Melody Malfoy

By ifonlytheywerereal24

98 9 6

Melody Malfoy, the daughter of Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Malfoy, finally gets the chance to go to Hogwarts a... More

Chapter 2- Hufflepuff???
Chapter 3- First Day
Chapter 4 - Triwizard Tournament
Chapter 5- Confessions

Chapter 1- The Sorting

24 1 1
By ifonlytheywerereal24

Today is finally the day! Father is finally letting me go to the wizard school, Hogwarts! I have been waiting for this moment my entire 14 years of life!

I was quite a troublemaker growing up, and my father couldn't stand me. My father is Lucius Malfoy, and he decided when I turned 11 that instead of going to the normal wizard school, to send me to some fancy muggle boarding school for 3 very long years. 

The school sent me home this year saying that there was nothing "wrong" with me to be sent to the troubled kids boarding school. They said I was different from the other kids.

Father didn't like the idea of me coming home, but since I had come home, Mother told him to let me go with my brother, Draco, to Hogwarts.

Father never says no to Mother, so he reluctantly let me go. So now, I am currently on the train to Hogwarts, exploding with tons of excitement.

"Can you please calm down Melody?"
Draco told me in an annoyed tone.

"Sorry! I just can't wait!" I replied.

We were in a compartment all alone, and Draco was not in the mood to talk. I hadn't seen him in over a year since last summer, and he didn't even care. It was like he didn't even miss me at all!
That was all right, though. I was finally on my way to Hogwarts!

I looked out the window to see the train tracks that were behind us that we passed, and hills of green. Windmills filled empty spaces on the green grass hills, and so did farmhouses. We entered into tunnels inside of mountains and forests filled with trees. I was smiling the entire time.

There was a knock on the compartment door.
Draco sighed. "Don't make a fool out of me, please.".

Draco stood up and opened the door.
"What's up, guys?" I heard Draco say.

"Nothing much, mind if we sit with you and your..." an unfamiliar voice said.

"Just my annoying sister." Draco grumbled.

He moved out of the way and sat back down across from me. I watched as 4 guys, and a girl squished in. I recognized the one sitting next to Draco. He was in the Daily Prophet a while ago for opening the Chamber of Secrets.

It was Tom. Tom Riddle.

How was he still here at the magic school after what he pulled? I thought he would have for sure been expelled.

I pushed those thoughts away away and looked around at everyone. They were all in their own little conversations. Except for one.

I caught the boy's eye. He had curly brown hair and the most dreamy chocolate brown eyes. They almost looked black

I quickly looked away, I hated holding eye contact for too long. He was kind of cute, though. I shook my head, I could not be catching feelings on my first day.

I looked around and noticed on the girl sitting in the corner looking at her nails. They were painted a dark black, and her fingers had 3 rings on them, I recognized one of them.

The girl had the ring Father had given Draco when he turned 11. It was a silver snake with a beautiful emerald in the middle.

"Hey, isn't that your ring, Draco?" I blurted out.

The whole compartment went quiet.
Draco glared at me.
The girl scoffed, "Yeah, he gave it to me because I'm his girlfriend. Gosh, you're his sister. How do you not know?".

All eyes were on me, and Draco looked furious.

"I-uh- haven't seen Draco in a while." I said while managing a slight awkward smile.

"Why?" The girl asked.

She flipped her black hair out of the way and looked at me up and down.

I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to tell anybody about Father sending me to a muggle boarding school and Draco to Hogwarts.

"Uh-you see-uhm." I couldn't find what words to say.

"Oh, come on, blurt it out, or does the cat get your tongue?".

Everyone started to laugh, even Draco.

"Oh, come on. Pansy just stop prying into her personal life." The boy I had locked eyes with said.
I smiled at him, he looked at me and smiled back. I loved his smile already.

"Fine. What's your name, new girl?" Pansy asked.

"Melody. Melody Malfoy." I replied.

"Wait, are you two twins?" Anotehr boy with light brown hair asked as he pointed to Draco and I.

"Yeah." I answered.

"You never told me you had a twin, Draco, though I can see the resemblance." Pansy looked at Draco and I back and forth.

"How did you not figure that out, Pansy? They have the same hair color. The Malfoy hair color." Tom said in a flat tone.

Pansy started to argue back at him, and Draco kicked my foot.

"Melody, can you get us some snacks from the Trolly?" Draco asked me.

"Oh! Yeah! Yeah, for sure!" I agreed.

Draco threw a couple of Galleons at me, and I caught them, almost dropping some. I saw Draco smirk as I got up to leave the compartment.

"I'll come too." Said the cute boy.

He stood up and opened the door for me. I walked for a bit until he stopped and pulled into an empty compartment.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked. I didn't know what this guy was up to.

"So you're Draco's twin? I'm Mattheo Riddle." He held out his hand for me to shake.
I took his hand and smiled as I shook it.

My stomach filled with butterflies. I was already falling for this guy, I knew it.

"Is this all you pulled me in here for?" I asked while letting out a little chuckle.

"Uh, kinda." Mattheo said while he scratched the back of his neck nervously.
I smiled at him. I grabbed his arm, and we exited teh compartment. We made our way to the Trolly and bought one of everything.

"Hungry, huh?" Mattheo asked.

"Always." I answered through a mouthful of chocolate snitches.

Mattheo smiled at me as I kept stuffing more of them in my mouth. I love my food and I am not afraid to show that I do. Chocolate snitches are my favorite, they are like these little chocolate balls filled with caramel that you can make fly if you blow on it.

I never really understoodhow it worked but then again, I don't exactly know how any magic works, it just does.

Mattheo and I kept walking when I suddenly bumped into someone. The food I was holding went everywhere.

"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry! I wasn't looking-" I looked up to see the boy I had so many stories about.

Harry Potter.

"It's fine. I should have been looking as well." Harry said.

Mattheo was down on the floor picking up the food I had dropped. Harry and I both bent down to start picking up the food also.

"I haven't seen you around, are you new?" Harry asked.

"Oh yeah! First year here!" I replied while picking up a box of flavored beans.

"What's your name?" He asked.

We both stood up and he handed me a chocolate frog, chocolate snitches, and many other goods. Mattheo was quiet as he was silently waiting for Harry to move out of our way.

"Melody Malfoy." I held out my hand for him to shake it.

His smile faded.

"Malfoy?" Asked Harry.


He didn't take my hand. Harry stared at me and Mattheo pushed him aside.

"Come on, Melody. We don't get along well with The Harry Potter." Mattheo said.

He gave a dirty look to Harry, grabbed my hand and pulled me away. I watched as Harry just stared at me with a shocked look on his face, while I was being dragged down the hallway.

"Mattheo! Can you please stop pulling me!" I yelled as I tried to yank my arm out of his clutch.

"Oh! Sorry!" He let go of my arm and grabbed my hand instead.

He caught me by surprise. I had never held a guy's hand before and I surprisingly liked it. My stomach was swirling around and around, I thought I might puke but in a good way.

Mattheo softened his grip, and stopped pulling as hard. We eventually made it to the compartment and opened the door. Mattheo threw the goodies at everyone. There were noise of anger, the light browned hair boy threw one back at Mattheo.

"Mattheo! You got gummy worms in my hair!" Exclaimed Pansy. She had gummy worms all in her hair.

I guess one of the packages of gummy worms had opened when Mattheo threw it and all of the worms landed in Pansy's hair.

Everyone started laughing and one guy threw his gummy worms at her.

"Theodore!" She yelled, she began throwing gummy worms back at the boy whose name was apparently Theodore.

Before I knew it, everyone was throwing the food at each other, including myself. Mattheo had snuck behind me and dropped a chocolate frog down the back of my shirt, so I had thrown some of my chocolate snitches at him. It had turned into a food fight with chocolate and who knows what else. People would walk by and just be flabbergasted.

Apparently someone had snitched on us, because the train driver had opened up the door and started to yell at us.

"What in the bloody hell is going on in here!" The man yelled.

He had a large black beard that reached his belt and was bald. I have never seen such a long beard in my life.

I stopped throwing stuff, but nobody else did. They just kept smashing food into eachothers faces, Pansy was hiding in the corner trying to get the gummy worms out of her hair. The entire compartment was covered in peanut butter, chocolate, gummy worms, beans, frogs, and many things I didn't know what they were.

"Stop! Stop!" Demanded the train driver.

I just stood there in front of a bunch of boys throwing food at ecahother. I just smiled because I didn't know what to do.


Everyone froze.

"All of you! Follow me!" The train driver yelled.
He tightened the straps on his overalls and walked away with his head held high. I began to follow him but the light brown hair boy stopped me.

"What are you doing?" He asked.


"Don't follow him! Just leave it to us! The name is Lorenzo by the way."

Lorenzo pushed me back into the compartment and I landed on the corner of a seat. Mattheo handed me my Hogwarts robe, which didn't have my house on it yet since I haven't been sorted. I knew wit was going to be Slytherin, my whole family is in Slytherin.

"Go get changed, there is a dressing room in the back of the train. We will be back." Mattheo told me.

I walked out of there and made my way to the dressing room.


After I finished changing, I made my way back to the compartment to find only Pansy in it. She had fixed her hair and was in her Slytherin robes.

"Oh you're back. Thought you died or something." Said Pansy.

"Well, I'm alive. The train is about to stop by the way." I replied.

"Oh I know." She said.

I looked around confused, "Why aren't you with everyone else?".

"Because I wanted to talk with you. You see, I just wanted to warn you."

"Warn me about what?"

Pansy looked around as if checking that no one was around.

"Mattheo is off limits. I saw you making goo-goo eyes at him. Stay away. He is mine." Pansy said.

She began getting closer to me and I kept backing up. Soon she had me pinned against the back of the compartment.

"You-you can't own someone." I snapped back.

"Oh. Ok. Well then, just wait and find out. If you lay your hands on him, you'll regret it." She warned. "Good luck on the sorting!" Her voice suddenly changed into this sweet high pitched voice. Pansy walked out and slammed the door behind her.

I sat down and processed what the heck Pansy just said to me. She was dating g my brother, but she wants Mattheo. That's is just wrong, I should tell Draco, but he wouldn't believe me.

As I was deep in thought, Theodore and Lorenzo walked in.

"Come on, Loser. The train is gonna stop." Theodore said.

They nodded towards the door and I got up to follow them. They led me to the exit of the train and I felt the train jerk to a stop. Mattheo and the others showed up a couple minutes after. The doors to the exit opened and we all began to get out of the train.

Everyone showed me the way to the entrance to Hogwarts. We rode carriages that were being pulled by magic. (Or that is what I think) The castle is huge and I was so excited! I walked through the grand doors and Mattheo walked beside me.

"Excited?" He asked.


"I could tell." He laughed and gave me that cute smile again. I smiled back.

"I hope I get into Slytherin." I said.

"I hope so too." He replied back.

"You better." Draco said as he appeared by my side, "or Father will be furious and regret sending you here."

I rolled my eyes.

"Can you please stop with the Father statements? I've heard enough of him and I just want to enjoy my first day at Hogwarts." I said.

Draco shrugged and walked over to Pansy who grabbed his hand. That little cheating, mean, two-sided-


I jerked back awake and looked at Mattheo. I must've zoned out in thought.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"You good?" He asked.

I shrugged. "Just nervous."

I was lying, I wasn't just nervous, I was freaking out! I had to get into Slytherin because Draco was right, Father would kill me! Not literally, I hope.

"You'll be fine. I promise." Said Mattheo.

"Thanks." I replied.

We walked into the Great Hall and I took a seat next to Mattheo and Lorenzo. I saw Dumbledore walk up to the stand and start to yell.

"Welcome to another year at Hogwatts! J hope you enjoy it! We have many new first years so let's get in with the sorting!" Dumbledore walked off the stand and an old lady walked up.

"Who's that?" I asked Lorenzo.

"Professer McGonagall. Gryffjbdor house leader and Transfiguration teacher." Lorenzo answered.

I nodded as I made a sound of realization. McGonagall started to call names up to the hat. My hand started to get all sweaty as I was freaking out about the sorting. What if I don't get into Slytherin? I guess Mattheo must e noticed I was freaking out because all of a sudden he reached for my hand and the next thing I knew, his hand was in mine, he squeezed it gently.

I looked down at our hand holding ecahother and looked up at him. He was smiling at me and I smiled back. I turned away and blushed like crazy. I hope nobody could see us holding hands, especially Pansy. After that warning, I had to be careful.

I started to calm down and knew that everything was going to be okay.

"We have a new student joining us, she will be joining the 4th years! Melody Malfoy! Could you please come sit in the hat and be sorted!" I heard Professer McGonagall yell.

I took a deep breath. I felt Mattheo squeeze my hand and whisper in my ear, "You got this!"

I stood up and let go of his hand. I wanted to keep holding g it because now j felt like everything was not going be okay. I tried to steady my breathing and walked up to the sorting hat being placed on my head.

"Oo! A second Malfoy, hmm twin, yes, but different, very different, loyal, very, mhm, friendly, yes, I think it is a wise choice to put you in HUFFLEPUFF!".

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