Crush x Reader

By AlondraTesfaye

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Key: Fluffs 💞 Lime 😚 Smuts 😏 Angst 😒 LGBTQ+ 🏳‍🌈 Trans story 🏳️‍⚧️ Gender Neutral 💓 I update once a mo... More

A bit about meh 🙋🏽
Being Late 😚
Encounter With The Devil 😚
Space Bound 😒
A Perfect Accident? 💞
Back Together At Last 😚
Started With Mario Kart 😚
A Play Takes A Turn 😚
My Job Gets Me In "Trouble" 😚
Him 💞
My Psycho 😒😚
Falling for the Gangster 😚
Falling for the Gangster Pt.2 😚
Truth or Dare Brings Us Closer 😚
off the table 😒
Home 😘
Encounter With The Devil Pt.2 😒
Encounter With The Devil Pt.3 💞
Encounter With The Devil Pt.4 😚
Special Announcement
Sleepy Weepy Pt.1 💞
Well This Is Awkward... 😏
Fancy Meeting You Here 😚
Dreamer 😏
Gimme Requests!!
Halley's Comet Pt.1 🏳‍🌈
Halley's Comet Pt.2 🏳‍🌈
College Collage Pt.1 💞💓
Sleepy Weepy Pt. 2 💞
You Belong With Me Pt. 1 💕
Nervous Trans Wrecks Pt. 1 💞🏳‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
I Wanna Rock Right Now Pt. 1 💞😚

Angel Shot with a Twist 💞😒💓

362 3 0
By AlondraTesfaye

This lovely request was made by thee Rain_Dreemurr

I take a seat on a barstool all alone, exiting the dancefloor only a few minutes previously.

My friend just left and I don't exactly feel comfortable partying solo with a bunch of sweaty and drunk strangers.

The only reason I didn't leave the bar altogether is because I hate being at home, especially all alone.

My roommate is on vacation with their significant other for a week so I have the place to myself.


I'm constantly on edge because of him.

I never know if he's lurking between the crowds or if he's watching.

Well I do sometimes, there's been a number of times where I've caught him and been able to phone the police while he's on my property.

Which earned me that restraining order, but that crummy thing is just a piece of paper after all it's not like I have my own personal body guard or any kind of physical security.

It hasn't stopped him either, just slowed him down, for now at least.

"Hello ma'am/sir, can I get you something to drink?!"

A bartender errupts from seemingly out of nowhere.

They appear to be around my age and we're fair in height.

Their kind eyes are the feature that stick out the most to me.

Though the rest of their features are adorable as well.

They seem like a friendly face.

"Oh hi, yeah I'll have a mimosa please."

I request of them.

"Alright, one mimosa."

The bartender announces, then they turn around to prepare my drink for me.

I admire them attentively as they mix and match the ingredients for my alcoholic beverage.

They hum a little tune while they do it and once it's fully prepared they reach for a glass.

They fill up the cup and shift back to me.

"Here you are darling."

"T-thank you."

I slightly stutter at the endearing nickname.

"Just doing my job."

They smile and I notice they're about to leave.

A sudden pang of anxiety strikes me.


I exclaim.

Please don't leave, I need to keep my mind off of him.


They sing in response.



"You're not too busy.. Are you?"

I ask, fidgeting with my glass.


They drag out, looking over the bar of fully tended to customers.

"Huh. I guess I'm not anymore."

"Did you need anything else?"

Yes. Some company.

"What's your name?"

I query them.

Did that come off weird?

"Oh, my name is C/n, it's nice to meet you honey."

They introduce myself and we shake hands.

"What's yours?"

"I'm Y/n L/n."

I have no idea why I included the surname, but alright.

"How old are you?"

I follow up with.

"I'm 27."


"I thought you were closer to my age, I'm 22."

How are they almost 30?!

They don't even look a day over 21 with that cute face.

"Yeahh, I get that a lot."

"I always get told I suffer from extreme baby face."

"I surprise clerks when I pull out my ID to buy alcohol every single time."

They reference the severity of their youthful looks.

That's actually pretty funny.

I'd react the exact same way.

"So what do you do for work kid?"

They ask while adjusting their small hoop earring, without looking away from me.

I really appreciate their effort to keep eye contact with me.

It makes me feel like they're actually interested in conversating with me.

"Oh I work part time at Starbucks, I'm still enrolled at college."

"Oh getting yourself a good education."

"I greatly admire that, what're you majoring in?"

"I'm majoring in (major of your choice)."

"That's pretty rad Y/n."

They nod in approval.

"How many years do you have left?"

"Just one more year, this is my last."

"Wow, congratulations that's amazing."

They utter, slightly leaning over the counter while keeping a mindful distance.

"Thank you."

"I always wanted to go to college, but my parent(s) and I could never afford it."

"Oh I'm sorry."

"It's all good, I appreciate everything they did for me."

"They did their best to raise me."

"You seem super sweet, so I'm inclined to agree C/n."

"Stoooop you're too nice."

They cover their face out of some type of instinct.

Am I causing them to blush?

"Nope, just plain honesty."

"Just wait till you get to know me, you will sooo be taking that back."

They come back with their hands now at their sides like nothing happened.

"Wait until I get to know you?"

I raise my eyebrow at their obvious teasing.

"Yeah, I work here almost everyday and I always get stuck with the latest hours imaginable."

"So if you came here anyday between Monday through Saturday around this same time you'd find me here."

They fill me in on their schedule.


"When did you start working here?"

"A week after I turned 21, this was my second job."

"My friend's uncle actually owns this place."

"So they put in a good word?"

I assume.

"Oh yeah, I quit my job at McDonald's not too long before I was hired here, that place was horrendous."

They nearly shudder at just mentioning their last place of employment.

Ugh, I'd had to work in the fast foof chain, total nightmare.

"I've heard stories from my cousins about the one in town, so I keep my distance."

"Did you work at that one?"

I quizz them hoping for a no.

"Yes, worst first job ever!"

"The customers were so rude and ungrateful."

"Do you know how many drinks I've had thrown at me?"

"16 and I only worked there for four years."


What the actual fuck?

"I was losing my mind there."

They make their eyes big to emphasize their point.

"Oh my God, you totally don't deserve that."

"I know, they were sickly immature."

Suddenly three people take seats on the bar about ten feet away from me.

C/n spots them and gazes back at me.

"I'll be back darling, let me just help this group."

I nod in understanding and they give me a gentle smile as they go to serve the new customers.

I take this chance to take a sip of my mimosa.

Just relax Y/n.

I remind myself as my mind slowly begins to wander back to that man.

Does he know I'm here?

Is he going to stumble into this club and approach me.

Is he going to hurt me again?

With my thoughts running rapid, I take a large gulp of my drink this time around.

Why can't a restraining order include a bodyguard?

That'd actually put me at a peaceful ease.

I look towards the entrance due to the door opening and I do a double take before coming to terms with who it is.

Oh crud.


Why? Why? Why?

I feel my pulse rise and my heart begin to race in my chest.

I tear my eyes away and I feel my palms soak with sweat.

I shift my eyes towards the front again and his figure draws closer.

Fuck, how'd he know I was going to be here?!

"Hey Y/n, I'm back darling."

I face back to C/n and their face falls immediately.

"Um, are you okay?"

They peer into my eyes with pure concern.

"Yeah, yeah.."

"C-ca-can I p-pl-lease get a angel shot with a twist?"

I order, my galloping heart making it hard for the words to come out.

"Y/n... Of course."

"Please come here."

They open up the interior of the bar for me so I can step through and accompany them.

"What's wrong sweetie?"

"M-m-my stalker is here and I have a restraining order against him, he-he's put his hands on me b-b-before and I'm scared."

Tears begin to stream down my cheeks and they take my hand, obscuring me from the public eye.

"Hey Gianna I need you up front, we have a situation here."

They inform a co-worker passing by.

"Got it."

She gives him a thumbs up as she steps up to take over.

"You're gonna be okay darling, okay?"

"He can't get to you from back here."

They don't know that!

He's deranged!

My breath becomes shallow as I try to stop the sobs from continually pouring out.

"I'm gonna call the police now, is that alright?"

They quizz me for my permission, reaching for their cell phone in their pocket.


I accidentally screech out.

"Wait, please.... Please don't."

I beg of them tears blurring my vision.

"Y/n, look at you."

"You're shaken up, very rightfully so."

"They can help you wayyy better than I can."

They attempt to reason with me kindly, their voice filled with genuine worry for my well-being.

"I-I-I n-ot yet."

I settle with them so they drop the subject.


"May I hug you?"

I consider the idea for a second before nodding.

I squeeze my eyes shut as they take me into their arms.

"Take a deep breath Y/n, focus on your breathing."

They remind me as I notice just how harsh and erratic it has become.

I take their advice as I continue to cry.

The first breath hurts, but I push through the pain, proceeding to commit to the deep breaths.

It takes time, it's okay if it takes time.

You don't need to catch your breath immediately, it's a process especially when it's lost due to anxiety.

"You're doing amazing darling, keep going."

They rub my back supportivly as I nurse myself back to a healthy state with their assistance of course.

This is exactly what I need right now.

Words of tenderness, a person's sweet considerate touch.

I allow my eyes to open, wiping off some tears so I can actually see.

As I gain composure over my breath, the pace of my heart beat settles as well.

"There you are darling."

"You're so strong."

They affirm.

Yes, yes I am.

"Now do you want me to phone the police?"

They bring up, placing some space between us so they can peer at me with those same kind eyes I noticed earlier.

Those beautiful eyes.

I really don't them to at all now, it's late and I just want to go to sleep.

I don't want to have to file another police report, I hate the drama of it all.

I think tonight I just want to let it go, just this once.

"Please don't, I-I'll just take off."

"Are you fully sure?"

"I don't feel comfortable with you going back out there with that creep."

They note that he is most likely right there at the bar.

I shiver realizing he's that close.

"Can you sneak me out the back then?"

"I'm very sure, I just don't want to deal with the cops at 3 in the morning."

I partially lie.


They sigh, feeling slightly defeating, but respecting my choice.

"Follow me this way then."

They offer me their hand and I take it as soon as they outstretch it to me.

I might not know C/n too well and maybe I'm a idiot for this, but I feel safe in their presence.

Could just be the alcohol talking though..

They lightly squeeze my hand before leading me towards the hidden exit.

We pass numerous staff on our way out, they step outside first, before they leave the door ajar for me to join them.

It's nearly pitch black outside when C/n pulls up the flaslight on their phone, gifting me some of my sight.

"Where's your car darling?"

"Over here."

I relink our hands and this time they go along with it.

"If you don't mind me asking Y/n.."

"How long has this been going on for?"

"The stalking?"

They clear up what they were referring to, even though deep down I knew what they meant.

I sigh, thinking about the whole never ending scenario.

All those possible near death scenarios.

"For three years, he was one of our old neighbors, even when my family moved to a different town he followed and since then he's just never stopped.."

"I have a restraining order, but that shit barley works."

"I'll never feel like I have much security as long as he's walking this earth."

"I'm so sorry Y/n, no one deserves to feel preyed upon like that."

They squish my hand meaningfully.

I almost grin at the plush gesture.

"I agree, I wish the police did better at protecting survivors of stalking."

"They've made some moves to throw those bastards in jail, but it's still not enough."

"That shit ruins people."

They conclude with.

I would know..

"You're telling me C/n.."

I lose their gaze as we reach my car.

"I guess this is where we go our separate ways darling, please take care."

They proclaim, releasing my hand not before granting it a pat.

"Also, get some sleep."

They bring me sweetly into their chest and lay a small kiss on my hair.

I lean into the small affection, well until they pull back, then a frown crawls onto my face.

I grab their arm acting out of impulse.


They stare at my hand around them.

"Actually please don't go, I don't want to be alone tonight."

"I have no one to go home to and I-I just can't be by myself right now, I can't take it."

"Can you take me home with you?"

I plead with a hint of desperation.

By a hint, I mean loads of it.

I need their protection.

"I- um-"

"Wait you're supposed to be working, no that'd be totally selfish of me."

I try to shut it down while praying deep down that they take me anyway.


They flash me their watch with a smile.

"My shift just ended.. and I'd love to have you over."


I purse my lips in victory.

"If that makes you feel safe."

"It does."

I confirm still not showing the full extent of my excitement.

"Okay, I'll drive since I'm 100% sober and you're at least a little bit tipsy."

I giggle at them and then toss them my keys.

"Thank you darling."

They unlock my car and before they can even open up the passenger door for me, I submerge them into my arms and lean into them so our foreheads are touching.

I decide to make a move at the kind bartender.

"Before we go.."

"Can you kiss me?"

They place their soft hand on my face and caress my cheek.

"With pleasure."

C/n leans in and I meet them in the middle, our lips delicately molding together.

I loosen my grip on their torso as I focus primarily on the kiss we're sharing.

Now this is cloud nine.

This is actually my first kiss and I'm giving it up to a near stranger, but this feels like just the right time.

Not many people can make me truly feel this comfortable, especially after the night I had.

I weirdly enjoyed writing this one, I think it's because I don't traditionally write a lot of angst in this book. Also, would y'all like a part two cuz I'm kind of invested in this pairing.
~ Alondra ❤

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