Why me?

By yakalakalakalaka

228 3 0

What happens when Draco Malfoy finds drunk Harry Potter on the astronomy tower? Will they be friends, more th... More

Shove off Malfoy
Truth or dare
Morning beautiful
What you and i have makes me free
Anywhere but the Dursley's
Make up and Make out
Who tried to murder Ron?
He's coming
Authors Note
A/N again
Fuck You
The boy who died

Why me?

13 0 0
By yakalakalakalaka

Draco woke up with almost no memory of the night before. All he knew is that he had his Harry back and that's all he needed.

He woke up on the astronomy tower floor with Harry in his arms and a pounding in his head. He'd never gotten drunk before and after last night, he's going back to his old ways.

Merlin how do people drink so much, my heads killing, Draco thought to himself.

He then started to feel Harry stir, letting him know he was waking up. Harry looked at Draco in the eyes and gave him a kiss. "Good morning ferret" Harry said in a raspy morning voice.

"Morning Chosen one" Draco smirked and pecked the boy's lips. "Wow it's a miracle! You didn't shove me away when i called you a ferret" Harry said while stretching. "I would've Pottah but my head is being hit with a hammer over and over again" Draco said.

"Here have some of this" Harry chucked a little bottle of some yellow liquid. "This better not be piss" Draco said, lifting his eyebrow, making Harry laugh. "Merlin no ahahahaha. It's a hangover potion, i take them after the bad nights. Look i'll drink one with you" Harry explained, pulling out his own bottle.

They both drank the potion at the same time and Draco was baffled, "How the fuck... That was quick and i feel like nothing happened"

Harry chuckled and walked over to his boyfriend and gave him a hug, they stood in each other's embrace when Harry started to speak, "Draco" he started, making Draco pull away and look him in the eyes. "Yes Harry?" the blonde asked.

"Why me?" Harry asked, earning a confused expression from Draco. "I mean why do you love me? We've been supposed 'enemies' for 8 years and now.. well we're dating. Like Merlin i couldn't be happier, i've loved you since 2nd year but i never thought you'd love me." Harry finished, looking everywhere but Draco.

Draco placed two fingers on Harry's chin to make him look into his eyes, he then kissed him and started to reply, "Because, you care about everyone but yourself, i mean you're selfless and no one noticed that you needed to help yourself. No one but me, i also have loved you since 2nd year and i thought the exact same as you. I just wanted to try be your friend at least because i couldn't handle not being able to talk to you without needing to hex you. I love you so much. It will always be you Harry. You're my first thought in the morning when i wake up and the last before i go to sleep. You don't understand how worried i was when we couldn't find you and the thought of you leaving me made me so fucking scared because... Because i don't ever want to lose you Harry Potter"

Harry looked into Draco's eyes, his own being glossy from tears that he refused to let fall. He then pulled the blonde in for a tight hug and started to repeat 'I love you so much' and after about 10 minutes, they both pulled away. Draco grabbed Harry's hand and started dragging him to what looked like the Great Hall.

His guess was correct but what happened next, he never would've believed it.

Draco pulled Harry to the Slytherin table, climbed on top of the table (still holding Harry's hand) and when they got up, Draco kissed Harry.

In front of everyone.

There was a wave of cheering and some boos but Harry didn't care, neither did Draco apparently because he pulled away and screamed at the top of his lungs, "IM GAY!" and kissed Harry again.

They pulled away and climbed off the table and went to sit with their friends who were all sat at the Gryffindor table. Hermione saw them walking towards the table and ran to Harry, giving him a hug, "Oh my Merlin Harry! Where the fuck were you last night we were so worried" she said which scared Harry because Hermione rarely swore.

"I just needed time Hermione, sorry i didn't tell you. Thanks for looking for me though mom" Harry replied with a smile. Hermione slapped him on the arm lightly and they all went to sit down.

There were various people judging and staring but they got ignored. Harry was messing around with his food which Draco noticed and he put a reassuring hand on his boyfriend's leg and whispered in his ear, "Please at least eat some food, for me."

"For you" Harry replied with a smile. He ended up eating the whole plate after not eating for 2 days, he contemplated getting more but he felt he'd look greedy. Draco looked at the empty plate and gave Harry a hug.

"Well done Scarhead, im proud of you" He spoke. The last 3 words almost made Harry cry, no one was ever proud of him and especially didn't tell him. Harry gave Draco a loving kiss and a tight hug.

Everything went alright at breakfast, everyone catching up on everything and they all started to walk to first period together as they all had potions.

The 6 of them were all in a little conversation when Harry heard someone say the most disgusting thing, "Look at the death eater fag. I bet he put Harry under a potion just so he can fuck the chosen one" which made Harry go red with anger.

He stormed over to the boy who said it and punched him right in the jaw, they then started to fight and no one had seen 'The boy who lived' so angry and physical. Harry then got the boy to the floor and started to repeatedly punch the lad in the face. He felt numerous hands try to pull him away but he wasn't satisfied with himself yet, so he stood up and started kicking the bloodied-boy in the stomach.

After that, it was all a blur. He ran off and the angry tears were streaming down his face, he locked himself in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom and started punching the mirror. His knuckles were bloody, his nose too. He had a black eye which means the other guy got a good swing at him. The brown haired boy then curled up into a ball on the floor and cried himself to sleep.


Draco watched it all. He watched his lover stick up for him in the way he wished would never come. He tried to pull Harry away but he was too strong, both of the boys were covered in blood, their own or each others, it was still bad. It hurt Draco badly to see how frustrated Harry was and there was no way he could help.

Hermione was next to him crying and hiding in Ron's chest. Pansy looked as if she was going to cry as was Blaise. Draco was letting the tears fall freely down his pale cheeks, he wanted to do nothing more than grab Harry and just hug him but there was no possibility of that happening.

Everyone crowded around and started staring in terror. That terror turned into fear when they saw Harry get up, they looked like they thought Harry would do the same to them.

Draco watched as Harry ran away. He knew the boy wanted to be alone so he let him.

Well he let him get about 3 minutes of alone time before he ran after the boy. He was searching for about 6 minutes when he saw the toilet door was locked, he knew it could be Harry as no one was allowed to go to the bathroom during lessons anymore.

Draco knocked on the door... no reply.
"Harry?" he said as he knocked again... no reply.
He was scared his boy was in danger so he opened the door with a spell, 'Alohomora'.

He saw Harry sleeping on the floor next to smashed glass which Draco discovered was from the mirror, that Harry punched. "Oh Harry" he whispered to himself before picking the sleeping boy up and taking him to the hospital wing.

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