y/n question and V opened his eyes he got up

"No ,why ?? They know my appearance only , like how I goes out normal days "

V replied raising his one eyebrow.

"Do you have a special symbol?? To finalize the deal ??"

Y/n asked again this time sitting on his lap .

"Yes I do , why ??"

V questioned,  narrowing his eyes

"Then , what about you go outside as a common person,  or most likely a begger or a old person, I mean in disguse, ask everyone to disguse,  everything needs to be seen like as if it's a common which will not draw any attention "

Y/n replied

V stared at her for a moment,  then rubbed her lips by his thumb

"How you get such ideas ?? I liked the idea though "

V replied wrapping his arms around her Waist.

"I've seen something like these in movies,  smugglers does these to hide from cops "

Y/n replied like a excited kid .

"I'm not a mere smuggler,  and I don't want to hide from cops either "

V replied

"But you don't want to get caught by a mere officer either,  then use this until you finds a better option "

Y/n replied.

V nod .

"You got pretty ideas I see "

V replied

"Ofc  , I used to be a brilliant student in my school "

Y/n replied proudly. V chuckle and kissed her lips , Y/n kissed back

"You're more useful than I thought "

V replied after pulling out  , Y/n blush and lower her eyes .

"You must be hungry,  eat something "

Y/n uttered in a low voice.

V smirk

"I'm indeed hungry, "

V replied immediately changing their position. Before Y/n could understand she's under him .

"You're my meal after all"

V smirk and bite her neck causing Y/n moan .




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