Strange Addiction & Sweet Rel...

Da SoniyaRiddle

533 126 162

"A girl born without magic, with nothing but her own wit and spirit to rely on, has somehow cast a spell on m... Altro



42 9 30
Da SoniyaRiddle

Draco Malfoy

It's been a month since I started to watch her from outside her house, gathering all the information about her, like where she goes, at what times she goes.

Roseline Walker's a nurse at a psychiatric hospital, with a five year old daughter, the father I couldn't get any information about, she has a best friend Lexi Morgan, who had a six years old son, their kids are bestfriend too.

She works a day shift at the hospital on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Night one on Tuesday, Thursday. Going to arcade with her daughter on Saturdays, sometimes her bestfriend's son would join them too. Sometimes taking her daughter to the park

She wakes up every morning at six, gets ready for the day, then makes herself a coffee, and a toast for her daughter before school.

It's a lot of work to gather these information, for the past weeks I have spent at least a few hours everyday just following her. But it isn't that hard really, she goes to work before ten, and she heads back home after six, when it's a day shift. and she always stays in the neighborhood, always, there's no surprises.

No guys. No dates. Nothing.

If there's one thing I like to do when I need to distract myself from the stuff going on in the wizarding world, it's watching her, watching her is calming, contrast to all the murders and tortures I have to do everyday, for dark lord.

And so it became a ritual, watching her, day after day. It relaxes me to observe her mundane existence, a routine so simple and consistent, and completely devoid of any hint of magic and mystery. Her life is like a calming balm to my soul, soothing away all the stress and worry of my days in the dark arts.

After I saw her for the first time a month ago. For few days I tried to convince myself that she's a muggle woman and I'm a wizard, I shouldn't be all obsessive over someone I haven't even met or talked. But one day I found myself thinking about her face when I was aggravated.

And how the mere flash of her face in my mind calmed me down.

it's impossible to not be fascinated by her daily routine. I begin to look forward to each morning, knowing it will bring me the chance to watch her again. I begin to plan my days around her schedule, and soon I find myself eagerly waiting for her to make her morning coffee each and every day.

I can't stop watching her, and she doesn't even see me. I feel safe here, watching her, because I know that she would never accept me if she knew who I truly am.

I have to say. Watching her has become the highlight of my day. I look forward to the day she wakes up, does her daily routine of making coffee, and waking up the little one, watching her as she takes the little one to school and goes to work.

The fact that she is a single mom, makes it even more interesting.

It's calming like I said, the boring life of human world is a contrast to everything I had to do daily.

And it is safe and comforting to watch her. Knowing she is unaware of the things I've done, and the things I might do. The things she would surely never accept me if she knew.

She is simple and ordinary, her life mundane and unremarkable.

A distraction. Safe, simple, and calm.

There are times I want to interact with her, but I know I can't do that, I'm a wizard she's a muggle.

The line between wizarding world and muggle world should never be crossed. If it does, consequences will follow.

But every now and then, I get this feeling that I can't explain.

I want to talk to her, I want to touch her, I want her to be mine, even temporarily, just for one day, I would do anything to hold her.

Even though doing so would be a violation of the laws that separate us, I just want to have her just for one day. Just one day, that's all I ask for.

I don't know when my desire grew into an obsession, a forbidden want, to cross the lines that should never be crossed, and steal her away, make her mine, just for one day.

To feel her close to me, to be able to smell her scent, hold her close, feel her breathing against me.

To make her mine, just for one day, would be an unforgivable mistake, but I don't even care.

And I hate that because I should care about the consequences. Not for myself but for her.

Today when I woke up dreaming about her, I had this strange need for a cold shower.

The mere thought of seeing her, hearing her, just the sight of her is enough to push my limits, make me feel hot under the collar, feeling a rush of blood.

The thought of her is now becoming something else, it's not curiosity anymore, it's not boredom. It's an obsession.

And I don't even want to try to stop.

I know that my feelings for her are not right. But thinking about her makes everything disappear, the thoughts of killing and torturing people disappear, being with her and taking her makes me wanna stop being a follower of Voldemort, the dark lord. that I never wanted to be in the first Place.

The very thought of this woman makes me wanna abandon everything, and focus on her. If she says "Come here", I would be there in a heartbeat.

Because of this woman, everything goes away. The dark thoughts and the stress and the pressure. Everything melts into nothingness, the only thing left is her.

All this from a human. A muggle.
But just the thought of her, of seeing her next to me, holding her hand, and walking into the sunset, make my days not so dark anymore.

But right now, I'm standing in front of the ruins of what used to be Hogwarts wizarding school, with Theodore Nott beside me. We were sent here to find if any rebels were hiding here, ever since the news about a secret order forming against dark lord, people have been flipping into rebels, I wouldn't blame them.

Hogwarts is nothing but ruins now, a mere shadow of what it used to be. the great castle, the magnificent, the place of magic and wonder, has been reduced to rubble and nothing more. I couldn't believe it. how can something so wonderful and beautiful be reduced to this level of ruin?

This is exactly how I would like the world to be once I have her, ruins. No one and nothing else aside from me and her.

The rebels aren't here, I searched through the entire premises and there are no signs of magic or rebels.

"Did you find anything?" I asked Nott

"Nothing," Nott said, his face expressing disappointment.

"You're sure about this? The news is saying that the rebels are using this castle as their base" I asked, slightly concerned.

"I'm sure, I checked the entire school, wall by wall. The rebels aren't here, maybe the news were just lies" Nott explained.

"Dark lord doesn't take any risk" I say to him, I'm his right hand I know he doesn't.

I sigh and lean against the wall, looking at the rubble that was once a great castle.

The Dark Lord would not like it if he found out that we didn't find anything. He's gonna be furious.

There are many things at stake, I've put all my trust and loyalty into the dark lord, and if he learns that I'm planning on leaving him, he will turn me into his enemy, and my mother too.

"Did you hear that?" My ears perk up when I hear a crunch of glass.

The sounds of broken glasses come from inside the castle, they sounded like someone was stepping on the shattered remains of the windows.

"Do you think there are rebels hiding here?" Nott asked.

"Maybe" I replied "let's check it out."

We move quickly toward the entrance of the castle, there was a huge gaping hole, right in the front of us. The sounds of broken glass continued in the castle.

"They must be hiding somewhere inside." I said, as I stepped inside.

Nott and I were sneaking through the hallways of the castle, our steps are very light as we moved in the hallway.

I can hear the sound of broken glass, the rebels must be nearby, and it sounds like they're trying to hide from us.

"If you're out there, there's no point in hiding," Nott yells his voice echoing


There was no response, not even a peep. The sound of broken glass continued.

"We know you are around here somewhere, maybe this place has a huge underground bunker or something." I shout as well.
"It's time for them to face the consequences of opposing Dark Lord."

"You hear that?" Nott said as he stood still, listening to the surrounding.
We were both standing in one place, trying to listen and figure out what was going on.

I can hear the sound of movement, like someone was walking, or dragging something.

"I'll go check it out that way" Nott says heading towards the left

"I'll check this way." I said to him heading the right.
We both walk slowly, looking out for any sign of movement.

We both moved towards the sound, but the sound remained the same. It's like the rebels or whoever was hiding down there, wasn't really moving at all.

Maybe there was something in the floor? Or perhaps under the castle?

Then I hear Nott's voice "I found him!"

I turn quickly to where Nott was heading, and there he was, standing in the doorway of a room, staring at Nott with a look of shock.

The rebel was unarmed, and he started saying something quickly in a panic.

Nott walks towards the man slowly, keeping his wand ready, in case the rebel decides to attack.

"I'm going to ask this, only once. Where are the rest of your rebels? tell me now, or you'll pay for it." Nott says, in a calm voice yet with a firmness that was noticeable.

"Please - just let me go-" he begs his legs were weak, he looked around 16 years old.

I walk near him "Are there any more people hiding here?"

The man looks at me and shakes his head, "I'm the only one here. I swear."
"Are you the one responsible for the rebellion?" Nott asks.

"No- please don't kill me I didn't do anything, look I'm even marked" he shows us his fake death eater mark, which disappeared as soon as Nott tested it with a spell

I sighed "We can't let you go,"

"Please, I didn't do anything, I was just... just hiding," the young man said as he looked at us with fear.

Nott shook his head, as I said "it's either us or Dark lord, what do you want"

The young man's eyes widened "I--I don't wanna die, please spare me"

Nott looks at me, I knew he didn't want to be the one to do this, I had to "What's your name?" I ask him

"John-- my name is John." He replied hastily, as if his life depended on it. The man was obviously terrified.

"Okay John, it's not going to hurt" I tell him before raising my wand towards him

John's eyes widened as he realized what I was about to do. He tried to step backwards but I grabbed him with my magic. His struggle against me and the desperate look on him makes me feel bad.

"Avada kedavra" I said and the red light flashed through my wand into his chest.

John's struggles stopped, he immediately fell down to the ground unconscious, as if he just got a massive blow to the chest. I walk towards him and crouch down to get a closer look.

His eyes wide open, his body went limp and his heart stopped.

"That's it then," I say and I look at Nott, who just stood there speechless. He was clearly upset by what I did.

"We have to go tell Dark lord, he'll want to know if there are any new survivors from the rebels."

"Yeah" Nott said quietly, I stand up turning around to walk away when Nott stopped me.

I look back at him kneeling down to Jhon's body, pulling out a crumbled piece of paper from his pants pocket, I watched over his shoulder as he opens it, a family picture of Jhon, his sister, and parents.

"Shit, man" Nott mutters.

"We didn't have a choice, we did what we were supposed to do" I said trying to make it feel easier on him "Don't let those photos get to you."

"It's not that..." Nott said slowly, as if he had a hard time explaining himself. I could see it in his face, the emotion he felt was something I never saw before.

"I know we didn't have a choice. But I saw the picture, he was just a 16-year-old kid."

"I know..." I said, as I understood what he was feeling, it wasn't guilt, more like empathy.

"That's not a death eater, that's someone's child, someone's son." Nott said, as he stood up. I watched him walk away with the picture in his hand, I followed close behind but I had nothing to say. It wasn't an easy thing to do.

"What are we even doing, Malfoy" I hear him say as he stopped and turned around to look at me

"You said it yourself, we're doing our job, doing the dark lord's will. Everything we do is in his name." I replied, "We shouldn't think about it, no matter what, whether he's 16, or 55, we would have done the same thing."

"No , did you not hear the rumours?-"

I know what he was talking about and that made me clench my jaws "Not here, Nott, someone might hear us" I tell him

"I don't care" Nott said quickly, looking behind to see if anyone was listening. "Harry Potter could be alive you know? we could have a second chance"

I sighed and shook my head "Are you serious?"

"Do you realize what are you saying, we must be careful, just mentioning his name is considered a treason against the dark lord."

"Malfoy, if he's alive that means we could be free, you could go away with your mother and I could have a normal life with my wife" he says a hint of desperation in his voice.

"It's not true, Nott, those are rumours, we saw him die in the war," I say shaking my head.

"We didn't see the body, he just fell from that bridge, we never saw the body" he shook his head

I take a deep breath and walk towards Nott, putting a hand on his shoulder.
"Look, I understand, I do, but you have to trust me on this one, those are nothing but rumours. He could never have survived that fall."

I sigh "We have to focus on our job...we're doing what the dark lord want, that way we're safe, no matter what."

"I know..." Nott said slowly, still looking at me with pleading eyes.
"But what if, what if the rumours were true? what then?"

I sigh heavily "Nott, do not mention his name again, you know it's forbidden, if dark lord gets to know this, you won't even have the life you have now with your wife,"

"I know, I know." Nott sighs as well "But, but what if it's true?"

The way he begged for a second chance made me feel sorry for him, but I also knew we had to stay silent.

"There's nothing to think about, not until we know for sure. Until we have proof, all of what you're saying is mere rumours right now." I reminded him.

"Only Harry Potter knows about all seven hoxruses, if he's alive, everything can go back to normal," he mutters

"Harry Potter is dead," I reminded him "Let's get going now,"

"Right." Nott sighed and we continue walking, I can tell that he was thinking a lot from the way he was walking behind me, he was definitely upset about the whole situation, and the truth is a part of me was as well, maybe he was right, but we can't be sure until we have proof.

A/N: I'm so in love with this Draco

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