By AriYouGood

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IN WHICH: - ASTRA was born to be a hero and it won't take much convincing for the justice league to look... More

Chapter I - Independence Day
Chapter II - Fireworks
Chapter III - Breaking Loose!
Chapter IV - Welcome to Happy Harbour
Chapter V - Campfire Secrets
Chapter VI - Drop-Zone
Chapter VII - Meteor Shower
Chapter IX - Raindrops on Roses
Chapter X - Respect.
Chapter XI - Infultrator
Chapter XII - International Super Spy
Chapter XIV- Cold Case
Chapter XV - Denial

Chapter VIII - Schooled

210 9 19
By AriYouGood

| Central City
| August 3, 6:29 CST

IT WAS SIX in the morning when Kamila decided to call her partner/mentor and ask for advice on how to go about leading the team. Sure, Barry was a founding member of the Justice League and not one of the team leaders or anything like Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman (or The Trinity, as Kamila likes to call them) but the girl honestly just wanted to vent to him.

She and Wally had decided that they'd see how long they could keep their relationship a secret (because we're dating now!!!) especially with their best friend being a kid genius and detective and their mentor being the annoying- persistent person he is, it seems like a fun challenge for them to try and keep this one thing a secret.

And because they know of the bets being placed. Mainly because of the bets.

So, Astra was now running alongside the Flash like they had been for the past six years and venting about her worries.

"I mean, like Kaldur is more serious than me! And he's older!"

As they zipped by one of the empty parks and up the side of a building, Barry interrupted, "That's a lame excuse. B is like, what thirty-three? People like Zatara and the Hawks are older than him, but he still leads us. Plus, your birthday is in two months. Stop making excuses for being awesome Kace, there's a reason you're leading the team."

Kamila smiled at him once they stopped at the top, admiring the view of the city waking up for the day. "Thanks, Barry, I just... it's a big responsibility y'know?"

"Ha, no kidding. You have to deal with mini-versions of the league. That's like, one of the circles of hell I think," Barry joked, then he pressed his hand to his ear and a few seconds later his eyes furrowed into a concerned expression under his blank eyes, "Woah what's happening? Yeah, I can run over... okay got it, but Astra is with me right- yeah I'll bring her... okay copy."

"What's up? Where are we going?" Kamila asked, getting ready to start running again.

"Star City, Green Arrow and Black Canary were attacked by some copycat robot," he responded, "they called in back up, superman, manhunter and a few others are on the way. You ready?"

"Barry, you just asked me if I'm ready to fight a killer copying robot with the Justice League. I literally have been waiting for something like this for like, as long as can remember."

Barry just smiled and ruffled her hair, "alright kid, see if you can keep up?"

Astra grins as she disappeared into the city's power lines and reappeared half a second later on the other side of the city running in pace with the Flash.


| Augest 3, 07:43 EDT

WHEN THEY ARRIVED, Superman was simply tossed aside leaving a huge creator in his wake as he landed.

Astra was told to keep her distance and see if she could spot any obvious ways for the robot to be shut down, like sensing a power source or some mainframe that could be short-circuited, but each time the robot copied or used another person's powers, it seemed to shift. Making it hard to pinpoint anything inside.

She saw Captain Atom and Martian Manhunter fly in from the north side of the battle, and she could feel the familiar source of Red Tornado's energy as he landed beside her.

"Astra," he addressed in his monotone voice, "you are aiding us as well?"

She nodded and dodged a blast that resembled Captain Atom's.

"Access, Captain Atom."

As the robot called it out, another blast of energy came from the robot's hands. It managed to hit Flash despite his super speed and he grabbed her partner by the neck.

"Accessing, Flash."

He tossed the Flash in the direction of both herself and Red Tornado, where she ran to catch him.

"You okay?" She asked, still keeping an eye on the machine in front of her as a red tornado flew to attack it.

"Yup," he responded easily, "let one of us know if you spot something, Kamila!"

"Duh- watch out!" She managed to roll out of the way as a canary cry came from the robot.

She needed to get closer. If she could get a hand on the robot, then she'd easily be able to find a power source and shut it off without damaging it too much.

She made a run for the robot, a straight shot that would've been great for a full-body tackle if he didn't go intangible.

"Access, Martian Manhunter."

She had managed to roll and spin to a stop when she noticed the arrows GA was shooting an arrow in the robot's direction. Just like she did, the arrow passed straight through, completely intangible.

It was weird. Whenever the robot in front of her turned intangible, she couldn't sense any sort of electrical activity, but when it used a different hero's powers, it would internally start to shift. Above her, she noticed Superman flying in for another punch so she sped away, not wanting to be caught up in the aftershock of when they clashed.

She stopped next to Black Canary who had a cut on her upper arm, not deep enough to need stitches but it still bled out passed her hand.

"Astra? Did Arrow call you in too?" She asked in shock, hissing slightly as the ground shook and she put too much pressure on the cut.

The girl shook her head, "I was with Barry, and right place right time. I think I knew how to shut this thing off..."

Canary raised an eyebrow as the younger girl pulled out a bandage wrap from her pocket and began to wrap the woman's arm so she wouldn't be at a disadvantage.

"You have a plan?" She asked.

Astra sort of shrugged, "More like a hit or miss idea," a shrill scream came from the robot causing the blonde girl to wince, "fuck that's loud. But yeah, so whenever the thing like, accesses another person's powers, it shifts inside, and when it's using manhunter's intangibility, it's completely gone."

She finished the warp and Canary thanked her and peered behind the rock she was up against to see the fight.

Canary and Arrow had called in help maybe forty minutes ago? And the only thing they had managed was to create a giant crater on the side of the highway.

Superman was getting thrown around at every punch and with every long-distance attack - with his laser eyes, with throwing debris and even throwing Captain Atom one time - the robot would just go intangible.

The other first responding leaguers hadn't had any luck either, with having to deal with either Superman's strength, the Flash's speed, a Canary Cry, or even just the intangibility of the robot, no attacks seemed to land.

Currently, Superman was flying in to attack the robot, but he was just grabbed and spun around,  hitting away Red Tornado and Flash. When he released the man of steal, he used laser eyes to blow up two incoming arrows.

Canary looked back at the girl, "What's your idea then?"

Astra wasn't looking her way. Her eyes had gone electric blue with flashes of yellow lighting in them. To the young girl, she could see the electric currents of everything in the area. From the inner working of Red Tornado to the constant shifting in currents of the copycat robot.

She blinked and the glowing eyes went away, though her gaze kept on the fight as she kneeled against the rock, "I need to touch it. Each time I get close, the thing goes intangible. I need to be able to physically touch it to shut it off properly."

"You think you can make that run?" The woman asked.

"Yeah. That's not the problem though. With the thing constantly shifting, it might just shut off the one power. Kinda resting it, if that makes sense," Canary nodded in understanding, "but that won't help us beat it, it'll just copy the power right back."

"Right, where are you going with this?"

The girl smirked, "Honestly Canary, do you have so little faith in me? I think if I can get inside of it, I'll be able to shut it down."

Canary gave her a skeptical look, "is that safe?"

Astra shrugged, "prolly' not. But I can't run at it from hand to hand, it'll match my speed with Flash's or go ghost mode again. And if a send a lightning bolt..."

She noticed that there was no one around the machine and a boom of thunder was heard before a lighting blot struck it. Three hundred million volts relentlessly hit where the machine was standing, but when the dust lifted, the robot was intangible once again, and completely scratch-free.

"Yeah," she grimaced, "thought that would happen."

Canary contemplated her plan for a moment while Batman jumped out of his jet and threw some baterangs at the robot, which stayed in tangible as they exploded into smoke clouds. Superman took the opportunity to charge in and a few seconds later, he was thrown into the Flash who came in as backup. By now they've been fighting for over an hour with no real progress.

"Alright," Canary finally said, "try and explain the idea to as many leaguers as you can, we'll try and set up a plan around the idea."

The girl nodded and ran away with a boom of thunder to explain the plan to Barry and Superman, who was helping up the former.

"You okay?" She asked her mentor, who simply nodded.

"Astra," the man of steal greeted, "glad you're here."

"Thanks, Supey Senior," she didn't notice the slight twitch in the man's face at the reference to his clone, "I have an idea."

She sent a bolt of lightning to the robot once again and the ugly photocopier machine again wasn't affected. She muttered something about stupid robots and explained the idea as she did to Canary but in shorter details.

Barry immediately started to protest, "You want to go in that thing?" She nodded, and gave a sarcastic duh to the man, "Kace, you sure? That seems pretty dangerous."

The girl rolled her eyes, "Well it's better than you guys trying to attack it and then being tossed like a rag doll. Plus, that way we won't have to completely destroy it. We could send it to Star Labs for testing."

Superman seemed okay with the idea, "alright, we'll try and formulate a plan. When you see an opening, go for it."

He flew off to the fight once again and Kamila didn't bother looking to see where he had landed.

Barry looked at her for a second, "You sure kid? I mean, we probably could figure something out but-"

She felt the shifting power of the android disappear for a moment and a small pulse of electricity that she grew familiar with after being friends with Roy for so long. She pulled Barry down as the explosion arrow hit a rock behind them and blew up.

"It'll work, and I promise I won't get hurt, Barry."

She flashed him a smile (ha, she flashed flash a smile...) and he looked at her for a second longer before sighing.

"Your mom would probably kill me," he finally said.

"Oh yeah, if I get hurt not even Iris could save you. I'll be fine. I gotta go tell like five other leaguers my half-assed plan."

With that and a boom of thunder, the two ran in opposite directions as Astra went on to explain her idea until she eventually found Batman reaching to grab some explosive batarangs.

Whenever he seemed to throw them throughout the battle, the android didn't even need to scan for any projectiles. Much like how she can sense the small pulses of electricity in them, he turns intangible without hesitation.

She grabbed Batman's hand before he could throw them. When he looked to see who had stopped his attack and threatened them with a silent glare, he was met with the masked face of the team's leader and one of his son's best friends.

"Astra," he greeted sternly, "Flash mentioned you were here. Mind telling me why you're grabbing my wrist?"

The girl let go, "sorry, but I think he can sense explosives. Or like- other tech."

The Dark Knight raised an eyebrow under his mask, "explain?"

"Kinda like me, I can tell when there's like, an arrow or something coming at my head if it has any sort of tech on it. I can feel small pulses of energy," she explained, "I think that's what Mr. Copy Paste is doing."

He nodded, and she hastily stopped him once again, "Wait! I have an idea."

She explained it to him, and together they made a plan.

"Superman," the Bat said into his comm. He ordered a few short words and a few second later Superman had managed to lift the robot with the help of Martian Manhunter's telekinesis.

"Go!" The bat tried to yell over the sound of thunder, but it was useless as the girl had already made her way to the android and it started to spark.

The heroes around stood still as the robotic eyes of the android glowed electric blue and yellow lighting seemed to flicker across its body. Apparently, it was enough to shock the man of steal, because he tensed and with a small cry of pain - one that he later denied happening according to Barry - he dropped the robot he had raised barely three feet above the ground.

Meanwhile, Kamila was very confused. When she entered the robot to shut it down, she briefly saw the remains of battle around her. Through a set of eyes that weren't her own. In camera quality detail she could barely register in such a short time.

She then remembered her plan and focused all her energy on taking out the power and charging the android. It set off a charge that made everything flash blue and flicker with yellow.

Then she returned to standing ground next to a dead robot and a smoking Superman.

Flash zipped to her side and gave her a fist bump. Kamila slowly let a grin onto her face and let out a single laugh.

"I knew that would work!"


GETTING PRAISED BY members of the fucking Justice League of America - her fucking inspirations - probably wasn't the best for her ego as they started to dismantle the robot.

She sat to the side with Dinah and Oliver as the two of them tended to their wounds. Oliver just had a few bumps and bruises, so he didn't need to be present, but he insisted on cleaning Canary's cut out and probably re-wrapping it.

Dinah had just asked Kamila if she was ready for training that day, and the girl stopped kicking her legs in boredom.

"Wait you're coming to the cave?" She asked with a growing smile. Dinah Lance had been the person to help her train in hand-to-hand combat, in areas where Barry neglected because he was used to relying on speed. She organized a mini bootcamp for the girl where for two months, she went to school and lived in Star City with her in the Queen Mansion. It was her home away from home, much like the West-Allen and West households were. It was also the place where she had met Roy Harper for the first time, just before Green Arrow had a partner by the name of Speedy running around Star City with him.

"You're going to have your first training session with me today," she explained, "I haven't properly introduced myself to the team yet, in training I mean-" she winced slightly as Oliver tightened the bandage a little too hard, which he apologized for "-we're probably not going to be doing too much considering Batman might be handing out a mission to do with the android, but regardless."

Kamila grinned at her, but before she could speak up, Barry had appeared with his elbow resting atop her head. Which, due to their height difference being a lot closer than when she was twelve, looked rather uncomfortable from an outsider's perspective.

"Are you gonna head back to central, Kace?" The nickname was an inside joke between the three of them - Kamila Barry and Wally that is. On patrol one day, when Wally had called her KC, Barry miss heard that as the young boy calling her the name 'Casey' instead. It took the two teens ten whole minutes to stop laughing when Barry finally asked why his nephew was calling her by a different name, saying that it meant he had to find a new nickname for her if that was the Kace (pun intended). Now, he just called her by that name as a fun reminder of that first patrol together.

The girl swatted his arm away, "I need to head back to the cave, we have training with Dinah."

Martian Manhunter landed beside the group, and sent the girl a small nod before addressing Canary, "Would it be possible for me to join you on your way to the cave? I wish to see how M'gann is adjusting to life on earth."

"Oh! I wanna come to!" Barry said, "I wanna see how badly Wally is gonna get his ass beat."

Kamila sent him a look, kind of concerned considering it was in nephew he was talking about. Barry noticed her look and said, "he ate like half my fries on patrol Sunday, and I'm petty," he said like that explained everything.

And honestly, it did.

Dinah sighed and shook her head, "I'm sure M'gann will appreciate that J'onn."

She did the smart thing and ignored Barry's comment. Kamila has been doing that for years and it's honestly a great way to keep yourself from losing patience with him.


| Mount Justice
| August 3, 13:06 EDT

Y'KNOW, KAMIAL IS starting to think that Barry acts too much like a child around her. It's like all his sense of responsibility completely vanishes and he begins acting like a... chaotic older brother more than a reliable mentor figure.

Exhibit A: Barry Allen, known as the fastest man alive, challenged Kamila Carter, known as the girl who can travel faster than the speed of lightning and the fastest girl alive, to a race. First one to the cave wins and gets bragging rights.

Kamila was very determined to win the bragging rights.

So, they ran to a Big Belly Burger in Star City to fill up, then they raced back to the cave.

A boom of thunder was heard outside of the mountain cutting through the tension that Superboy had left when he ignored M'gann's question. Kamila fizzled into one of the cave's outlets as soon as she was close enough, and quickly she reappeared in the training room where the team was. But at the same time that she had reappeared to stand in front of her team, Barry had skidded to a halt next to her.

"I won that!" Barry said, looking at the girl.

"No way! You ran through Long Island and over water! I can't do that, that's cheating!" She exclaimed, ignoring the curious looks from the team and a particularly jealous glare from Superboy.

"You skipped all of New York by jumping through the power lines! That was so fair!"

The two of them continued to argue until they both simply yelled out, "WALLY!"

The ginger speedster raised his hands, "Woah no, no way am I being a tiebreaker again!" The girl glared at her boyfriend and he faltered for a second, "but... Kam did get here first-"

"Yes! Suck it, Allen!"

"Wally, you're grounded!"

"You can't ground me-!"

Behind them, Black Canary cleared her throat as she and Martian Manhunter walked into the room. "Are you three done? You have training."

Kamila nodded at Canary and whispered to Wally as she stood next to him, "I totally won that."

He covered his laugh with a cough, "Yeah, totally sparky."

"Kamila! Flash! Black Canary!" M'gann then noticed her equally green uncle and excitedly shouted, "Uncle J'onn!" as she flew over to her uncle. She gave him a quick hug and the manhunter placed a hand on her shoulder.

"M'gann, I was in the neighbourhood, so I thought I'd see how you were adjusting," he said calmly, almost in a monotone voice as his alien eyes filled with care for the girl.

Meanwhile, Wally's uncle messed up his hair and stole a piece of his banana as 'punishment' for taking Kamila's side. The two glared at each other for maybe a second longer before breaking out in silent laughter.

They were all brought back to attention when Canary called out to Superboy, "Stick around," she said. "Class is in session."

Canary stood at the centre of the circle which lit up with a white light. Barry seemed to take this as his queue to zip away and stand next to J'onn.

She turned her back to Superboy to address the majority of the teens as she moved to remove her jacket, "I consider it an honour to be your teacher. I'll throw a lot at you, everything I've learned from my own mentors," she groaned as she uncomfortably moved her injured arm, "and my own bruises."

M'gann gained a look of concern, "what happened?"

Canary brushed off the question by tossing her jacket to the side, "The job. Now, combat is about controlling conflict. Putting the battle on your terms. You should always be acting, never reacting," she looked over the group of teens and for a second settled her eyes on her former student, "I'll need a sparing partner."

Kamila took a step forward and offered to be first. The elder blonde nodded and the two silently got into a fighting position.

Kamila attacked first, used to having speed be an advantage to her in hand-to-hand. Canary obviously expected the girl's quick attack and paired it with her own, blocking the kick and pushing her back with a hand to her stomach. It was enough to give her distance as she followed with a series of punches and kicks that were more or less met with a block or a counterattack from Kamila.

Physically speaking, the girls were pretty evenly matched, with neither having the advantage of height and their strength was pretty much evenly matched as well. One thing that put Kamila at an advantage was that Canary was injured. But, the advantage that Canary had was experience.

Kamila had only noticed when she threw the punch that it could be used against her easily. Canary grabbed her arm and with a bit of manoeuvring managed to twist it behind the girl's back. She didn't have enough time to react - ironically enough - when Canary's foot hit the back of her knees and she was forced to the ground.

Status: FAIL

The older girl helped Kamila up with an offered hand, "good, but did anyone notice what went wrong?"

Robin raised his hand, being the best with hand-to-hand combat on the team, he probably noticed her mistake as soon as she readied the punch. However, his response could been more professional than, "She didn't think before she punched, rookie move Kami."

Kamila glared at the boy wonder, and Wally started to snicker.

"You wanna go Flasher?" She asked, rolling her shoulders. The boy stopped laughing and Canary seemed to be planning something.

"Kid, why don't you go against Astra?" She said, crossing her arms a little ways away from the centre of the circle.

He smirked and finished his banana, "Sure why not, that way-" he tossed the banana into a trash can a little ways away "-swish! You get a taste of my moves," he flirted.

Kamila had many, many years to get used to Wally's flirting, but now that they were dating there was a new undertone to it because it's more serious than just jokingly saying pick up lines like before.

Still, Kamila smirked at him, "Sure, Flasher. Bring it on."

The two had similar fighting styles, both wanting to be the one to get the first punch in and such. That's how Kamila knew that the ginger was going to go for a Jab first, one which she could easily use against the boy.

She used the momentum that came with the punch and judo-flipped him over her shoulder. While he was on the ground, she moved herself to place her knee on the lightning bolt on his chest and the hand that he'd thrown her way was pinned above his head.

Status: FAIL

The boy was on the ground coughing after having the wind knocked out of him, "uhhh," he groaned, "babe, you literally take my breath away."

Barry snickered from the side and sent the video of the interaction to both of their moms and Iris. Kamila moved off the boy and helped him stand up as he tried to roll his shoulders to relieve the tingling pain.

"Good job Astra, now can anyone see what Kid Flash did wrong?" Canary asked.

Robin was quick to answer again, "Oh oh! He tried to hit on KC and got served?"

"He allowed her to dictate the terms of-"

Superboy decided to interrupt the woman with a scoff, "Oh please! With my powers, the battle is always on my terms. I'm a living weapon, and this is a waste of my time."

Canary got a look on her face, and Kamila didn't want to assume it was her trying to be smug, but it was giving the impression that she was. "Prove it."

Never mind, she thought, definitely a little bit smug.

The two stepped up to a fighting position, and Superboy threw the first punch. Clearly, his ego and mentality of being a living weapon meant he could simply ignore Kamila and Wally's fight, because in a very similar fashion to how Wally was Judo flipped, Superboy was thrown over Canary's shoulder and across the floor.

Status: FAIL

Robin was still a child in Kamila's eyes, one that grew up too fast and definitely shouldn't have been thrown into the world of being a hero at his age.

(That being said: Kamila, who was twelve years old when she got her powers, is also a hypocrite. But at least she was going through puberty when she first dawned her mask!)

So, Kamila couldn't be mad at the boy when he openly pointed and laughed at Superboy's failure. Though for the clone's sake, both she and Kaldur both shoved his shoulder to get him to stop.

Someone who didn't have an excuse for laughing, however, was Barry fucking Allen, who started to laugh and poorly hid it behind his fist.

Kamila leaned over and whispered to him, "I hope you know you're as mature as a thirteen-year-old, Barry."

The man simply shrugged, "and I'm comfortable with that." She gave Wally an exasperated look before she refocussed on the fight.

Superboy started growling like an angry wolf as he stood up, getting ready to charge at Canary. The blonde however didn't seem bothered in the slightest. "You're angry, good," she said "but don't react. Channel that anger into-"

The boy lunged. He attempted to make a grab for Canary, but she easily stepped onto his bent knee and used that leverage to flip herself over his shoulders. The clone attempted to swing his arm behind him and catch her off guard, but by then Canary had already landed and kicked his feet out from under him.

Status: FAIL

Robin had once again covered his mouth from laughing out loud, but Barry openly giggled at the scene. Which she of course elbowed him for.

"That's it!" Superboy exclaimed, anger lacing his words like nails on a chalkboard as he shrugged off Canary's hand from his shoulder, "I'm done!"

Dinah didn't look threatened or off-putted by his anger, instead, she calmly told the boy "Training is mandatory." The clone growled again like he was about to attack her, but then Batman's face appeared on the scene.

"Batman to the cave," his static gruff voice said and the heroes present moved in closer to hear what he had to say, "Five hours ago, a new menace attacked Green Arrow and Black Canary. The attacker was capable of studying then duplicating the powers and abilities of its opponents-"

A video appeared on the screen showing Superman being flung around in the circle, hitting away Red Tornado and Flash in the process. A scene Kamila remembered from earlier that day. A few seconds after it had shot the arrows with its new laser eyes, a flash of lightning hit the robot and it stood there unaffected.

Kamila grinned as Barry placed a hand on her shoulder in recognition and Wally looked at her with a questioning glance.

(Superboy glared at the interaction and had a scowl rested on his face.)

"-Arrow called in reenactments, which nearly proved disastrous as our foe gained more and more power with each new combatant."

"Whoa," Wally muttered, "one guy with the powers of the entire League?"

"I'm the end, it took eight leaguers four hours to defeat and dismantle the android, thanks to the help of Astra."

"Kami, you fought with the JLA, and defeated an android with all of their power?!" Wally stage whispered, and the older girl sent him a grin and mouthed 'I'll tell you later'.

Robin stepped forward, "an android?" He asked, "Who made it? T. O. Morrow?"

"Good guess Robin," the Bat praised, "but Red Tornado doesn't think so."

"The technology bears the signature of Professor Ivo," Martian Manhunter said.

Kaldur's face gained a lock of shock, "Ivo? But Ivo's dead!"

"So we all thought," Canary said, "or hoped."

And wasn't that just a morbid thought? They were supposed to be superheroes, no? Supposed to save lives and prevent as many deaths as possible, including those of their enemies.

Or so we hoped

Batman brought back the team's attention, "To make certain this threat is permanently neutralized we're sending two trucks carrying the android's parts to two separate Star Labs facilities in Boston and New York for immediate evaluation. Every precaution is being taken. We'll have four additional decoy trucks to create confusion in case Ivo or anyone tried to recover the remains." The map that had been showing the routes the truth would be taking disappeared, "You will split into undercover teams to safeguard the two real trucks."

"Yes!" Wally called out, holding a hand out for a high five by Kamila, who obviously obliged, "Road trip!"

Superboy seemed to have other ideas, "so now we have to take out your trash?"

The bat glared through the screen and the Clone seemed to shift uncomfortably, "you have  something better to do?" When he didn't get a response, the bat nodded and finally explained how Astra would have the coordinates already.

After the teams's dismissal, Kamila had immediately fizzled into the mountain's electric wiring and reappeared inside of the girl's changing room, where a slim-fitting biker's outfit was laid out for her.

Unlike M'gann, who didn't need to ever buy a change of clothes - stupid Martian shape-shifting powers made M'gann never need to buy new clothes. How unfair was that? - it was just her in the dressing room. She noticed the uniform was a blue fairly similar to her suit and had accent colours of a deeper blue throughout the uniform. She also noticed some details - like the knee and elbow padding - being a familiar yellow colour. The colour of either a yellow mustard bottle or of the Kid Flash uniform. The helmet was simple, but completely black with a thick blue lightning blot going down the sides, with thinner yellow and white lightning weaving in between.

She smiled at the uniform and began to change into it. The suit was really similar to the girl's uniform, just with thicker padding. Which honestly made little sense to Kamila. The bikes barely go a fraction of her top speed, so why does she need less protection when running faster than the speed of lightning?

She was about to put on her hero costume jacket when she heard a knock on the door. Curiously, she went to see who it was. M'gann was prepping the Bioship in the hanger to fit all the bikes inside, and she didn't need to change in the room with her so who...

"Wally?" The boy was already in his black, yellow and red assigned biking gear. He had a his helmet tucked under his arm and his eyes had a look of wonder in them.

Kamila never really thought she had a type. For her, it's always been Wally. Sure, she's dated people before (hell, she's still friends with most of them! Like Charlie Jackson, Silena Chase and Michael Fletcher for example.) and at one point... maybe she convinced herself that she loved them. But in reality, it's always been Wally. She's always had her heart set on him, as sappy as that sounds. But right now all she could think was...

holy fuck Wally is hot as a biker

Like, yeah, of course, she thought he was handsome. Mary and Rudy West make beautiful kids, case and point: her boyfriend. But something about the uniform Batman had provided them made his eyes stand out brighter. It made his hair more vibrant. It also made Kamila's heart skip a beat and her brain lag for a second as she looked at him. He was fucking smoking hot right now, and clearly she was panicking because of it.

She hadn't even noticed he walked into the dressing room with her until he began rambling about how the fight with the JLA went.

"How did you defeat the robot?! Did you save anyone?! Did something blow up?!"

The world returned to regular speed and she shook her head, "Wait, Wally, why are you in the girls changing room?"

The boy blushed and shrugged, "I don't know honestly... I just got curious about the fight earlier but I can just leave. I mean- do you want me to leave? Because I totally can-"

She shook her head and laughed, "No it's fine, it's just me in here anyways."

They'd subconsciously been taking steps closer and now they were toe to toe in the silent room. After last night under the stars, they snuck back into the house unnoticed by their families and hid from the party in her room upstairs, just like her mom told the girl not to do because she was a rebel. There, they sat on her bed and proceeded to talk about what their relationship would mean. Boundaries and such. They agreed not to tell anyone right away because it was still new to them. They didn't want the stress of people asking questions about things they didn't want to answer. When? How? Where? It all seemed like too much to deal with.

One of the rules was that they would try and be subtle about everything until they told people. Sure, they've always had a flirty dynamic and were super tactile with one another, but some things were pushing it. Like when they went down to grab food last night, Kamila felt her hand twitch to hold his but she kept overthinking it. It wasn't like her to overthink.

But she was overthinking about Wally, so she didn't mind.

He grabbed her hand and looked up at her, "Just so you know, you're the coolest person I know. I mean, you fought with the fucking justice league Kami... you're just plain awesome, babe."

Kamila smiled and pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth, "You're pretty awesome too Wally. Come on, we gotta get going. the team is probably waiting."


| Augest 8, 20:10 ECT

ASTRA, ROBIN AND Superboy were making their way to New York on their motorcycles. Compared to her running, they were going pretty slow and it honestly was kinda relaxing. Sure, the truck in front of them had parts of an overpowered copying machine that gave herself and the JLA a good fight, but something about the ride was almost relaxing.

"I'm getting a motorcycle," she said to Robin and Superboy, "like I've been saving up for like, College and University, but I could splurge on a bike for my seventeenth birthday."

Robin looked at her with a raised eyebrow, "You can beat the flash in a foot race and you want a motorcycle?"

She grinned, "hell yeah, gives me an excuse not to drive around my soccer team. 'Sorry guys! I came on my bike today!' Like I love those girls, but honestly, you'd think they'd have a ride to the mall after going every Friday for three years."

Robin gave her a weird look from under his glasses, "don't you usually go with them?" She nodded "Then why don't you drive with them?"

"Because Bird Wonder, I don't want Cady playing around with the music or Britney belting out the wrong lyrics to every song," she said, causing the boy Wonder to look at her in confusion before giving a small shrug as if expecting that answer.

The boy sped up and rode next to the super clone, "If like is the opposite of dislike, is aster the opposite of disaster?"

Superboy just kept staring at the road in front of him like it insulted his mother.

...does Superboy have a mother?

"Instead of everything going wrong, it goes right!" The clone didn't react, "You clearly aren't feeling the aster, what's wrong?"

"Canary. What right does she have teaching a guy with super strength how to fight?" He growled out.

"Canary is used to fighting guys a lot bigger than herself, SB" Kamila said, "and even if you have super strength there could always be someone stronger."

Robin nodded, "plus, taking down bigger guys is part of the gig. Canary knows that from first-hand experience, same with Batman, and well, me."

Kamila's bike suddenly swerved as she felt an unexpected pulse of electricity from the side of the road. what every they were, they were small maybe only a foot tall, but there was a lot of them. They were further down the road, but there was no way she could shut them all off before they attacked.

She pressed her hand to the comm in her ear, "Aqualad, potential attack on our end, be prepared for-"

From the fields ahead of them, a dozen green robotic monkeys started to swarm the trucks. Her comm beeped and Aqualad had given her the expected answer of  "Our truck is under attack! Had you been informed of the decoys?"

"No, they knew which trucks had the parts!"

She heard a growl and saw a Superboy's bike crash into Robin's just after he shot a grapple at the truck. She put the bike on auto drive and took off running.

The girl stopped on the top of the vehicle and focused on shutting off the monkeys. At one point Super Boy had been tossed off the top of the car and blinded. Robin had taken out his Escrima Sticks and began hitting the robots away, and Kamila followed suit by taking out her bo-staff.

Two of the monkeys had managed to pop the tiers and the car wasn't able to maintain course. As it skidded from side to side Kamila used her powers to appear in the front seat. The man was startled but easily let her grab him and run. She had to put focus on not letting off too much power, because if she did the man would be electrocuted. So, she ended up tripping and the two of them rolled into the field surrounding them, not too far away from Robin.

Kamila walked the driver back to the road and after making sure he wasn't injured, turned back to see Superboy jumping after the monkeys who were holding up a crate between them.

"Shit," she muttered and pressed a hand to her comm, "Aqualad, we lost the package. Do you guys have any more luck?"

The comm was silent for a second then her second in command's voice came through "We lost it as well."

"Shit," she repeated, then she noticed that her group was still missing a certain angry clone. "Superboy, where are you? We can come and help get the-"

An angry voice interrupted her, "I don't need help! I want need any!" The girl hissed at not only the volume but at the feeling she got when the comm hit the ground.

Which was pretty weird. Considering the fact she wasn't a... technopath or technology psychic or whatever, and the girl knew she couldn't feel technology the way Miss M could feel people's pain. But still, she could feel the comm his the road from miles away. Like a poke on her brain.

"Fuck okay yeah he definitely ditched his comm," the girl cursed.

"Super!" Her boyfriend's voice said through the comm, "now we can't even track him!"

"He's out of my telepathic range" Miss Martian said from the other side of the comm, "this...Professor Ivo, if he is alive, seems to be two steps ahead of us. Maybe... we should contact Red Tornado?"

"No, we can't," Astra spoke as she tried to scan the sky with once again her electric blue eyes for any trace of the missing cargo, "RT is always telling us to handle shit on our own, we just gotta adjust focus. Try and keep the parts from being put back together and we go back to the cave successful."

"Great idea Sparky," KF started, "but uh, small problem, we don't know where to look!"

Kamila blinked away the lightning vision (she really needed to come up with names for her powers, it's been years) and looked down at the scattered monkeys that her and Robin had hit to the road. She looked over at the boy wondering and they seemed to have the same idea.

"Maybe we do," the younger boy said.

He pulled a wire from his holo computer and plugged it into the back of the money where six import plugs were. He began hacking into the monkey's GPS system.

"We would've been alerted if the decoys were attacked right? So the monkeys knew to attack specifically these trucks?" The boy wonder asked rhetorically, "Yes! The parts have GPS! The monkeys can track the signal, which means I can track them with the one I captured!"

"I'm pretty sure I hit this one, but sure, you can take my credit," Kamila joked, causing the boy wonder to rolling his eyes underneath his glasses.

"Sure, the one you captured," he said, "looks like both sets of parts are converging on... Gotham City..."

He said the name of his home city just above a whisper. Dick is a good kid with a big heart, it's why he's such a great hero to the people of Gotham. The boy cares deeply about the city he's come to know as his home, just like Kamila cares about Central City. On multiple occasions, the two original 'sidekicks' (although they both preferred the term partner) had talked about how the younger boy felt bad for how much his city goes through and because of Batman's honestly ridiculous 'No Metas In Gotham' rule, the two rarely had any sort of backup unless it was desperately needed.

And don't be fooled, Batman's definition of desperate is very different than Kamila's. All of Arkham's top one hundred villains could be set free and the Joker could be threatening to blow up the city, and the Dark Knight would have to debate with himself whether or not to get a few members of the league involved.

Kamila put a hand on the boy's shoulder in sympathy, and Kaldur's voice brought he back to the present. "That far south? M'gann and I won't get there any time soon."

Kamila easily responded, "send Kid to meet us, and on your way back get the Bioship ready to transport the android afterwards."

"Roger that, Aqualad out."

Kamila helped Dick up to his feet and he swung the monkey over his shoulder, looking over the scattered pieces of robotic monkeys.

"So boy wonder, you want me to give you a piggy back ride?" Kamila asked with a smirk.

Dick shook his head, "yeah after last time? Never again."

"Oh come on!" She shoved his shoulder, "you had fun! Plus, Barry and B totally forgave us after that little blackout!"

The boy glared at her, "dude, you call that a little blackout? The entire country lost power for five hours!"

"Nobody was even awake! It was like, four in the morning when everything turned back on, nobody even noticed," she lied easily, they most definitely did notice. The government thought all of the country's entire electric grids has simultaneously collapsed, or that the country was hit by some sort of magical spell.

The boy wonder rolled his eyes at her, "whatever. Is your bike nearby?"

The older girl just tilted her head as the bike she had been searching for with her power slowed to a stop. She grinned and popped open the seat where a small compartment with Robin's and her own suit inside.

The boy wonder grabbed his suit and raised an eyebrow, "when did you get a copy of my suit?"

Kamila grabbed her own suit and gave him a simple explanation, "B told me to be ready in case we got attacked, gave me and Kaldur a copy of yours and KF's suits just in case."

M'gann didn't need a suit because of her abilities to shape shift and Superboy's uniform was a simple t-shirt and jeans which he wore under the biker uniform. But for Astra, Auqalad, Kid Flash and Robin, they would have to physically change so they could wear their uniforms. Be that because of the masks, equipment, capes or weaponry being too bulky and obvious form their respective civilian uniforms.

The two young heroes element to opposite sides of the road and a little ways into the wheat fields changed into their superhero attire. Kamila had always wanted an easier way for her uniform to be put on. She works with two of the fasted men in the world, and she herself is arguably the fastest woman on earth, but their speed was different. While Barry and Wally could do everyday tasks at super speed and think as fast as they moved, Kamila had to settle for doing everything at a slow paced. She could run at the speed of light if she needed to, but ask her to use her speed to do something as simple as clean some dishes or her room? She would have to settle for a normal pace.

It made her feel normal sometimes, distracted her from the constant buzzing of electricity and technology around her. But, sometimes she wish she could do everything at super speed, not just run.

Kamila relied solely on her instincts when she ran. They were as sharp as a knife and she was skilled enough with the blade to know how and when she can use it to her advantage. It was a knife in her back pocket that Kamila used whenever she ran through the countryside or spared with the Flash in flashes of movement at mock three speeds. So, as Astra and Robin were running down the street with the boy wonder on her bike at its top speed, she could sense the yellow speedster from the flecks of lightning trailing behind him. Miles before either hero could see of hear him.

He slowed to match her pace as he stood between his two best friends, "so you changed too?" Robin asked.

"You kidding?" Her boyfriend faked a shiver, "I feel naked in civvies. You guys still tracking the parts?"

Astra nodded, "yeah, we're definitely getting closer too, I can sense them again. That shifting power source is so annoying and hard to ignore. They were heading through Gotham but now... it's weird, Rob?"

"They veered," he explained, then in a moment of realization he spoke, "wait. guys, they're at my school!"

They shared a look, and Astra came up with an idea, "when we get into the city I'll used the power lines and get there faster, try and hold the copycat while you guys make your way over."

Wally looked at the girl with a look that was filed with either pride or amazement and disbelief, "You're gonna fight the android with powers from eight heavy hitters on the JLA?"

She smirked and gave him a wink, "hurry then, will you?"

Robin had chosen to ignore the flirting as the trio turned the bend, focusing on the GPS and his driving rather than the two teens he was convinced were oblivious.

Of course, he was wrong about the assumptions that Wally and Kamila were oblivious to the flirting. The boy wonder himself was simply oblivious to the fact the flirting wasn't just playful anymore.

As they entered the outskirts of the city, Kamila disappeared into the electric currents around her, leaving a lighting blot burn mark on the cement as she traveled.

Seconds later, Astra reappeared in a gymnasium and Superboy was launched through the third story wall and to the floor just in front of her. She offered the boy a hand which he accepted with a grunt. Then, as the android jumped down the the floor level, a slow clap rang though the empty gym.

"I don't usually attend these things in person," the creepy old voice started, with two monkeys sitting at his side, "but, heh heh, this was too go to miss..."

"Ivo," Astra glared at the man, but a robotic voice cut her off.

"Access, Superman."

Hearing the name of his original DNA donor seemed to anger the clone, and he flew at the android in a blind rage. Astra was nearly caught off guard by the strength he put into his first step as the gym floor caved in and splintered. He put all his power into the punch and before the girl could react, the android followed back with its own set of hits.

Astra surged forward as the robot hit Superboy to the ground, not waiting for an opening in his defences and instead making her own, hoping to buy time for Kid Flash and Robin to get inside the school and possibly help the duo out.

When she eventually got close enough to touch the robot like she had done earlier that day, the bot went intangible and stared at her for a short second, like it was trying to analyze her.

Oh shit. She thought, as the robot eyes began to scan and analyze her to mimic her powers. It must've not gotten the chance to earlier that day given the hectic attacks from her... bosses? Crime Fighting Superiors? Her personal fantasy team?

Astra felt the familiar tingle of speedster lightning and kinetic energy as Kid Flash entered the building, and the energy signature of her bike was just outside.

The android began to speak again, "Accessing, Ast- Acsess Martian Manhunter." It interrupted itself as Robin threw two bird-a-rangs at its head, and they exploded on the floor behind the girl.

"Yoink!" Kid Flash yelped as he grabbed Astra by her waist and moved her next to the boy wonder, where Superboy also stood. She raised a questioning eyebrow under her cowl-like mask which he shrugged in response to.

"Access Red Tornado"

Without a moments notice, the group was spilt into two by the forceful winds that simulated their den mother's powers. Astra felt her back painfully hit the wall as she and noticed the yellow suit of Kid Flash land on the floor next to her. The floor in which she quickly fell too.

Before she could get up, the android spoke again.

"Access, Captain Atom."

It raised a robotic hand and Kamila pushed Wally out of the way without a second thought. Could feel the energy build up in its palm the second before it fired.

Captain Atom could absorb any kind of energy signatures. From normal energy you see in cities or Mount Justice, to nuclear radiation, to magical energy released by the many Homo Magi users on the justice team and by their enemies. And, as Kamila had learned though years of training and in some cases unfortunate experiences, she can take a blare of nuclear energy and walk away with a few burns along her arms that simply itch like a sunburn for months afterwards. Though if she over powers the nuclear energy with her own...

Well she had no fucking idea what would happen! But, might as well try right?

She raised her arms and just as the robot shot out its attack, Astra fired back one of her own. As lightning coursed down her arm and into a thick bolt of pure electric voltage, the energy blast from the android weakened.

Only slightly, but enough to impress the scientist watching and the girl sneakily looking through the window. Her teammates also looked slightly shocked at the desperate display of power from the girl, but regained composure as the robot went intangible.

"Access, Martian Manhunter."

Astra took that moment as an opening to grab kid flash and run underneath the bleachers to their left. As Kid Flash quickly regained his senses, he dashed around the corner with her, only to be met by the screeching cry of a Black Canary wannabe. As he collapsed to the floor, Astra placed her hands over her heads and dropped to one knee with a sharp hiss.

When she stood back up, the android had activated another one of Martian Manhunter's powers and he had extended his arms enough to smash them into the bleachers.

She went to change him, but by the time she took off, Wally was already in its grasp, with both arms wrapped around his waist. Wally screamed out in pain at the pressure that his ribs were feeling.

"Access, Superman."

Kamila saw red- well, blue.

She hadn't noticed the arrow that had been shoot from the window, causing the robot to go intangible and drop the speedster on the floor in a heap.

She heard the boom of thunder outside as a lightning bolt shattered the window and hit the android directly. By then, Kid Flash had already ran away from the danger zone and took temporary cover off to the side.

Astra's eyes went blue, but without the yellow sparks and blots they usually had when they went changed. It made a difference. Instead of seeing the electric working inside, she saw the coding. The programming. She could see chain reactions going off inside of the robot at speeds so fast if it weren't for all her training it would've been impossible to look at it without getting dizzy.

She read a line of code just before it happened in real time. But she blinked and it was gone,"Accessing, Astra."

Imagine you walk into a room with a robot version of yourself, one that can do everything you can but has the perks of not needing to satisfy basic human needs, like breathing, eating and sleeping. Now imagine that robot doppelgänger was a buff ginger elf looking thing and was actively trying to kill you and your friends. Seeing a robot summon a lightning bolt and directing it straight to Super Boy and Robin as she stood in front of Kid Flash - just like she would - was beyond trippy.

She had managed to direct the attack back at herself and absorb it before it could harm them, it was her element after all, but then to robot did something that she's never seen happen before. The android flicked his inorganic wrist and Robin's holocomputer began to rapidly roll through lines of hacking code, like ones you'd see in movies.

The boy's eyes widened and he began typing. After a second of unsuccessfully strengthening the fire wall, he simply smashed his gauntlet and looked wide eyed at both Astra and the Android.

"What the..." he muttered, but was interrupted by a high pitched scream. Astra and Robin had been too focused on the gauntlet problem that they forgot they were in a fight. They were distracted in a fight. Them out of all people.

Ivo gained an impressed look on his face as he looked at Astra, to which the girl glared back. He was looking at her like her just figured out something she didn't even know. Like she's just woken up with sharpie marks all over her face and didn't notice. Ivo laughed before he spoke to the four teens, "See, Amazo has copied powers and abilities of members of the Justice League. And aside from the girl, you all are just... such poor copies of the original," he let out a sadistic laugh, "and Amazo having copied her powers, I have you all matched!"

Super Boy didn't fair well being called a simple copy. Kamila knew the clone had issues with Superman and how the clone didn't like being reduced to just that, a clone of an extraordinary hero. Astra, as team leader wanted him to at least try and show respect to the JLA dispute this, to at least try and see it from the man's point of view. But as Kamila, she fully agrees that Superman should step up. She agrees that he is more than just a clone.

But again, as Astra, she had to hold back on slapping the boy as he broke out into a fit of rage. One that might just be a cover for a strategy...

"So I've been told!" The clone yelled, standing up and making his way to Ivo, "and it makes my angry! You wanna see me channel that anger?!"

Kid Flash speed to Astra side, dodging the laser eyes shot his way by Amazo. "Oh great," he started, "he's gone ballistic again!"

Kamila noticed the robot had accessed her powers once again and shoved Wally out of the way as she tried to re direct them. Robin pulled out some explosives and threw them at Amazo to pause his attack.

"Maybe not..." the boy wondered muttered as Super Boy continued to attack the professor. Ivo tried his best to get away from the lumbering clone but ultimately shouted out for Amazo to change priorities to protect him.

The monkeys lifted the creepy man into the air as Amazo assessed Captain Atom's powers and shot a blast toward Super Boy.

Astra smirked and shut off the flying robots with a preceded shot of lightning, causing the man to fall. The girl called out to Robin who was next to where the man would land, "Robin! Wanna play keep away?!"

The boy grinned and with a roundhouse kick sent the man to Kid Flash, "hell yeah!"

KF grinned, "oh! Oh! I wanna play!" He ran towards Ivo and the android locked on the fast moving speedster.

"Acsess, Superman."

Amazo slammed his foot into the ground, which caused a ripple like effect to take place across the floor as it broke. Kid Flash had to jump over Ivo with a flip to avoid the attack, and Robin threw two batarangs at its body, making it call soon Martian Manhunter's abilities.

Of course, the group had planed for this and Superboy threw his fit at the robot. Kamila smirked as the android clearly sensed the attack and tried to access Superman's powers. It was futile though, as the clone's fist was inside of its head and all the android caused was its head to explode.

Astra quickly fizzled into the robot and made shut it was completely shut off, not wanting to take any chances. Robin was at the robot's side as she reappeared, and Wally slid to a stop at her side like he was drawn to a magnet.

"Help me dismantle it!" Robin shouted, and Kamila would've moved to help if Wally hadn't put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her back when she moved.

"Dude," the ginger said flatly, "it has no head."

Kamila smirked and the doors to the gym flew open with Kaldur and M'gann running in. The Atlantean had heard Wally's comment apparently, because he immediately shouted, "don't take any chances!"

Kamila elbowed the boy lightly and the two of them moved to help dismantle Amazo. The girl noticed from the corner of her eye that M'gann had gone over to Superboy and helped him off the floor.

"Are you okay?" The Martian asked with a worried tone in her voice, but her nerves were reassured by the smile the young boy sent her way.

"I'm fine," he said reassuringly, then looked over at Robin and Kamila, the former was already looking his way, "feeling the aster."

The girl grinned at Robin who had looked up once his word was mentioned, but his face contorted into confusion as he looked around.

"Guys... where's Ivo?"


| August 4, 01:07 EDT

When they had finally returned to the mountain late into the night - or early into the morning, however you see it. Kamila had just finished the debrief of the fight, and Kaldur gave his squad's perspective as well. Superboy supplied what had happened on the train after he left. Standing infront of them were Red Tornado, Black Canary, Green Arrow, Martian Manhunter, and Batman. Kamila at first assumed Barry had simply gone home, but she could sense the elder speedster zipping around the cave. He would stop once in a while behind Batman and make a silly face, to get her and Wally's attention.

He then held up a big belly burger bag and Zataed away. While Kaldur finished explaining that outside of the school him and M'gann had found broken monkey androids, Wally nudged Kamila and the two had an under pass through them.

It was a tradition now that after every mission as a team - including the July Fourth incident- that the two teen were apart of, they'd have a celebratory chat and big belly burger on the ledge of the tallest building in central.

"So yeah," Kamila concluded, "Amazo's disassembled again. We made sure they got to star labs, and there was no interruptions after that."

Kaldur added, "but Ivo did escape."

Kamila nodded, "yeah and that guy is probably more dangerous, like he made Amazo and everything."

"Capturing the professor will be a league priority," Canary explained, and Manhunter Continued, "but we understand your mission encountered... other complications."

Kamila subconsciously looked over at Superboy as his crossed arms tensed. She blinked and looked back to Batman as he took a step forward. "Complications come with the job," the dark night explained, "your ability to handle them have impressed the league."

Superboy looked up at Batman and asked "the whole league?"

"Given time, yes," the Bat responded, "as you know, kryptonians are very thick-headed."

The clone wore a Ghost of a smile on his face and Batman continued, "of course there is no change in asking for help, that's why the league exists. Because there's some problems even we came solve individually."

Robin scowled next to her at his mentor's words, "please, even if we needed help we'd never get the change to ask!" He pulled out the arrow from earlier in the fight, "You were following us! Babysitting! You still don't trust us!"

Green arrow steps forward and grabbed the shaft of the arrow and pulled out one of his own. There was a clear difference between the two point. Batman easily responded, "we didn't follow you."

Robin pipped down as he looked at the two arrows, "and that's not your arrow... but that means-!"

Uh oh, they're jumping to conclusions, Kamila thought as Wally exclaimed "Speedy!"

Kaldur gave a small smile, "he has our backs," he said as Wally zipped over to the arrow and grabbed it from the archer's hand.


Kamila looked at Batman and Green Arrow, and raised an eyebrow when they noticed her questioning look. They both responded with silent masked look in return and Arrow's eyebrows furrowed in what the girl could only assume was frustration.

So it's not Roy. Plus, his whole colour scheme is red black and ginger (granted that's just his hair colour) now, she remembers him mentioning over text once, and especially after storming out of the Hall like he did there's no reason for him to be using the same arrows as his former mentor.

So who...?


| August 4, 02:38 CST

WALLY HAD JUST left the roof top so he could run back home in keystone before three in the morning. Which left Barry and Kamila sitting on the ledge of the skyscraper with emptied bags of fast food that they weighted down with a few rock so they wouldn't blow away.

Kamila looked over at Barry, who had pulled down his cowl much like she had, and remembered something she wanted to mention. Something that had happened whilst fighting Amazo....

"Hey Barry," the older man looked over at her, "I um... I think we might have missed something in my training, or I developed a new power or something..."

Barry fully turned to face the girl, "what do you mean?"

She went in the explain how she could physically see electricity if she focused hard enough, and explained how she did it while fighting Amazo yesterday with the JLA. She also mentioned how on the mission she could read the lines of code going through Amazo's mechanical head. How when she shut the android down the first time, she could see though its eyes. Kamila also decided to mention how after Amazo copied her power, Robin's holo computer was immediately getting hacked, resulting in the boy destroying it.

Once she finished explaining, Barry had a thoughtful look on his face.

"So?" She asked, "what do you think?"

"Hold on I'm thinking," he responded, running a hand though his blonde hair in though - something Wally probably picked up from him now that she thinks about it.

"Don't hurt yourself," Kamila joked and Barry smirked and rolled his eyes.

"I honestly don't know Kace," he eventually said, "it sounds like you could be developing new powers... but I honestly don't know what I can do to help you train them. I don't have any tech based powers, but I can ask some of the leaguers, maybe Batman and Red Tornado would know how to help?"

She nodded, accepting that answer and Barry looked at her with again with a smile, "I'm really proud of you Kace."

Kamila turned to look at him with skeptical look as he continued, "Honestly, I don't think I can teach you anymore about being a hero. You've improved so much since you first got your powers... I mean, you're leading a team that's going to be the next generation of heroes, and you're doing it well," Kamila felt his hand on her shoulder and he continued, "you are amazing, Kace. The rest of the league is saying the same thing as I am, we're all impressed by how far you've come,"

He paused for a second, "Remember when Roy left the hall? What he said?"

Kamila furrowed her eye brows and nodded, "yeah, he told me and the guys that we aren't ready, then asked if u wanted to go solo with him two seconds later."

The man nodded, "yeah, well Roy is wrong, okay? You are ready."

Kamila smiled at him. She was going to say something but noticed that Barry was now standing and offering her a hand to take. She obliged and stood up with him.

Barry placed one hand on her shoulder and raised his left hand as if taking an oath.

"you look really dumb right now," Kamila joked, and Barry just glared at her.

"Fine, then you raise your left hand too," Kamila rolled her and grinned as she complied, "great now we look dumb together!" The girl looked down and laughed, quickly composing herself as she looked back up at him, "I, Barry Allen, the second Flash, fastest man alive and beloved hero of Central City, hereby declare Kamila Carter, Astra, the girl faster then lightning and my Partner, officially graduated from the Flash Mentorship Program."

Kamila snorted as they put down their hands, "The Flash Mentorship Program? What does that even mean?"

Barry mainly ignored the question - except for the quick smile he flashed her, "You're ready for big things Kace. I honestly can't teach you anything more than I already have, you noticed things about yourself and your powers that were a strength or weakness in combat and found ways to work with and around them. So as the founder of the Flash Mentorship Program, you're officially no longer my protégée."

Kamila's smile dropped and she felt her face covered into a look of confusion, "Barry what are you saying?"

"Really? I thought I was being obvious? Kace, I can't call you my protégée anymore. You've outgrown being under my wing. I know you have doubts about going completely solo, so I have an offer I think we'd both like," Kamila raised an eyebrow and Barry smirked, "I officially I want to ask you, would you like to be my partner? Be equals in the eyes of both our teams."

Kamila was sort of blindsided by the request. She didn't really know how to explain it, but in her mind she compared this to the Green Lanterns' partnership. Hal John and Guy were the only green lanterns on earth, and despite being heroes in their own right, everyone understood that the three of them had a partnership where despite Guy not being in the JLA, or the three of them living in different cities, they could always rely on each other if need be.

In the spans of twenty four hours, Kamila fought an android with the Justice League, fought the same robot again with her own team, discovered she might have more powers then anticipated, told by her (now former?) mentor that she's out grown his teaching, and was offered an unofficial-official partnership by the man she considers a brother.

Kamila smiled, and gave him her answer.


Word count: 12035 (holy FUCK that's so long for this episode)

Extra long chapter I wrote over the last few daysss!!!
I got to the training part and was already at like 4.6k words, so I fucking KNEW this chapter was gonna be long and ik i hate it when ppl just cut episodes in half or join them together so yeah

Lmao anyways I went driving for the first time the other day and kinda hit a pole so that was fun! After that I got bored and like, basically finished planing out half of s1 (like up to disordered without the comics stuff or any bonus...)  and wrote half this! So yeah! Drive safe everyone!

"Superboy started growling like an angry wolf" i MIGHT have called him a furry in this line but idk soo la vou

Also here's a hight chart of the current team for ppl wondering

Lil Robin is a short acrobatic king and we love it <3
Also the site automatically assumed I was talking about a child so his silhouette is like- slightly different which I find hilarious lmfao

I'm so proud if my girl Kami like omfg YOU GO BABES I BELIEVE IN YOU!!!! But like, I'm not in this fic so I made Barry say it for me <3

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WELCOME OLD AND NEW READERS, I hope you like my new and improved story! You meet the team after helping them fight the Injustice league with your li...
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Raegan Is a 9 year old girl with a vast amount of power and the daughter of two Justice league members. After convincing her parents that she's ready...
8.8K 347 25
Young Justice Fanfic ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rewritten ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Noire is a superhero tha...
6.3K 130 17
[A Sequel to A Siren's Call] Five years after the team saved the Justice League from mind-control, life is crazier than ever. Siren has a lot of burd...