Highway To Hell - A Supernatu...

By Harlequinn99

35.4K 1K 301

Cassidy Gray has always loved American Muscles. So when she spots Sam and Dean's 1967 Chevrolet Impala abando... More

chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Highway To Hell - A Supernatural Fanfic

13.7K 158 40
By Harlequinn99

I was glad that I had taken the time to walk around the whole yard instead of settling on my first choice of the 1970 Chevelle. Otherwise I would have missed it.

I had been so certain that I wanted the Chevelle, but it was nothing compared to the beauty in front of me. 

There, hidden in an overgrown thorn bush, was my dream car. The 1967 Chevrolet Impala I had longed for since I was a kid. 

My father had an older model of the car before I was born, but had to sell it when he started his business. So he had been saving up for this car since I could remember. But when he found out he had cancer, he became so ill, so quickly that he didn't have the will power, or the strength to carry out his dreams. But I could.

My father owned his own garage, and I remember him teaching me the mechanics of a car, and how it all worked. Since I was a little girl, he would pull out a stool so I could watch him as he worked. He'd describe each part of the engine to me, and gave me the job of cleaning and waxing each car before he gave them back to the owners.

In fact, my mom used to tell me how he would take me out to the yard or garage ever since I was born. Whenever I started crying, he would climb into his car with me on his lap or cradled in his arms, and turn the engine on. Apparently I settled immediately.

All through my teenage years, I helped out at the garage. Instead of going partying like most girls in my year, I spent all my free time working on cars. The only reason I still attended school was to keep my mom happy.

But when my dad fell ill, I put all my energy into keeping the business running. It was escapism to the nightmare of my reality. A week before he passed away, he signed the garage over to me. He told me how proud he was of me, and how there was no one else he wanted to run his business.

Even now, I strive to make him proud when he looks down on me. So many times I have felt his presence in the garage, and often when I get frustrated at not being able to get a car to run, I'd return the next day to find the part I needed already set out for me.

He sparked my passion for American Muscles, so it was only natural that as soon as I saw her in the over grown bushes, that I wanted her. Sure, she looked completely neglected and probably needed a hell of a lot work, as well as a hefty sum for the parts. But I was convinced I could do it.

I looked around for the man I had talked to earlier, as soon as I saw him, I waved him over. I'm guessing that he thought I was interested in the '69 Mustang sitting beside her, if his shocked expression when I gestured to the Chevy was any indication.

"Darlin', that's not for sale."

"What! Why the hell not?" I couldn't understand why he wouldn't sell her to me. It looks like she's been here for decades, so why wouldn't he want me to take her off his hands?

"It's been here ever since I brought the place twenty years ago, and it's been a pain in my ass ever since. In fact, you're the first person to take an interest. I'm selling her for scrap tomorrow."

"What!" I shouted again, I couldn't believe it, how could he destroy a beautiful car like her?

"I'll buy her. How much do you want?"

He looked at me like I was crazy. "Are you nuts? There's no way anyone can fix her up. She's a lost cause. The engines never worked, and with the bushes growing through it you'll probably have to buy a new one. The bodywork's been dented to $hit, and the boot is jammed shut. There's no way you can pop that out, so you'll probably have to get that redone as well. The repairs are going to cost far more than this car is worth. I'm telling ya darlin', there's no point even trying."

The way he suggested I'd pay someone else to fix it, really grated on my nerves. So many people assume, mostly by my looks as well as my gender, that I know nothing about cars.

I own my own bloody garage for f*ck sake. I'm no novice when it comes to cars. And I already had a rough idea how much the repairs are going to cost. And I honestly don't care whether I'll put more money in than I'll ever get out. This car is going to be totally worth it. I already know she's going to be.

"Look. I don't care how much it's going to cost, or how much work is involved. I've always wanted this car, and I enjoy a challenge. I came here for a summer project, and I've got money saved up for it. I've been looking for this car for years. Hell, I'll even double the amount you're going to get if you sent her for scrap."

"$hit. You really do want her don't ya?"

I nodded. Finally! He f*cking gets it.

"Okay. I'll charge you $1000 for her, including the towing." He agreed. All his reluctance turned to amusement, as I shook his hand to seal the deal. He still thinks I couldn't do it, well I'll f*cking prove him wrong. I'll make sure to drive past here after I fix her up. I can't wait to see his face when he see's her true beauty, she definitely deserves that much.


Driving out of the gravel parking lot, I was bubbling with excitement. She's due to arrive at the garage on Thursday at noon and I couldn't wait to show her off to the boys. We've always competed for the best car, and so far Jay is in the running with his stunning black '79 Roadrunner. But I knew that once I had my beauty up and running, she'll beat them all hands down. Even in the condition she's in now, she's still a strong contestant.

As soon as I entered the garage, Jay looked up from the '66 Shelby he was currently working on. Grease was smearing both his sun darkened skin and his well worn blue overalls, and his short black hair stuck out in all directions. With my latest purchase, and his dishevelled appearance, I fought to keep the disappointed frown on my face.

But now was one of the few times that I was actually glad how Jay's always been able to read my emotions so easily. Even my poor attempt at disappointment caught his attention.

"That bad?" he asked.

I couldn't contain my excitement any longer as my frown turned to a huge grin in less than a second and I was practically bouncing on the spot.

He laughed at me as I ran into his arms and he spun me around a few times before setting me back down on my feet.

"Let me guess, the '67 Impala?"

I tried to speak but only a high pitched squeal left my throat. He laughed at me again, but I could see the shock written all over his face. I never squeal or scream, or do anything remotely girly really. Which confuses a hell of a lot of people as my appearance doesn't exactly scream tom boy - unless when i'm in my overalls obviously.

But never the less, Jay enveloped me in another hug as I attempted to calm down. I knew deep down that I was over reacting slightly - okay, maybe a lot - but I've been searching for his car all my life, and now I've finally found her. I've never been this happy after my dad's death five years ago. And I could tell Jay knew it too.


Okay, so this is my first Supernatural Fanfic, and I've had the idea for a while now. Please let me know what you think - all critism is welcome! I really want to improve my writing and the story.

I'm starting to think about the casting, but i'm stuck on the right actress for Cassidy, so if you have any in mind, please let me know! :) So far I'm searching through lists and lists of actresses, but I don't really want to go for the obvious, but we'll see :) :) :)

Hope you liked it, I'll try to get the next chapter up soon,

Harley Quinn :) xxx

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