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Enemies since childhood, will it still remain the same or will they have a change in heart ??? More



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Hyeri was visiting her brother in his dorm. Seokmin wanted someone to assist him with his 'love' matter.

"Saying that you're handsome doesn't mean that she likes you. Stop imagining things" said Hyeri. She was used to her brother's imaginations when it comes to girls and love.

"I'm not imagining it,  I can sense it." argued Seokmin.

" Last time you sensed something, you ended up thinking about about having your future wedding with a girl who dumped you after 3 days"

"That hurts, are you really my sister?" said Seokmin offended.

" Because I'm your sister, I know how dumb you can be when it comes to girls"

" Come on, what should I do here?" asked Seokmin, confused about what his next move should be. Hyeri thought for a while and answered

" Never ever date a friend, it won't work" Seokmin's smile dropped after listening to his sister.

" But if that friend is Yumi Unnie, you have my greenlight" she added.

" What?" doubted Seokmin.

"I like her, that's all " said the girl.

" But you have to be sure that she shares the same feelings, don't make a fool of yourself AGAIN" told Hyeri.

" How do I tell if she does?" asked Seokmin, completely clueless.

"You're just so smart about everything, but this."

" What should I do?" questioned the boy in a stern voice

"Take her on a date, duh!" replied Hyeri.

" And?"

" And a love guru will see if she shows any sign of affection" she advised, to which Seokmin nodded in agreement.



Seokmin and Yumi were hanging out at the cafe. Seokmin suggested to take selfies with the girl, which excited her. While in the middle of their photo session, Hyeri came .

" I looked away for just a second and you already stepped your game. Do you remember what I told you yesterday ?" Hyeri whispered in her brother's ear. She had given some signs to figure out whether a person likes you or not. Seokmin made sure to memorise them. He started searching for some incidents to prove his point, but sadly he did not find any.  Yumi kept Seokmin in friend - zone but  he was blinded by 'love' and did not notice the reality. After 20 minutes, he wanted to leave the place as he could not stand the awkwardness of the 'date'

" Yumi, some work came up. Why don't you two girls enjoy?" saying this, Seokmin left  the place

Yumi nodded and turned towards Hyeri " Ri, this one is a chef's kiss, try it"

She handed over the pastry to the younger girl. Hyeri awkwardly accepted it. "Is this date his or mine? " thought Hyeri.


Seokmin wanted to clear his mind by visiting the same music shop, he and Joshua had visited previously. He was a drummer who had interest in guitar. He wanted to try the latest guitar, but at the same time someone else touched the instrument. Both of the people's hands brushed against each other. Seokmin turned to his right to see Joshua. The younger hastily removed his hand.

"What brings you here?" asked Seokmin staring at the floor.

"Why? Are you the only one who can come here?"

Seokmin did not reply. He decided to wonder around the shop, leaving Joshua in the guitar section. Despite his efforts, he could not help but take secret glances. He noticed that Joshua received a phone call from someone. It must have been his date or crush, judging by his enthusiasm and smile. Joshua looked angelic and beautiful when he smiled. It wasn't his fake smile, it was a genuine one. He had never talked to Seokmin like this. His thoughts wandered off to the advices his sister gave. 

"Sign number one, when you touch, the physical response will give a hint."

When he touched Joshua's hand,  it made him feel something that he had never experienced with Yumi.

"Sign number two, eyes don't lie. Look in the eyes" 

Joshua caught Seokmin staring at him. They both looked at each other for a brief amount of time before Joshua turned his gaze away. This was different from his experiences with his previous girl crushes. 

" Three, someone who likes you will want to know if you're taken or not"

He was feeling jealous when he saw Joshua happily talking on the call. He even thought it must have been the elder's crush. 

Seokmin was starting to get confused, did he like Yumi or Joshua?

" Then, there's the last sign. People who like you can't be themselves around you"

That was also true. Seokmin always acted different around the American. Maybe it was because of his past guilt. Damn what are you doing to me ? He left the store, not knowing  whom his heart truly loved.



Joshua had just returned from the music store. He was going to cook something in the kitchen. While taking the ketchup bottle, he noticed a sticky note " I'll buy you a new one :) " It was Seokmin's handwriting. { No wonder it was horrible 🤣}

Joshua couldn't get himself to be angry. Who would be after such an adorable not ? He always drew these small things Seokmin did in a diary. He had done the same thing with the chocolates when the younger revealed that it was him who had sent it to him. He grabbed the notebook and started sketching it. This gave him happiness for some reason. After he had finished his drawing, he thought of an incident that took place previously. He was outside the cafe when Yumi and Seokmin were taking selfies. 

He wanted to go and stop it but he just couldn't. He knew that he had no chance with Seokmin. Not after knowing the fact that his crush liked his friend and that both their families were rivals. At least Seokmin should live happily. Hiding his feelings was the least he could for the younger's bliss. 

He drew a huge cross on the page he had drawn. It was nothing compared to what Seokmin had drawn in his heart. 



Seokmin wanted some advice from someone other than Hyeri. He decided to call his only friend who was in a relationship.



Hi, what do want Seok ? -

Can I ask you a question Hao?

Sure - 

Who do you think can make our hearts beat faster ?

Weird question. In your case  umm Ghosts -

What a waste of time ? Didn't you say that you have a boyfriend

Fine ... Our hearts beat faster when we're with someone we like - 

But, it might just be excitement 

You also have a point but why are do you get excited-


You like that person -

But there's one thing by which you can be certain - 


If you're jealous, you definitely have a crush on them -

Thanks bro!

Hey so do you-


Seokmin cut the call before Minghao could finish. He was definitely jealous back at the store. 

Does that mean I like Joshua ?


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