The Blood of a Nightlock

By cady_carter

326 1 0

Wren Grayson was sixteen when her family was murdered by vampires. Left an orphan in a world she didn't even... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Three

18 0 0
By cady_carter

"So did you get in trouble?" Raven asked Emmet as we left our math class.

Emmet shrugged. "What do you mean trouble? We don't get in trouble anymore."

"Well, what happened?" She prompted.

"She told me that I needed to grow up basically."

I frowned. "I don't think that's fair. I thought your argument was valid." I started down the steps to the main level. 

He threw his hands up. "She said I was doing it for attention." He said as he and Raven followed me down the steps. "I think deep down she wants me and that's why."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, that's it, Peter Pan."

"I just wish she'd get the hint."

"What hint is that?" Raven asked with a smile as we jogged down the steps.

"That there's only one girl that has my heart and it's Wren."

"Shut up, that's-" I was rounding the corner when I almost ran right into Mitchel. We stared at each other, an inch or so apart, as we both registered internally what was happening. "Ridiculous." I finished my sentence as his eyes searched mine.

It felt like the room stopped. The normal commotion of the day ceased to exist as Mitchel and I stood there. What was happening? How did this happen? Why weren't either of us saying anything? Why was he so hot? And why was my stomach tightening like I could throw up at any moment? Like a little schoolgirl who had a crush on her teacher. This was terrible. Truly. Not that he was a teacher and the ten-year age difference between us was even that bad, but still. Regardless. He was right in front of me, his 6'3 frame towering over me as he stared down at me. The air in my lungs- non-existent. My brain- mush. The words- not forming. Embarrassing.

He lifted his eyes from mine to Raven and Emmet standing behind me and then returned his eyes to me.

"Sorry." I whispered, but I didn't move.

"For walking?" He asked.

"I wasn't looking."

He was quiet for a moment. "Neither was I."

"Silas?" Dr. Harden called from the top of the stairs.

Her office was up there. That's where he was heading, I'm sure of it.

His eyes broke free of mine and drifted up the stairs to where she was as my eyes slowly roamed down his body of lean hard muscle. He wasn't a meathead or anything, he wasn't large, just slim with rock-hard muscle. Sculpted.

"You coming?" She asked.

His eyes returned to mine and mine snapped to his. He caught me checking him out. That was great. This was going swimmingly. A slow smirk started across his lips as he registered what I was doing.

"Yeah." He said to her.

I bit my lip, looked away, and cleared my throat. "Sorry again."

"Don't be." He responded just as quietly.

I risked another gaze at his eyes and paused.

"Nice move at the end the other day." He said.

"Oh," I paused, "thanks."

"It was a great spar."

"I've been working hard."

"I know." He said. "I can tell."

"Silas." Dr. Harden said.

His eyes never left mine. "I'm coming, Mira."

"I won't keep you." I said. "Sorry for almost bumping into you. Spatial awareness sometimes is a weakness. Apparently attention deficit as well."

"How are you?" He asked, ignoring what I said.


"How are you doing?" He shrugged a shoulder.

"Are you temperature-checking me?"

A slow smile started across his lips. "No, genuine concern."

"I get enough from Fremont, I don't need any more temperature checks."

He nodded. "Fair enough."

"I'm okay." I said. "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay." He agreed. "I'll catch up with you later, Grayson." He started up the stairs before he turned back to Emmet. "Mason."

"Yes, sir?" Emmet asked.

"Leave Dr. Harden alone."

Emmet deflated a little and then nodded at Mitchel. "Yes, sir."

He stopped halfway up and sighed. "Wren," he turned back to me, "that right hook?"

I nodded slowly.

"It's nasty, use it more."

I thought about it and then nodded again. "Okay."

His eyes held mine for a moment longer before he continued the rest of the way up the stairs. Dr. Harden smiled at him as he got to the top. She put a hand on his shoulder and then turned back to us, her eyes finding mine.

"There's an assembly today. You guys should head to the gym."

"An assembly for our age group?" Raven asked.

Mitchel started up the second half of the stairs.

"All groups." She said.

Raven nodded. "Okay, we'll head there now."

Dr. Harden gave me one last look before she followed after Mitchel. Mitchel was at the very top already, leaning over the railing and looking down at us. I stared up at him for a few moments, walking backward putting space between us.

The gym was packed when we got there. We moved through the crowd and found seats in the middle of a far set of bleachers. I sat in the middle between Raven and Emmet. We were only there for a few moments before Dr. Harden slipped into the gym, smiling like she just won the lottery.

"Think they went upstairs to........" Emmet smirked at me.

"You think?" Raven asked.

Emmet shrugged. "I mean it's possible. Did you see the way she grabbed his shoulder? Like she's touched him a million times?"

I thought about it as Mitchel swung into the gym with a hand in his pocket. He looked the same as when he'd gone up the stairs. His eyes searched the crowd and found mine. Our gazes locked and he nodded once.

"No way." I said. "I don't think he'd go for her."

"Why?" Emmet said. "She's hot."

Raven and I both turned to him surprised. We both agreed she was pretty, but were very shocked that Emmet thought she was hot with his behavior as of late.

"What?" He asked. "Haven't you ever heard that a boy teases a girl when he likes her?"

"I thought you were trying to date Wren?" Raven said.

"I am, but I need a backup in case she really means no."

"No means no." I said. "Aren't you supposed to learn that in sex ed?"

"Then I'm gunning for Dr. Harden." He wiggled his eyebrows.

"You have issues."

"And you're going to sit here and say you don't?" Emmet asked.

"What do you mean? I have tons of issues. I'm an orphan." I reminded him.

"Right." He said as he eyed me for a few moments and then turned to the center of the room.

"Let's quiet down." Dr. Harden said into a microphone.

The room raged on.

"Please, quiet down."

Fremont stood from his spot with the rest of the faculty. "Hey!" He bellowed and everyone's attention snapped to him, the room was so silent you could hear a pin drop. "Shut the hell up!" He ran a hand over his graying goatee and then sat back down.

Dr. Harden sighed as she watched Fremont take his seat.

He gestured to the now quiet room and motioned for her to continue.

"Thank you, Mr. Fremont." She said, disapproval lining her words.

He shrugged, crossed his arms over his chest, and leaned towards Mitchel who was sitting beside him. Mitchel leaned towards him with his ear bent inward to hear him better. Mitchel turned and whispered close to his ear until Fremont pulled away smiling briefly.

"This is a reminder that your training for the evening is also being canceled due to this assembly. Enjoy the relaxation." She smiled as the majority of the room cheered, but I glanced around silently.

Fremont stood again and the room silenced. "You gotta be strong with them, Doc."

"Right," she said, frowning at Fremont, "anyway, it's for a good reason and we are here to discuss that reason with you. We're calling this meeting to update you on some very important information. I need you guys to listen and be quiet. I need you to take this very seriously." She glanced over her shoulder at Mitchel. "I'm going to turn this over briefly to Chief Mitchel of Dragon Tribe. He'll be able to explain some things for you a little better than I can."

Raven and I shared a glance as she put a lingering hand on Mitchel's shoulder. "He has no business being that beautiful." Raven said.

"Please." Emmet rolled his eyes.

I didn't comment, but I agreed with her. He'd been the object, not so proudly, of a lot of inappropriate dreams I'd had since I was sixteen years old. Some were nightmares that I could do little to control and some I had no business thinking about. The ones that had me wondering where those tattoos went. The same ones that involved him being naked.

If I said Mitchel was easy on the eyes, I would be lying. Chief Mitchel made a bad boy with a killer smile look like a chump. He had short dark hair that he pushed off his forehead and left messy. The type of hair you'd give good money to run a hand through. He had eyes the color of smoke that darkened when he was angry. He always looked like a high-class badass. A body covered in tattoos and layered with dark clothing. Usually cargo pants and a T-shirt. Sometimes a black jacket. He oozed confidence and reeked of sinful decisions. I watched every girl in the room cross their legs when he spoke. The man was beautiful, off the cover of every issue of GQ that's ever been made kind of beautiful. And in the rare times we got to look at him, we said a silent prayer. Most of the guys wished they could fight like him, which was downright lethal- no one could touch him, and the rest of the guys hated him because they couldn't be him. So I had a crush on him. Sue me. Me and the rest of the world.

"Good evening," he said into the microphone as a few whispers carried through the room, mostly female, "thank you for letting me speak here today."

"No, thank you for speaking." A brave soul in the crowd called as the rest of the women in the room went into a fit of whispers.

He glanced around the room for a moment, a stoic expression on his face. "Alright, if we're not going to behave," he started, but the room only cheered at his choice of words and tone of voice. He nodded, fully accepting fault in that one, "Mr. Fremont can come back up here." He warned.

Fremont stood and the room silenced.

"Let's focus here. I'll be in and out of your hair as fast as I can." He said. "I know there's a lot of conflicting information circling the mainstream lately and I want to address as much of it as I possibly can. There was an attack last night. It always hits a little differently when it's close to home. A graduate from Briarwood by the name of David Beirsten was murdered last night. If any of you knew him, I'm very sorry for your loss. If this was the way you found out, I apologize for that as well." Whispers filtered throughout the crowd. We remembered David. This was his first year on the streets, he didn't make it into The Chosen after graduation and went to start new. "There's an increasing presence of vampires in the area. I want to remind you and assure you that the school is always our number one priority. Making sure you guys are safe is our top tier. That being said, I want you to understand that you are all safe. I keep a heavy guard detail around the school to ensure this safety. Though the vampires are putting pressure on the boundaries I like to keep healthy, they have not made it past our defenses towards the school.

'It is very important that I make myself abundantly clear when I say this next part. All school activities that take place outside of the school will be heavily monitored and guarded by members of The Chosen. We aren't ready to suspend activities as of yet, but we would like to make sure they're heavily guarded and you feel safe inside and outside of the wall. Please respect the amount of care that we are putting into this and understand the reason for it. If you choose to disobey this, I will not hesitate to cease activities outside of the wall at once. I will enlist a curfew and I will police the shit out of it. Do not test me." He said as he eyed the crowd. "Do I make myself clear?"

A string of 'yes' rippled throughout the crowd.

"Good." He said. "Any inappropriate behavior will be dealt with on a school level. Any threats made to The Chosen or any acts The Chosen deems as threatening behavior will be dealt with on-site." He said as he eyed the crowd again waiting for pushback. He didn't get any. He pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and held it up. "If I say your name, please stand up." he said as he eyed the paper. "George Norris. Frank Dellaway. Hanson Coyer. Emmet Mason." He paused as he stared at the paper like he was debating something. "Wrenlee Grayson."

"Wren!" Stand up!" Raven shoved me as Emmet reached down and helped me to my feet. With shaky hands, I slowly got to my feet and straightened up my jacket. What did the five of us have in common?

Mitchel's eyes met mine. "Congratulations," he said to the group as a whole, but his eyes never left me, "the five of you have been selected as early acceptance to The Chosen."

The room erupted around us and I stood there in shock.

"Oh my God!" Raven jumped to her feet and pulled me into a long hard hug. It took me a moment to recover and realize what was happening. "They chose you!" She screamed over the crowd.

Mitchel lowered the microphone as he watched me.

"Let's fucking gooooooo!" Emmet smiled as he hugged me next.

"The five of you will start specific training designated for novices to prepare you for what's to come. It's an exciting time for these five students as they grow in their ranks. It's even more exciting that it's happening faster than they thought. Please understand that this decision to upgrade their training was made after serious deliberation with faculty, Dr. Walsh, and myself. As for the rest of you, The Chosen is looking to increase their numbers as vampire numbers seem to swell. Please understand that at any time, we could add to our ranks. I need everyone to understand how serious this is and how serious we are about your safety. If you're above the age of eighteen, I can't keep you guys inside the wall, but I encourage it. If you're going to head into town, please do it in groups. Thank you." Chief Mitchel handed the microphone back to Dr. Harden and returned to Fremont who was now standing.

Fremont leaned towards Mitchel and was back in his ear. I watched them as I slowly sat back down beside Raven who was still excitedly gushing about what had just happened. I still couldn't believe it. I was a member of The Chosen. I was eight months shy of graduation... it didn't feel real.

"I know this is an exciting time, but it's a very serious one too. Please understand what Chief Mitchel just shared with you and please be careful. Thank you guys, get back to your dorms if you're under eighteen." She turned off the microphone and the crowd started moving down.

"I have to talk to Fremont." I told Raven.

"Okay! But we're celebrating after!"

I headed down the bleachers, winding my way through the crowd. Dodging students as they congratulated me on my way. Once I hit the mat, I bobbed and weaved through everyone in search of Fremont. He was where I'd last seen him talking to Mitchel. He was talking, but swung his eyes toward the crowd and found me. His body relaxed a little as he realized it was me and a smile started across his lips.

"My girl! A member of The Chosen eight months before graduation!" He yelled as the crowd around us cheered.

I beamed at him as I jogged the rest of the way and jumped into his waiting arms. He hugged me tightly, holding me against him.

"I am so proud of you, Wrenlee!" He grumbled in my ear.

I bit my lip as the tears threatened to fall.

"I knew you'd do it."

"Thank you, Greg."

He put me back on my feet. "You'll be great."

Mitchel nodded at me before moving to converse with Dr. Harden.


"The Chosen!" Raven gushed. "Can you believe it?"

"It doesn't even feel real." I whispered.

Emmet plopped down at the table beside us. "We should be at a bar right now."

"Were you at the assembly?" I asked him. "Or did you tune 90% of it out?"

He shrugged and took a bite of his ice cream. 

"Do you guys remember David?"

Raven frowned. "I can't forget him. I was in love with him for like four years."

"Oh, I forgot about that." I told her.

"He kicked my ass once in a training course."

"I remember him being here. I remember him being a top dog around here." I said as I glanced around the courtyard. A girl our age was off by the dorms in a fit of tears, her friends hugging her close. "She dated David, right?"

"Everyone dated David." Emmet said. "But yeah."

"I didn't date David." I reminded him.

"You haven't dated anyone."

"I have..." I glanced at him. "Standards."

"Hurtful." He responded.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "You've dated half the school. David left and you basically filled his spot."

He shrugged.

"I'm just saying it's sad is all. People around here loved him."

"This conversation is sad." Emmet sad.

"So is your IQ, but we don't talk about that."

"I love it when you use your sarcasm on me."

"It is sad though." Raven said as she watched David's ex-girlfriend. "He was a great guy. I just can't see why he didn't get into The Chosen that year. He was a solid fighter."

"Something feels weird about it."

"Stay out of it, Nancy Drew." Emmet said. "If he didn't get in there was probably a good reason for it. We didn't know David like that. We knew of David. We saw him around campus and I sparred with him one time. He may have been a solid fighter, but maybe there was something else holding him back."

I didn't respond. 

"I remember overhearing in the locker room that he was kind of done with the whole thing. Training had been his whole life, he was over it. Maybe that had something to do with it. His Dad pushed him so hard. Maybe he just... gave up."

Maybe David did give up. Maybe Emmet was right. Maybe there was something more to it. But I did know, no one had seen or heard from David in a year. Why? Where had he disappeared to and why did he completely ghost? Was he trying to start completely new like my parents had? My heart hurt for him. Hurt for the people that loved him, but something was wrong with the whole thing.

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