The Dragon Lord (Yu-Gi-Oh! Gx...

By UltraShadow95

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Alphie Drake, a young man with a mysterious connection to Dragon-Type Duel Spirits and a bias for the color b... More

Chapter 1: Entrance Exam.
Season 1 Deck Profile.
Voice For Alphie.
A Quick Clarification/Heads-Up.

Chapter 2: Welcome To Duel Academy!

336 5 8
By UltraShadow95

Hey guys! Hope you enjoy the second chapter of this story, any feedback is greatly appreciated.
Talking: Hi
Shouting: HI
Thoughts: Hi
Whispering: Hi
Authors Notes: Hi
Over Phone: Hi
A.I: Hi.
Pilot: Attention new Duel Academy students, if you look outside your windows you'll see your new home away from home. Now I know you're all excited but don't shove, quite a sight eh? Please fasten your seat belts and set yours seats to an upright position. We're going into land, next stop academy island.

Staring out the window of his seat there was only one word that Alphie could use to describe it: breathtaking. Situated on a lovely tropical island with a literal volcano to its back, the academy gleamed with its sleek white dome and the pillars that resembled obelisks. All in all, it looked like a fusion of ancient architecture with modern technology.

Bastion: Quite the view isn't it?

Turning to Bastion, who was seated next to him, Alphie just grinned in response to his question as he turned back to the window and responded.

Alphie: The best.

After the helicopter landed, they were all directed toward the main building. As Alphie and his fellow first-years neared the entrance they were all directed to form a line to go through two desks where two of the proctors at the exam were now handing out Duel Academy blazers, PDAs, and the iconic sleek white duel disks for the academy.

When Alphies turn finally came he handed his registration form to the first proctor who checked the database to check them.

Proctor: Well look at what we have here! Scored within the top 10% in the written exam and passed the duel portion with flying colors according to Professor Jackson. Unfortunately, we cannot admit you to the Obelisk Blue Dorm since you did not attend any Dueling prep schools endorsed by KaibaCorp. You will start in the Ra Yellow Dorm. Don't worry, if you work hard, then you'll get promoted in no time. Welcome to Duel Academy!

As the proctor then handed Alphie a Ra Yellow blazer and directed him to his colleague who gave the dragon duelist a PDA and a duel disk only one thought passed through his mind.

Alphie: Ra Yellow huh? Not bad, not bad at all.

A few minutes later Alphie came walked into the main hall in his new Ra Yellow uniform which consisted of grey trousers, a grey t-shirt and a bright darkish yellow buttoned up jacket with white accents.

Making his way down the stairs Alphie soon joined up with everyone else and looked towards the screen where a rather large bald man with a beard and brown eyes wearing a purplish red uniform began making his speech. This was Chancellor Sheppard, headmaster of Duel Academy.

Chancellor Sheppard: Good morning and welcome my students. I'm Chancellor Shepard, the headmaster here and you are the best and brightest duelists in the world. Now please get yourselves settled in at your assigned dorms. I think you'll find them quite comfortable, depending on where you ranked of course hahaha!

With those parting words the screen turned off and the other students began to socialise. As they did this Alphie pulled out his new PDA given to every student and began looking through the directions to his dorm.

Alphie: Ra Yellow here I come.

Bastion: It looks like we'll be sharing a dorm then.

Turning around Alphie saw Bastion walking over to him in a similar outfit to his own though the jacket was lighter in color and he seemed to be wearing a dark green t-shirt underneath it.

Making his way over to him Alphie pocketed his new PDA and greeted his fellow Ra Yellow.

Alphie: Sup Bastion, you ready to check out our new home?

Bastion: Absolutely.

Making their way out into the courtyard Alphie spotted Syrus and Jaden talking to each other on a small pillar as they each looked at their PDAs. They were both also wearing the standard Slifer Red uniform consisted of black trousers, a black t-shirt

Alphie: Hey Jaden, hey Syrus.

Syrus: Hi Alphie, Bastion.

Jaden: Hey guys, you in red too?

Looking at the Elemental Hero duelist amusmed Bastion gestured to his jacket as he responded.

Bastion: Well now let's see. Yellow sleeves, yellow buttons, I don't think so.

Jaden: Oh so that's what the colors mean.

Raising an eyebrow Alphie crossed his arms and looked at the Slifer Red in bewilderment as to what he just said.

Alphie: You're just now realising this?

Gaining a minor look of irritation Jaden glared daggers at Alphie as he snapped at him.

Jaden: So what if I am? Ever think I'm color blind?!

Bastion: No actually, are you?

After a few of silence Jaden burst out laughing while he rubbed the back of his head looking at the two Ras with his classic grin.

Jaden: Hahaha! No, but I might've been!

Releasing a small chuckle of amusement at the joke Alphie couldn't help but note something that had been bothering him since the conversation began.

Alphie: Y'know I'm surprised you're in Slifer Jaden. Granted you didn't do too well in your written exam but your duel should've more than made up for it.

Bastion: Hmm, now that you mention it that is rather odd. Why do you suppose that is?

Taking a moment to ponder what the Ras had just brought up Jaden shrugged his shoulders as he responded.

Jaden: Beats me, but I prefer this anyway. Red's more my color.

Giving a small nod of agreement Alphie gestured to his jacket as he voiced his opinon.

Alphie: Yeah I get that, I prefer blue myself but it is what it is. Anyways Bastion and I should probably head off to our dorm to unpack. We'll catch you two later.

Syrus: O-okay guys, bye.

Jaden: Alright dude, maybe we'll see each other around the dorms?

Wincing slightly at what the Slifer had just said Alphie and Bastion looked to each other slightly with hesitant looks on their faces before turning back to Jaden.

Bastion: I doubt it.

Jaden: What do you mean by that?

Alphie: Ehhh... you'll find out soon enough. Just follow the directions on your PDA and it'll take you to your dorm.

And with those parting words the Ra duo took off.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Alphie sleeping while cuddling with his dog Teddy Bear.

Roughly half an hour later Alphie could be seen unpacking that last of his stuff and putting it away whilst also talking to Bastion who had just finished putting his stuff away and was now leaning on a nearby wall in the dragon duelists room. Fortunately their rooms were right across each other so that made talking easy.

Alphie: So Bastion...*grunts* where you from?

Just as he finished this sentence Alphie rose back to full height admire his new room. Fortunately most of it was done by the time the Ra duo had arrived at their new dorm so there wasn't much to be done with the Xbox Alphie had just finished setting up being one of them. Turning around Alphie grabbed his gaming chair and sat down releasing a content sigh as he faced Bastion.

Bastion: London, you?

(A/N: You can't tell me his dub accent DOESN'T make him sound British).

Alphie: So you're from England as well then? Cool, I'm from Bridgemary myself. Well I used to be anyway before I moved over to Domino.

Bastion: Used to? What's the story behind that if I may ask?

Looking to the side Alphie responded in a hateful tone that took Bastion aback by just how venomous it was at the end.

Alphie: Sorry dude but I'd rather not. It's... personal.

Looking at his fellow Ra in sympathy at what his tone of voice implied Bastion gave a slight nod to show he understood.

Bastion: It's quite alright, everyone is entitled to their own secrets so I won't pry.

Sighing slightly Alphie looked to Bastion with a look of gratitude clear on his face.

Alphie: Thanks man, I appreciate that. But hey, at least we'll be neighbours.

Noticing Alphies attempt to divert the conversation Bastion decided to humor his fellow Ra with a smirk and a small glint in his eyes.

Bastion: At least until one of us gets promoted to Obelisk Blue... Or if one of us gets demoted to Slifer Red.

Looking at Bastion in amusment at the unspoken challenge Alphie smirked and pointed to himself as he responded.

Alphie: You mean when I get promoted. But if you want to watch it happen from Slifer then be my guest.

Bastion: Tough talk coming from someone that scored lower than me in the written exams.

Alphie: If grades were all that mattered, then you'd definitely be at the top of the food chain here. But this is Duel Academy, Bastion. Dueling is what matters most here.

Returning the amused look Bastion crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow as his smirk widened.

Bastion: Oh? So you think you can beat me in a duel do you?

Alphie: Oh, I don't think I can beat you in a duel, whiz kid. I KNOW I can WRECK you in one.

Bastion sputtered in outrage before glaring at Alphie while he only grinned cockily back at him and began to try and goade his fellow Ra.

Alphie: So if you really think you can win then we can duel here and now if you want.

Letting out a small chuckle Bastion shook his head much to Alphies disappointment.

Bastion: I'm afraid you will have to wait a little for our showdown my friend. There are still some calculations to be made and formulas to be solved. When I finally crack the code to defeating you however, you won't be able to do anything about it.

Rising to his feet Alphie looked towards his fellow brit with an evil smirk as an idea came to his mind.

Alphie: Well if you're so confident you can beat me why don't we make a little bet then?

Bastion: Naturally, what did you have in mind?

Alphie: The loser of our duel has to buy the winner any card he wants from the card shop. And by any card, I mean ANY card, including the super-rare expensive ones. Deal?

Extending a hand Alphie grinned evilly as Bastion returned the handshake with a smirk of confidence.

Bastion: Oh you're on. Now if you excuse me, I have to write up a list of cards that I might need you to buy for me when I win.

Laughing at his friends confidence Alphie began to walk off to the stairs leading to the main area of his new dorm in order to explore the campus while Bastion went into his room.

Alphie: Don't count your chicks before they hatch Bastion!

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Alphie fishing with Big The Cat.

Roughly ten minutes later Alphie could be seen making his way to the main building while admiring the scenery. Once he arrived Alphie noticed a familiar pair of Slifers making their way to the entrance.

Alphie: Jaden and Syrus? I wonder what they're doing over here.

Running over to the pair Alphie began to call out to get their attention.

Alphie: Jaden! Syrus! Wait up!

Turning around Jaden and Syrus looked at the pair in surprise before making their way over to them.

Jaden: Oh hey man! What're you doing over here?

Alphie: Just exploring the campus. I take it you two are doing the same?

Syrus: Yeah, we were also exploring when Jaden ?

Alphie: Smelled a duel? Ah whatever, mind if I join you guys?

Jaden: Sure, the more the merrier!

Shortly after agreeing to letting Alphie tag along Jaden could be seen leading the other two through the halls of the main academy building.

Jaden: It's over this way. I just know it.

Syrus: How can you be sure? Do you have some kind of sixth-sense for dueling or something?

Alphie: He brings up a good point. Unless you're psychic and didn't tell us I don't see how you know a duel is going down.

Stopping in his tracks Jaden took a moment to take a deep breath before exhaling.

Jaden: Ah, it's in the air you guys. Can't you just smell it?

Syrus: Maybe if todays pollen count was lower.

As Jaden resumed his pace the group of four soon made their way through a passage way to what seemed to be a duel arena.

Syrus: Hey, are you guys sure we should be... In here...

Trailing off in his sentence Jaden, Syrus, and Alphie could only look in awe at the giant arena that layed before them surrounded by dozens, if not hundreds of seats for spectators.

Jaden: Cool...

Syrus: Woah...

Alphie: No way...

Jaden: This is the sweetest dueling arena I've ever seen!

Alphie: That's the understatement of the decade.

Syrus: It looks completely state of the art. I bet it would be amazing to duel here!

Jaden: Well let's find out.

Syrus: Do you think we're allowed?

Giving a slight shrug to the Slifers question Alphie glanced at Jaden with a competetive look in his eye. One in which the Elemental Hero duelist returned once he noticed it.

Alphie: I don't see why not. And I think I've got my eyes on my first opponent already.

Jaden: You too huh? I'm ready to throw down whenever you are Alph.

As he looked between the two taller teens Syrus gulped nervously and spoke up.

Syrus: Um, are you guys sure about this?

Jaden: Of course Syrus, we're students and this is our campus right?

???: Wrong! This is the Obelisk Blues campus.

Turning around the trio were met with a pair of guys wearing the standard Obelisk Blue uniform which consisted of a long dark blue blazer, a black shirt, black jeans and dark blue boots. The one that called out to them stood at around 5 feet 4 inches and had pale white skin, glasses, grey eyes, and bluish hair that hanged down from his right side. Meanwhile the other stood at a height of 5 feet 5 inches and had a darker skin tone with brown eyes, and surprisingly normal spikey brown hair. These were Taiyou Torimaki and Raizou Mototani respectively.

Raizou: And neither of you Slifer Slackers or Ra Rejects are welcome here. You got that?

Narrowing his eyes at the insult Alphie could only look at the pair in contempt already knowing what kind of people they were based on the insult alone.

Syrus: Um...

Raizou: Check out the crest.

As Raizou pointed behind them the trio turned around to see a stone crest of Obelisk The Tormentor.

Taiyou: This arenas our turf.

Turning back around to face them Syrus let out a nervous chuckle as he tried to placate the two Obelisks.

Syrus: Sorry, we were just looking around. But we'll leave now, right guys?

After humming for a few moments in consideration his eyes suddenly gained a mischievous glint as an idea firmed in his head.

Jaden: Nah we don't have to leave. Not so long as one of you agrees to duel me! I'll be a guest duelist.

Raising an eyebrow at the idea Alphie crossed his arms and looked to the Slifer intent on dueling these morons himself.

Alphie: Now hold on just a minute. Who says you get to be the one to duel?

Jaden: Uh, because I'm the one that suggested it?

Alphie: And what if I want to put one of these stooges in their place?

Jaden: Then we'll make it a tag duel, that way both of us gets to duel. Problem solved.

As the pair finished their bickering Taiyous eyes widened in realisation as to who was standing in front of them.

Taiyou: Hey you're those kids.

Looking up towards one of the benches Raizou called out to who Alphie assumed was the ring leader of these clowns.

Raizou: Chazz, the applicant that beat Doctor Crowler and the one with the rare card are here. Check it out.

Looking up into the seating area a boy roughly 5 feet 4 inches tall wearing the standard Obelisk uniform with wild, spiky black hair, black eyes, and pale-ish skin rose from one of the benches. This was Chazz Princeton, leader of the three stooges and first year Obelisk Blue.

Chazz: Hmm.

Jaden: Oh hey, my names Jaden. And he's... Chuzz was it?

Taiyou: His names Chazz Princeton and he was the number one duelist back in Duel Prep-School so you make sure to pay the proper respects got it?

Taiyou: Yeah he's going to be the future King of Games. The best duelist in the world!

Crossing his arms Jaden scoffed slightly at the remark.

Jaden: Impossible.

Raizou: Say what?!

Jaden: You see it's impossible for him to be the future King of Games because that's exactly what I'm going to be.

Alphie: Well someones certainly aiming for the stars.

Looking at the Slifer in surprise the pair of Obelisks glanced at each other before they burst out laughing.

Taiyou/Raizou: Hahahaha!

In the middle of their laughter the two Obelisks suddenly stopped and glared daggers at the Elemental Hero duelist.

Taiyou: A Slifer Red Slacker as King of Games? That'll be the day.

Chazz: Can it you two!

Surprised at the sudden order the group looked over to see Chazz standing up from his seat and looking down at them condescendingly.

Chazz: Maybe the new kids right.

Taiyou: Uh, whadaya mean there Chazz?

Chazz: The Slifer did beat crowler, after all. And that legendary rare monster of his, I suppose it takes some skill to pull that off.

Raising his fist towards the Obelisk Jaden gave Chazz a confident grin.

Jaden: You got that right.

Smirking at the Elemental Hero duelists response Chazz then turned his gaze over to Alphie and began questioning him.

Chazz: And then there's you. Wattail Dragon is one of the rarest cards in the game. Now how did you end up with a card like that?

Scoffing slightly at the Obelisks remark Alphie responded with his trademark sass.

Alphie: Wouldn't you like to know.

Chazz: Maybe between the two of you, it was just dumb luck. I say we find that out right now.

Jaden: Bring it!

Alphie: I wouldn't mind taking you down a peg or two.

???: Well this sure is a motley crew.

Turning around the group were met with a girl standing at roughly 5 feet 5 inches in height with long dark blonde hair, healthy white skin and hazel eyes wearing a sleeveless white and blue blazer, a dark blue shirt and boots, and light blue fingerless gauntlet-gloves. This was Alexis Rhodes, first year Obelisk Blue and Cyber Angel duelist.

Chazz: Hey Alexis. Have you come to watch me mop the floor with my new littles friends Jaden and Alphie here? They'll be short duels but entertaining ones for sure.

Alexis: I'm here to remind you about the obelisk welcome dinner. You're late!

Chazz: Oh yeah, come on guys.

As Chazz and his cronies walked off to the obelisk welcome dinner Alexis turned towards the trio and looked at them apologetically.

Alexis: Sorry about him, not all of us Obelisks are like that. He's just a jerk, especially with slifers.

Jaden: It's no big deal.

Looking over at the Elemental Hero duelist in surprise Jaden just shrugged as he continued on.

Jaden: Those types don't really bother me at all. Besides I could beat him in one turn!

Alphie: Seriously? Don't you think you're being a bit too overconfident?

Jaden: Okay two turns, maybe two and a half.

As Alexis, Syrus and Alphie laughed slightly at his remark Jaden looked on in confusion.

Jaden: What?

Alexis: The Slifer welcome dinners about to start too.

Jaden: Right we better go Sy.

Syrus: Hey, wait up!

Running down the hallway Jaden quickly stopped and turned back to Alexis just now realising he didn't even know her name.

Jaden: Hey, what was your name again?

Alexis: Alexis Rhodes, and yours?

Jaden: The names Jaden. Alright, see you around!

Syrus: Aren't you gonna introduce me?

As the Slifer duo ran off Alphie and Alexis laughed slightly at the pairs antics.

Alphie: I'll give them this, those two are amusing if nothing else.

Alexis: So, what's your name?

Alphie: Oh right. I'm Alphie, Alphie Drake. But feel free to call me Alph.

Alexis: Well Alph you might want to get going as well.

Alphie: Yeah that's probably for the best. Don't want to be late to the welcome dinner after all. I'll catch you later.

As the Obelisk and Ra walked off in seperate directors once they exited the arena all Alphie could think about was what the welcoming dinners food would taste like.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Alphie playing video games and raging when he can't get that one combo down.

Later that evening Alphie and Bastion sat down with all the other Ra students who were enjoying their delicious welcome dinner all of which was made by the Headmaster of the Ra Dorm Professor Sartyr. As of now though Alphie could be seen lying down on his bed with a nearby window open relaxing to the soothing humm of the night.

Alphie: Man that has got to have been one of the best meals we've ever had, ain't that right partner?

Hearing a reluctent grunt of agreement Alphie let out a small snicker at his partners Tsundereness. A few moments later the dragon duelist beard a beeping sound coming from his left. Looking over he saw his PDA beeping, signalling an incoming message.

Alphie: Huh, I wonder who's messaging me at this time of night.

Sitting up Alphie reached over to his desk and grabbed his PDA where he was met with the face of Chazz as the message played.

Chazz: Hey there, you Ra Reject don't think you and that Slifer Slacker are off the hook. I'm calling you both out. Meet me at the arena at Midnight, and why don't we make this interesting? Whoever wins gets the loser's best card. Imagine how much better I'll look with your Wattail Dragon by my side.

Scoffing at the message Alphie put the PDA down and went back to relaxing as he heard a disappointed whine.

Alphie: Sorry bud but I'm not going. There's no way ANYONE would risk expulsion on the first day over a single duel. Honestly, you'd have to either be an idiot, hopelessly nieve... or have the principle to always accept a duel... oh crap.

Trailing off in realisation Alphies eyes gained a look of horror as one fact registered in his mind. Chazz was calling both him AND Jaden out. And for as little time as Alphie knew the Slifer he seemed to be the type of guy that would always accept a duel.

Alphie: Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap!

Rushing out of his bed Alphie began to get out of his pj's and into his Ra Yellow uniform as fast as possible. While he was doing this the dragon duelist felt a questioning growl in the back of his mind.

Alphie: Yes I know what I just said! But Jaden's probably going to go anyway and I'd rather not have one of my friends get expelled for being up past curfew thank you very much!

Grabbing his deck and Duel Disk Alphie went up to his bedroom window and jumped out. To avoid being seen he then did a roll as he landed and rushed off. Hoping, however unlikely it was, to get there before the Slifer student and convince him not to do something stupid.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Alphie climbing up kitchen side to get cookies.

After checking the hallway to his left and right to make sure Campus Security wasn't nearby Alphie sprinted into the Obelisk arena causing Jaden and Syrus to look at him in surprise while Chazz stared at him condescendingly.

Chazz: Well look who decided to show up.

Jaden: Hey Alph! You come to duel too?

Alphie: No you moron. I've come here to stop you from getting in trouble on your first day!

Jaden: Sorry man but Chazz challenged me. And when a duelist challenges someone they've gotta accept. No ifs, ands, or buts.

Staring at the Slifer in bewilderment at his sheer recklessness Alphie sighed and couldn't help but face-palm knowing he likely wouldn't be able to do anything at this point.

Alphie: There's no convincing you, is there?

Grinning sheepisly Jaden rubbed the back of his head with his classic grin and laughed.

Jaden: Haha, nope! But feel free to watch and enjoy the show.

Patting Alphie on the back sympathetically Syrus offered the Dragon duelist a look of understanding.

Syrus: If it's any concelation I tried to stop him as well.

Looking down at the blue haired boy Alphie smiled in gratitude at his attempts to cheer him up and ruffled his hair.

Alphie: Thanks Syrus.

Turning back to Jaden, Alphie looked at the Elemental Hero in irritation.

Alphie: Fine, have it your way. But you owe me one.

Jason: You got it. Besides, this won't take long so you have nothing to worry about.

Furstrated at the constant talk prolonging the duel Chazz snapped at the trio in annoyance.

Chazz: Enough chit-chat! You ready to lose or what slacker?

Jason: Heh, well that's funny. Because I was about to say the same thing.

Chazz: We'll see about that...

Activating their respective duel disks the pairs decks automatically shuffled as they began the match.

Jaden/Chazz: Let's Duel!

Jaden Yuki
Lifepoints: 4000
Cards: 5

Chazz Princeton
Lifepoints: 4000
Cards: 5

Chazz: I'll be going first slacker, I draw!

Chazz Princeton
Lifepoints: 4000
Cards: 5-6

Chazz: For my first move I'll summon Reborn Zombie in defense mode.

Rising from the ground a shrivelled up body with long grey hair, no eyes and bone petruting from one of its knees and elbows respectively emerged onto the field.

Reborn Zombie
ATK: 1000, DEF: 1600
Effect: When you have no cards in your hand and this card is in attack position it cannot be destroyed by battle. (Damage calculation is applied normally.)

Chazz: Then I'll place one card face down and end my turn.

Jaden: I guess that's one way to start a duel but I'm gonna go a little bigger.

Drawing his card Jaden looked at his hand and began to plan his move.

Jaden Yuki
Lifepoints: 4000
Cards: 5-6

Jaden: Hey, good to see ya Winged Kuriboh. Maybe I'll use you later. But for now I'll play Polymerization!

Polymerization (Normal Spell)
Effect: Fusion summon one Fusion Monster from your extra deck with monsters from your hand, field or Graveyard as fusion materials.

Jaden: Now by fusing my Elemental Hero Avian and Burstinitrix I can create the Elemental Hero Flame Wingman!

Holding his fusion materials Avian and Burstinatrix appeared on the field before jumping into the air and combing in one giant flash of light as a green, red, and black humanoid figure with wings, a dragonic looking fire cannon and claws showed itself.

Elemental Hero Flame Wingman
ATK: 2100, DEF: 1200
Fusion Materials: Elemental Hero Avian + Elemental Hero Burstinitrix.
Effect: Must be fusion and cannot be special summoned in other ways. When this card destroys a monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard inflict to your opponent equal to the attack points of the destroyed monster in the Graveyard.

Jaden: I told ya I'd start big, didn't I?

Chazz: I was hoping you would.

Confused by the response Jaden looked at Chazz questioningly.

Jaden: Why's that?

Chazz: Because that card I set down was a trap slacker. That you set off! Chthonian Polymer do your stuff!

Cthonian Polymer (Normal Trap)
Effect: Activate only when your opponent fusion summons a Fusion Monster. Tribute one monster you control to take control of that Fusion Monster.

As this was going on Alphie and Syrus could be seen looking on in concern about the trap that was just played.

Syrus: What's Cthonian Polymers "stuff?"

Alphie: I'm not sure. But the card sounds familiar.

???: I had a feeling I'd find you guys here.

Turning around Alphie and Syrus were supprised to see Alexis walking towards them.

Syrus: Alexis?

Alexis: Cthonian Polymers a nasty trap. It allows you to take control of one of your opponents fusion monsters by sacrificing one of your own creatures.

Snapping his fingers Alphies face quickly grew serious as he now remembered what that trap meant.

Alphie: That's where I remember it from! I played against it at a local tournament a few months before the entrance exam. That thing can be a pain to go up against if played right.

Grinning arrogantly Chazz began to take control of the fusion.

Chazz: I sacrifice my Reborn Zombie to gain control of your Wingman.

Jaden: Aw man, my monster!

In a bright flash of light Reborn Zombie was sent to the Graveyard as Flame Wingman was transported to Chazzs side of the field.

Syrus: How did Chazz know to play that?

Chazz: You're so predictable Jaden. You wouldn't stop talking about your Wingman at the exam so I knew you'd use him soon.

Jaden: Maybe. But because my Wingman was a special summon I'm still allowed to normal summon a monster this turn.

Looking down at his hand Jaden furrowed his brow in thought at what would be his best move currently.

Jaden: Not that anything in my hand is a match for the Wingman.

Knowing he would inflict damage to the Slifer either way Chazzs arrogant grin only grew.

Chazz: Go on slacker, play another monster. After all I haven't forgot about the Flame Wingmans special ability.

Jaden: Alright. I summon Elemental Hero Clayman in defense mode!

Placing the card down on his Duel Disk a large grey and yellow clay giant with a relatively tiny head decended onto the battle-field.

Elemental Hero Clayman
ATK: 800, DEF: 2000
Text: An Elemental Hero with a clay body built-to-last. He'll preserve his Elemental Hero colleagues at any cost.

Jaden: There, all set. I end my turn.

Chazz: Yeah, set up to be knocked down. I draw!

Chazz Princeton
Lifepoints: 4000
Cards: 4-5

Chazz: Rise Cthonian Soldier!

Cthonian Soldier
ATK: 1200, DEF: 1400
Effect: When this card is destroyed by an opponents monster and sent to the Graveyard inflict damage to your opponent equal to the same amount of damage you just took.

Chazz: And now Flame Wingman, attack Jadens Clayman with Skydive Scortcher!

Smirking in satisfaction at what was about to come next Chazz made his move.

Chazz: And now thanks to Wingman special ability you take damage equal to your Claymans attack points.

In an instant Flame Wingman appeared in front of the Hero Duelist and fired at him causing Jaden to let out a large groan of pain.

Jaden Yuki
Lifepoints: 4000-3200
Cards: 2

Chazz; But don't think for one second that I'm dome yet slacker. Go Cthonian Soldier, attack with Wind Storm Slash!

Charing forward Cthonian Soldier slashed at Jaden viciously.

Jaden Yuki
Lifepoints: 3200-2000
Cards: 2

Chazz: Are you starting to know your olace in the academy yet? Maybe you were someone back at home but here in the big leagues you're nothing but a pathetic little amateur! Slifer Slime! I'll end my turn with 2 face down cards. Your move Slack.

A few moments after this, with his head low Jadens shoulders began shaking.

Chazz: Aw, what's wrong Slacker. Are you crying?

However, contrary to Chazzs taunt Jaden burst out laughing at what had just happened.

Jaden: This is too fun.

Chazz: What?!

Jaden: Just what I came for. Man, I mean the trash-talking, the action, it's all so great!

Chazz: What the...

Jaden: Alright then. It's my turn, I draw!

Jaden Yuki
Lifepoints: 2000
Cards: 2-3

Jaden: I summon Elemental Hero Sparkman!

As a bolt of lightning struck the ground a man in a suit blue and yellow armor appeared with sparks of lightning zapping all around him.

Elemental Hero Sparkman
ATK: 1600, DEF: 1400
Text: An Elemental Hero and a warrior of light who weilds many kinds of armaments. His Static Shockwave cuts off the path of villainy.

Jaden: Alright Sparkman. Attack Cthonian Soldier with Static Shockwave!

Raising his hand into the air Sparkman sent down a barrage of lightning strikes onto Cthonian Soldier destroying him in an instant.

Chazz Princeton
Lifepoints: 4000-3600
Cards: 3

However, emerging from the smoke Cthonian Soldiers sword flew into the air and striked Jaden causing him to grunt in pain.

Jaden Yuki
Lifepoints: 2000-1600
Cards: 2

Chazz: Still think it's fun slacker? Because when Cthonian Soldier is destroyed you take the same amount of damage as I do. Difference is you hardly have any to spare.

Jaden: This isn't over yet. I throw down a face down and end my turn!

Chazz: Play what you like. My next attack will finish off your life points, I draw!

Chazz Princeton
Lifepoints: 3600
Cards: 3-4

Chazz: And that attack's coming right now. Go, flame wingman! Attack that slacker directly and end this duel!

As the controlled Elemental Hero charged forward Jaden sprung his trap

Jaden: Not so fast. That was a trap card I just threw.

Chazz: A trap?!

Rising from the ground a trap with a bunch of mirrors for its artwork was revealed.

Mirror Gate (Normal Trap)
Effect: When an opponent's monster declares an attack targeting a face-up Elemental Hero monster you control: Switch control of the opponent's attacking monster with the targeted monster you control, then calculate damage. Control of both monsters switches back during the End Phase

Meanwhile Syrus looked on in awe while Alphie and Alexis seemed impressed

Syrus: It's Mirror Gate.

Alexis: Then Jadens still in this duel after all. Mirror gate makes two monsters in a battle switch which side they're on. So now that wingman is back with jaden.

Alphie: Jaden must have placed that down knowing he could deal some serious damage if he summoned Sparkman. Not bad.

Jaden: Oh yeah, go Wingman!

After a brief few moments of struggling Flame Wingman was able to overpower Sparkman and destroy him causing Chazz to scream out in frustration.

Chazz: Nooooo!

Chazz Princeton
Lifepoints: 3600-3100
Cards: 4

Jaden: And just like you told me a while ago my Falme Wingmans effect has you taking damage equal to the destroyed monsters attack points.

Taking a step back Chazz looked up in slight fear as Flame Wingman appeared in front of him. Blasting the Obelisk Blue directly with him screaming in pain.

Chazz Princeton
Lifepoints: 3100-1500
Cards: 4

Syrus: Alright!

Alphie: Way to make a comeback Jaden!

Alexis: Nice moves Jaden!

Chazz: More like lucky moves if ya ask me, you slifer school scum. I activate a trap, Chthonian Blast.

Cthonian Blast (Normal Trap)
Effect: When a face up monster you control is destroyed
and sent to the Graveyard: Destroy the 1 face-up monster on the field that has the lowest attack (your choice, if tied), and if you do, inflict damage to both players equal to half of that monster's attack.

Chazz: Now, since you destroyed one of my monsters I can destroy one of yours and you take damage equal to half of its attack points.

Just as Chazz finished his move a blast of fire engulfed Flame Wingman, destroying the Elemental Hero.

Jaden: Ngh, Flame Wingman.

Jaden Yuki
Lifepoints: 1600-550
Cards: 2

Chazz: Now I activate the trap card call of the haunted.

Call of The Haunted (Normal Trap)
Effect: Activate this card by targeting 1 monster in your Graveyard; special summon that target in attack mode. When this card leaves the field, destroy that monster. When that monster is destroyed, destroy this card.

Chazz: It lets me select one monster card from my graveyard and summon it back to the field in attack mode. Rise, Cthonian Soldier!

Appearing on the monster zone next to Chazz, Cthonian Soldier climbed out from a dark purple portal and retook his place on the field.

Chazz: But he won't be staying on the field for long, Because I'm going to sacrifice him to summon Mefist The Infernal General!

In a bright flash of light Cthonian Soldier was suddenly replaced with a large man in obsidian black armor with golden accents, wild long blonde hair and a large battle axe riding a horse wearing similar armor.

Mefist The Infernal General
ATK: 1800, DEF: 1700
Effect: If this card attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage. If this card inflicts battle damage to your opponent. Make your opponent discard 1 random card.

Jaden: Not bad.

Chazz: Not bad? You're something else, slacker, you know that? Acting all confident. But your lousy monsters won't get you out of this jam.

Frowning slightly at the insult to his monsters Jaden heard a small noise causing him to look down and smile at Winged Kuribohs support.

Jaden: I know he's wrong, Kuriboh. Because chazz doesn't know that my monsters and I, we have a bond.

Jaden Yuki
Lifepoints: 550
Cards: 2-3

Looking down at the card he just drew Jaden smirked knowing the match was as good as over.

Jaden: Speaking of.

However just before he could make his play Syrus interrupted as he, Alexis and Alphie noticed the incoming problem.

Syrus: Uh, guys?

Alexis: We've got company, campus security. If they find us all in here we'll get seriously busted.

Jaden: Why? I mean, we're all students here.

Face palming at the Elemental Hero Duelists idiocy Alphie spoke up.

Alphie: God dammit Jade. why do you think I ran all the way here to stop you from dueling this punk?! It's because you could get expelled for dueling past curfew!

Alexis: Exactly. The rules say no off-hour arena duels. Chazz knows that. But let me guess, he didn't tell you.

Blushing slightly at being called out Chazz looked to the side in embarrasment.

Taiyou: Come on, let's go.

Chazz: Well, well, slacker. Looks like you lucked out this time.

Jaden: What are you talkin' about? The match isn't over.

Turning away from the Slifer, Chazz scoffed at his comment after regaining his composure.

Chazz: Yeah, it is. I've seen what I came here to see. You're a sorry duelist. You beating Doctor Crowler was just a fluke.

As Chazz walked off Alphie quickly rushed up the arena, grabbed Jaden by the collar and began dragging him off with the others despite the Slifers protests.

Jaden: This stinks. I had that guy on the ropes!

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Alphie strangaling Chibi Jaden for being an idiot.

Exiting the building through a secret entrance Alphie couldn't help but look at Jaden in exasperation at the Slifers sturbborness. Said Slifer was currently pouting.

Alphie: You are one stubborn bastard, you know that right?

Jaden: Only about my dueling.

Looking towards the female Obelisk thankfully Syrus voiced his gratitude.

Syrus: Thanks for showing us the back way out.

Alexis: Sure.

Turning towards Jaden, Alexis gave a look at sympathy knowing just how annoying it could be to have your duel interrupted.

Alexis: I'm sorry that you didn't get to finish your match with chazz.

Jaden: It's ok. I know just how it would've ended anyway.

Alexis: Really? No offense, but from my point of view it looked like it could've gone either way between you and chazz when you guys stopped.

Jaden: No way. Not after I drew this.

Showing the card he had drawn not 5 minutes ago Alphie and the others could only look on in surprise as Jaden revealed he had drawn Monster Reborn.

Alphie: Huh, talk about the luck of the draw.

Jaden: I know right?

Alphie: Anyways, I'm gonna head back to my dorm. I'd actually like to get some sleep tonight. See you later.

Jaden: See ya! We're gonna head back to our dorm to. C'mon Sy!

As he began sneaking on back to his dorm Alphie chuckled at what he heard in the distance.

Alphie: Well at least things won't be boring with them around.

To be continued...

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