˚ ༘♡ ·˚꒰𝙷𝙾𝙼𝙴𝚂𝙸𝙲𝙺! - �...


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︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵ ♡ Welcome! As the title says, this is a Weston Koury x reader fanfiction, and first of all, Aisha... More

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The sunlight lazily draped its rays over the horizon, casting a mellow orange glow that illuminated the penthouse apartment as dawn broke. [Name] found herself nestled amidst a plethora of stuffed animals, blankets, and her cozy comforter. With only the top of her head exposed to the gentle caress of the sun, the rest of her remained hidden beneath the duvet. Her Maine coon cat, a sizable feline, yawned and stretched beside her on the bed before settling back into its original position. The two remained in this tranquil state for a good three hours, lost in deep slumber.

DING! [Name] groggily opened her [e/c] eyes to see her phone illuminated on the nightstand. Trying to ignore it and return to her dream, she rolled over and placed a spare pillow over her head. DING! DING! DING! DING! She groaned in annoyance, muttering, "Seriously who the fuck is spamming me right now it's like 9AM? Whoever it is I shouldn't have given my number because they obviously don't know me if they're texting me this early." Reluctantly, she reached for her phone, attempting to decipher the flood of messages from Fleur and Aisha. 

[Name]'s expression fell as she glanced at the time: 9:13. She had completely forgotten about the coffee date they had planned. With a sense of urgency, she practically leaped out of bed, darting around her penthouse like a mad woman. She turned on the shower to ensure it would be hot when she returned after feeding Marcy, her Maine coon. Snatching a towel, she sprinted back into the bathroom, all the while reopening the group chat.

[Name] chuckled at the conversation as she hopped into the shower, swiftly washing her hair and body. Nearly tripping on her way out, she sat down to do her makeup and wrapped her hair in a towel. "Shit, what time is it?" she muttered, glancing at the clock: 9:25. With a sense of urgency, she hurried through applying her makeup and drying her hair, all the while catching up on the latest Sinjin Drowning video that had just been released.

Once finished, she made sure her hair dried properly, ensuring it fell just the way she wanted it to. Grabbing an outfit she had set aside for the occasion - her bathing suit, a towel, and some spare underwear - she rushed to get dressed.

 (I'm going to use the outfits below, if you dont like them dont worry! Just pick whatever outfit you want.)

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Scrambling around the house, she gathered her belongings, tossing them into her bag: phone, charger, plasters, headphones, hairbrush, keys, and other essentials. Before leaving, she quickly checked on Marcy, giving her cat a goodbye kiss before locking the door behind her. Glancing at her phone, she sighed seeing the time: 9:52. She hurried into the elevator and dashed through the lobby, speedwalking to their designated meetup spot. And per usual, she arrived slightly late at 10:04.

"Tsk tsk tsk, and what time do you call this?" Aisha remarked teasingly as [Name] approached them, waiting outside the cafe. "Yeah, I've been waiting for my coffee for four whole minutes. You're in big trouble, bitch," Fleur joked, earning a laugh from [Name] as she embraced them both in a tight hug. "Womp womp, I'm here now, so let's get in line." It was a bright morning at the beginning of summer in New York City. They had discovered this coffee shop tucked away in a secluded area, away from the bustling crowds. The trio entered and queued up, ordering their drinks and some pastries for breakfast. They settled into a nearby booth, catching up while waiting for their food and drinks.

"Yeah, modeling has been going really well lately. Even though I'm just starting out, it's been quite promising. Plus, it's not too demanding, especially with all the college work I have going on," Aisha said, leaning onto her palm with her elbow on the table, discussing her career. As Aisha spoke, Fleur's phone chimed, and she couldn't help but giggle while responding to a message. "Fleur, didn't your mama teach you no phones at the dinner table? Put that down, hoe," [Name] playfully scolded, raising an eyebrow. "Unlike you, freak, I have other friends, not just the ones at this table," Fleur retorted with a grin, eliciting laughter from Aisha.

"Yeah, okay, but seriously, who are you texting? Is it Marigold?" Aisha inquired, but Fleur shook her head, leaving [Name] looking puzzled. "Who are you texting at like 10 a.m.? It's so early," [Name] questioned. "It's just some new friends I made on Insta the other day. And [Name], 10 a.m. isn't early. Not everyone's a hermit," Before the two could question fleur further the waiter arrived with their orders, and they mostly forgot about the ordeal as they discussed what to do at the beach that day.

As they left the cafe after an hour, [Name] suddenly remembered Fleur's odd behavior earlier. "Hey, Fleur?" she began, catching Fleur's attention as she took the last sip of her iced coffee and raised an eyebrow. "Yeah?" Fleur responded. "Who was it you were texting earlier? You mentioned something about YouTubers?" Aisha chimed in, also curious about the mystery. "I never said they were YouTubers. You wouldn't even know them; they're so underground," Fleur replied, lips pursed together, hiding her smile behind her curls. [Name]'s heartbeat quickened; she recognized this behaviour all too well. It was a telltale sign that she had just became friends with someone she was a big fan of. For the next 30 minutes, [Name] tried relentlessly to coax the truth out of Fleur, while Aisha laughed at her futile attempts. "FLEURRR, PLEASE, TELL ME! YOU'RE GONNA KILL ME!" [Name] pleaded desperately. "I don't know what you're talking about, [Name]. I think you're going crazy," Fleur replied, unable to contain her grin. Mid laugh, Aisha interjected, "Well, if she can't know, can I at least know?" After a moment's contemplation, Fleur agreed, and the shock on [Name]'s face when Aisha whispered the identities of the mystery people had both of them erupting into fits of laughter. "Ughhhh, this is so not fair," [Name] sulked, feeling left out.

A few hours after the cafe ordeal, the trio found themselves on a train headed to their beach spot. The carriage was relatively full, but they managed to have a quiet conversation amongst themselves. When their stop arrived, they dashed off the train and made a beeline for the changing area on the beach, each racing to be the first one there. After a few fits of laughter and playful fights, they were all changed and relaxing in a secluded spot they had discovered along the coastline. Shielded from the city by large rocks, they spent the rest of the day paddling in the water, enjoying food and drinks on the shore, and gossiping until the sky began to display hues of orange, pink, and yellow. "[Name]?" Aisha's voice broke the calm atmosphere. "Mhm, what's up?" [Name] replied, still gazing at the view before her.

"Do you want to know who Fleur was talking to earlier?" Aisha asked. [Name] immediately turned her whole body to face Aisha, eager to hear the answer. Surprisingly, Fleur didn't protest; instead, she smiled widely, laughing. "I've literally been waiting to hear this all day, so this better be flipping worth it," [Name] exclaimed, her anticipation growing. Aisha joined in the laughter. "Oh, trust me, it is," she responded, chuckling. "I swear down if you don't tell me right this instant, I'll drown myself in the ocean." [Name] said with full seriousness, after a moment of silence they all exploded in laughter. "Okay, so it wasn't one person, but two people," Fleur revealed after the laughter died down. "Dude, you would've told me in a heartbeat if I didn't know them, I must be a big fan." [Name] shot back, eager to hear the names.

"Okay, don't freak out, but I've known them for a while and recently introduced them to Fleur. Fleur was texting Weston and Kalynn Koury," Aisha disclosed. [Name] felt as if she had blanked for a second. "NO. FUCKIN'. WAY." [Name] whispered, her jaw dropping in disbelief. The two girls confirmed it, and [Name] freaked out. "My two best friends are friends with my all-time FAVORITE Youtubers and didn't tell me?!" she yelped. "Well, in my defence, I've only known them for two weeks. Aisha has known them for a couple of years," Fleur answered nonchalantly. "TWO WEEKS, A COUPLE OF YEARS?!" [Name] exclaimed, bewildered. Aisha and Fleur laughed at [Name]'s reaction the whole way home, as she continued to ask frantic questions about what they were like in real life and if they acted the same as they did in their videos.

By the time [Name] arrived home, it was around 7:23 PM. She called out for Marcy and prepared her dinner, all the while reminiscing about the day and smiling at the memories they had made. She couldn't shake the fact that her two best friends knew and were friends with her all-time favourite creators. After ensuring Marcy was full and happy, [Name] treated herself to a second shower. As she undressed and gathered up all her clothes, including her bathing suit from the day, she tossed them into the wash. The salty sea water had called for another hair wash, so she took care of that too. About two hours later, settled back into bed in her pyjamas, stomach full, hair dried and her nightly routine completed, [Name] opened her laptop. She decided to watch some Youtube before drifting off to sleep, naturally starting with her go-to favourite, Sinjin. She quickly posted on Instagram and twitter explaining that she didn't post today because she was busy, but she'll stream tomorrow. She also quickly shot a text to Marigold telling her she would be in the studio tomorrow if she wanted to work there instead of at home, [name] explained how she had to sharpen up on bass skills because it looked like that might be her main instrument from now until someone is ill and can't make it to band practice or one of their bands shows. After five minutes she finished up the conversation and focused back onto the youtube video she was watching

Meanwhile, with fleur.


Fleur answered the call while she was seated at her desk, attempting to set up a video game. "Weston, Kalynn, and Aisha, what's up?" she greeted the three people on the call. "Hey Fleur, Aisha, how was your day out today?" Kalynn inquired. "Yeah, we saw in the group chat you had a funny story to tell us, right?" Weston chimed in. As soon as Weston mentioned it, Aisha and Fleur burst into simultaneous laughter, recounting the day they had and the reaction they got when they told [Name] that they were friends with both Weston and Kalynn. "Wait, who's [Name]?" Weston questioned, curious about the girl. "You know, the girl Aisha and I always hang out with. she's really pretty," replied Fleur. "Yeah, she's like, seriously drop dead gorgeous," Aisha added. "Ohhh her! The one with [e/c], [h/c] that's the lead singer in your band right?" "bingo, that's her" Fleur confirmed "Yeah, she is really pretty. That's so funny too, she's freaking out over you knowing us but has a way bigger following than we do," Kalynn laughed. However, Weston was still stumped. "Kalynn, you've seen her? Sorry, guys, but I quite literally have no idea who you're talking about," "What? You're joking!" Aisha challenged. "I swear I'm not! I'd like to meet her, though. She sounds cool," Weston admitted. Fleur's eyes lit up as if a light bulb had just turned on in her head. "Oh my gosh, you guys, we should totally meet up and do a coffee cam! That way, [Name] can meet you guys, and we can hang out again." "Oh yeah, that sounds awesome. Weston, are you up for that?" Kalynn asked. "Yeah, yeah, I'm down!" Weston agreed. "Sounds like a plan then. Fleur, when we tell [Name], she's gonna freak out like crazy!" Aisha exclaimed, and the two laughed together again.

Meanwhile, with [Name].

'Huh a text from Aisha, what is she texting me about this late? Did I forget something at the beach?' [Name] pondered, and she glided her fingers over her phone, opening the message. [Name] almost closed it immediately after seeing what was asked, she was freaking out, this can't be real right?! No way she must be dreaming this is wayyy too good to be true!

Meanwhile, with Aisha.

"Fleur she's opened my message like two minutes ago and not replied, she must be freaking out," Aisha stated, a smile growing on her face, "Dude what did you say?" Weston queried,

 "All I asked is if she wanted to do the coffee cam." 


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A/N: And thats the first chapter done! I really hope you like it, if you have any more suggestions or critiques, message me or comment, anyway have a good day/noon/night doll <3

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