Elisabeth Snape & the Golden...

By Eggnawg

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Good grammar, spaces between paragraphs, characters not being ruined, not word-for-word HP with slight change... More

Before We Begin
Year 1 | 1 | I Met The Chosen One
1 | 2 | The Potter-Malfoy Squabble
1 | 3 | Aren't WE In The Dungeons?
1 | 4 | Happy Holidays
1 | 5 | Reckless Gryffindorks
1 | 6 | These Brawls Make Me Sick
1 | 7 | End of the Year Shenanigans
1 | 8 | Dumbledore took our House Cup
Year 2 | 9 | Nimbus 2000 and Nimbus 2001
2 | 10 | Slytherdor Beef
2 | 11 | Mrs. Norris K.O.'d
2 | 12 | Jelly Limbs
2 | 13 | He's Dating Who?!
2 | 14 | That's a Lot to Take In
2 | 15 | Knight in Shining Armor
3 | 17 | First Hogsmeade Trip
3 | 18 | We Can't be Friends
3 | 19 | Rumors and Cat Fights
3 | 20 | I Forgot to Say How Good You Look
3 | 21 | Wolfsbane User
3 | 22 | More Like Thwomping Willow
3 | 23 | Full Moon and Everyone's Against My Dad (Even Me)
Year 4 | 24 | Dark Start
4 | 25 | I Literally Did Nothing to You, Kinda
4 | 26 | Triwizard or Quadwizard
4 | 27 | First Task + Phew
4 | 28 | Yuling Time
4 | 29 | I Need a DATE!!
4 | 30 | Weird Way to Ask Me to the Ball
4 | 31 | That Looks Expensive
4 | 32 | So Now You Keep Secrets
4 | 33 | Just Hold Your Breath for an Hour
4 | 34 | You Saved Me
4 | 35 | I've Been Summoning You this Whole Time?
4 | 36 | Beach Episode
4 | 37 | End of a Tournament
4 | 38 | Choose a Side
Year 5 | 39 | The Order
5 | 40 | You Clean Up Nice

Year 3 | 16 | Prison Break

26 2 0
By Eggnawg

"...Slytherin's year"

Over the summer, Lisa had barely any plans. Daphne seemed to be the only friend of hers available, and only ever so often. Severus was home pretty often as usual and Lisa spent a majority of her break bugging him about teaching her all of the spells and charms for next year so she would know them before every other student.

Severus became exasperated on one evening when he seemed to just want to read. "Haven't you already learned all of them, child?"

Lisa grinned and her eyes shined bright with pride. "That's my goal!" She said, watching him close his book and sigh. He can't blame her, he was the one who raised her to be as ambitious and powerful as she could get.

But it wasn't just potions that he wanted her to master. One day, he wouldn't be there for her anymore.

She needed to learn as much defensive and combative magic as possible. Who else was going to protect her if Severus wasn't around?

Mr. Nott? Severus wondered. He tried to think far into the future and see where his daughter would look for in a suitor. Not Zabini. Blaise was a very bright young man, but lazy. And as far as Severus could tell, settling down with one woman would not be his thing.

Lisa couldn't tell what kinda thoughts he was having. "I wish I could read minds like you," she giggled.

"You wouldn't read mine in any event," her father scoffed. "If I promised not to read yours, you would therefore do the same."

Lisa rolled her eyes, plopping down next to her cauldron. He did promise never to use his mind reading abilities on her, and he has kept his promise for her 13 years of life. He was lucky she never used this to his advantage.

She wasn't the best liar, because she never had a reason to. She and Severus were close and she never felt like she needed to keep things from him.


After a long, month of going out with Daphne to the cutest and most noble shops and then eating out in cafes that Lisa just HAD to see, July had approached.

Quickly and terrifyingly, because almost as soon as they settled in the later summer, news spread like a wildfire about a prisoner escaping from Azkaban.

Severus took this news bad. As soon as the Daily Prophet came through that morning and he read through it, a lot of plans after that were cancelled.

He and Lisa talked it over during breakfast but he couldn't seem to eat.

"I do not want to see you go out without an adult nearby- is that clear?"

Lisa nodded as this was very serious.

He continued, without looking up from the magazine. "You and Daphne may Floo to each other, only if parents are home, but I would rather the both of you stay put at either of these manors."

July became a boring month of not being able to go out because most of the time, Severus and Daphne's parents were too busy to watch the girls. Daphne Floo'd in with Draco and Blaise- who had returned from a trip and flopped on Lisa's bed.

"I can't believe we can't do anything," Daphne groaned as the boys sat in a couple of comfy chairs. She sighed dramatically. "Most boring summer ever. If they're scared of us going outside here in London, why don't they take us to another country?"

Lisa shrugged while Draco rolled his eyes. "Because we have half of a summer left and everyone is too busy to take us anywhere."

His parents were at some sort of meeting and Blaise's mother was recovering from their previous trip. At an older age, the parents wouldn't mind sending them all off. For now, they had to stay put.

They had only a few weeks left until their third year of Hogwarts began and they were finally able to go buy everything they needed.

There were new books that they had to purchase this year, including a book about Divination and another about the Care of Magical Creatures. Lisa was only excited about the latter.

Also this year, she decided she wanted a pet. The last two years, the store was so full and she just didn't have a lot of time to look around. This year was different.

She couldn't decide what she wanted, but Severus had told her to pick out the most elegant one she could find and he would buy it for her.

Knowing she didn't want a frog or a rat, it was between a cat and an owl. She decided an owl would be more practical; she needed a very good owl to send letters to her friends (and perhaps put in shopping orders if she ever felt the need).

As she walked into the store, she surprisingly found there were a lot more owls to pick from than she thought.

One stood out to her, a great horned owl with piercing yellow eyes that seemed young and eager. When she stepped towards its cage, she saw a first year excitedly go to it and wave and stick her hand in the cage to try and pet it.

Lisa smiled as she ran away with a shriek. She needed a bird that didn't get bothered easily. As she walked to the cage, the owl looked at her and the owner came right behind her and laughed.

"This one is tough, but she is very independent and can defend against anything," she told Lisa. "She doesn't have a name yet, either."

Severus also appeared right behind Lisa and she jumped a little. "How much?"

"Aye, this breed is on the more expensive side."

She did end up getting that owl and she named her Venus. She thought this would be a good tribute to the terrible astronomy classes she had to endure, one of the few subjects that didn't come naturally to her.

Venus cooed softly as Severus packed up her cage and carried it for Lisa.

Next, they had to purchase the books. This is where she found her friend group, and noticed Daphne arm in arm with Draco. "Lisa!" Daphne squealed. "I feel like I haven't seen you in forever."

"It looks like you've gotten taller in the four days we haven't been together," Lisa jokes.

Greg and Vincent show up also, and the group hurriedly buys all their books and supplies they will need. The boys like to finish shopping as soon as possible- Draco wrinkled his nose and mentioned how disgusting the other incompetent children smelled.

Daphne and Lisa rolled their eyes at how dramatic he was. "Let's go get a little treat," Daphne said and after finishing all of the shopping, the group went to a little cafe.

Lisa realized she forgot to purchase a new pen and Blaise said he would get her a little coffee so it would be ready when she was back. She gave him a side-hug and a thank you and went quickly back into a stationary store.

In there, she found several students just walking around and quickly found what she was looking for. She almost dropped it when someone tapped her on her shoulder.

She turned around and fought to keep a slight blush down. "Harry?"

He had grown quite a lot during the summer. He awkwardly waved. "How is it going, Lisa? It's been forever."

She remembered what her father said and looked around quickly, knowing he could show up at any minute. "Oh, erm, it's been okay. I-"

She saw Severus strolling into the shop, looking for her. "I need to buy this pen and leave now!" She said quickly, and added, "I'll write to you later."

As she finished her payment, her face turned red with embarrassment when she remembered what she said. She wasn't allowed to write to him- but she promised. He at least deserved an explanation.

On her way back to the cafe after a quick check-in from her father making sure at least Daphne's parents were with her group, she was allowed back to the cafe.

Forgetting about what had happened, she got back to her spot and thanked Blaise again for buying her a coffee. Her friends chattered away while sipping on beverages and eating little pastries.

She felt like this year would be Slytherin's year, or hers at least. Nothing else could go as wrong as the last two years.

~ * ~ *
Published 3-17-24

Out of all of the states in America, which would you wanna visit the most?

I would love to go to Alaska

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