
By Lillilovesbondi

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Lily Edwards is in a tough spot and goes to bondi to clear her head. What happens results in a changed life... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 4

185 3 2
By Lillilovesbondi

"Hey, Harrison, what room will I get?" I called him from my room. "It's next to Mouse's room, it has a bunch of storage, and a nice bedframe and mattress." He called back, I smiled and continued to shove my clothes in a bag. "Mate, have you emptied the bathroom?" I called to Harrison. "Yea, Legend, except for the clearly male products." He replied. I smiled to myself, god Harrison and mouse are the best thing that's ever happened to me. I thought. I finally emptied my dresser, and I grinned, zipping up my giant bag, and shutting the light off in my room for the last time. I walked over to him, "hey, thanks, let's go, I've written a note and I'm leaving it on the counter for dad, if he ever returns." I said, tears brimming in my eyes. Harrison slung a bag over his shoulder and grabbed my hand, we shoved all of my stuff into his car. He opened the door for me, and I climbed in, he got in on the drivers side. He gave me a reassuring smile, and we drove back to his apartment.

"Legend, I'll just put the hygiene products in the bathroom, mouse and I will clear our stuff out of that one, and it can be just yours." Harrison said. "Thanks, sweetheart." I said, blushing. I caught Harrison's eye and smirked, he smiled, and blushed too. I grabbed my clothing bag, and dragged it into my new room, it had warm cream colored walls, and I white queen sized bed frame and nice beige sheets. I smiled to myself. I opened my new dresser, the drawers were so deep, and I'd be able to fit all of my clothes into it, I sighed and got to work.

"Lege, want dinner?" Harrison called, I grinned, "Yea, obviously, I'm starved after today!" I called back, from my room. "K, want some fajitas?" He asked, I chuckled and walked out to the kitchen, "of course, Harrison." I smiled, hugging him. "When is mouse coming home?" I asked. Harrison chuckled, "about 5 minutes from now," he said, winking. I blushed, and sat down. "So how're we breaking the news I'm moving in?" I giggled. "Oh, just tell him, it's gonna be good." Harrison said. "Okay, will do." I said, grinning. I heard the door open and I jumped up, startled. "Woah Legend, it's okay, it's just Mouse." Harrison said calmly. I sighed softly and stood up, I saw Mouse make his way over, "do I hear my favorite girl's still here?" He called, I ran up to him and hugged his waist. I looked up and he hugged me back, "aw sweetheart, you're so precious." He said smiling back at me. My cheeks glowed red and I buried my face in his shirt. He kissed my forehead and I grinned. "Lovebirds, fajitas are ready!" Harrison called into the hallway. I grabbed Mouse's hand and lead him into the dining room. "So, Mouse, my dad isn't coming home, and I'm not able to visit my mum anymore, so Harrison and I made a big decision..." I began, Mouse grinned, "I'm rooming with you guys, Harrison and I ran to my house and picked up my stuff today, so I'm not leaving you guys." I explained, grinning widely. He was sitting next to me, and pulled me onto his lap, and hugged me. I smiled, and laid my head on his shoulder. I caught Harrison's eye again and grinned. I climbed back onto my seat, and finished my food. "Okay, cuties, I'm gonna shower and go to bed, I'm exhausted." I said. Harrison nodded, "yea, of course, after last night that's understandable." Mouse nodded, and blew me a kiss as I walked past him, "oh, Mouse, put your number in my phone will you?" I called, "right, of course." He replied.

I grabbed my favorite pajamas and headed to bathroom. I stripped and showered, washing my hair, and shaving. I got dressed and found my skincare, I did it quickly and plaited my hair. I brushed my teeth, put in my retainer and went to bed, I fell asleep instantly, "no, don't touch me, mouse help!" I screamed. I got cornered by a familiar man who chuckled and began to undress himself. I screamed, no one came, "Harrison, please!" I sobbed. "Nobody's gonna help you beautiful." The man sneered, "you're not gonna be able to tell anyone after either, nobody's ever gonna see you again pretty girl, you're all mine." He leered at me. I hid my face as he undid my pants and began doing the unspeakable with me. Then I collapsed. I woke up, sobbing and shaking, "no, please, no." I whispered. I stood up, I'm safe, in my own room, and Harrison's in the other room. I thought. Mouse is closer though. I walked out of my room, "Mouse, you awake?" I whispered, tears rolling down my face. "Lege, what's up?" He groaned, "I'm scared, please help me." I whispered, bursting into tears. "Aw, sweetheart, c'mere." He said, sitting up. I walked towards him, he pulled me onto the bed, and I leaned into him, "really bad nightmare." I whispered. He laid back down and motioned for me to get into his bed. I laid down and snuggled up next to him. I smiled into his chest and fell asleep.
5:00 AM
"Legend, sweet girl, I'm getting up, you can come too." Mouse whispered, playing with my head. I looked over and saw him lying next to me, I smiled and hugged him. "Yea, I'll get up too." I said quietly. I pulled myself out of his bed, and gave him a hug. I ran to my room and checked my phone, my dad texted me, Lily, I saw your note, I'm upset to say the least, I'm exhausted by you, but since you're an adult and you can't listen to me by my will, you can stay with them. Don't get pregnant. I sighed, a tear rolling down my face. I texted back, thank you, I didn't think you'd ever come home, and I trust these two so much, if you ever want to see me, don't try, but I'll be at bondi. I picked out a black one piece and some cute light wash jean shorts. I grabbed my phone, sunscreen and my chapstick, and headed out to the living room, where mouse was, waiting for me. "Lege, you want a yoghurt?" He asked, I nodded and he handed one to me. I ate it, "thanks so much." He nodded, "you want to bring your application, hoppo might do an impromptu interview with you." He joked, I nodded, "yea, I could see him doing that actually." I giggled, grabbing my application, resume, and beach bag. Mouse lead me to his car and we left. "So where's Harrison?" I asked. "Oh, he's having a 10 AM shift." Mouse chuckled, "and he's okay with you coming with me." He added, I nodded.

"Ok Mouse, I'm gonna drop this off at Hoppo's office." I said, he nodded, "Yea, Hoppos been here since 4:00, so he'll be there," Mouse chuckled. I giggled and ran up to his office, "knock knock, sorry I'm early." I called through the door, knocking. "Oh, yes, come in." He called, I opened the door cautiously. "Oh hello Legend." He greeted me, pushing his paperwork aside. "I have my application for you," I began, he took it and smiled, "well, since you're here, why not just do an impromptu interview." He chuckled, I nodded, prepared, "Mouse warned me this might happen." I giggled, "well he experienced it, his reaction was priceless." Hoppo chuckled, "okay, so tell me about your previous experiences," he said. I nodded, "so, I began at 15, as a Miami lifeguard, I did a few resuscitations and rescues, I was at a pretty tame beach, I started there because I loved the water and helping people, I made a few friends and at 16, I made it to being a team leader." I said, racking my brain. "Okay, and why do you want to be a lifeguard here?" He asked. "So I visited here since I was 6, until I moved to Florida with my family at 13, we moved back here when I turned 17. I visited bondi again after years and fell in love with surfing again. Then I helped with a resuscitation recently, and realize how much I missed working at a beach." I explained. "And bondi is your favorite?" He asked, I nodded smiling. "Okay, and I've heard so much good stuff about you from all of the boys here, and they've only just met you, gives me an extreme sense that you'd be perfect here, I think that, you're in." He exclaimed. "Oh my god!" I exclaimed, a grin lighting up my entire face. "You can start when?" He asked. I grinned, "tomorrow, honestly." I said my heart pounding with excitement. "Okay, well we'll see you tomorrow for your first shift, but feel free to help the guys in the tower today." He said. I grinned, shaking his hand and giving him a hug, "yea, of course."

I ran into the tower, Mouse was in tower duty, along with another. "IM IN!" I yelled. Mouse dropped his binoculars and looked at me. "Are you serious?!" He exclaimed. I nodded, happy tears spilling down my face. He stood up and I ran into his arms, kissing his cheek. "What have I missed in my week off?" The other lifeguard asked. "Oh, yeah, Legend, this is Maxi, Maxi this is Lily, also known as Legend, we met her on Friday, and she's now rooming with Harrison and me." Mouse explained, I nodded, shaking Maxi's hand, and giving him a hug. "Yea, so I'm Lily, I don't really care what you call me." I said. "Okay, nice to meet you legend, tell me a bit about yourself." I grinned, "okay, so I've been surfing since I was 4, I moved to Florida in the US when I turned 13, and moved back last year, my mom got hospitalized about two weeks ago and then my dad abandoned me, so I went to bondi to clear my head, then I helped with a resuscitation and fell in love with lifeguarding again, since I lifeguarded in Miami, I actually became a leader there, and then we moved, but then I talked to Harrison and Mouse the next day. Then after something happened, my dad never came home and I needed Harrison and Mouse to save my life, now I'm rooming with them, I got an impromptu interview and I've been hired, I can't wait to tell Harrison the news." I explained. He smiled, "that's so cool, youve got an interesting life," he said. I nodded, "so what's with you and Mouse?" He asked, I blushed, "oh nothing, he's my best friend, and I'm his favorite girl." I said, looking up at Mouse, who smiled at me and kissed my cheek. I grinned, catching Maxi's eye and he smirked. "So it's gonna be Louse, or Mily, or Megend," Maxi joked. I blushed and smiled, nodded my head slightly.
10:15 AM
"Harrison!" I yelled, throwing myself at him as he walked in. "Legend, how's our favorite girl?" He asked. "I GOT IN!!!" I yelled. His face lit up, he picked me up and spun me around, smiling excitedly at me. He put me down and I hugged him tightly, "you're on at Backpacker's today, Harrison." Hoppo said, walking in. I smiled at him, excitedly. "Hey, Legend, do you want to talk with me for a minute?" Hoppo asked, I nodded, following him back to his office.

"So, Ledge, you seemed really nervous earlier today and yesterday, what's going on?" He asked. I gulped, "oh, uhm, oh, I-i, it's, just," I stuttered. He put a hand on my shoulder, "Lily, we're all here for you." He said. I nodded, "I'm just not super comfortable with brunette middle aged men, after what happened on Saturday." I said quietly. "I was sexually assaulted by a random man who broke into my home, and you have a few of his features, so I'm gonna have to work on that." I spilled. He sighed, "i swear the nerve some people have." He exclaimed. I nodded, wiping a tear off my cheek. "Okay, Legend, do you need to talk to an officer?" He asked. I shook my head, "Harrison, mouse, and I took care of that on Sunday." I said quietly. "So, did Harrison and Mouse just adopt you?" He asked, I giggled, "not really, Harrison is like my brother that I never had, and I'm not entirely sure what's going on with Mouse." I explained, "but, my dad just abandoned me and my mother, and my mother's passing soon, in fact I think she's passing probably today or at least this week." I said quietly. He sighed and pulled me into a hug, "I'm sorry, Legend, that really sucks." I nodded, and hugged him back. "Thanks for the concern Hoppo, I'm kind of not sure what's honestly going on, so the job, and everything means the world." I said. "Yes, of course, now go back to the tower, hang out with Mouse." He said, pushing me gently toward the door. I grinned and ran off.
7:00 PM
"Legend, you made it hunni!" Mouse exclaimed excitedly as we pulled up to the apartment building. I nodded smiling happily. "Hey, Mouse, I love you." I whispered, his face lit up, "Aw, sweetheart what'd you say?" He exclaimed, I just grinned and grabbed his hand, walking into the apartment with him. Harrison was waiting for us, "aw, it's Louse," he joked. I grinned, and Mouse squeezed my hand. "You two, I've got some pizza on the way." Harrison said. I grinned, "I love pizza!" I exclaimed. Mouse chuckled and so did Harrison. "Lege, your smile literally lights up the room, did you know that?" Mouse said, I looked up at him, smiling even bigger than I already was, I leaned into his shoulder and hugged him. "You're so sweet." I giggled.

We finished our pizza, and I showered. I came out of the bathroom after my shower and watched the boys quietly from the doorway to the living room. ".... Mouse, you two are so precious together.... Just ask." Harrison explained quietly to Mouse. I grinned to myself and went to bed. I think Mouse likes me... which is good because I've caught feelings for him in the three days we've known each other. I thought to myself. I lied down in bed and grabbed my phone to check instagram, the bondi rescue account had a new post, a picture of me and mouse.

                                                                       @m_jenks and @lilyesurfs just need to get together already ❤️

I grinned at the post,and liked it, I scrolled for a while, getting lost in my thoughts, I saw a head pop into my door. "Yes?" I whispered. "Lege, can I come give you a hug sweetheart?" I heard  Mouse ask shyly. I nodded, sitting up and opening my arms. He came and hugged me I kissed his cheek and he returned a kiss. "Lege, hunni, if you have another dream, come to my room, I sleep lightly hon." He told me. I nodded, "I will cutie, I love you, goodnight." I whispered. "I love you too." Mouse whispered back. I laid down as he left and fell asleep hugging my pillow.

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