Radiators are my only weaknes...

By PirateQueen14

68.8K 3.9K 663

I know everything about boring things like science but what I want to know is, what is pain? What does it fee... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chpater 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 59

449 36 19
By PirateQueen14

"Valentines? What's that?" I asked Kei as she was whispering to me for some reason.

"You don't know!" Sudo freaked out. "You give us guys chocolate!"

"...But I want the chocolate." I huffed making Kei laugh.

"You give it to people you like, I can help you make some if you want." Kei grinned. "I heard there was someone you like."

"To people I like?" I hummed. "I guess they can have some treats."

"Who?!" Sudo screeched since I said they.

"Why should I tell you?" I asked. "Wait, you might stalk me."

"I will never!" Sudo declared.

"Really? I guess you are nothing like him." I grinned at Sudo confusing the others. "Hey, Kei. What's the stuff I need?"

I went with her after school to buy the stuff then left her behind confusing her since she thought I would want to make it with her.

I happily hummed as I ran and Ryuen saw me and then wondered if he should follow, but after meeting the eyes of someone he decided not to do that.

I arrived at the person's door that I wanted to help me with this then looked to the side annoyed. "I made it safely. I'm not gonna die." I huffed as I pointed my umbrella at him.

"I'm making sure no one else dies." Kiyotaka retorted. "Don't get burned."

"Maybe." I hummed as I leaned my umbrella against my shoulder and he handed me a drink of strawberry milk. "I won't!"

Kiyotaka patted my head and then walked off to go back to his room while I knocked on the door. The door was slightly opened, and I poked my finger inside making the person gasp. "I might be able to fit if I was as amazing as sliced cheese." I let out.

Ichinose opened the door fully, and I grinned brightly at her.

"What brings you alone?" Ichinose asked me worried that I would start to question her on why she hadn't been at school.

"Chocolate, how do you make it?" I asked and she paused.

"I got the stuff needed, but Kiyo has no clue either so he's useless," I explained. "You like helping others, right? And you don't seem busy, and you can have some chocolate if you are good."

Ichinose laughed, and she then had a small smile on her face. "Come on in, I would love to help." She informed me and I cheered as I ran inside.

She has had so much dumped on her lately that she has finally started to withdraw. I knew she would allow me in if I just gave her a very simple problem. It also tightens my bond with her more while she's weak.

It will make it easier for me to break her emotionally then.

Ichinose helped me and made sure I kept safe while making it, and I was trying to poke a lot of stuff. I haven't really tried cooking before.

It's kind of funny, but I just mainly like the results since I rather just eat food.

"Can I add pickles to this?" I stared at the chocolate in the pot.

"Rekka...Aren't you going to question why I wasn't in school today?" Ichinose asked me.

"Aren't you being just like me? I get ill and have to stay inside it sucks!" I exclaimed surprising her. "I'm here to help by being the Kiyo to your Rekka!...He's the one who keeps me trapped, though, he needs to give me a pickle to forgive him."

Ichinose giggled getting my attention. "I think you should forgive him. He's a nice guy." She patted my head.

I successfully had a ton of small chocolates for tomorrow. I was so excited by the chocolate and kept eating a bunch. I got a sugar high, so it took a while for me to go to sleep that night and Kiyotaka stayed up to make sure I didn't do anything stupid.

He was up before me the next morning and knew I would be slow at getting changed. "Shirt?" I let out seeing him holding it out to me. "Chocolate."

"After," Kiyotaka stated and I whined.

He got me changed, and I tried to wear only a blanket for the day, but he stopped that too since the school uniform is mandatory. Once we were done and eating the breakfast he made I saw he was on his phone.

"Your puppy called you? Is she lonely?" I asked as I put some chocolate in his mouth for a reward and he ate it.

"It's good, but why?" Kiyotaka asked me since I never fed him anything.

"Valentine's Day seems to be good boy day and you have been...okay." I let out. "You will get more later."

"Can't wait, do you want my chocolate?" He asked me.

"You think you are gonna get some?...Sakura likes you so does Kei...maybe Kushida if she's insane like normal." I shook my bag of chocolate making it make a fun sound. "Give me it all, does that mean I'm a good boy?"

"Yeah." Kiytoaka patted my head and then finally replied to Kei. I put my head on his shoulder to watch what he was typing.

"She replied quickly...she just got the urge to call...she's mad." I let out.

"She is?" He asked me confused.

"Very." I nodded. "You only know Rekka mad, and that's bad since I'm rare and weird!"

"It doesn't matter for me to understand others." Kiyotaka hummed as he watched me go off and search through my bed for a good blanket. "It can't come with."

"Yes it can, there aren't rules." I retorted. "And my rules overrule with this." I held up my hand alone.

Kiyotaka nodded, and I took my blanket with me but used his neck as its holder place so it looked like he was wearing a weird scarf. Everyone stared at him as we walked, but he didn't care and I fed him chocolate on the way to school.

When we arrived at the classroom, I ran far in and then turned to throw a piece of chocolate and Kiyotaka caught it in his mouth making me giggle happily.

Sudo screamed when he saw that. "You got chocolate?!"

"Yeah, but only from Rekka," Kiyotaka answered.

"Good." Sudo sighed in relief.

"Sudo down," I demanded when I went up to him. He was confused, but he bent down to my level so I fed him some chocolate stunning him.

Ike then screamed confusing me. "She fed him! Your lips touched her fingertips!" Ike shook Sudo.

"...Kiyo, what happened?" I asked. "Chocolate is great, but this doesn't feel like the right reaction."

"Can I have one?" Sotomura asked me.

"No." I turned away and walked off making him whine. "Zoo, you want to be good for me?"

"What are you asking me?" She groaned.

"Good boys get chocolate today," I explained.

"Oh..." She sighed. "Wait, I'm not a boy."

"You only just realised that? Man, you are slow." I hummed as I walked past her and she sighed.

"Who cares anyway?" I sat down on top of my desk and then crossed my legs.

Kiyotaka placed my blanket over my lap, and I touched it enjoying the softness of it. Kiyotaka glanced back to see if the boys were looking since that position I took would let my panties be seen.

They quickly looked away then soon we heard a thump and saw Hirata had bags of chocolate.

"Morning, everyone." Hirata grinned and the boys were sad.

Suzune noticed Kiyotaka staring at her. "How have things been with Kushida?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" She sighed.

"Is it going well?" Kiyotaka explained.

"I'm not sure," Suzune answered.

"What do you mean? It's going horrid! That means I'm enjoying it." I laughed as I ate some of my chocolate.

"I'm still working hard to improve our relationship." Suzune sighed. "Are you both offering to help?"

"...Do you have a concussion or something?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I was just asking," Kiyotaka added and she sighed.

"However, Kushida has been changing little by little," Suzune admitted. "She agreed to join me at the Keyaki Mall Cafe today after class. Even though she usually turns me down flat when I ask..."

"Really?" Kiyotaka asked.

"I believe we can work this out rationally," Suzune informed us.

"Have fun doing nothing." I hummed.

"You both sound detached as if it doesn't concern you two." Suzune huffed.

"Suzune?" Sudo came over.

"Yes?" She asked as he stood there nervously.

"When can I come by for study help?" Sudo asked.

"You are being unusually assertive today." Suzune hummed.

"Well, sure I am. I don't wanna be expelled." Sudo confirmed. "So I thought, maybe today-"

"No." Suzune retorted.

"Fridge." I laughed into my blanket.

"We can start after clubs conclude, we will still have time then," Suzune stated.

"Yeah...figures...Rekka, thank you." Sudo came to me with a sunken head and I patted it making him sniff. "I will get you something for White Day!"

"White day? Christmas again?!" I exclaimed.

"No," Suzune answered and I whined.

At lunch, I hunted down Ryuen and then stuffed a bunch of chocolate into his mouth making him cough. "The hell?!" He yelled making many around us flinch or run for it.

"Good someone who isn't acting weird after I feed them!" I grinned. "How is it?"

"...It's alright." He groaned as he looked away then rubbed at his neck.

"It's brilliant...Ryuen it's chocolate." I let out astonished. "Get better taste buds."

"That doesn't happen," Ryuen informed me as he finished eating the chocolate.

"Oh, you poor thing." I patted his arm. "You will never realise how great chocolate is."

He groaned as I laughed at his reaction then ran off happily.

At the end of the day, I was with Kiyotaka and kind of annoyed. It wasn't obvious, but Kiyotaka saw I was not eating the chocolate or feeding him. He wrapped my blanket around my waist and then motioned at his back.

I jumped onto it and then clung on happily as he gave me a piggyback ride. "Run so my blanket flies!" I ordered and he did.

I giggled as I noticed Hashimoto who was following us had to run to.

We arrived a little early and Kiyotaka wrapped me up more properly in the blanket. "It's cold." He stated and I nodded as I put down my umbrella since we were in the shade too and it's turning night soon.

We had to wait for Kei which annoyed me. "It's so cold! Why did we have to meet up here?" Kei whined as she came over to us. "Oh, Rekka you look cute in that!"

"We can't exactly meet up in the lobby," Kiyotaka stated. "Even if you have broken up with Hirata, it could give rise to unsavoury rumours. You wouldn't want that, would you?"

"I guess not." She hummed. "But doesn't sneaking around make it seem more fishy? If anyone spots us, it will totally lead to rumours."

"With me here?" I asked.

"Oh, you actually made chocolate! Who is it for?" Kei asked me.

"Not you since you are late," I stated making her pout at me.

"It's still so freezing! I wish it could just be summer already!" She whined.

"When summer comes, you will just say, I wish it could be winter, won't you?" Kiyotaka asked.

"That's just how girls work, okay?" Kei glared at him. "Right, Rekka?"

"I want Christmas forever," I stated.

"I guess you would say that." She laughed. "So? Why'd you call me out today specifically?"

"It could have been any day, actually." Kiyotaka nodded.

"Really? I thought there might be a specific reason you asked to see me today." Kei looked away from us.

"No, there's just something I want to confirm ASAP," Kiyotaka stated as he got out his phone to show her the phone number that called him a couple of days ago. "Does this number ring any bells for you?"

She checked through her phone to see if she could find out who it was, but she had no leads either. I didn't recognise it so there was very little chance she was going to, but there's always a chance.

"Why don't you just call them back?" Kei asked.

"I tried and even used Rekka's phone." Kiyotaka informed her.

"Is it important? Want me to start digging?" Kei looked happy to be able to please us.

"Yeah, that's what I wanted to speak to you about." Kiyotaka nodded. "But don't be careless about it, all right?"

"You got it." Kei nodded. "Is that all you wanted?"

"Actually..." Kiyotaka let out.

"What?" She squeaked and I enjoyed her hope.

"Are you feeling confident about finals?" Kiyotaka asked. "I expect them to be rather difficult."

"For real? Hey...mind tutoring me?" Kei leaned in hopefully and was already disappointed by him asking something she didn't want to hear. "No?"

Kiyotaka looked at me and I shrugged since I don't care if she's in the study group or not. "I can't allow you into our study group. We'd need late-night sessions, would that be acceptable?" He asked her.

"It's better than getting expelled!" She exclaimed.

"True, we will set it up then." He hummed and she grinned.

I just walked off showing I wanted to leave, and Kiyotaka went to follow. "Wait! Hey, um," Kei panicked since he was still following me. "What day is today?!"

"The answer seems so obvious, I feel like it has to be wrong," Kiyotaka admitted.

"I only found out yesterday," I added.

"Just answer on impulse," Kei explained as she came over to us both.

"Valen-" Kiyotaka went to say.

"Yep, that's right." Kei held out a bag to him.

"For me?" He asked.

"I originally bought it for Yosuke." Kei totally lied there. "But there's no need for that now, so..."

"Rekka will take." I grabbed it and she laughed.

"I expected you would get them in the end." She grinned showing she was fine with that.

"You prepared for Valentine's Day a long time in advance." Kiyotaka hummed.

"I like to be prepared!" Kei exclaimed. "I'd made up my mind to break up, but there was a chance that I might still need it, you know?"

"Here." I let out as her eyes were closed then they shot open when I fed her some chocolate.

"Is that how it works?" Kiyotaka hummed.

"Well, you don't usually feed people it. It's just a gift." Kei explained. "Since you both don't have any romantic experience. I'm sure you wouldn't get it."

"No, I like gifts! I also saw others like them to!" I argued and she grinned. "But Kiyo is hopeless."

"I am." He nodded.

Kei laughed. "Here I thought you'd chosen today 'cause you wanted me to give you some," Kei informed us.

"Sorry. I wasn't thinking about that at all." Kiyotaka apologised.

"You really shouldn't have assumed that," I added since he doesn't care for chocolate unless I want some.

"Out of curiosity, did you get any from anyone else?" Kei asked. "Other than Rekka."

"No, none." He lied knowing that would make her happy.

"Just one?!" Kei smirked. "Typical. You are a man cut out for one."

"I suppose." He hummed. "But are you sure about this? If you give it to me, it won't be one anymore."

"Yeah, which would be pretty pathetic in itself." Kei hummed. "Think of me as your emergency backup. And feel free to give me double as thanks!"

"Is that how it works?" Kiyotaka asked.

"You bet that's how it works." Kei grinned brightly.

We started to head on our way. "By the way..." Kei spoke up making us stop again.

Kiyotaka turned to her, but she noticed he was looking past her. "Anyway, I will head home," Kei stated since it's best we separate before we are confronted by whoever it is.

"Hey there, you three," Hashimoto spoke up.

We all looked at him then I turned my body away with my chocolates close to my chest. "These are mine," I informed him.

"Who is that?" Kei asked.

"Hashbrown." I sighed, and he looked confused at the nickname.

"Hashimoto from Class A," Kiyotaka answered. "We were in the same group at the training camp."

"A secret meeting in a place like this?" Hashimoto smirked. "You are more than meets the eye, Ayanokoji."

"His layers are boring," I warned him before he tried to put in too much effort.

"Then what about you Rekka?" He asked me.

"There's nothing secret going on here!" Kei exclaimed.

"No need to hide it," Hashimoto smirked. "Today is Valentine's Day."

"We weren't meeting up for Valentine's Day." Kiyotaka sighed.

"No, no, I can see you have chocolate." Hashimoto retorted.

"I was on my way with Rekka to the library when Karuizawa called us over." Kiyotaka lied.

"Well, it amounts to the same thing." He stated.

"I don't follow." Kiyotaka informed him. "Do you have some issues with this?"

"Well, it's strange, right? Karuizawa's last boyfriend was Hirata, you know. Wanting Ayanokoji so bad you'd dump a swell guy like Hirata for him." Hashimoto laughed. "That just piques the curiosity, you know?"

"And confess while I'm around?" I laughed. "Aren't you trying to make something out of nothing?"

"Yeah, you got the wrong idea." Kei sighed. "I was originally gonna give it to Hirata, but throwing it out felt like a waste. I was actually calling for Rekka since I helped her the other day get the ingredients for making chocolate. I wanted to know if she gave them out yet and to give her chocolate since she likes it."

"Yeah, Rekka has them." Kiyotaka pointed at me who was already eating them. "She wouldn't eat such a heartfelt thing."

"You two seemed pretty friendly, though." Hashimoto retorted.

"Well, wherever." Kei sighed.

"Sorry, I'm not buying it," Hashimoto smirked.

"And do we care? I get you didn't get any chocolate ever, but go get a life." I demanded and he looked annoyed.

"What's your problem anyway?" Kei asked.

"I just want to know the truth." He answered. "But I guess I interpreted it wrong. Here I thought you two had a special relationship...so then it's Rekka and Ayanokoji with a special connection."

"I have always been with Rekka because of her condition," Kiyotaka stated.

"None of this was your business, so butt out," Kei ordered.

Hashimoto smirked and walked around her like he was circling prey. Kei moved back and hit her back against the wall behind her giving him the chance to take up the rest of the space in front of her.

"I have liked you for a while now." Hashimoto leaned in. "You should go out with me, Karuizawa. I dunno who you have got your eyes on now, but you haven't told them how you feel yet, right?"

"Can we move on?" I asked pulling on Kiyotaka's arm not caring to stay.

"What are you talking about? You really think I'd agree to go out with you like this?" Kei questioned him.

"Love is unpredictable. That's what makes it so interesting." Hashimoto stated as he glanced at us to see we were leaving. "Hey!"

Hashimoto chased us and pulled me back by my elbow making me bump into his chest. "You should go out with me, Rekka." He smirked as he took some of my hair in his hand.

I stared up at him and felt my body gag on its own.

"You gagged?" Hashimoto let out stunned as I pulled my hair back.

"Duh." I let out. "Where are you boys so disgusting today?"

I elbowed him away making him choke on air and he found it hard to breathe after since I made sure to hit in a bad spot. If his ribs break that's his own problem and fault.

I headed on my way and Kei laughed as she rushed past him to leave the area.

Kiyotaka followed me, but some time later Hashimoto tracked us down and asked for our numbers so Kiyotaka gave his.

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