Yan!Hazbin Hotel x Fem Reader

By Twinsieslol

36.6K 1K 657

'She's my idea of an angel.' Y/n, an angel, The sweetest and most beautiful one you ever seen, What happens w... More

5.~ HELL

4.~ GIFT

4.4K 142 33
By Twinsieslol


With a yawn and a good stretch Y/n sat up from her bed, rubbing her eyes trying to get used to the brightness that inflated the room.

Her legs wobbled as she stood up from her bed, she walked towards the restroom trying to wake herself up. She looked at the mirror and looked at her messy hair.

She grabbed her brush that vaggie had brought but never used since her and Charlie share everything.

She combed her hair fixed it where it looked presentable, she grabbed a tooth brush that the hotel provided and brushed her teeth.

She striped off her Pj's and into the clothes Alastor(?) Had given her. She was surprised when she had unfolded the clothes to see a pair of black Mary jane shoes fall out, how did she not notice them? She quickly picked up the pairs of shoes admiring them.

The clothes she thought were a shirt and pants was actually a dress, a red one. The same color as Alstors suit. The angel slips on the dress, admiring the fabric and the color. The dress had two holes in the back for her wings.

The dress had ended just below her knees, it was loose and low cut, it had short loose sleeves that ended just past her shoulders.

She slips on the shoes, twirling in the mirror as she stares at herself, her wings poped out since they were a pearly white color. yep Alastor gave her this. It was clear on how it seemed so 1920s, so familiar to something she wore when she was alive, it reminded her of that time when her and Alastor were-

She jumped as a knock at the door rang through her room.

"C-coming-!" She yelled out steping out of the bathroom and walking towards the door. The closer she got the more clearer she heard a humming tune.

She unlocked her door the humming tune stoping, opening it she sees the Smiling radio demon.

"Hello dear! Glad you wore the dress I've gotten you! May I come in?" Alastor says waiting for the angels response.

"Oh-of course..!" She moved to the side allowing Alastor to past through, he stops infront of the body mirror, looking at Y/n though the mirror.

"I have a little gift for you darling." Alastor says turning around to face the angel.

"Oh Alastor you really shouldn't have-"

"Oh Shush now darling, i brought it as a welcome gift to welcome you to hell and the hotel! Now Close your eyes dear.." Alastor says with a smile as always.

Y/n looked at Alastor suspiciously before closing her eyes shut, she heard the snap of Alastors fingers and him moving around.

"Now open them.."

Y/n slowly opened her eyes, a smiled reaching her lips upon seeing a pearl necklace and bracelet that would go greatly with the dress she wore.

"Oh-woah..Alastor..i-i don't know what to say..their so beautiful..!" Y/n said at the lose for words, her hand tracing the pearls with her fingers.

"Well dear, I've remembered that you had always had a thing for pearls when we were alive!" Alastor said with a heartfelt laugh, placing the box that held the pearls down on a drawer next to them.

"Now if I may dear.." Alastor says picking up the pearls necklace, noticing what he had ment Y/n nodded her head, moving all of her hair she could get ontop of one of her shoulders, being careful with her wings since they were still healing, they didn't hurt as bad, infact she didn't need the bandages anymore.

Alastor walked around the girl stoping behind her meaning Y/n was now facing the mirror, she fixed her wings allowing him to come closer, his fingers gently and slowly pushed the excess hairs to the side. His arms raising over her head placing the pearled necklace against her neck, he took his time adjusting the necklace, admiring the angel from the mirror.

He clasped the necklace together, his fingers slowly tracing behind her neck down to her upper back, making Y/n shiver at his touch before he pulled away with a smile.

"So dear! How do you like it? I'd say it looks exquisite on you darling!" Alastor says looking at her through the mirror, his hands on the angels shoulders.

"I love it Alastor, thank you so much..!" Y/n tilted her head up towards the demon who was right by her head.

His eyes Looked away from the mirror and landing on Y/n's. Alastor took a deep breath, noticing how close they were, causing him to back up.

"..Well dear, i was hoping you'd accompany me for coffee this morning." Alastor said looking down at Y/n noticing her puting on the pearled bracelet.

"Of course, I'd love too" Y/n said with a smile, Alastor linked their arms together walking towards and out the door.

"Tell me dear how is heaven?" Alastor asked glancing at the girl as they walked.

"You wouldn't even believe it Al..its so wonderful, its so bright too. Its actually has golden gates! I like to go back to the gates, and talk to st. Peter, it reminds me when I first got there! It's amazing!..you know who else is there Al..?" Y/n exclaims excited to tell someone what heaven is and how great it is, she looks towards alastor stoping.

"Who, dear?" Alastor asked.

Y/n opened her mouth to say the persons name buts stops herself, knowing the topic was sensitive to Alastor.

"Ah..um you know what I forgot!...I just had their name on the tip of my tongue..!" Y/n lied trying to seem as if she was struggling to remember, she continues to walk, alastor raising an eyebrow at her behavior.


"How do you like it my dear?"

"I love it Al..its just the amount of sweet!" Y/n exclaims as she sips the coffee Alastor had just prepared for her. They both were currently seated on a balcony facing eachother with a clear view of hell.

"Be careful its hot." Alastor says staring at Y/n while sipping his own cup coffee.

Y/n noticed his mugg had the words 'Oh deer' on it Causing her to laugh slightly, she went to look at her own mugg wanting to see what hers had but before she could an explosion could be heard, the building shaking causing her to spill her hot coffee.

In less then a second she was sat next to Alastor, the steaming coffee now on the ground.

"Careful dear." Alastor said with a tilt of his head before he heard his name being called causing him to turn his head slightly annoyed.

"Show yourself Alasstor-!" Y/n turned her head to the owner of the voice, noticing it was a snake?

"Oh-There you are.." The snake said noticing Alastor who wasn't on the first floor.

"Wait a minute-iss That an angel-?" The snake said squinting his eyes to get a better look at the H/c angel.

"Who are you again?" Alastor said butting in not liking the snake demon one bit.

"Who am i-!? Who am i!? I am the great Sir Pentious! Youre arch nemesis!!" Sir pentious exclaims

"Hmm..doesn't ring a bell." Alastor says gently grabbing onto Y/ns arm shadowing them to the ground where Charlie, vaggie, Angel dust, Husk and Niffty stood.

"Ooh! He's a badd boy!!" Niffy says on Alastors shoulder before Alastor picked her up and placed her down next to Y/n to which she grasped onto Y/ns leg.

"Seriously-? We battled like..20 times? I fought you Literally last week.."

"You would have think i would of heard of you..you must have a very forgettable face.." Alastor says in a teasing tone.

"SILENCE-! Now cower before me! For when I take you down, the all mighty V's will see me as their equal-!!"

"Ooh-! Wait..who are the V's?" Niffty asked confused.

"Oh no one important my dear." Alastor says dodging the question, suddenly one of Alastors tentacle of sorts springer up from the ground, hitting Sir pentious ship over and over again, as if he was playing around.

Y/n looked at Laughing Alastor and back between him hitting the ship.

When did he become so rough?

What happened after she died?

Looking up from the ship she realized the snake had fallen down, and was now on the floor. She reached her hand out and steped forward going to help the poor snake, that was before suddenly an very huge Egg? Fell into her hands.

She took her attention from the Snake to the egg in her hand, who seemed to be covering their eyes in fear.

Once the egg realized he didn't hit the ground and crack his shell he looked up noticing the angel that caught him.

"am I in heaven?" The egg said in a weird wonky voice.


"You saved me Ms. angel! I will forever be in your dept!" The egg then saluted to the angel, a determined expression on his face.

Feeling the ground shake and green enter her vision she noticed the snake was to where to be found, his screams fading away.

"Well it seems I may need a visit to the tailor! Come on my dear." Alastor says mentioning for the angel to come along.

"Your leaving? We need a wall!" Vaggie says pointing out the obvious.

"Oh seems you may be right, can't let my project go to waste now!" Within a snap of his fingers workers appeared.

"Come on darling." Y/n quickly runs up to Alastor slowing down as she walks beside him, the egg cuddled in her arms.

"Your taking the angel here? Into the city? I thought you said 'Can't let hell know there's an angel in the loose'? Those were your exact word smiles." Angel dust says mocking Alastor taking ahold of Y/n.

"Well, i wouldn't want her to get all cooped up in the hotel! And I will be by her side at all times and she has already agreed on accompanying me! Now lets go." Before Angel dust could say nother word Alastor links arms with Y/n and walks towards the city.


"No fucking way-Is that a-" a TV Demon says staring into the screen noticing am angel walk away with the radio demon.

"Oh woah..~ didn't expect to see an angel in hell~ would you look at her figure..she would do great in the studio~" a Moth demon says while blowing out red smoke that formed into a heart as it explained towards the beautiful angel that had caught the demons interest.

"Seems like your little competition has a Guardian angel~"

"Shut the Fuck up Val-!" The TV demon says Glitching.

The TV demon eyes traveled back onto the screen, not caring for the radio demon anymore but instead the angel that was in hell.

Without a word he left the moth demons room, walking back down towards his own department.

"Well-? Did you take care of the Piss baby?" A certain doll demon asked towards the TV demon who just walked passed her, ignoring her. causing her to mumble out an insult towards the TV Demon.

He Approaches his department, instantly a crowd approached him causing him to growl in annoyance before smiling. He wasted no time to hypnotiz the crowed, walking into an elevator.

He walked out approaching the TVs that surrounded a chair that he sat on. The TVs changing screens before they all settled on one where the H/c angel could be seen.

His eyes never left your figure, a scowl placed on his face as he noticed you with the radio demon.

Why were you so intriguing to him? Why was he so interested? Was it that maybe you were an angel in hell? Or maybe it was because you caught a certain radio demons interest? Or maybe it was the way you looked so pure, So beautiful, So perfect..He wanted that-No he needed that in his life..

He needed you in his life.

Heyy just wanted to upload a chapter since I haven't updated in a while!!

I wasn't really sure on what to name this chapter so j just named it 'Gift' I'm runing out of ideas😭

I was going too write WAY more but unfortunately my TV isn't working so I'm not so sure when my next chapter will be published sadly:(

So this will be all for right now, I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter♡♡

Love ya, Muah💋

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