Heaven' s Angel TAEKOOK FF

By Ramii_Rajpoot_007

166 13 1

"I liked YOU. I craved YOU. I wanted more and I will took it. you know you are my angel who came from heaven... More



12 2 0
By Ramii_Rajpoot_007

 Assalam o alaikum... 

This will be short chapter i think.............

I Just Hope you guys are doing well..............

Morning  9 O'clock 

Everyone ate their breakfast while talking to tae Who was just being shy getting lots of attention. J-hope smile in relief seeing his little brother being comfortable around others. Jungkook just ate his breakfast coldly.  jin was just adoring the Younger and cooing at his every action. They were sitting in living room talking to each-other.

"J-hope your brother is really a bundle of happiness. I just want to request you to please let him stay with us here. You all go to your work and i mostly stays there alone, so, i would really love it if he stay here. I will be very thankful to you." Mrs. Jeon said with a smile looking at J-hope with hopeful eyes.

"No No aunty please don't embarrassed me saying 'thank you'. You all are like a family to me and i respect you alot. If Taehyung is ready i have no problem." J-hope was looking at Taehyung who was just confused abut staying with them. 

"Please taetae, i will prepare your everyday meal. please" Jin said cutely. Taehyung  giggle and nod his head.

"yayyyy Come. i will show you around." Jin holds Taehyung's hand excitedly dragging him outside. Taehyung Looked at J-hope for asking permission who just nod his head with a smile. Jungkook and suga  left for office. Namjoon also left for his hospital. Mrs. jeon was telling the maids about lunch and cleansing. J-hope walks towards Taehyung and kissed his for-head.

"Don't worry i will be back soon. If you need any thing just inform me i will be here in front of you. Ok and Don't Upset. Jin Hyung is nice, He will take care of you. I will try to come early than usual. Ok? "

Taehyung nod his head while smiling and kissed J-hope's cheeks than hug him tightly.

"Jungkook's house" 

After 2 hours Jin finally came to an end. They were talking about their memories with their families  giggling and walking here and there.  

"Really grandpa look like the same" Taehyung was laughing while holding jin's hand. Jin was also laughing with him. They were laughing with each-other. Nobody can tell this, they are meeting for the very first time. They were very comfortable about sharing each others secretes. 

"jin Hyung, You're pregnant. is this a boy or girl?" Taehyung said while looking at him cutely with curious eyes.

"I don't know about gender but we are happy. We are going to  keep this as a surprise." 

"jin hyung, Do you decide any name for the baby?" Taehyung was getting more curious about baby.

"No, we didn't" Jin said while adoring the fluff ball who just start to jump happily.

"Yayy, ok can i complete the naming ceremony. i Want to name your baby. Can I??" Taehyung was looking at jin with cute pleading eyes waiting for his reaction.

"OK Don't need to gave this look, you can name my baby." 

"Yayyy thank you jin hyung. i am gonna name your baby. hurryyyyy." Tae was jumping here and there happily. Jin was looking at him with a soft smile.

"jin hyung What is there?"  Tae said while pointing at 2 rooms on the backside of the mansion.

"ohh there is Jungkook's pet. We are not allowed there." Jin said while looking at the direction of rooms.

"Pet? What is it?"

" He have a huge black tiger with golden eyes. That look scary sometimes. But Jungkook loves him very much just like his own baby. " JIn chuckled and  Taehyung widened his eyes at the information.

"Really. He have a tiger. Hyung can i see? I haven't seen any  black tiger before. Please Hyung Pretty Please. I Just hope Kook Hyungie won't mind. Taehyung said with his eyes wide and a tiny pout on his lips.

"Ok You can. But be careful. He don't like strangers." Taehyung Just  nod his head.

"TaeTae promised." 

Taehyung was jumping around jin. Meanwhile jin carefully open the door and step inside. There was the tiger sitting on the carpet. Taehyung widened his eyes at the size of the tiger and his looks. Just as the tiger sees jin and a stranger, He roar at Taehyung. Taehyung start to cry fearfully and immediately hide behind jin. Tiger looked at crying Taehyung . jin pated his head and he immediately stop roaring.

"Tiger stop scaring him.  He is no danger" Jin said calming the tiger down who was staring at Taehyung seeing him crying hiding behind jin. 

"Tae stop crying baby. He won't harm you. Shhh Don't cry. Look He is not roaring anymore." Taehyung sniffle and look at the tiger who was just looking at him curiously.  

"Meanie." Taehyung said while glaring at Tiger with a tiny pout and  his blue hazel eyes shinning with previous tears.

"Let's introduce ." Jin said cheerfully to change Taehyung's mood. 

"I am taetae you meanie." Tae said and glare at the tiger who just bow his head as an apology.

"Jin Hyung let's go i am scared." Tae said and grasp the hem of jin shirt tightly. 

"OK Ok let's go." He carefully closed the door walk towards the front of the mansion with Tae trailing behind him.

"He is so big and scary hyung. He roar at Taetae. I don't like him anymore. I will tell Hobi Hyung to punish the meanie."  Taehyung was talking in low voice trailing behind jin who was just smiling at his cuteness.

"ok ok we will punish him later."

Whole day, Taehyung, Mrs. Jeon, Jin talk about themselves and ate their lunch. Taehyung was feeling at home. He was very comfortable there with His Jin hyung And his new Aunty.


"jungkook, Mark informed me that Lu-han was following your car today early in the morning. I think He have already seen Taehyung with you." Jungkook just rub his for-head and sigh heavily.

"You Know he is after me from past two years But didn't found any proof against me And he will never find Any. I will make sure this." Jungkook sigh 

"But Jungkook about Taeh-" Hoseok's words cut off with a loud bang on the door.

"ohh speak of demon and here you are." Jungkook said with low and dangerous chuckle while glaring at Lu-han who was looking at him with unpleasant look on his face.

"Who was the boy with you Jungkook?" Lu-han said breathing heavily. Look like he reached here while running.

"sorry sir. we tried to stop inspector Lu-han but he didn't listened and he-" Jungkook cut of the guard who was breathing heavily  raising  his hand.   

"You can leave." J-hope nod at the guard. The guard bow to them and leave three of them.

"I again repeat who was the boy with you Jungkook. Are You using him. Or a new gang member of your's. But you never  allowed anyone in your car. then who-" Jungkook cut his words with a low chuckle.

"He was my husband. Anything else." Jungkook said staring deeply at him who's jaw was touching the ground. J-hope look at them with wide eyes also.

" WHAT?? HUSBAND??" Lu-han shout surprise was clearly visible on his face.

"Yes any problem." 

" You are lying. He can't be your husband. He was very innocent and cute then how??" Lu-han was not believing anything.

"Oh Sorry han. I didn't invite you on my marriage. And please if you are here to remind me about my husband then please fuck off. I have a-lot of work to complete. "Jungkook was just staring at luhan with uninterested look.

"Ok i am leaving. But Keep one thing in your mind. My eyes are always on you. Bye Bestie." Luhan angrily left from here. 

"Can you please explain why you called tae your husband. This jerk will never leave his side now." J-hope was being frustrated.

"Calm down hope. He was also not going to back off.  We know him very well Hobi. If i didn't said this. then I am sure he must have reached Taehyung and spill the lil secret of ours being mafia's."  Jungkook said with a calm look.

"We have to do something now."




LOVE YOU ALL..........

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