You - Min Yoongi

By Sunshineandsprite

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what happens when you lose the person you're in love with.. what happens when you also lose your best friend... More



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By Sunshineandsprite

I woke up refreshed this morning. A day to finally relax. Nari messaged me and said she would reach mine a little later than she planned.

I decided to give the apartment a good clean and refresh the bedding in the guest bedroom even if everything was still new and unused. So I stuck on some music and got stuck in. The apartment wasn't messy, but it did need dusting and mopping through. I did a couple of washes, and by 5 p.m., I was done.

Half past six. I heard a knock on my door, I ran to let nari in. Closing the door behind us.

"Holy shit Bella, this apartment is amazing. Look at that view."

"I know that view is what sold me. I knew I had to live here, come on, let me show you where you're staying for the next two nights."

She followed me into the guest bedroom. She flung her bag onto the bed and looked around. The windows were floor to ceiling like the rest of the apartment. I showed her the button to press if she wanted the curtains closing. Shown her the ensuite.. then she followed me back out.

"What's the plans then, while you're here." I asked.

"Well, tonight we can hang here. But tomorrow night we are going out, girl,
What's the point in living in seoul if you don't go out and enjoy the nightlife. Plus, we need to find you a man." She added on at the end. Wiggling her eyebrows.

"Ri, I don't need a man." I grumbled. "I'm perfectly fine being by myself."

"I know bells, I was joking. You will find someone when you're ready. But honey, it's been three years since you've even considered being in a relationship."

"I know, you're right, Ri, I do, but -"

"Stop letting yoongi get in the way of things, Bella. He got his happiness, and now he is doing something he always wanted. He got his dream.. you need to get on with your life, even if it's not with who you wanted it to be with.. make that dream with someone else. You've got your job figured out.. you just need to find someone who also fits into those plans. He doesn't get a say in your life anymore bells. You're not teens anymore where you didn't want a relationship with anyone and that point in your life changed as you grew, I know how much you fell in love.. but as you know, things change, and yoongi did that to you, but you deserve to find love again." She was right. I know she is. But it's easier said than done when you're working in the same place as the person you fell in love with,

"I know, and I will.." I sighed,"but I ain't just going to go looking for it in a nightclub of all places, Ri."

"I know I get it, but we can still have fun, though yeah." She smiled. "Chun-jae was gutted he couldn't come as it was girls' time, so we have to enjoy it. You're going to be so busy soon. Who knows when we will get girl time again."

"Right." I sighed.

"What's wrong?" Nari asked.

"It's just going to be strange. Travelling to different countries. When all I wanted to do was have somewhere permanent so I could be close to my mum again, and I've got to spend all my time with him in all these places.. you know I didn't tell you yesterday, but they made me yoongis permanent stylist cause his got fired after slapping me."

"She did what? Why?

"Well, after the shift ended, she told me to stay away from yoongi after he followed me out, and we had that argument.. Well, I kind of think he was only with her to try and me jealous having another girl hanging around him. Well, she came in kicking off, saying he ended things, and he just told her it wasn't working out, and she thinks I was jealous because he chose her. Basically, i told her to get her facts straight and get out of my face."

Nari just started laughing. "Oh my god, I can see where this is going. Please tell me you beat her ass seeing as she didn't take your first warning."

"No, she took the challenge. I even let her have the first hit, hence the slap. I was just going to lay into her, but namjoon stopped it. I didn't even know they were in there. She got fired and threatened me, saying I'd pay for her losing yoongi and her job. I also told namjoon about why yoongi and i fell out, not all of it, but the basic reason we had a few other words regarding the job and now I'm yoongi and jimins stylist namjoon told him to be on his best behaviour." I didn't tell her what happened between him and me yesterday as I didn't want to get into it all.

"Well, all I can say, Bella, I'm glad you let namjoon in even if not fully yet.. and yoongi, well, just do your best to ignore him. Let him say what he's got to say, but don't let him show it's affecting you."

"That's the plan." I said, smiling at her.

We hung out for the rest of the evening and had a couple of glasses of wine. We ended up having ramen to eat cause we were too focused on the TV series nari suggested we watch.

We finally called it a night at just gone 10 pm tomorrow we were going shopping.


Walking around the Starfield Coex Mall..

Nari had dragged me into shop after shop. Saying we needed new outfits for the night out. We took some time out of shopping to get dinner. Then we hit more shops. We both had something new for our night out and headed back to my apartment.

We decided to get ready at 8pm while having a few drinks before heading out.

By 4 p.m. I heard my phone going off that I had placed in the kitchen on the counter.

I jumped off the sofa to retrieve it..

Looking at the contact number. I couldn't believe it. I looked over to nari, who was already watching me walk back to the sofa.

"It's Pd.nim," I told her before answering it.


"Bella, I know none of you were scheduled to work until Monday, but one of the appointments later in the week had to cancel and can only do it tonight otherwise it will be weeks before we can get another appointment scheduled in. I need you to come in for a couple of hours."

"But sir. I had plans tonight also my friend is in town staying with me."

"Bella, please, I'm desperate." He pleaded. "I'll make it worth your while. Please."

I sighed. "OK. On one condition, I can bring her with me, and we can both get ready there. She knows yoongi, we all went to school together, and I trust her not to say anything. Otherwise, I can't come in as this is already ruining our time."

It was silent for a minute.

"Fine, fine, ok. jusy make sure she gets a visitor pass from the reception, and I'll send a car to you in half an hour, and she needs to sign a nda on arrival to."

"Yes, sir, that's fine."

"Thank you, Bella. Where would I be without you. OK, I'll see you later. Bye." Then he hung up.

I explained to nari what was happening, and we grabbed everything together we needed for our night out, including stuff for us to have showers, I took my make-up with me, as I couldn't use the guys but I would need to use jimins hairdryer. And put everything in a bag. I would just pop into bighit sometime tomorrow and collect our stuff we are changing out of before nari goes home.

Forty minutes later , we walked into the dressing room.

I told nari to go and sit on the sofa. The boys were in deep conversation and did not even realise we had come in. The rest of the stylists were still getting everything out.

"Bella, sorry for calling you in at short notice. Come and find me later on set once you're ready to go." He said as he and manager sejin walked past us and out the door.

All the members stopped talking to look over. Hobi and jimin came running over to hug me.

"Hey guys."

"Who's your friend?" Jimin asked

"Nari. Hi." Yoongi jumped in before I could even speak.

She just looked at yoongi and gave him a stoic look, "loser." She replied.

"Ouch, what was that for?" He said, looking completely perplexed.

"You know why asshole." She replied.
"You may be still friends with me and chun-jae, yoongi, but us girls stick together, and I know every teeny-tiny detail so now I get to see you face to face and give you a piece of my mind. I have not been able to do it before as chun-jae didn't want me to say anything, but he isn't here to stop me.. soooo.. Like seriously, what the fuck?" She popped off at yoongi. I even told her not to do this myself before getting here. But nari is nari, and she won't take any prisoners..

He just mumbled, "Everything."

"Yes yoongi everything. I knew before you knew what was going on with Bella. I was the one who told her to talk to you."

I took a look, and everyone was just looking at the three of us.

I felt so embarrassed. "Ri. Can you please not do this now? Everyone is looking at us. I'd rather not have them know about all that stuff," I tried to whisper. I'm speaking a little louder than i actually thought i was. They were all just looking at me now. "Please," I begged, "I have to work here with him, I have to work here with them. Please just leave it. it's all in the past now. Time to move on."

"You're right, I'm sorry, Bella, yoongi I'm sorry to.. I just wish I understood why he did what he did. He doesn't talk to anyone about this.. we tried. I just wanted to do something to see where you were both coming from.. I just wanted to try and fix it so you could come home bells."

Me and yoongi quickly glanced at each other.

I sighed. "I know, Ri.. but you can't fix anything that wasn't really there. He had us all fooled, not just me. I wish it wasn't like this." I quickly looked at yoongi again. "Because I miss him. I miss what I thought was my best friend." I turned to look at nari. "But hey. I have you and your more than a friend that anyone could need. But we need to stop this shit because I have work to do so we can actually get to our plans. So hug each other, say hi properly, then yoongi can get his ass in his chair so I can crack on with him and jimin, then we can go to."

"OK," she smiled.

Everyone scattered as I started to move. I walked over to jimin and left yoongi and nari to it.

I'm not in the mood for talking. I knew now they were all wanting answers, but I just got on with it. Get this out the way, then I could get ready and go and get a drink or ten.

By 5.15, jimin was complete. I turned to yoongi, who was already in his chair. I could tell by the reflection in the mirror he was in deep thought.. I glanced at nari. Someone had given her a drink, and she was on the phone talking to someone.

I gathered everything together I would need and placed it on the top of the dressing table.

When I turned, he was now looking up at me. I just got stuck in.

When I got to doing his eye make-up. I heard him sigh, and then he stopped me from doing anymore by opening his eyes and taking my wrist again.


"Bella," I corrected him.

"What did you mean when you said to nari time to move on?"

"Yoongi, let's not do this, please. Just let me do my job." I sighed.

"I need to know, B. Just tell me what you mean?"

"For fucksake, I need to move on because I can't spend the rest of my life hung up on the same guy. Not when I can't have him. Just please drop it, because I can't have this conversation with you."

But he totally ignored the last part of what I said.

"You really told nari everything. Even before you told me?" I just nodded my head in reply.

"How long B? How long did it finally take for you to tell me?"

"Four months." I turned away, as I didn't want him to see me upset. "I had to talk to someone, I had these feelings for a while before that yoongi. If I had known it would have torn us apart, I would never have told you. I would have just tried to get over it, I never wanted our friendship to end over this, but according to you, there was never a friendship there to begin with." I sniffled.

"I'm going to ask you again. How long did you have these feelings, bella?" How long till you finally told me.?" He said, taking my cheek in his hand so he could turn me to look at him in the eyes.

"It's not important." He gave me a look telling me I needed to spit it out. "Fine." I closed my eyes, letting out a couple more tears. "I want to say when i first saw him. but no, it was when we became friends."

"But you said -"

"I know what I said, yoongi. Can we just please not do this." I said, moving my face away from his hand. I turned my back to him to wipe away the tears. Glancing in the mirror, I looked like shit I quickly turned back to yoongi.

"Check around the room to see if anyone was watching our interaction because I need to go to the bathroom and sort out my face." I asked.

He did as I asked. He turned back to me. "No one as far as I can tell."

"Right, I'll be back in five to finish." I said, grabbing my make-up bag and running out quickly.

"You OK, Bella?" I heard nari shout.

"Yep, just going to the toilet." I shouted back. 'Like everyone needed to know,' I thought, but I didn't want to stop to tell her, I didn't want her to look at my face she would know I'd been crying.

I ran into the bathroom and splashed cold water over my face. Finally, it looks less puffy. I dug in my make-up bag for eye drops to hopefully help with the red eyes. Then, dug into the bag again, looking for my concealer to cover my red blotchy face. I added the rest of my make-up to make it look like I did before I left the room. I'll be washing it all off again soon for tonight, anyway. And made my way back.

"You were gone a while. Are you sure you're OK?" Nari asked.

"Ri. I'm fine. I needed the toilet. That's all then. Mum called me." I lied

"So why take your makeup bag with you?" She asked curiously.

"Ah, yeah. I thought I had come on my monthly cycle, and it's got some tampax in there.. but it was a false alarm." I said convincingly to make her believe it.

She took my word for it and went to talk to sumi and jin as sumi had already done namjoon and he was playing on his phone.

I got back to yoongi and carried on doing what needed to be done. 15 minutes later, he was complete. It helped he didn't talk to me anymore, so I could just do it.

We followed them out and onto the set. We were talking quietly at the back of the room. Luckily, this was a pre recording to be shown in the future. I went and did a few touch-ups. On the pair.

At just gone, 7.30. Pd.nim came up and told me and nari that we could go and start getting ready as the guys would be finished soon. He asked where we were going tonight, and we said which nightclub. He said all expenses were on him tonight, and we would have a driver to make sure we get there and back safely.

Me and nari quickly ran and grabbed our stuff to change into. Luckily, this place had showers. Otherwise, we would have had to go back to the apartment.

By 8.30, we were both showered, and I was shaved in all the right places and dressed. we both headed back to the dressing room. talking and laughing, which suddenly stopped when we heard "Holy shit." We turned to face the room, and every single one of them was looking at us. We thought they had left by now.

"Namjoon," I said, feeling my face getting warm.

"What? I was only saying what everyone was thinking. You've even stunned the poor kid."

I turned to look at jungkook. The poor sixteen year old kid didn't know what to do except cover the front of his pants and blush with his mouth hanging open.

I took nari's hand and walked her over to jimins chair. I was starting with her before I did my own.

The seven members hung around chatting, and even Pd.nim stopped by.

I completed nari she was already beautiful, and chun-jae was a lucky bastard. She would definitely steal someone's man if she wasn't so in love with chun-jae and 100% devoted to him. In fact, they've been together that long it's about time he put a ring on it.

Then, I made a start on myself.

Just gone 9.30, and I was done make-up hair and nails. I just stood up to pack away when I felt a presence behind me.

"Should I be worried about letting you go out like this?"

"No. Why would you need to worry?" I said, turning to face him. "You made it very clear we aint friends yoongi three years ago. What I do has nothing to do with you anymore, and like I said earlier, I need to move on. I'm old enough to make my own decisions. Whether they are good or bad. I don't need your lying ass to take care of me. I need someone to love and love me back without you getting in the way of that." I finished.

"B, it's not safe out there, especially with you going out like that,"

"Enough, yoongi." I shouted."Will you please just stop. Let me just live my fucking life how i want to live it. Will you please stop with this, whatever it is, I don't want or need you to keep butting into my life. We are nothing. we never were. Friends don't hurt friends the way you hurt me.. so just fuck off." I snapped.


"No yoongi, I'm done... I'm done with you.. so please.. just please stop pretending that you're concerned for me. I can't keep holding onto what I thought we were, I can't keep loving someone yoongi that will never love me back.. because you changed everything. You know, all these years, I blamed myself for ruining our friendship, but it wasn't me at all.. it was you. It was all you. You should have just left me alone in school and just been civil around our parents because then I would never have to go through what I did for the last six years with your lying ass being part of it. So nari and I are going out to enjoy ourselves and I don't need your fucking permission." I turned and walked away.

"You OK, Bella." Hobi asked.

"Just fucking peachy hobi. I know namjoon before you even go there. I'm handing in my notice on Monday it doesn't need a discussion. I thought I could do this, but I can't. I'm sorry, guys.. I'm sorry, jimin. Come on, Ri, let's go." I said, grabbing her hand and dragging her out the door.

We stepped out of the car that Pd.nim provided for us. Nari never bought up anything that was said back in the dressing room. We headed into the club and straight to the bar.

"Two double whiskeys and two soju, please." I ordered as soon as we got the attention of the bar staff..

We both went and found a seat once we had our drinks. We were talking for a bit. Nari disappeared to the bar again for our next round of drinks. While she was away, my eyes scanned the room.

There was one person I didn't expect to see so soon. 'Oh, tonight is going to be fun.' I immediately thought.

Nari came back with the drinks.

"Hey Ri. There's someone here who may make my night interesting."


"See her on the dance floor with the pink dress. With the two girls in black and the girl in blue." I said, trying to give a description.

"Oh yeah, I see her. Who is that?" She asked

"Yoongis ex, the one who slapped me the other day, Hana." I said, knocking back the soju. "As soon as she sees me, she is going to try and finish what she started the other day. She said she was going to make me pay.. now is the perfect time, wouldn't you say so?"

"Bells, there are four of them."

"And." I said."I could take on all four, don't worry, you don't have to get your pretty face all bloody honey, plus I don't want an ass whipping from chun-jae."

"Bella, you don't have to go looking for a fight."

"I know," I sighed. "I'm not going too, but if it comes to me, Ri."

"Alright, bells, I know you ain't going to drop it if she comes for you, and I won't stop it either. But this isn't you anymore. Remember, the adrenaline is only temporary. Tomorrow, all you're going to have is the pain, and the hurt for yoongi is still going to be there."

"I know, let's just have fun. Yeah, another drink." I said, jumping up and heading to the bar.

I grabbed our drinks, got to the table, and told nari to neck it down.

"Come on, Ri, let's go dance."

She agreed we danced and laughed, and we caught the attention of a couple of guys. Who we quite politely told to fuck off were not interested. They were very touchy. Had another shot of soju that they had kindly bought. Then danced some more.

I felt someone bump into me a few times, I was getting pissed off, and nari knew I was..

"Bella, it's her. She's just trying to get a reaction from you." She whispered.

"And she's going to get one if she doesn't pack it in. I told you I wasn't going to start it, but she is bringing it to me, and she's asking for it."

"I got you bells if you need it, fuck chun-jae if my girl needs back up then I'm going to give it."

We carried on dancing together and acting oblivious.

But she kept doing it. We even moved away from them, but they followed.

I gave nari a look to say I had enough of this bitch.

I swung myself around to face her. Yeah, I had a few drinks, but I wasn't drunk as much as I planned on being.

I grabbed hold of her. "You really do want me to kick your ass hana I warned you last time, namjoon isn't here to stop me this time."

She pushed me backwards. "I told you, Bella, I would make you pay for ruining things for me."

"Hana, you did that shit to yourself. But if you insist, bring it on, honey. I'll give you the same chance as last time. Come on, if you want to do this, hit me first."

She looked at nari, and nari just shrugged because she knew how this was going to end.

Hana looked back at her friends and laughed. Then, back to me, I raised my brow. "You better do a good job with this hit this time around cause you wo -" Yep, she cut me off with another slap.

"Really, that's all you got. Honey, you should have used your fist. Now it's my turn. Let me show you how it's done."

I took a swing and knocked her on her ass.

I'm looking down on her. "You done? Stay down if you are. If not, get your ass up. Come on, hana, you wanted this please fucking get up." I won't hit her while she is down and I wanted her to get back up.

"Get the fuck up hana." I shouted.

Next minute, there was someone blocking my view from her, "That's enough, you need to go home."

I'm looking up at the figure in front of me. Wearing all black, hat on his head, and a mask on his face, but I knew exactly who it was, the eyes I'd recognise anywhere and the deep daegu accent to go with it.

"Hey nari, look who it is," I laughed.
"How about no." I snapped at him. Turning to nari. "Come on, I need another drink." I said, walking off the dancefloor towards the bar.

He ran around in front of me. "Bella, you have had enough. You need to go."

"Will you stop fucking telling me what to do.." i said pushing him away from me. "yoongi you didn't want me here in the first place so why can't you just fucking leave me alone.. why did you even come here?.. nari why won't he just leave me alone?"

But she was just as stumped as I was and couldn't give an answer.

"Answer me." I said angrily at him.

"I told you it wasn't safe. Bella."

"Does it fucking look like I needed saving, huh. Why are you making things so difficult. I asked you to leave me alone, but you can't do a single thing. I ask of you. Why was it you that had to come here.. should have been namjoon. I like namjoon."

I could tell he had just about enough of my shit.

"I know you like namjoon, and maybe I didn't do as you asked and stayed away. Then where would you be if I did. Police station, hospital, maybe. You're an adult, Bella, fucking act like it. Now I won't tell you again. it's time for you to go home. I'll carry you if I have to."

I looked at nari, and she looked like she was ready to go, and I had enough to be honest. It's nari last day tomorrow, and I don't know when we will be able to meet up again. But i wanted to be a bitch to him.

I looked him in the eyes and smirked. "No, I'm - woah, hey, put me down." I shouted as he threw me over his shoulder.

I heard nari laugh. "Hey, you're supposed to be on my side." I shouted, and I heard her laugh more.

Once we got outside. "Yoongi put me down. My ass is out and getting cold." And he just replied with a quick hard slap on it.

I was shocked.. literally.

" Did you just?..What was that for?" I finally managed to speak out.

"You want to act like a brat, Bella. Then I'll treat you like one, Now give me your address."

"Not a fucking chance." Then I got a sharp slap on my ass cheek again.

"Address now. I can keep this up all night B. The quicker you give me your address, the quicker you're snuggled up in bed."

"Fine." I said, knowing he wasn't going to give up, I told him my address as much as I didn't want him to have it. He let nari get in the car first, then placed me in, and then he jumped in next to me.

I turned to nari while he was telling the driver the address.

"What the fuck was that?" I tried to whisper. She just shrugged, then replied, "I don't know, but it looked hot, even if it was you two I was watching. I wonder if chun-jae would try that."

"Ri, I didn't need to know that."

"Didn't need to know what?" Yoongi asked.

"None of your business, its girl talk, and you ain't no girl." I said, turning my back to face him so I could look at nari instead.

He grabbed me by the shoulder and pushed me back into my seat properly, so I was facing forward. Then, he leaned over, grabbed the seatbelt, wrapped it around me, and plugged it in.

All I could smell was his cologne.. it was still the same. The manly woody undertones mixed in with other scents, too, make the divine smell that he wears.

He never wore it at work though. He wore something else that had the same woody undertone to it, but the smell was completely different,

"I could have done that." I said, looking now at him.

"I know, but you didn't, and the driver was waiting to move while you were being a baby and turning your back on me instead.". He then smirked and turned to look at the window.

"Asshole." I muttered, but I knew he heard me.

Pulling up outside the apartment block, yoongi stepped out of the car, and me and nari followed.

"Where do you think you are going?" I said to him as we started walking to head inside.

"I'm making sure you both get in safely. You've both been drinking." He said.

"I'm not drunk even if I have been drinking." I said, trying to walk towards him but stumbling into his chest. He immediately wrapped his hands around me to stop me from falling to the floor. And I looked up at him.

"Not drunk, you say?" He smiled. "B your fucked."

"Yeah well I was fine until I got in the car. I never drank that much, really. I've drank more than this before." I mumbled off. And I was. I didn't understand why all of a sudden I felt very pissed.

"Did you take anything else?"

"What, no.. I don't do that anymore. But some guys did get us drinks before I knocked your bitch on her ass. You think I've been -"

"Quite possibly B.. Oh shit nari." I heard him say. I turned to look over where he was looking, and she was over by the bushes, and the poor driver was taking care of her while she was throwing her guts up.

"I need to get you upstairs, B. Is it OK if the driver comes up with nari once she has finished chucking."

I just nodded. yoongi couldn't take care of us both at once.

"Is your door key or coded."

"Coded." I said. Now, I'm not feeling good myself.

"Code, B. I need to give him the code to get in."

"090393, shhh don't tell yoongi, oh no," I said. "I don't feel good."

Suddenly, I was swiped up bridal style.

"Hang in there, B." He said, rushing over to the driver who was looking after nari he said he was happy to take care of nari and told him the code to let himself and nari in.

He ran me inside and started hammering on the elevator button. Not that it will make it come any faster..

"What level, B?" He asked once inside

"11" I managed to get out. "I don't feel good at all, I think I'm going to be sick."

"Not here, just hang on." He said panicked, "which apartment left or right door."

I swung my arm left as that was mine out of the two apartments on this floor. I had never seen my neighbours across from me yet.

I heard the beeping from the combination lock he was pressing in.
He swung open the door, rushing us through the threshold and slamming it closed with his foot.

"Bathroom." I pointed towards my bedroom door. Not daring to speak, I could feel the bile coming up into my throat, trying my best to keep it in.

He went running into the bedroom, and I pointed to the left door near the window. He ran in through the door, lifted the toilet seat, and placed me on the floor in front of the toilet bowl.

I could feel it coming "out," I shouted. Then it came.. I felt him scoop my hair in his hand to keep it out of my face and his other hand rubbing circles on my back..

"I'm not going anywhere. B, that's it. Get it all out." I heard him say.

I heard the driver shout through the door to yoongi, asking which room. I just pointed to the room next door.

"Put her in the door on the left." He shouted back through.

A few minutes later. I had tears streaming down my face, and all I was doing was dry heaving with nothing left to bring up.

I pulled myself away from the toilet and propped my back against the wall. He took a seat next to me.

"Feeling a bit better, B," he asked.

I turned to look at him. "Thank you for staying. You didn't need to do that."

"I did, and you know it. Now, let's get you into bed to sleep the rest out of your system." He said, standing up and lifting me slowly just in case I fell or needed to be sick again.

"I need a shower first. Go and check on nari." I said.

I flushed the toilet and dropped the lid so i could sit on it to remove my shoes.

"Fucking stupid shoes." I mumbled trying to get them undone.

"You want some help with those before I check on nari."

"Please. I can't do it."

He bent down in front of me and lifted my foot onto his knee, and he undid the buckle and removed my shoe, then ran his hands over the top of my ankle. Then repeated the same for the other foot. I didn't say anything to the way he was acting.

He placed both my feet back on the floor and helped me stand.

"OK, I'm going to check on nari and the driver." He said as he moved away and switched on the shower for me. "Be careful in the shower."

I nodded my head in reply, and he walked out, closing the bathroom door behind him.

I managed to rid myself of my clothes fumbling slightly in my thong that wrapped itself round my feet.

I walked into the shower and let the warm water fall down my body, being mindful not to get my hair wet.

I heard a knock on the door. "Hey B. Nari is asleep. We both decided to stay so we can keep an eye on you both in case you get sick in the night." I heard him say.

"Yeah, OK. Err, you'll have to share the sofa or something." I shouted back.

I presume he had gone as it went quiet..

I had started washing myself down with my bodywash when I heard another knock.

"B, you ok in there."


"I'll wait out here until you're done."

Then it went quiet again.

I finished and switched off the shower and grabbed one of my white fluffy towels off the rack, and wrapped it around me. Feeling alot better. But knowing I would still suffer in the morning. I brushed my teeth. I just needed to sleep everything out of my system.

'Oh shit,' I thought. I opened the door to peep my head through. "I have no clothes in here to change into, and I'm only in a towel." I said, grabbing his attention

"Do you want me to grab something for you." He asked.

"Err.. sure. In the top draw on the right is the t-shirts I sleep in."

I watched as he walked over and pulled the draw open, grabbing one in his hands and bringing it over towards the door.

I knew in an instant which one he had picked.

He held it up. "You still have this?" He questioned.

"Yeah," i was kind of embarrassed he'd seen it, and he must have shifted other things about in that draw to find it. "I never had the heart to throw it away when I left because even after how much you hurt me. That right there was the only and final part I had left of you. It helped me when I was lonely at uni. I had to wash it after a few days of being there, dorm mate was a bitch and she spilled something on it. And it never smelled like you again, but it was important to me with or without the scent." I told him truthfully.

I held my hand out so he could pass it to me. But he just turned around and chucked it on the bed.

"Yoongi. I need that."

"Come here." He said.

"I can't. I'm only in a towel." I replied.

"And." He said, like it wasn't a problem. "Just do as I say, and come here."

I hesitantly opened the bathroom door and stepped out towards him.

I stood and looked up at him. I'm making sure I held on tight to the towel.

Swallowing nervously. Not understanding what is happening.

He reached both his hands up to the back of his neck and pulled his t-shirt up over his head. Leaving him top less.

'What the fuck is happening? Is he drunk? Maybe I'm more fucked up than I thought and I'm hallucinating.' Completely lost in my drunk brain trying to comprehend what was happening. I heard my name being called bringing me back to the room. Well, not fully. My eyes were elsewhere.

"Huh," I said, confused.

"I said here, put this one on. And I'll wear that one." Holding it out to me, and I didn't even look at it.

"Huh." Completely fucking distracted with a half naked body of min yoongi in front of me and holy shit he toned up since I'd last seen him shirtless. 'Must be all the dancing, I wonder if he hits the gym too.'


"I'm sorry, what?" I said, blinking my eyes to refocus and moving my eyes up to finally meet his.

In the end, he just plonked my head through the top of it.

"Here, put your arm through," he smiled. He took my arm to put it on.
"OK. Now the other one." He said, putting the hand that was in the shirt already where my other hand is so the towel stays on. He then took my other arm and pulled it through and then pulled the shirt over the rest of my body.

"OK, you can drop the towel." He said. "Underwear," he suddenly burst out. "You need underwear. Which is your underwear draw."

"What?. No.. I don't want you going through my underwear. Plus, I don't wear any to bed. To uncomfortable."

"B, you're not alone in your home tonight. I think it's best if you wear something."

"Fine. I have a few sleep shorts in the left top draw." I said, rolling my eyes.

He walked away to the drawers again and pulled out one of the pairs of the top. He held them up. "B, you can't call these shorts."

"Oh shut up being a whiney bitch on what I wear and bring me the fucking shorts."

He just laughed and walked over and passed me the shorts.

"Help me put my feet through and then turn around so I can pull them up, please." I asked.

He snatched the shorts back out of my hand and crouched down, and held them open.

I tried to lift one of my legs to put it into the top of the short, but my drunk ass was to wobbly.

"Hold onto me." He said

I placed one of my hands on his bare shoulder.

"Shit, not that shoulder, B. The other one." He hissed. I looked down to see the pained expression on his face. I quickly removed my hand and placed it on the other one.

"You OK?." I asked

"Yeah, I'll be alright it's nothing." He said, trying to play it off, but I could read yoongi he wasn't fooling me, but I wasn't going to press him about it tonight. I needed sleep.

Now stabilised. I managed to get both legs into the correct holes, ready to pull them up, but before I could say anything, yoongi carried on pulling them up,

"W..what are you doing yoongi. I told you to turn around so I could pull them up."

He didn't reply. He kept his hands on me as he stood up. I could feel the t-shirt lift his hand placed on my hips, his thumbs rubbing the skin gently.

"You know if you were mine, I would have punished you for the way you just spoke to me." And I was stunned to silence.

He placed his forehead on mine. I panicked, placing both my hands instinctively on his chest, my heart beating out of my mine. I'm certain he could hear it.

I looked up into his eyes. I could feel his breath on my face. He was close. Very close. If one of us moved slightly forward, our lips would be touching.

I watched as his eyes flutter shut, and he took a deep sigh.

"What are you doing to me, B." I heard him whisper."You should have stayed away from me. You shouldn't have come back. I'm not good enough for you, Bella. I'm a horrible person."

"Yoongi, you were my person. I knew and saw all the bad parts of you, but I had also seen so many and been in so many of the good parts. Yoongi, you were my best friend, and I loved you more than anything. I just don't know how you let me be part of that, but say It was all fake. You didn't just break my heart yoongi. You smashed it to pieces.. all the trust I had in people disappeared.. couldn't and didn't want to let anyone else in, just to be let down again, my heart never repaired. I am grateful for everything you helped me with tonight.. but I would appreciate it when we wake up.. we just pretend like none of this happened and go back to how it was before and not talk.. because I can't help but feel if I just let a tiny part of you back in... yoongi, I can't get hurt and lied to by you again. I may not recover this time." I said, pushing against his chest, so he moved away from me and let me go.

I walked over to my bed and slid in under my covers. I watched as he picked up the t-shirt from the bottom of the bed and put it on, covering his body back up.

He didn't say anything as he started heading towards the bedroom door.

'Shit, there must be something wrong with me. He's hurting. You hurt him. Good, then he may feel a tiny fraction of what I felt, don't do it Bella, don't fucking do it.' The voices in my head were fighting with each other.

"Stay." I blurted out.

He turned to look at me.

"What I am staying I told you were not leaving you both, I'm just going to the sofa with our driver Mr bak."

"No, yoongi, I mean stay here."

"You mean with you in your bed? I..I don't -"

"Look, I know we never shared a bed in all our sleepovers, but this is a one-time thing nothing is ever going to happen between the pair of us, right? we mean nothing to each other. Tomorrow is back to normal. Monday, we will see each other at work and go on as before, and I'll hand my notice into Bang pd. Then we'll never have to see each other again.. simple, plus you're the one who said you wanted to stay to make sure I wasn't ill again in the night. So will you please just get into bed so we can finally get some sleep." I said, throwing back the cover of the side in which he could sleep.

He walked over to the side of the bed.
Sat down to remove his shoes. If I wasn't drunk and he wasn't running through the house so I could make it to the bathroom in time, I would have cursed him out.

He got into the bed and under the covers as well. But stayed sat up. "You sure about this, B. It's weird.. not in a bad way. It's just that we've never done this before. We just never crossed this boundary like this. Plus, you're drunk and have God only knows what else in your system.. and I have a feeling you are going to wake up and freak out about all of this."

"Will you just shhh. Let's just get this night over with.. I know you're here right now and took care of me, but please stop pretending like you care about me yoongi cause you and I both know that's not the truth, all the things you did and said tonight mean nothing to me yoongi.. as much as I would love it all to be ok between us again.. I just can't.. no.. I won't give myself the opportunity for you to hurt me again. So if you don't mind, can you please just do as I ask and leave me alone in the future? Let me live my life my way.. yoongi. I don't want you to be part of it as much as pain's me to say it. Because all I wished for for the days after we argued was you to message me and say sorry or something.. anything.. but from the night we spoke, well, when I spoke about how I was feeling.. you never texted, you never called, and you never knocked on my door, and I waited for you to just talk to me.. a week yoongi.. a whole fucking week. And then I walk into that party.. that night with what you did and said.. completly shattered my heart.. I had to go, I had to leave because I could cope, I couldn't look at you when hobi messaged to see if I wanted to hang out with you three, it would never be the same again and I knew it.. for a year back in the uk I was so fucked up.. I just needed my best friend. But our plans didn't go how we planned and I was alone.. and overnight. I did something that changed me.. I realised I lost myself, but I got better, I came off the drugs completely, but i drank and partied less and focused on my studies like I always did and looked where it got me. Working with celebrities even went to America a few times.. but I was still alone.. it was great seeing my family over there, but my home is here, yoongi.. my mum is my home. That's why when I got that job opportunity from bang si-hyuk, I grabbed it.. and I honestly didn't know you three had made it.. I tried to forget you.. I did, but when I walked into that room of six people and namjoon was trying to tell me about you.. I couldn't face you.. but I didn't want to give up my job either. I love it there. The guys are great.. and I thought if I could pretend you didn't exist, then everything would be ok.. but you just wouldn't leave me alone.. you just couldn't help yourself.. do you really hate me that much?.. so much that you have to keep arguing with me, making my life a misery.. but.. I'm quiting because I can't be around you. Yoongi, it hurts too much.. I just want to keep it as we were the past.. the past that made me learn a life lesson, trust nobody but yourself.. so yes, I need to move on, move forward with my future alone, and find someone who cares for me if I can even let someone in enough to know they care.. but I don't know why I'm telling you all this, I'm talking to you like we're still friends, and just my drunk ass is just rambling, I suppose. Just got to sleep, yeah. Tomorrow, we go back to not knowing each other. Just sleep.." I turned over so my back was facing away from. Pulling the covers up to my chin..

I felt him him shifting around, thinking he was getting comfy..

A few seconds later, I heard the door open and close.. he left..

Probably for the best.. what was I thinking getting him to stay then say all that shit..

'Just forget about him, Bella.' Was the final thought before I finally gave into sleep.


Well, four chapters in.
Does anyone think Bella is being unreasonable towards yoongi?.

She is just trying to protect her heart, especially from him.

What do you think he did to break their friendship apart?
Or should I say fake friendship on yoongis' part?

Please leave comments. I love to read them and don't forget to vote.

Thank you
Sunshineandsprite 💜

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