The Mystery Missings

By Seeker515

161 8 2

Story of a person who is in love with a girl who sometimes behaves strangely and lives in a village where lot... More

Chapter 1: Having my freedom.
Chapter 2. The Flashback
Chapter 4. The Killing
Chapter 5: The Jyothi's True Nature
Chapter Six: The Bishani's Curse

Chapter 3. The Revelation

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By Seeker515

I was unable to sleep for many days as my thoughts are always thinking about who would be this Swapna.

"How did Swathi know her?". "How does she know about the loot?", and many more such questions kept me awake for the whole time. I anxiously waited for Swathi's return.

She said, she would visit in the next month again. Meanwhile, my brain got exploded with curiosity and it started to think all the possibilities that can happen under the sky.

At last, the wait was over and today is the day, Swathi promised to meet me again. I woke up early in the morning before other cellmates and got ready and was waiting for the visitor's time. When the time came, I ran swiftly to ask her what was the second letter about and who is Swapna and how does she know all about us.

Swathi was not there in the visitor's gallery and I was disappointed and waited for her till the last minute. The police constable asked everyone whoever came to visit the prisoners to go away as the visiting time was finished and I was about to leave the place. Just then Swathi came dashing against the people moving outside.

I felt happy to see her and wanted to ask many questions but I could not do so as the constable was insisting that Swathi should leave the premises, as its end of the visiting hours. She asked the constable to give her few minutes so that she could speak to me. To my surprise, the constable agreed to her request and allowed us for five minutes more.

At last, I got to ask my questions which were troubling me for the whole month. Before I can ask anything, she said that she will answer all the questions I have in mind, as if she read my mind.

But, she said," this is not a good place to talk and you must be very curious about Swapna". "Don't worry, Swapna is my close friend's name". "I will tell everything after you come back to our village only". "There are a lot more surprises and shocks that you will go through". "But, you have just another hurdle ahead of you after you come back. And upon returning, don't dig out the treasure before I say you to do so. Remember it for sure. I will let you dig it when time is right and after that everything will be wonderful for us".

After listening to her say, I asked who is this friend that I don't know about. I knew you for many years now. I know all your friends, you only have three friends and I know them (Rekha, Jyothi and Geetha). I understand, that you are partly lying to my face now. Maybe, because of the environment here or some other reason. I will wait till you speak the truth. But, don't make me anxious without providing the answers for longer period.

For which, she smiled and said, "I know you would understand me even though I did not say the truth. I did bring you another letter today for you, but I won't give you now. Seeing you more anxious and desperate to know what's happening is not fair. So, forget everything and maintain a good behavior in the jail. You might get your prison sentence reduced from two years to one year six months.

"You might see me six months earlier."

With these words, she left the place and I returned to my cell with many questions unanswered.

I felt she was looking confident, happy and a little proud while speaking about Swapna. I zeroed in that there is nothing for me to worry. Swathi is happy and I got the vibe that she can handle any sort of situation calmly and with a cool attitude.

After few months, I completely forgot about all these and got immersed into the life at the prison. Life in the prison is not a pleasant experience for anyone. Lots, of things in the life will get cleared and many will learn the harsh reality of the outside world in a rough way in here.

Some members in the prison were good to me and the some were bullies. But, no one did anything to me and left me alone. I worked in the kitchen section in the jail and in my free time I learned stitching clothes and embroidery work.

Like this with no major remarkable events, my jail life passed. As predicted by Swathi, my jail sentence was reduced to one year six months and I got released early.

Coming back to the scene, I have this question in mind now. "Why did Swathi ran away from me into the fields?".

I went home and few days have passed but I could not see Swathi for more than two weeks. I slowly, started to go to work with the group Rajyam Aunt suggested me to join. My days were busy from morning till evening and I used to check in between if I can find Swathi or not. I renovated my house and made all the needed repairs and made it suitable for a newly married couple to stay. After some more day passed, I tried to ask about her in the village but no one has any idea about her whereabouts. I was not worried or you can say I have the confidence in her that she never leaves myside and I don't need to have the thought of she leaving me nor something bad can happen to her.

One day, after I finished the work. I encountered Swathi's father Ravinder on the way to my house (He knows about our love but behaves as if he didn't notice). I greeted him and he asked me about my whereabouts and said that he doesn't believe all the bullshit, the villagers thought about me being the robber and tried to bring me out on bail. But, Swathi asked him not to do so, because it is not good for you. She did not explain him the proper reason but she was against the idea. She was also against him visiting me while I was in the jail. He wished me good luck for the future and asked me to keep up the hard work and predicted I would be successful one day.

While he is just about to leave, I asked him about Swathi. He replied," I don't know what happened but from few days she is not stepping out of the house and asking me to go outside if she needs anything". "I also tried to find the reason behind her behavior but she brushes it off, by saying that she is not in the mood to go out etc.".

He then left and I went home and decided go to Swathi's house and ask her about what happened to her. It was evening 5:50 p.m., I dressed up neatly and went to Swathi's house. I waited for these many days as to make few arrangements to make my house ready for Swathi's arrival. But, today I have to see her and ask her the reason for her weird behavior and about the Swapna etc.

When I went to her and knocked the door. She opened the door and her look is like "I was expecting you to come to my house earlier but what took you so long to come".

I asked her whether her father is in the house or not. She replied, "you might have seen him going out for some work and after few minutes, you dared to come to my house."

I gave an embarrassed smile and said that I met him earlier and came to see you and talk to you in person. She said, "okay let's meet outside, near the small Devi temple which is located near the crop fields outside of the village at 11.00 p.m. tonight."

I was shocked and said will you be able to come at that hour and do you not fear the dark night. Moreover, your father won't allow you to go outside of the village into the fields during the night.

"He will allow me because there is some ritual only our family has and females in our families have to go in the night to the Devi temple and perform small processes and should lit the lamp present in the temple. As my mother died long back when we were kids I was the only female to do this now", she told.

"We will do this ritual only during the monsoon and summer seasons. Its not mandatory to do this ritual whole year or during seasons also but during the "Durga Ashtami" (Devi Navaratri time period) it is a must. I will explain everything later when we meet there", she said.

"Now, you need to leave my home and come to the temple after taking bath and come on empty stomach". "We should not go to the temple without taking bath, right?". While I was leaving the house, I saw a similar statue like the one I have seen in the haunted house and I came out of the house thinking about it.

Later, when I was going to my house I sensed that someone is following me. I tried to look back but I could not find anyone. I went home, around 9:30 p.m. in the night I got hungry and wanted to eat something but I remembered Swathi asking me to come on empty stomach. I tried hard not eat but I could not resist and ate the food. Around 10:30 p.m. in the night I took bath and got ready and locked the house and started to walk towards the temple in the fields.

I again sensed that someone is following me. I shouted and asked who is that following me and after few moments. I went to the place with torch in my hand. I could see a small light coming from the temple in the dark. I slowly moved to the place with caution in the dark. I reached the temple and no one was there and thought, who would come to Devi temple in this night and this far from the village. The temple is filled with the lamp light and small insects were flying over the lamp light. Then I prayed the goddess in the temple.

I slowly started to hear anklets sound indicating some female is coming. I know it is Swathi and she is smiling while walking towards me from the darkness.

She asked, "when did you come to the temple?". I replied," I just came here". Then after, she informed that the ritual process should be started around 12:00 p.m. Meanwhile we have something to talk and you ask all the questions you have.

I asked, "I have many things to ask, but firstly tell me who is Swapna and what is it about the loot and everything". Swathi with a stern look on her face told that to understand everything you first need to know about this temple, history of this particular place and the ritual we are going to perform it tonight.

Swathi asked me to listen carefully and started to speak. (With the light of the already existing lamps falling on her, Swathi who's wearing red saree, gold jewelry and sectarian mark or dot (bottu in telugu) on her forehead. I felt like the goddess herself is talking to me).

She said, "this temple is the place where the demons(asuraas) like 'Chanda', 'Munda' and 'Rakthabeeja' were slain by the goddesses Durga and Kali matha together. These asuraas were associated with the Mahishasura.

Firstly, when Chanda (bear a resemblance to Lust) one of the asuras to give the idea to abduct goddess Parvathi Devi to his master Shumbhasura. Chanda came to goddess Parvathi to take her forcefully upon the orders of 'Shumbhasura' (bear a resemblance arrogance) his master. Parvathi Devi transformed herself to goddess Durga, who rode a lion and slayed the Chandasura (Chanda+asura).

After, Chanda's death the Shumbhasura sent Mundasura (bear resemblance to Greed) tries to abduct goddess Durga. But, Parvathi Devi's Durga form and Kali form slayed the asura.

That's why Durga Devi or goddess Kali is called as "Chamundi".

After these two asuras, a very powerful asura who is brother of Mahishasura called as Rakthabeeja came to abduct Parvathi Devi. Rakthabeeja has the boon according to which if one drop of his blood fall on battle field, many Rakthabeejas will arise from the blood and fight the enemies. Each of these Rakthabeejas would also be like the others in the matter of strength, form and weapons.

He was very tough to kill but goddess Durga slayed the Rakthabeeja and goddess Kali drank all the spilt blood before falling on the ground.

Later, Shumbhasura and his brother Nishumbhasura were killed by Durga and Kali together.

Mahishasura who has the boon that no man could kill him. Who later was killed by the goddess Durga and Kali. On this occasion, Durgastami is celebrated.

"Now, my family who were Devi worshipers from ages has a boon from her that, "Yakshinis" a type of nature spirits. Will be always with the females in the family lineage". They protect and help throughout the life span of the female."

"There are Thirty-Six types of Yakshinis with different names and qualities and they all helping me throughout the life span. They can be considered as a 'Mother' or 'Sister'. I decided that I will have Yakshini as a sister. But, we need to maintain certain rules and perform certain rituals when needed."

"I will tell about each one of them when the time comes and you might also find this information too much to believe and get overwhelmed by the information you just received."

At first, I thought she is pranking me but as she spoke about the goddess' slayings I could see her normal shadow changing into something which I can't explain, with long hair and her shadow becoming darker which is no way resembling Swathi and I felt goosebumps instantly and shivers ran through my spine.

I had no choice left for my logical brain other than believing what she just told must be true. My mouth got dried up and not a single word is leaving my mouth. I could not speak and I was terrified as what would happen to me.

Swathi said, she needs to bring something for the ritual and asked me to wait for her. So, that she would explain all her behaviors, about Swapna and the thing with the loot. I said, I would wait with a head nod and sat there looking at the goddess Idol and thinking about the unknown possibilities of my future with her.

As soon as Swathi left the place, someone closed my mouth with some cloth from back and pulled me into the darkness behind the temple. I was horrified by the action and was thinking will this be my last day. I tried to free myself in a hurry and looked for who pulled me like this. Its not clear in the dark but it is definitely a woman. I tried to open my mouth but she made sure as I was not making any noise as to not get Swathi's attention.

This woman in the dark dragged me towards the village and after that I resisted. Then the women in the dark spoke," if you want to live, run with me or else you will die tonight". Then suddenly, flashes of the dark shadowed figure came to my mind. I felt the fear rushing in. Without second thought, I ran along with the women in the dark towards the village.

After going certain distance into the village, I could see the light and, in that lights, I turned back to check who is this woman I ran with.

To my surprise, she is Jyothi, Swathi's best friend. She is panting because of the running. I asked, "Why did you secretly dragged me from the temple?"." What do you mean by when you said, I might die tonight?".

Jyothi stood straight and said," There are many people missing in the village, did you not observe or not hear anything about the missing people?". I said, I did not hear anything about the missing people in the village.

Jyothi said, "it's Swathi... it's Swathi who is behind all these people missing. I saw her sacrificing (Bali) a person (cutting the head of a person) on the night before your arrest, she did it before the goddess Kali temple from where I just dragged you from."

"She was going to sacrifice (Bali) you tonight", Jyothi said.

With this revelation, I was dumbfounded and my brain went blank.

to be continued...

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