Just A Little Time... (Steven...

By Url0calgr3as3r

944 16 2

Steven Universe... son of the one and only, Rose Quartz. Also known as Pink Diamond. Steven grew up wanting t... More

Gem Glow
Laser Light Cannon
Cheeseburger Backpack
Together Breakfast
Who Am I?/Cat Fingers
You Know Her?/Bubble Buddies
Brush It Off/Serious Steven
Tiger Millionaire and Ruthless Ruler
Steven's Lion
Glowing Again/Arcade Mania
Giant Woman
So Many Birthdays
Lars and the Cool Kids/Luminae?
Onion Trade/Do You Have Time?
Steven the Sword Fighter
Beach Party
Rose's Room
Coach Steven
Joking Victim
Tell Me More!/Steven and the Stevens
Monster Buddies
Mirror Gem

Lion 2: The Movie

16 0 0
By Url0calgr3as3r

Now playing...

We... are the crystal gems
We'll always save the day
And if you think we can't
We'll always find a way
-        That's why the people of this world        -
Believe in
And Pearl
And Steven! (And Y/N!)


The following preview has been APPROVED for ALL AUDIENCES by the official motion picture board of movies, Inc.

A whole city was lit up by flames as sirens were heard wailing in the background.

Some people say...

Helicopters were being flown by people. A man who seems angered is shown flying the nearest one.

You can't teach...

A big robot-like machine shooted red lasors out of the red circle thing on its face.

An old dog...

A brown dog is shown, looking upwards at the robot-like machine.

New tricks...

The helicopters were still flying in the air as a red lazor shone down on them, making all of them explode.

Unless you're...

The brown dog looked up at a human girl who was crossing her arms and smirking. The brown dog looked the other way, and a helicopter propeller came out of its back, spinning, which made the sand around them blow away.

The dog furrowed its eyebrows.

Dogcopter 3 in 3D.

Dogcopter flew around the ruined city and towards the machine that was making everything explode. Dogcopter turned around, lifted its tail, and a missile came out of its butt, hitting the robot.

This February, the fur hits the fan.

Okay, now it's time to back up a bit. Steven invited Connie over to the temple because Connie wanted to show him something. Originally, I wanted to leave to go somewhere alone since I didn't want to bother them, but Steven made me stay.

Connie and I were introduced to each other, and she honestly seems like a nice person. No wonder Steven fell for her.

"Whoa! I can see why this is your favorite film franchise!" Steven awed. We were sitting on stools as Connie fixed her glasses. "That's right. In a word where humanity is pushed to the brink, it turns out that the one who is most human is a dog... copter," Connie told us, tapping on her phone.

"And did you guys see where that missile came out of?!" Steven said, throwing his arms in the air. Ew, Steven. That's gross how you only paid attention to that part. God, this guy needs help.

Connie laughed a little. "Yeah..." She said, blushing a little. Wait... COULD IT BE? Does Connie like Steven... too? Dang, there goes my hope. Might as well let fate decide what happens... I guess.

I brushed off the jealousy and paid attention to what they were saying. "I just hope it stays faithful to the book," Connie said, looking at the floor. Then, a bright light came from the warp pad. YAY, GEMS!

Connie gasped as we all looked at the warp pad. "Ah...." Connie awed. "The gems are back," Steven explained to Connie. Finally, this won't be so awkward since I never said anything during this conversation.

Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst were standing there doing poses. I enjoyed Amethyst's pose a lot. We all hopped off of the stools and walked towards the gems.

"Greetings," Garnet greeted. Pearl opened her eyes a little and saw Connie. "Oh! W-well, hello, Connie! What a surprise to see you!" Pearl greeted. At least I'm not the only one who's awkward.

"We're gonna watch a movie about a wacky flying dog! And Y/N's coming too!" Steven said. "I'm what now?" I asked. Steven brushed off my question, still going along with his plan.

"Show them, Connie!" Steven commanded as Connie restarted the video and stepped closer to the gems who were now closer to us. "I mean, it's about much more than that," Connie said as she showed them the video.

The dog in the video barked. "Oh, that's easy," Amethyst said with her hands on her hips. Amethyst shapeshifted into a dogcopter and started flying upwards. Connie seemed shocked. "WHA?" She said.

"Who needs to go see movies when you've got magic?!" Amethyst, as a dogcopter said, sung. She then shapeshifted her head into a boom box, and up-tempo music began to play.

I laughed a little as Garnet nodded her head, making sense the music was catchy. Pearl looked away, annoyed. "Aw, stop showing off, Amethyst," Steven said with half-lidded eyes.

"Connie promises this movie's even better than any magic!" Steven said, looking at Connie. "I did not say that..." Connie said, probably flustered from embarrassment.

"And check this out! We got our own snacks!" Steven said, walking over to where his cheeseburger backpack is and the snacks. Oh, great, now we're sneaking things in.

"My parents say I'm not allowed to buy snacks at the theater. So, we're not buying anything at the theater," Connie said. This is some MASTERMIND stuff right here. Cut the feed. This stuff is terrible.

Amethyst shapeshifted her head back into her own head, and her body remained as a dogcopter. "Nom noms!" Amethyst said as she flew over to the food Steven gestured towards.

"FEED ME!" Amethyst said in a demonic voice. Steven protected the snacks from Amethyst. "Hands off, Amethyst! These are for Connie, Y/N, and me to share at the movie," Steven told Amethyst.

Oh, he really wants me to come. Eh, what's the harm? "Speaking of which, how are we getting to the theater? It's kind of far," Connie told us. I smirked and crossed my arms.

"Lion's call," I whispered to Steven. Steven nodded and zipped up the backpack, putting it on his back. "Don't worry. We've got it covered. Today, we're gonna travel in style," Steven told Connie, putting his arm on the counter.


We were now outside as Steven introduced Lion to Connie. "Introducing the finest in luxury transportation... Lion!" Steven said as Lion moved his head to the side to get a look at Connie. He then yawned and laid down.

I touched Lion's mane and complimented him. "Aww, aren't you the cutest lion in town?" I complimented as Lion leaned into my touch. I awed at that. "Aw, you little goofball," Steven said, putting his face and arms on his mane.

"Hands off, Steven. He's mine," I told Steven. Steven backed up a bit. "You have a pet lion?!" Connie asked, looking at Lion. I looked at her and nodded. "Lion is sort of like a pet. He does his own thing most of the time, though," Steven told Connie, putting his back against his mane.

I scowled at that. He's MINE. I was the one who stayed up the whole night, practicing his language so that I'd understand what he's saying. I even have a piece of paper in my pocket right now.

He's usually an inappropriate lion, but it's fine. Lion chomped on some gem creature. "Woah..." I said as I looked at the now-deas creature on the sand. "See? Who knows where he got that?" Steven said, giving an example.

"Lion's like nature. He's wild," I said, trying to sound inspirational. Connie laughed a little. "Wow, guys. Everything in your lives is so awesome and magical. The most exciting thing in my life is tennis practice," Connie said, picking up a stick.

Connie got into position, holding the stick as if it were a tennis racket. "Forehand! Backhand! Overhead death strike!" Connie said, moving her stick in different ways as she announced those words.

I awed. The last one looked so cool! "Whoa! Tennis is rad!" Steven complimented. "Well, I made up that last one," Connie admitted, looking at the stick.

"Could you... um.. maybe teach me how to play... someday?" I asked, blushing from how embarrassing I am. "Oh! Sure! I'd love to!" Connie said, smiling at me. She really is nice and pretty and cool. Overall, awesome.

Lion snarled, catching our attention. "I think Lion says we should hurry up and go. Or maybe he was just yawning. I looked at the piece of paper and searched for the word snarl. It might slap you.

I looked straight ahead and then back at Lion. "Don't do it, please," I begged. "Anyway, let's go to the movie!" Steven said, throwing his arms in the air.

Lion let us get on his back, Connie wrapped her arms around Steven as I wrapped my arms around Connie. Don't take it that way, though. I'm not bi... maybe.

"And we're off!" Steven said happily as Connie seemed scared. "There's nothing to be afraid of, Lion is a kind animal!" I reassured Connie. "Okay, then..." Connie said.

Lion stood still. "Uhh... Lion, I want you to take us to the movie," Steven commanded. Lion didn't comply. "Okay, you're not listening to me," Steven said. He chuckled nervously, probably embarrassed.

"Lion isn't trained very well. But I'm not trained very well either, so we're a -" Before Steven could continue his sentence, Lion immediately roared and began running into town, making all of us yelp from shock.

We all laughed from how fast Lion was going. Lion then made a sharp turn and ran towards the ocean. Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle. He doesn't want to slap us. He wants to drown us. I might need to make a change on the paper.

"Wait, Lion! Don't go in the ocean!" Steven told Lion. Lion stopped in front of the ocean before jumping, making us scream. Instead of falling deep into the ocean, Lion was... standing on water?

What kind of conspiracy theory is this? "You can walk on water? Why don't you tell me you can do these things you do?!" Steven asked Lion. Oh, yeah, just cast a spell on him. That oughta open his darn mouth and speak.

Lion ran on the water, making splashed in every step he took. Two seagulls flew beside us. We saw a ship at sea, so Steven decided to confuse them. "Heyo!" Steven said, waving st the confused people.

We all burst out laughing once we left them alone. Connie looked back at the city. "Uh... are you sure he knows where he's going?" Connie asked Steven. "Maybe it's a shortcut?" Steven said, making it sound more like a question.

Lion then roared loudly, making a portal appear in front of us. "Woah, this is pretty cool," I said before screaming with the other two. Lion jumped inside of the portal, teleporting us somewhere.

We were in this blue area as Lion flew towards somewhere. We kept screaming as we held onto Lion for dear life. "Has he ever done this?!" Connie asked Steven.

"No, this is new!" Steven replied. We then teleported somewhere unfamiliar. Lion landed on his feet before sitting down and making us fall on the water. Steven shook his head as I tried drying my hair. Eh, it looked pretty cool wet.

Are you guys okay?" Steven asked us. I shrugged my shoulders. "That was really cool," Connie replied quietly. Lion roared quietly, catching our attention. I pulled out my sheet of paper only to see that it was SOGGY.

"GOD D- Okay guys, I think Lion wants us to get up there," I said, stopping myself before I could cuss. I sadly folded the paper and put it inside my pocket again. Twelve hours of work for nothing.

"Lion! Wait, where are you going?!" Steven asked as we walked up the stairs. Connie bumped into Steven, putting her hands on his shoulders. I felt jealous, but I brushed it off.

"Whoa!" Connie awed. "Is this one of those... magic gem places that you've told me about?" Connie asked Steven. Suddenly, while walking into some circle, the circle glowed white with a pink outline.

The glow then became smaller and smaller before glowing atop something. "Yep. Magic gem place," Steven confirmed. "So... there's no fight? Lucky us," I said as we walked closer to the thing on the floor, which grew to be a stand.

"Lion, normally I'm all about this stuff, but this is not the movies," Steven told Lion. There was a pink button on the stand with some rose detail on it. Lion roared quietly once more.

"What does that mean, Lion? What does that even mean?" Steven asked twice. Connie crouched down and touched the stand. "What if he brought you here for a reason?" Connie assumed.

"Well, maybe, but if we don't hurry, we're gonna miss the commercials, and then we might miss the previews, and we still have to find the perfect seats, near the front but not too close," Steven said as Connie put his hand on the button.

We all gasped once the circle lit up once more. "Hey, I think it likes you!" Connie said, looking around. Steven tried taking his hand off of the stand, but it wouldn't budge.

Steven then screamed, panicking. "My hands stuck!" Steven told us. "Wow, no kidding," I said sarcastically. "It won't..." Connie tried pulling his arm away from the stand. "...Come off!" Steven said, finishing his sentence.

I tried helping them by wrapping my arms behind Connie and pulling her, giving us more strength. "Hang on!" Connie said as we pulled. The three of us grunting, and nothing worked. Lion stayed calm.

I let go of Connie as Connie let go of Steven's arm. "Man, that's really stuck on good," Connie said. I looked at Lion. "Ya mind helping us, cotton candy?" I asked Lion. He just stared at me.

"I guess we'll have to chop it off," Connie said, putting a hand on her head. "WHAT?!" Steven shouted in fear. Suddenly, another stand came out of the ground, showcasing a bunch of swords.

"Hey, swords!" Connie cheered. "Are we really going to do this?" I asked, rubbing the back of my neck. "NOOOOOO!" Steven shouted, making the swords disappear.

"Whoa! How'd you do that?" Connie asked Steven. "I don't know," Steven admitted, looking down at the stand. "Do it again! Do it again!" Connie said, shaking Steven.

"Um, okay," Steven said, closing his eyes and lifting up a fist, concentrating. It's not gonna work, is it? "Anything?" Steven asked, opening one eye. Connie and I looked around.

"Nope, it was probably luck the first time," I said, shrugging. "Here," Connie said before poking Steven's arm. "Ow! What are you-" Before Steven could complete his sentence, Connie pulled his ear. "Hey! What are you doing?" Steven shouted.

"That looks fun!" I said, poking his side, making him laugh. "Wait, I'm ticklish!" Steven warned. "Found his ticklish spot, go ahead, Connie," I said. Connie nodded and kept poking at his side.

Steven laughed a lot. "Wait. Stop. Stop. I'm gonna pee!" Steven warned Connie. "Oh, please don't," I begged. Suddenly, armor came up from the ground, a lot of armor sets.

"Whoa, look at all this armor!" Connie said, looking around. "Pretty cool..." I awed. "Press my nose! Press my nose!" Steven said, looking at Connie. "Boop!" Connie said as she pressed his nose.

Three of those light cannons from that one day appeared and got ready to set on fire. What nice memories of the time Beach City almost got destroyed by a stupid red eye in the sky.

"Are those light cannons?" Steven asked. "Yeah, it gives you amazing memories, am I right?" I asked Steven, sarcastically. He rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled awkwardly.

Connie pulled at both of his cheeks, opening up his mouth. "Next!" She announced. Axes came out. "Axes!" We all announced. "Spiky chain balls! A giant..." "Penny?" Steven said, completing our in-sync sentences.

"Does that mean it's worth more than a regular penny?" Connie asked for assurance. "Well, that would make 'cents,'" Steven joked, the two of them laughing as I cringed at that joke. God, I can't escape the jokes.

Lion laid down and watched us have fun. "This is so great, but... I get the feeling, though, I'm not really supposed to be here," Connie said. "I want you here! I mean, I don't want you here. I guess Lion wants us here. But I want us to be at the movies! And I want to see a lot of explosions," Steven said,

Suddenly, the circle stopped glowing, and the stand let go of Steven's hand. The stand went back inside the ground as a big circle glowed, and some machine came out of it, turning around to face us.

Spikes then came out of the ground on both of our sides, scaring Connie. More spikes came out from the ground around the area. "Should we be worried about this?" Connie asked Steven.

"Uh..." Steven looked at Lion, who was sleeping. "Lion doesn't seem to be worried," Steven said before turning around. The machine thing's eyes and mouth glowed white as some cylinders spun around the thing before going back inside.

The glow turned yellow as lightning struck from the glow. "Run!" Steven said as the three of us ran in different directions. I'd probably be able to help them if my glowing thing wasn't a secret from Steven...

Whatever, it looks like death is our only option. The glow turned white again as the cylinders moved. The color was now blue, the machine thing flew and followed Steven. I heard Connie say. "Look out!"

I saw the machine turn towards Steven. I ran until I saw him, I pushed him to the side, which made the ice hit in between two spikes. I fell on top of him, making us blush. I quickly got up and helped him get up.

"You okay?" I asked Steven. Before Steven could reply, something cut him off. "Steven! Y/N!" Connie shouted as she hid behind a spikes. "What do we do?!" Connie asked.

What would the gems do? The machine found Connie and turned white. The cylinders moved again. The color turned orange. Connie screamed. "Connie!" Steven and I shouted.

Steven tried running but fell because of the ice. I used my strength and picked him up so that he was standing once more as we ran towards Connie before she could get hurt.

We saw an explosion. Connie luckily made it out alive and ran to try and escape the machine. Steven and I panicked. Another explosion came out of it, targeting Connie. Connie jumped and fell on her stomach as Steven and I rushed towards her.

Steven helped Connie up as the machine found us. I wasn't very close to them, which meant that Steven's bubble only covered Connie and him. Well, it's time to die. Steven opened his eyes and saw that I was outside of the bubble. "Y/N!" He shouted.

The explosion made the bubble break, injuring the two. I also got hurt from the explosion. Burns and scrapes could be found on my face and probably my arms. The impact was so strong I was flung towards a spike, my back full on hitting it.

Steven groaned. "My bubble..." He said. I managed to get up. My arm felt strange, though, so I had to hold it. Steven gasped. "'Lion! Get us out of here! Lion, please!" Steven begged.

Lion laid down on his stomach, allowing us to get on. Steven and Connie got on first as I struggled. Connie helped me get on Lion, which I thanked her for.

The machine then got ready to send another explosion. Lion quickly ran away. Lion jumped off of the circle thing and ran around it, dodging each explosion the machine sent.

Lion roared, creating another portal, and jumped through it.


Lion FINALLY teleported us to the movies. Once we landed, Steven opened his eyes. "What?! Now you take us to the movies?" Steven asked Lion. Lion sat down, making us slide off of his back.

I landed on my back and said up quickly, trying not to think of the pain. Connie touched a burn that was on her cheek and flinched. "Guys! Here, I have something for your injuries..." Steven said, taking off his backpack and handing the two of us a soda to put on our wounds.

"Sorry... they're not that cold," Steven said. "Thanks," Connie said. Steven looked at me. "I'm sorry for not protecting you with my bubble. Now you're badly injured because of me," Steven apologized.

"Don't think too much of it, Steven. You panicked, and I wasn't near you two," I told him, smiling softly. Steven smiled and nodded. "Well, we're here. Shall we go in?" Steven asked us.

"That's okay. L-lets just forget about it," Connie said, putting her knees up to her chest. "Huh? I'm sorry! Ugh! I ruined everything, didn't I?" Steven asked, putting a hand on his hair.

"I don't know why you handed out with me. I mess stuff up all the time," Steven said. "I don't know why you hang out with me! I'm so much more... less interesting than you! And obviously, you have some sort of magical destiny. Why would you even care about something like Dogcopter?" Connie asked.

"Why?! Because it's Dogcopter! He's a dog and a helicopter and a cop! He shoote missiles out of his butt, and he's gonna save the world! Dogcopter is very cool and important... to me," Steven said.

"Well, I'm no Dogcopter," Connie said, looking away. Suddenly, an explosion came from behind us, blowing up a car! "What the -" Steven started. Lion yawned as Steven peeked from behind Lion.

Steven gasped once he saw the machine trying to get out of the portal. "Oh no!" Connie said as we stood out from behind Lion. Whoopsy-daisy, we're gonna die again. How fun.

The machine turned into different colors. "It's the robot shooty thing!" Steven announced. "How are we supposed to beat it?" Steven asked, looking at the two of us. I looked at Lion, and he seemed so bored.

"Lion, what do we do?" Steven asked, also looking at Lion. Lion's eyes glowed white, and so did his mane. Lion walked in front of Steven and bent down, closing his eyes.

A white glow emitted from his head, revealing a sword. I gasped. "Who put a sword in your head?!" I asked, covering my mouth. Steven pulled the sword from Lion's head as Connie put her hands on his shoulders.

"Uh... this is weird, right?" Steven asked. Steven took the sword out and pointed it upwards. Lion's eyes and mane stopped glowing as he looked at Steven.

"You have a sword in your head?! Why don't you tell me you can do these things you do?!" Steven asked. The machine came out of the portal, the portal disappearing.

"It came through!" Connie said. The machine kept changing colors as the cylinders spun, and explosions were everywhere, destroying the area. "Oh my God, we need to stop it!" I said.

The theaters' sign was exploded off of the building. "What do I do with this?!" Steven asked. "Watch out!" Connie said, dodging the attack with the sword, throwing it somewhere else.

The machine shooted a missile at us, and Connie used her tennis skills. "Forehand!" Connie announced as she hit the missile with the sword. "Backhand!" She announced once more. Ooh, here comes my favorite part!

"Overhead.... death strike!" The three of us shouted, hitting the missile back inside the machine. The machine turned red and exploded. We watched with stars in our eyes. "Just like tennis practice," Connie whispered.

"Magical destiny practice," Steven whispered back.


We stood in front of the speaker thing to get our tickets. We knew the person who was originally here hid due to the machine incident. She got up a little and looked at the three of us.

Connie held the sword. "Hi!" Steven greeted the woman. The woman looked at the thing that rolled behind us before replying. "Uh... hello," She said. "Three kids and one lion to see Dogcopter," Steven said.

Lion snorted softly, the glass fogged. "Um, do you have a rewards card?" The woman asked Steven.


The dog in the movie was eating food out of its bowl. That's until beeping caught its attention. Dogcopter flew out of the building before the building could explode.

"Whoa! Was that in the book?" Steven asked Connie as he stuffed his face with popcorn. I was eating f/c (favorite candy) as Connie drank an apple soda.

"Eh, they're taking some liberties," Connie told Steven. I hummed as I kept watching the surprisingly entertaining movie. We heard Lion roared quietly. The end.


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