overly obsessive \|/ human ra...

By out_of_rehab

5.1K 203 95

OVERLY OBSESSIVE, WITH YOU. in which a waiter at a notorious New Orleans Inn, Achilles, serves an unknown, w... More

chapter one \|/ checking in
chapter 3 \|/ breath of smoke
chapter 4 \|/ freight
chapter 5 \|/ cut short pt.1
chapter 6 \|/ cut short pt.2
chapter 7 \|/ radio host
chapter 8 \|/ shopping with a king
chapter 9 \|/ shopping with a king pt.2
chapter 10 \|/ dinner mischief
chapter 11 \|/ a night interlocked
chapter 12 \|/ announcements
chapter 13 \|/ vistor
chapter 14 \|/ one silver dollar
chapter 15 \|/ a promise
chapter 16 \|/ wine (PART 1)
part 17 \|/ strangers in the night (PART 2)
chapter 18 \|/ spoil it all
chapter 19 \|/ all by myself

chapter 2 \|/ checking in (PART 2)

344 12 5
By out_of_rehab



Watching Nifty walk into the hallway infront of them, Lucifer huffed and walked to the diner. There was soft, buzzing tavern-like music as the singer softly sang, strumming his guitar very slightly. He stood infront of the host's desk for a moment, then had someone eagerly sit him down.

Lucifer sat in a far booth, sitting next to a window in the corner. To his right, he could see the side of the stage, but not the singer itself.

he was too small.

"Trouble seeing?" Lucifer snapped his head to the new voice, the playful tone hushed and barely audible.

But Lucifer heard it.

"Sorry, what did you say?" Lucifer spoke, confused at the sudden disrespect.

"Oh, nothing, nothing at all my good Sir!" Lucifer quickly noticed it was the same handsome man that waved at him. up close, Lucifer could see the dark brown eyes behind the glasses, the broad shoulders, and jaw breaking smile. It was almost creepy, being so forced.

"Short of hearing too.." The man mumbled, smirking down at Lucifer whose mouth just gaped open.

"Pleasure to be meeting you, quite the pleasure! Im Alastor, and I will be serving you today." Alastor smiled, quickly changing the subject before Lucifer had the time to respond.

"What can I start you off with?" Alastor grabbed his tiny notebook from his pocket, and waited for Lucifer to respond with a tight-lipped smile.

"Coffee, 3 teaspoons of sugar, and a newspaper." Lucifer grit his teeth and forced a grin.

"Newspaper? Im afraid I cannot serve you that.. Not in the right mindset! Do you enjoy the taste of paper and ink?" Alastor teased, humming after his speech and quickly writing.

"No-! To read! Please.." Lucifer grumbled, and quickly got frustrated. The brown haired male just chucked and set the notebook back in his pocket.

"I'll be right back with your things, Sir." Alastor grinned and ran off to get a brewing cup.

Lucifer sighed, and tried to focus on the music that the man was basically mumbling, and from the looks of it, too drunk to realize he was making out with a microphone. Suddenly, the man stood up, and the buzzing crowd that was eating stopped to look at him.

"Now.. To start the night off.." The man leaned down to grab the half-empty bottle of whiskey on the stage.

"One of y'all's favorite.." He smirked, and blew a kiss into the microphone. A tap of Lucifer's shoulder brought him back from his focus.

"Mr. Magne? Your coffee, and newspaper." Alastor grinned, and set the cup and pot on the table.

"I don't recall telling you my name, I'm flattered. asking your coworkers about me?" Lucifer grinned, his playful tone evident, but it turned into shock as Alastor took a seat across for him.

"Old Number Seven.." The drunk man mumbled into the microphone, and the people at the bar and at high top table eagerly made their way to the stage.

"Why, of course not! Your name is everywhere on the papers! And who is more recognizable than a short, wealthy blonde male~?" Alastor hummed, and drew his attention to the papers.



"You are a very famous man right now.. Pity these newspapers spread outlandish gossip.. Hmm?" Alastor hummed, dragging his gaze up to Lucifer, who looked shocked at the papers.

"I guess I grew up on a old dirt road."

The man sang, stomping and strumming his guitar to the beat. The people on the dance floor cheered and began to dance, stomping along the beat.

"Ah. The opening is starting.." Alastor hummed and looked to the crowd.

"Pedal to the medal, always did what i was told."

"What is going on right now?" Lucifer poured a sugar packet in his coffee, chugged it, then poured himself another glass.

"We had a wedding two days ago, and this is the start of the Afterparty! These folks really do find any reason for one. My dear friend Mimzy will be performing around midnight. I suggest you come, she can put on quite a performance, that one!" Alastor explained, gesturing to the people dancing.

" 'Til I found out that my brand new clothes.."


(there isn't one in the song, but try to imagine there is because of the people dancing.)

"Came second hand from the rich kids next door~"

Alastor looked at Lucifer, who seemed to be captured in the scene in front of them.

"Can we dance?" Lucifer looked back at Alastor with shining in his eyes.

"Pardon..?" Alastor tilted his head, amused. Lucifer snapped out of his trance and stumbled on his words.

"I mean- It just looks fun.. I understand- I mean i'm a complete stranger! I could be a serial killer! And you're working.." Lucifer sadly frowned, and chugged down his coffee once more.

'No darling, that's me.' Alastor narrowed his eyes at the vulnerable rich man. Alastor stood up, and offered a hand to the man.

"I got off 10 minutes ago, and what's not a little fun with a friend?" Alastor grinned widely when Lucifer accepted his hand. Dragging the blonde to the dance floor, he looked the short man up and down.

"You're very short." Alastor chuckled, and Lucifer snarled. They ended up somewhere by the middle of the crowd.

"-Feeling like i'm coming apart at the seems~"

"But thank you Jack Daniel's Old Number Seven!"

The singing man took a chug of his bottle and cheered, and everybody seemed to cheer with him. Alastor grabbed Lucifer's waist in one hand, and hovered his hand infront of Lucifer's with the other.

"Can you keep up?" Alastor leaned down to whisper in his ear. Lucifer stuttered, confused on why he was hovering his hand.

"Angels start to look good to me.."

With that, they began to dance a swing. It provided to be a little difficult, because Alastor wasn't exactly holding Lucifer's hand. Halfway through the song, the guy started to just chug his whiskey and play guitar, and that's when Alastor grabbed Lucifer's wrist. Alastor smirked down at the short blonde and they started to dance, slowly rocking to the beat of the song. Alastor occasionally twisted and twirled Lucifer, who awkwardly kept up with Alastor.

Suddenly, a man bumped heavily into Lucifer, pushing the tiny man into Alastor's chest.

"Watch it pipsqueak!" The man snarled, and pushed them again and disappeared into the crowd. Alastor could feel his blood boil, and his sharp grin turn into malice. He almost let go of the handsome man infront of him.

"Ugh, what a dick. Mm.. just keep dancing.." Lucifer murmured sleepily, and continued to sway and dance. Alastor hummed in acknowledgment and slowly calmed himself down. Lucifer hadn't seemed to notice.

"You're stiff." Alastor twisted Lucifer around to lean against his chest, only falling short of eachother by a couple inches. Lucifer blushed at the hot breath in his ear.

"Well-I-" Lucifer stuttered, and the breath in his chuckled. The blonde took a shaky breath, and then leaned back in the touch. He stood up on his toes and barely could reach to Alastor's jaw. (who was leaned down)

"I'm just not used to my dance partner.." Lucifer airily paused, sliding his arm down in Alastor's grasp. He twisted their hands together and grabbed Alastor's.

"..being so shy.." Lucifer batted his lashes and grinned. Alastor's eyes narrowed at the touch, then returned back to the blonde. He felt his teeth grind as he maintained his smile. Alastor began to rock them slowly, everyone else around them slowly following suit.

"To the fiery deeps.. To the fiery deeps.."

"Shy? Me?" Alastor had a sinister grin on his face, tightening his grip on Lucifer's waist.

"Hmm? mm, yeah.." Lucifer bathed in the affection, not even noticing the tight grip. He tilted his head up and looked at Alastor, who narrowed his eyes at the short male.

The song slowly ended, and the man started to hum a tune and strum his guitar. Some people left the stage, and some people stayed and swayed, or made out like no one was watching.

"I think you should go to bed, Sire. You seem dozy." Alastor released his rights grip and unwrapped himself from Lucifer. Alastor instead wrapped an arm around the tiny waist.

"Hmm.. But I thought you wanted me to stay for the show..?" Lucifer leaned into the touch, and let himself be slowly dragged to the hallway.

"Hm. I guess I did say that, didn't I? You seem to be quite the dancer, how about you get a few hours of rest and I'll come to get you? How about that?" Alastor hummed, glancing down at the sleepy figure.

"Mmm.. Okay.. I'm in room 167." Alastor nodded and dragged Lucifer to an elevator. As they stopped in the elevator, Alastor felt a heavy-ish weight press into his side.

The famous Magne fell asleep in Alastor's grasp.

Alastor sighed in annoyance, and narrowed his eyes in consideration.

What should he do with the king? Drag him back into his room? Or bring him back to his own room? Alastor sighed. He had better things to do. He suddenly remembered the man that had oh-so rudely bumped into the both of them.

No matter, he will just bring the man to his room.

Alastor felt a buzz of excitement course through his veins for the events to come.


chapter 2 !!
hope u enjoyed and let me know ur thoughts!

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