Fun, Happiness and Smiles!|Sm...

By Dracunyan1987

30.6K 380 522

(Requests Closed at the moment) This is a oneshot book about the Smiling Critters from Poppy Playtime Chapter... More

Rules and Regulations + Character List
The Original Smiling Critters Cast
Gametoons Smiling Critters
Cult of the Dog - CotL/Smiling Critters AU
Cougar Macdowall Smiling Critters
SMG4 Crew as Smiling Critters
Mummy Critters - Smiling Critters as Egyptian Mummies
Other Critters
Other Critters Page 2
Joyful Spooks - Halloween Smiling Critters AU
Fleetway Super Critters AU
"Hour of Despair" Smiling Critters (My AU Smiling Critters)
The Forgotten Critters
Tactical AU (Army Critters)
Midnight Mysteries AU (Old-Timey Detective SC AU)
The Mummy Critters' Curse - Part 1
The Plushie Protector|The Mini Critters x Male!Reader
Speak No Evil|Yandere!Female!Smiling Critters x Male!Mute!Child!Reader
A Silver Wolf in a Child's Body

The Mummy Critters' Curse - Part 2

1.4K 22 62
By Dracunyan1987

The Mummy Critters' Curse|Yandere!Mummy Critters x Male! Archeologist!Reader - Part 2

Location: Ancient Egypt - Present Day


After arriving at Ancient Egypt on a plane, Y/n L/n, the famous archeologist went over to the dig site to see what they discovered so far in locating the lost tomb of the Egyptian Critters.

However, things aren't as easy as it seems in becoming an archeologist as he brought along his wife, Vanessa to the trip as she is described as a wife who takes her thrill of adventure way too seriously and Y/n was planning on divorcing her if he wasn't too busy on finding that lost tomb inside the Pyramid.

Right now, Y/n is at his tent and looking at his research on his studies about the Egyptian Critters and on where to find the tomb with the ancient treasures as well as the coffins of the 8 kings and queens that ruled over the kingdom for centuries until they were mummified and were all sealed inside the secret chamber inside the pyramid.

But then, Vanessa decided to come into the tent and started complaining about how see bored she is right now, which is why he wanted to divorce her in the first place.

Vanessa: (Groans) Honey! I'm booooooooooored!

Y/n: Then why did you come with me to this trip in the first place then?

Vanessa: Cause I though we're gonna be fighting mummies and getting some treasure.

Y/n: Coming to Ancient Egypt doesn't mean that you get to have fun and fight against mummies that you've seen in the movies and collecting the treasure within the tomb like you're in an Indiana Jones movie. We're not here to have fun at all. We're trying to find the lost tomb of the Egyptian Critters and I cannot have you complaining all day for you to have fun.

Vanessa: Aw, you're no fun. You know sometimes I wish I we got divorced and go marry that high school jock, Billy Mason instead of you and your boring book smarts!

Y/n: Well, I was planning for a divorce until my "book smarts" got in the way of getting rid of you.

Vanessa: Wait, what?! You lousy piece of shit! I hope you died in that lousy tomb with the mummies you nerd.

Y/n: Sorry honey, but WHO ASKED?!

Vanessa: (Gasped) You know what?! I'm going home to my mother's!!!

Y/n: Ha! Good luck with that, the plane has already left and won't be back for a couple of weeks, so it looks like you're stuck here for a while.

Vanessa: (Groans)

Then suddenly, one of the workers came in to tell Y/n that they managed to find the tomb that he was searching for years after so much research that he worked on for a long time.

Worker: Sir? We located the tomb! You gotta see this!

Y/n: What?! Really?! 

Worker: Yeah, come check it out!

They immediately went over to the dig site, where they finally managed to locate the tomb that will lead them inside, but the door was sealed and the only way to open the tomb is an ancient necklace in the shape of an Egyptian symbol known as an ankh as Y/n brought it out from his neck that was given to him by his grandfather as a family heirloom as placed it to the ankh shaped hole, which suddenly caused the ground to shake as the entrance to the Egyptian Critter's tomb was finally open after it had been locked away in secret for centuries.

Y/n: At last, the tomb of the Egyptian Critters is finally revealed. I can't wait to see what kind of secrets they have in store.

Vanessa: Whatever. This better be worth the trouble, book worm.

Y/n: Whatever. Let's go inside and see what's inside.

Then as Y/n and Vanessa went inside to see what's inside the tomb, they didn't notice that high school jock/bully, Billy Mason decided to go in himself since he managed to get to Ancient Egypt and follow Y/n and Vanessa into the tomb without any of Y/n's crew finding out, so he can steal all of the treasure for himself since he learned that his ancestor aka the evil corrupt pharaoh himself, King Billy Mammon and he believes that he should be the one who should get the treasure before Y/n could get his hands on it.

Billy Mason: There's no way that twit is gonna steal all of that treasure. It all belongs to me, and it was worth following them to get my hands on that treasure. All I need to do is to follow them and the treasure will be mine. (Laughs Evilly)

However, as he sneaks into the tomb, he suddenly fell into a trap door that leads to a pit filled with nothing but sand, except that it's also filled with something deadly as he didn't even notice that the whole place is filled with bobby traps and Billy Mason would've have avoided it if he was an expert in archaeology, he would be still alive.

Then as Billy Mason picked himself up, he was not happy to end up in a pit, not realizing that it was a trap set by the loyal subjects of the Egyptian Critters that was perfect for Billy Mason since he is related to the corrupt pharaoh and he is going to be served as a full course meal to the Miniature versions of the Egyptian Critters, but their skin is pitch black and wearing golden Egyptian gear like small headdresses and necklaces as they came out of the holes of the walls and started walking towards Billy Mason, while hissing and growling at him as they are about to eat the bully alive.

Billy Mason: Uh....nice animals....nice and fancy looking animals....

Without warning, the Mini Critters began attacking and biting Billy Mason with him screaming in pain before his screams had died down and he was eaten alive bit by bit before there was nothing but bones, which some of the mini DogDay puppies took some of them for themselves to chew on as they went back in their homes in the holes in the wall, completely satisfied with their meal.

Meanwhile with Y/n and Vanessa....

Then as Y/n and Vanessa make their way to the tomb thanks to Y/n's skills in archaeology and blueprints on where they need to go to find the tomb and avoid all of the traps that inside the tomb as well. However, Vanessa decided to split up and go to a different route despite of Y/n's warning of not going into the tomb alone to find some real action as Y/n finally managed to locate the secret chamber of the Egyptian Critters.

Y/n: Here it is, the secret chamber of the Egyptian Critters. This is the greatest moment in my entire life to see something like this.

Then he notices another Ankh shaped lock in front of all eight coffins of the Egyptian Critters as he placed the necklace into the hole and then suddenly, all 8 of their coffins opened up, revealing their ancient, mummified bodies to Y/n's amazement as he steps in a bit closer to one of the bodies, which is DogDay as he took a closer look at the Sun shaped pendant on the mummified dog's neck.


The mummified DogDay grabbed Y/n's arm and opened his eyes that glowed a bright orange as he finally woke up from his centuries long nap and looked at Y/n as he suddenly recognized him as the same person that he is friends with many years ago until he was falsely accused and executed by Billy Mammon, as he started hugging Y/n tightly with his tail wagging so fast as he is happy to meet Y/n's descendant much to Y/n's confusion on what's going on.

DogDay: Oh, Angel! I'm so happy to see you again! I missed you so much!

Y/n: Ok? What's going on here?

DogDay: Angel? Don't you remember me? I'm DogDay!

Y/n: No! I don't even know you!

DogDay: ........I're his future matter....there are other ways for you to remember us....Angel....and we got just the thing to make that happen....

Y/n: Wait....we?

DogDay: Yes Angel....your family.....and there's no use running away from us...Angel....I think you should get some sleep....right, CatNap?

Y/n: CatNap?

Then suddenly, Y/n felt a couple of mummified hands on his face as he is forced to meet face-to-face with a mummified CatNap as he blew out his red colored gas onto Y/n's face causing Y/n to feel sleepy all of a sudden as his body felt numb and collapsed onto DogDay's arms with him hugging Y/n in a warming embrace as Y/n's body is being wrapped up in bandages and changing into an Anubis Egyptian Mummy Critter with the Anka necklace as his pendant.

With his transformation complete CatNap and DogDay hugged the now mummified Y/n and nuzzled him affectionately as they finally got what they wanted before placing him in his very own coffin and closing it shut before they both got back in their coffins to head back to the Dream Realm to start playing with their new and permanent member of the Egyptian Critter Royal Family.

However, the other Mummy Critters had to go out of their coffins to deal with another threat in their tomb before they can go back to their coffins to join CatNap and DogDay with Y/n now to transformed into one of them against his will.

Back with Vanessa....

As Vanessa started exploring the tomb without Y/n since he is turned into a Mummy Critter against his will and without her knowledge, she is still bored and is need of some action packed thrill to get rid of her boredom, which will be her biggest mistake of her life.

Vanessa: (Groans) This is sooooooo boring! There's nothing here but dust and sand everywhere in here! If I don't see at least one mummy to fight with, I'm leaving Y/n in here and going back home.

But then suddenly, she heard the sounds of moaning and groaning as she looked behind her to see 6 mummified Egyptian Critters as she is pumped up and ready to fight some mummies.

Vanessa: Oh yeah! Now that's what I'm talking about!! Time to kick some mummy butts!

She then charged at them and tried to do a jump kick attack on them before the chicken mummy grabbed her by the leg and slammed her body against the stone floor before she got her body wrapped up in bandages.

However, once her body is fully wrapped, she didn't turn into a Mummy Critter like Y/n did and instead she was being taken into the pit where Billy Mason was killed by the Mini Critters as she had become the main course as Billy Mason was just as mere appetizer to them.

She then tried to struggle her way out of the bandages as she screamed for her husband to help her out, but she knew that karma have finally caught up to her for being such a obnoxious thrill seeking wife to Y/n as the Mummy Critters look down at her to see her get eaten alive by the Mini Critters that are like children to them.

Bubba Bubbaphant: (Chuckles Darkly) How pitiful of her...trying to get out of getting eaten alive by the Mini Critters...

KickinChicken: Yeah, Ha Ha...She couldn't even pick up a fight against us...and I didn't even break a sweat after I slammed her to the ground...

Hoppy Hopscotch: Yeah... What a loser! (Laughing)

PickyPiggy: I agree...I would've eaten her the moment we wrapped her up like Piggy in a blanket...but she's just too salty for my tastes...

CraftyCorn: Look on the bright side least we got what we wanted...after so many centuries we've waited for Y/n to come back to us...

Bobby Bearhug: Yeah...I knew that the moment that we have woken up from our long nap...It was time to see him again and I was going to marry him before he got executed... I'm sure his descendant from the future will make a perfect replacement for him.

Bubba Bubbaphant: Understandable...but let's leave the thrill-seeking tramp to her death while we go back to our coffins...and play with our beloved friend, Y/n

The Mummy Critters: Yes....

So then, the Mummy Critters went back into their chamber to go back to sleep in their coffins while Vanessa is being eaten alive by the Mini Critters as they can hear her screams of pain and agony before she ended up like Billy Mason as all that is left of her is nothing but bones.

With that, the Mini Critters went back to their homes inside the walls to go to sleep after they had their fill on feasting the two humans that fell into their trap.

In the Dream Realm...

After Y/n was transformed into a Mummy Critter by CatNap, he soon started to get used to his new form as the Ankh necklace somehow contained the memories of his ancestors as he and Y/n became as one the moment he transformed into a Anubis Egyptian Critter.

He never thought the Egyptian Critters would treat him like royalty and he also got to marry Bobby Bearhug since they're both deeply connected and the perfect couple.

Y/n also hung out and played with DogDay as he likes to petted by Y/n and he gives him so many hugs and kisses to show his live and affection towards him.

He took a few naps with CatNap as he always purrs whenever he sleeps with Y/n or when he pets him.

He plays various games with KickinChicken and Hoppy Hopscotch and they all have fun with each other.

He likes to read books with Bubba Bubbaphant since Y/n was a proud archeologist and a book worm no less as he enjoys reading every single book at Bubba's Library.

PickyPiggy is happy to share her food with Y/n as well as her hungry loyal subjects. She would even feed Y/n grapes to show how polite she can be when she feeds Y/n grapes.

CraftyCorn is more than happy to paint a portrait of Y/n as her greatest masterpiece as well as making some sculptures and murals of him to unleash her inner creativity. 

Lastly, his new and beautiful wife, Bobby Bearhug wanted the wedding to be perfect as well as the honeymoon, which went very well and Y/n is the happiest man/Anubis in the world as he is going to be a father after Bobby became pregnant with his baby. 

The Dream Realm is considered their new home and kingdom to rule over now as all of their loyal subjects that are all killed during the 8 Plagues after Y/n's ancestor got falsely accused by Billy's ancestor and got executed by the corrupt Pharaoh, they were all reincarnated into the dream realm as Egyptian Critters as they forgave them for what they have done to them after what happened many, many years ago. 

This the Egyptian Critters can finally rest in peace now that they have Y/n as part of the family as an Egyptian Critter and he is happy to be with them in the dream realm...

And he never wants to wake up from the dream realm ever...

Never ever....

Not for a million years....


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