In Between Blue Moons: Second...

By drummergirl2766

322 38 5

The second book in the Blue Moon series! Alex, Blake, Chase, and Abby are back in book two! "The rebellion go... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four: The Real Alexandra Kohl
Chapter Five: Blake
Chapter Six: Finishing It Off
Chapter Seven:
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten

Chapter Nine

8 3 0
By drummergirl2766

I woke up as we were walking out of the thick bushes and out of the woods. We were following a stone path, and I could already hear families and friends talking.

We were finally at the shelter!

Chase turned his head and whispered in my ear.

"Hey Sleeping Beauty, we're finally at the shelter. We're all gonna get cleaned and fixed up. Sound good?" He said. His voice sounded so comforting and warm.

I nodded and hugged him around the neck more so I wouldn't fall.

I could hear the gravel crunching under every ones shoes as we made our way down to the shelter.

Conversation kept getting louder and louder as we got closer and closer. Eventually, we entered a plain white tent with one table and a few outdoor metal chairs.

"Hello. My name's Kenzie. Are you guys looking for nurses or shelters?" She asked. I peeked over Chase's shoulder and watched her eyes go straight to me.

"Nurse?" She asked. I rolled my eyes and nodded.

"We also need a shelter though too..." Chase added.

"For how many?" Kenzie asked pulling out a pen and paper.

"Six." Chase said counting everyone again.

"Alright." Do you four want to go down to your shelter? And you two down to the nurses shelter?" The lady asked pointing to Abby, Caleb, and my parents first, then Chase and I. We all nodded and Kenzie left with my parents Caleb and Abby to our shelter.

Chase and I ended up following signs until we made it to the nurses tent. Again, there was a table and a woman sitting in a metal chair.

"Emergency?" She asked pulling out paper and a pen.

"Yes." Chase said.

I tried to look sicker than I was, if that was even possible, to make them hurry up and get me into a room.

"This way please." She said walking us over to a bed out in the open.

By each bed, was one metal chair and a small table to hold food or drinks.

"Your nurse should be here as soon as possible." She said, turning and walking out the door.

Chase spun around and let me off his back and onto the bed.

I lied down on the bed and he sat down on the hard metal chair. Just then, a woman nurse came around the side of the bed with a clip board and pen.

"Hi. My name is Cynthia. I'm the nurse. Where are your worst injuries?" She asked eyeing my arm and leg.

"Uhh... My leg I got burned, and my arm got shot and broken. And I might have a concussion...." I said. I sounded so stupid.

"Alright." She said. She had one of those fake smiles with the perfect white teeth. Her long wavy brown hair fell into her eyes and she stepped closer to me to check my injuries.

She started at my arm.

"So what happened here?" She asked again, gently picking my arm up.

"I got attacked by a Slayer Vampire and he tried to kill me and I fell back on my arm. Then somebody sent out a gunfire that hit me, and I blacked out." I said, flinching as she lifted my arm up more.

"Sorry. But what happened here, right next to the bullet wound?" She asked.

"Where?" I asked turning my head.

I heard Chase lean forward in his seat to take a closer look.

She pointed her black pen at a puffy orange spot by my shoulder. Small red dots were starting to form. It was right about where you would get your flu shot. Shot.... Shot....

"She was poisoned...." Chase said naming the many things that could've caused it.

"By what?" The nurse asked. She seemed to believe that Chase was right, her full attention was on him.

"We don't know. It was in the middle of the night." Chase said.

"Well, that gives us some information. But not a lot..." She said, biting on her pen.

"Like what information?" Chase asked, eager for any information out there.

"Well, it must've been done by a Slayer, unless you have a Shadower enemy..." The nurse said writing it down on a piece of paper on her clip board.

Chase and I looked at each other. Enemies? We don't have any enemies, except for... Blake... And Austin....

"Yeah, we have two actually..." I said, staring straight ahead. I lifted my head only to look at Chase. He looked confused.

"Blake..." He said.

"And Austin." I said, naming the second one.

"No, Alex, Austin is dead." Chase said sternly.

"No he isn't! I saw v-visions of him! He was at the rubble of the community building! There's no way to kill him!" I screamed, making the whole shelter turn and stare at us.

"I think the poison is getting to her..." Chase said pointing at his head.

"Hey!" I screamed reaching over to strangle him.

Another nurse came from out of no where holding a tray with cotton, gauze, and...needles?

Cynthia must've seen my expression, because she opened her mouth to speak.

"We are going to kill the bad poison, by sending a killer through your body."

I gasped and turned away at the word 'killer'.

Chase stood up from his chair and pinned me down so the nurse could easily get the needle into my skin.

"Alex, you're only going to feel a small pinch, then, we will take the needle right out. Then it's all done. Then, we can tend to your burns and broken bones." She said getting the needle ready.

She walked over to me and wiped my shoulder off with a small white cloth. I flinched as it touched the poisoned area on my arm.

Then, Cynthia walked over to the tray the other nurse was holding she pulled out a long needle. I could've sworn it was shining...

I felt Chase's grip on my arms go tighter and tighter so I couldn't escape. The nurse turned back away from me and walked away.

Chases grip released and he took a seat back in his metal chair.

"Wait, b-but what about the shot?" I asked looking around the shelter.

Cynthia looked at me like I had five heads.

"What do you mean? I just gave it to you." She said.

"See Alex, you couldn't even feel it." Chase said with a grin. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Cynthia. The other nurse had left, leaving her with a dripping wet cloth.

"Now for your burns." She said holding up the white cloth. She gently put the cloth down on the burn on my calve, and I could instantly feel the burn cool down.

I let out a long sigh and closed my eyes. It felt so good...

I heard Chase giggle next to me and I opened one eye just a little.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, well, you... Never mind..." He said smiling with his head down.

I shook my head and closed my eyes again. The nurse ruined my peacefulness my talking again.

"So, now, I'm going to wrap a new cloth under some gauze to keep it clean and secure for now. Then, we have to take care of that bullet wound and the broken bones, as well as the concussion..." She said. "Man, you're a mess..." She said, putting a new clean pair of blue latex gloves on.

She started wrapping around my ankle keeping it secure and tight. It took only a few minutes before she was done.

"Now, you're bullet wound." She said looking at it closer. She started poking at my arm. She was feeling through the skin, looking for something... The bullet?

"Alex, can you just do me a favor and flip over on your stomach so I can see your back?" She asked curiously.

"Yeah... Sure." I said.

Chase immediately stood up and grabbed my good arm on the right and helped me flip over. As soon as I flipped, I heard both Chase and the nurse gasp.

"What?" I asked.

"Alex, it looks like the bullet went straight through your back." She said.

She grabbed another cloth from the table and started dabbing the wound to clean it. It felt like a bee was stinging me multiple times. Like a hive.

"Okay. That's all cleaned up on the back. Now can you flip over again so I can clean the front?" She asked.

This time, I was able to flip myself by myself.

She started dabbing at the wound again sending pain through my shoulder.

"All set!" She said grabbing two bandages. She covered both cuts so I wouldn't get an infection and moved on.

"Now for your broken arm..." She said.

"We don't have the technology for x-rays and such because it was all destroyed, even our plaster for casts, but I can securely wrap it and give you a brace and a sling..." She said.

I shrugged and nodded. I honestly didn't care what she gave me, as long as it helped.

She opened a small drawer in the table and pulled out some more wrap and a sling.

She started wrapping my wrist in layers and layers. It looked like I had an allergic reaction, the wrap was so thick. Then she pulled the sling around my neck and helped me get my arm through it. It felt way better to keep it up.

She tossed Chase a brace from the drawer and then grabbed another cool cloth.

"For the concussion." She said.

I put the cloth across my head and sighed. The cold felt good on my burning forehead.

"You are welcome to stay the night here, or you can relax at your shelter. But you have to promise me you'll relax, and won't do anything." She said.

"I'll stay the night." I said. I just needed to relax, alone. There was too much going on around here. Also, I'll be the one to be running around when I was told not too.

"Alright." The nurse said grabbing her stuff and walking over to another patient.

"I think I'm going to head down to the shelter. I need some rest." He said standing up and stretching.

"Okay." I said, pulling the blankets up to my chin. I closed my eyes and fell asleep immediately. Even before Chase left.

"Goodnight Alex." Chase said. I heard his footsteps echo throughout the medical shelter until they disappeared.

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