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When you learn to appreciate life ; death scares you PARENT BOOK OF : Hollywoods β€’ Completed More

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Part I
Part III

Part II

78 4 1

* Filler chapter

Big Mac - Mac

"What brings you here?" Whitney asked, sitting alone in the office she claimed as her room, though there was no bed.

Behind her was a wall of glass so she could look down at the people of Richard's Valley.

Her other walls were pure marble, matching the flooring which was also marbled. In the middle sat her black desk.

It was clear she's been sitting for hours in denial of the fall of her domain.

"I said what brings you here, Mac!" She repeated, unsteadily this time as her nails tapped the table ahead of her.

"You know why I'm here," I teased, knowing this wasn't a laughing matter, pushing Na'Jour ahead of me.

I didn't like that the boy was shy and i'd do everything in my power to force this feminine shit out of him.

"Your empire is dying."

"No it's not," She hasted, "I have Kilon."

Shaking my head, I resorted to strolling around the wide room, taking mental images of what would be mine. "Do you think someone as pitiful as Kilon will keep this business running for you?"

"Whitney." I eyed Na'Jour, forcing him to walk by my side so he wasn't just standing there like a mannequin. "You're getting old.. and those injections can't save you from aging."

It was true, she was the only woman in the game, but she was also the oldest, doing everything she could to get a remedy to live longer.

Only Charles beat her by a few years, and he was on the verge of death, himself.

"If we're being realistic here, you don't got no kids, ain't tried to build a family since Juniors death, and have been relying on my nephews to do your dirty work." I watched Na'Jours little feet attempt to follow in my lead.

Whitney had not a word to say. Natasha's brothers only had relation with her due to their sister being pregnant and having relations with her son, Junior, but they were not related to her by blood.

My nephews didn't owe her anything, and it's fair to say she knew this, which is why she refused to rebuttal.

"You've already lost Richards Valley, and once Kilon eats all your money up, you're going to wish you never did the community the way you did." I smirked, taking joy of her fallen face.

Everyday, she looked down on those people whose life she ruined to make her brand. Eventually, she'll be down there with them.

"Aren't you going to help me?" She stammered, standing herself so she could hold onto her grasp. "After all I've done? Training and caring for your nephews? Giving them a place to call home while they made profit!?"

Curling my lips up, psyching her, I tittered with another head shake. "We appreciate your hospitality, but no. See, Whitney.. blood takes care of blood and well, you're not blood."

"Eventually," I added, my pointer finger resting in her direction. "Eventually, we all have to fall off. It just happens to be your turn."

Everyone knows the rules of the game. No pin helps another pin. We wait until they fall and we take everything they had.

It was survivor of the fittest. The rest of us standing had a hunger to amalgamate our businesses.

"After all i've done?" She wined, her true wrinkles showing through the injections. "And you say this in front of the child?"

"You didn't let me finish, Whitney," I cut her off, smoothly. "Eventually, we all have to fall, but someone has to take our place."

It was then, she questioned my intentions for this unannounced visitation. "What are you insinuating?"

I chuckled, grimly, brushing the sinister smile from my lips with my dark, patchy, hand. "This empire belongs to Na'Jour now. I thought it'd be nice for you to see the new face of this city before you perish. Enjoy your last days, Whitney."

I watched the hate grown in her eyes, but at my son who just stared back with fear in his own.

He grabbed onto my arm and immediately, I shoved him off, warning him how I felt of such behavior.

It was good for him to have enemies at a young age. Shit like this built character, and I needed him to escape this hole he was locked in.

Holding in his tears, he clamped his own hand for comfort. My stern face told him to dismiss it, and he complied.

As far as myself,

Nobody was on my level.

I was the most paid, most respected, and the image of every niggas dream.

I made money so green, people would cry if they were given the chance to touch what I had.

The moment I got my son back, I worked on him immediately. Everyone saw a little boy, who was six, earning his seventh year in just a few months.

They saw Na'Jour and seen innocence, peace, and obedience. He was one of very little words, but complied to all my commands.

What they didn't know was he was forced fed the realities of this world. He was young, but he wasn't useless.

My son knew all the ins and outs of  the industry.

He's aware of our friends and foes, and if he's smart enough he'll know that all friends are foes.
Our visit with Whitney would prove that.

I never hid a thing from him, making sure to tell  everything about his crazy mother.

Word went around about Yasmin's reappearance and instead of taking care of her ass, I had a visitation prepared for her and Na'Jour.

I let him see how crazy his mother had gotten and I almost felt bad, seeing her confused mind attempt to seek and speak to him.

I continuously reminded the boy, his mother was a retard. One who kidnapped him, hurt him, and placed discomfort in his life.

During the visit, she was so occupied with trying to hold her son, that she completely ignored my being there.

I refused to let him hug her back. I refused to let him call her momma.

He's aware that a man shouldn't act as such and this moment should be used to say bye to her forever.

I wasn't sure where the pain in his eyes were coming from and I shook him, waiting for a pleased response.

He explained how he didn't want to tell her bye. That was probably the most he's said to me in a day.

Those benevolent words made her break character. It seemed then, Yasmin was Yasmin. Wanting to pour into her son.

It was truly a heartwarming event however, I was disgusted by Na'Jours disapproval of my demand and made sure that was the last time he saw her.

That was his last time seeing her, and he didn't even get to say goodbye.

Discipline them at a young age, so they follow you at an old age.

"Let's go, son."



We were almost there.
Fifteen minutes away, as I was told, and I was stuck in the car with Charles and a woman I learned by the name of Sophia.

I was granted access to the Warehouse, and Chucky was excited for me to see the grand scheme they were involved in.

Denny stayed back, tending to Yasmin, whose life I've feared for.

"Have you ever looked into Yasmin's condition?" I took the risk, notably reminding myself to watch what I say.

Sophia was one to stare at the rear-view mirror, watching the expressions on my face.

By her intentness, I could tell this was a skill of hers and she'd possibly been in this business for years.

"No," Chucky laughed, shooing his hand, "It doesn't bother me if it doesn't bother Denny. At the end of the day, she's a cash cow."

I was reluctant to twist my lips, but held my composure at the white womans gaze.

She could tell I was undoubtedly uncomfortable, and kept that was a note to self.

"Why are you working with us, knowing this is something your son is against?" She asked, more to slip me up rather than curiosity.

I have this girl know, I'm a Doctor! With a doctorate!

"Asaad and I, we bud heads fairly. There is no bone in my body that has a liking for him. And the audacity to be taller than me? Can you believe that nonsense? He, not only stole all my good  looks, but he took after his grandfather too! He looks more like my dad than I—"

I clamped my tongue, trying not to get ahead of myself. Lord knows the height gene shouldn't have skipped a generation.

Her brow jumped at my response, which started off strong but leaned after my full response.

Possibly, I need therapy.

"He is pretty handsome," She complimented, easing me in, "You know, he and I use to date... anyway, how is he?"

"I wouldn't know," I confessed, noticing that she attempted to catch me in a lie, "I haven't seen him in a year."

She hummed to herself, awhile, before finally making a stop in front of an all white building.

Once we were out the car and on our way for entry, I stormed back outside after witnessing the living conditions of the residents.

Chucky patted my back, as though this were a fun joke. "Don't tell me you're scared of a little blood, Ezekiel."

Holding on my mug, and gut, I sighed loudly. "Blood doesn't scare me, Charles. Chambers and rotten people do."

"You'll get use to it!" He jollied, guiding me inside the pit of hell.

It looked like a scene straight out of Criminal Minds and I wondered if the feds would show at any point.

"Derek Morgan, where are you?" I whispered to myself, "You can come out now.."

Chucky never failed to give me an unwanted rundown of the helpless community he held behind their will.

He showed me most of the men, women, explained the details of each, how many were gone and how many they had left.

"And this, my friend, this is what we call pizza gate." The old man informed, pointing at the children that were behind a glass screen.

"Pizza gate?" I mimicked, lowly, observing the separation by age and race.

He seemed more than happy to explain before his phone went off. "It's Denny, give me a moment."

And like that, he disappeared to a sacred area, not wanting the lost souls in this building to overhear his conversation.

I took this as a brief moment to look for the girl described by my son and Isis.

There were so many people here, I couldn't imagine finding just her without running into a look-alike.

Doing a double-take to make sure that slimy Shit-hole Sophia wasn't behind me, I reminded myself of the girls look.

"Black eyes, straight black hair, a missing tooth, high cheekbones, small tattoo on the side of her face."

I repeated myself seven more times, keeping my eyes low as I walked through the many people who were chained back, begging for my help and mercy.

When finally spotting the girl, I felt a hand latch onto my pant leg, and someone shouting at me to let them go.

I was struck with fear, kicking the persons face, accidentally, to snatch my leg back.

"I-I'm so sorry," I told the man, who now had blood dripping down his nose, causing for the others beside them to see me the way they saw Chucky and Donkey.

With regret in my heart, I stepped back, slowly, still telling the man I was sorry, but receiving nothing but heinous looks in response.

"C'mon, Derek Morgan. This would really be a good time!" I kissed my teeth, finally facing the girl, I assumed to be Sonya.

Unlike the others, she was planted inside an all black cell, alone.

Everyone was near each other, but she sat idly, with the least injuries, overall.

"Psst," I kept it casual, pretending to be amazed by the blood on my shoe.

The latin girl shot a disturbed look my direction, but ignored me completely.

"I said, PSSSSSST," I repeated, not doing well with lowering my voice, as it caught the attentions of others.

"What the fuck do you want, huh? You one of Sureno's men?" She sneered, standing up, exposing her ribs through the tank top she had on.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" I whisper-yelled, not wanting Sophia to catch onto my doings. She was currently wondering the facility. "I-i'm Asaad's dad. Ezekiel, nice to meet you."

Her cheeks gleamed at his name, as so everyone else who knew him. "You're.. you're his dad? You- you're gonna get us out of here, right?"

The ones surrounding her started stammering with questions, wanting to know about their wellbeing.

"Won't you people quiet down!" I hushed them, watching blond hair flow at the far end of the building.

"You're getting us out right? I-I mean, that's the only reason why you'd be here?" She continued on, now her arms wrapped around the black rods.

"Well, my son didn't send me down here for nothing, yeah?" I got smart, mostly because the hagglers were tugging at my feet again, wanting to ask me about my son.

"Why are you in a single cell?" I asked, kicking another person in the face, but this time purposely. "For good riddance! Set my leg free!"

Sonya stepped back when she noticed Sophia, waiting for the lady to dismiss herself from our sight. Once that was done, she was hugging the bars to speak to me.

"I'm in a single cell cause' they don't plan to do to me what they doing everyone else. I fucked Sophia's face up, awhile back for exposing my girl. That bitch is gonna turn me into the cartel. They told her they wanted me alive.. and she making sure I stay just that." Sonya scratched her head full of hair, letting the flakes fall.

"We're gonna get you out of there, yeah?" I gently pulled out a trap phone that was drowned in my left pocket.

Sliding it through the bars, I prayed none of those watching would expose this transaction for a chance of freedom.

"What's this?" She whispered, and the people around her went silent, wanting to listen in on the conversation, so I made it quick.

"This," I began, "Is a gift from my son. It's so we can track your location, and as long as you stay in contact; you and all of these people will be free. As long as you keep this phone, we will know where you are."

Her smile was one of someone who was grateful, and so were the surrounding ones who knew this process wouldn't be forever.

After a brief second of shared compassion, Sonya immediately moved back from the rods, sitting in the corner with the phone tucked under her lap.

"What are you doing?" Sophia asked sternly, keys juggling between her fingers.

Her approach caught me off guard so I jumped a bit, impressed with her ability to move in silence.

"Just looking around to see who's worth selling," I lied, pretending to put a price on Sonya.

"Trust me," She enthused, "That one in front of you.. she's worth thousands."

It was today I learned:
Sophia was indeed, not a girls-girl.



Two more pills.
Two more pills.
Two more pills.

I used my fingers to count how many i've taken for today, bitting my lip every time i skipped a number.

"One.. two.. three.. five.. no.. six, seven, no.." I sighed, dropping my hand.

I could smell her. I couldn't see her. I couldn't hear her, but I could smell her.

She's been watching me for a while, but she always did, observing me like I was some.. some crazy person.

"You're going to sees your sister, soon," She reminded, finally circling in front of me so I could watch the two blue pills roll in her hands.

"I don't want to see her anymore," I laughed, to myself, using my fingers to count again before lowering myself to anger at my sisters leverage.

"Don't you remember?" Momma took a seat on the bed, beside me, making the cushion elevate. "She got your son stolen from you? She took your life? She wanted you to leave so she could have us all for herself. Yas- Isis, she's the reason why you have to take these pills everyday to feel better."

I blinked heavily, letting the weight of my mind fall at my truth.

My lips curled up to a grin and I attempted to hold it back, feeling them disobey my mind completely.

It was a simple delay, but I.


I. Hated her.

She took everything from me.

She didn't deserve..

"One, two, three, five... no," I counted my fingers again, irritated by the missed numbers.

I paused, forcing my left eye to stay open as it rushed to clamp fully. "Momma, I miss Darius... I-I love him."

Momma's fruitful smile never dropped and she was now brushing my hair with her fingers. "Darius isn't yours Isis, Darius belongs to Yasmin. Darius already loves someone and it isn't you."

He doesn't love me.

He loves Isis.

But, why do I love him?

"Why does he come everyday, asking for me?" I wondered, loudly, making my mother upset with my questions.

"No, he doesn't!" She fussed, raking her hand harder.

"I heard his voice," I slowly whispered, imaging the depth again, "I hear it downstairs every.. morning."

Momma kissed her teeth. "See, you're hearing things again, sweetie. Time to take two more pills."

"But.. I don't want to," I giggled, frantically, before my hands and legs started shaking, making me grow warm and anxious.

The blue pills made me feel more.. blank.

Momma ignored,"Take two more before I get your father. And when you're done, come downstairs so we can text your sister."

* Once again FILLER
* The meaning of this filler chapter was to give insight on Na'Jour. If there's a possibility that I do make a part 2 or a second book, I want something to build off of.
* Ig you can call this ✨Foreshadowing✨

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