only for a night

By yofavoriteleo__

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By yofavoriteleo__


Its been two weeks since I been out the hospital and due to my babies being so young they wasn't ready for traveling. So I wound up buying a house out here In the city til I could go home. Killa and rylie been such a good help, and has been coming over every chance they get and bought the baby stuff for this house, since I bought everything back in houston.

Right now the twins was sleep and so was Mia, I had just fed them and Mia just got back from out to eat with Jada. Everybody was tired and was taking a nap. MJ now has his own apartment out here and I'm so proud of him and he doing good just to be 17. I was just straightening up the house while they was sleep. It was a knock at the door and I wasn't expecting nobody but I looked and seen it was Killa and rylie, I opened the door and moved over so they could walk in.

"heyy what yall doing here." I asked walking back to the kitchen.

"Nun came to check up on y'all, where the babies and Mia." Rylie asked taking off her shoes and shii.

"Girl all they asses is sleep and I'm happy asf they been irritating my nerves." I said a little down and stressed.

"Well u look good baby mama." Killa said kissing my forehead.

"thank u." I said smiling.

"so Ms rylie what u been up to."I asked sitting on the couch next to her.

"Nothing girl just been cooped up inside, wbu." she asked.

"same just taking care of these children and running my shop from here." I said.

"understandable do u ever think about opening up somewhere down here or like move back." she said sipping her water.

"honestly I would open another shop but moving here I'm not sure of, that's why I need to talk to u and Killa." I said

Just as I said that Killa walked In with Hayden in his arms, all I did was just smile. I'm so happy he came around and started helping out because Lord knows what I would have done with 2 childrend on my own. He sat down on the couch and bounced Hayden up and down and y'all she smiled. "hey Killa we need to talk." I said.

"Alr wsp." Killa

"um so I don't think I'm moving back here I wanna stay in Houston ain't nothing here in Detroit for me and my babies right prolly sometime when they get older then maybe." I said.

"ALr so wat we gone do bout me seeing the babies." he said looking a lil sad but shii I just cant up and move back here.

"y'all can always come down and visit and stay with us for a while, I can bring them down here once in a while." I told him.

"Alr that's fine mya when yall leaving." He asked.

"after tmr i need to get back to my shop." I said.

"alr Fs." He said and they said they was finna go mess with the babies so I decided I could go make a few errands. I got up and went to my room and found me some black leggings, a crop white shirt, and some dior shoes. I laid them out and grabbed my lotion and deoderant and put it on the bed before going into the bathroom. I turned on the shower and stripped out of my clothes and put my hair in a messy bun putting on my bonnet. I grabbed my rag and got inside standing under the water letting the hot water relax my skin. I washed up and stayed in for about 20 minutes and got out.

I got out and wrapped my towel around my body and did my hygiene, once I finished I fixed everything back in my bathroom and went back into my room. "where u about to go." Mia asked looking up from her phone.

"I make a few errands u wanna come." I asked sitting down on my bed grabbing the lotion.

"yea lemme go get dressed." she said and ran out the room I continued to get ready. I was done getting dressed and was now in the bathroom putting my natural hair in a cute messy bun. There was a knock on my room door and I went to open it, Killa walked in and followed me to the bathroom. "wsp something wrong." I asked.

"No where u finna go." He asked sitting on the counters.

"Make a few errands." I spoke doing my edges.

"shi we riding with u den." he said hopping off the countersd and left out the room.

1 hour later.....

"is y'all ready yet." I yelled from the kitchen DIdnt nobody say nothing so I got up and went to the babies rooms and seen them putting on they shoes and coat.

(y'all we just gone make it to where its April)

"we ready now." he said I walked in and grabbed Hayden and walked out. "Hii mommies baby u so pretty." I said sitting her on the counter.

"ouu u look cute asf girl, who u trynna look good from." I said playing with her and she started smiling and drooling.

Killa walked out with the carseats and brought me Hayden's, rylie was putting on her shoes and coat. Mia had ran out the room to the front door with her tablet in her hand. "Mia u got everything like yo charger and all." I spoke.

"yes ry ry packed my bag." She said. I nodded and buckled my baby in and made sure she was strapped in tightly, I picked up the carseat and walked over to the door and opened it. We walked outside to my durango I drove out here and no I'm just renting it for a while. we buckled the kids in and everybody got in Mia went to the last row, Killa hopped in the back with the kids and me and rylie was in the front.

I started up the car and turnt up the heat and let my car heat up a bit, whenever I got my babies in the car I don't play music at all because if its to loud it can damage there ears and I'm not risking it. I decided I need to go to the gas station g first to get some gas so I pulled out the drive way and drove there. I stopped at a red light and looked in the car next to me and I thought my eyes was playing tricks on me. I turned my head and looked again there was my parents making eye contact, I just shook my head and drove off.

I wish they could have reached they left me with two children to raise and now I have my own and its just a lot. I pulled up into the gas station and made sure the tank was on the right side before parking. "Aye u finna get some gas." Killa asked from the back.

"yea."  I said he nodded and hopped out.

"u want sum from in here." I asked rylie.

She said yes and told me to get her usual. I got out and walked in the store going to the back and grab some hot Cheetos, hot taxis, and some justice for everyone. I walked to the counter and sat my things down and the cashier wrong me up I payed for my stuff and left. I walked back over to the car and hopped in passing rylie the bag. Killa was done pumping the gas I put my seat belt on and pulled off driving towards the post office. I needed to see if I had any packages come in for down here.

I pulled up and parked grabbed my purse and got out, I walked inside and went to check my mail container and seen I had 2 packages I grabbed them and locked my mail container back. I walked back outside and opened my trunk and put the packages in there closing it. I walked back around to the drivers side getting in. I pulled off and drove to where ever else I need to go.

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