Holiday One-Shots

By BaguetteManOfficial

816 32 33

In which I write short stories based in various franchises that take place during holidays that I celebrate. ... More

Here's How This Will Work

Purim With Batwoman

400 22 7
By BaguetteManOfficial

"Come on Katie! We're going to be late!" (Y/n) Kane stood impatiently by his sister's bedroom door in a good old fashioned Superman costume.

"Coming!" Kate Kane replied before opening the door and walking out a minute later.

"I uh- I thought you were going to wear your batgirl suit" (y/n) spoke as he crossed his arms.

"Batwoman" Kate corrected, she knew her brother loved to get that wrong. "And I decided wearing my own suit isn't the best idea... so this"

"The skirt is kinda short and you're showing a lot of cleavage" that earned a glare from his sister. "Fine, you want to go to shul dressed like a shiksa then be my guest. I'm not standing next to you though"

"I'm wearing a wig" Kate shrugged as if that made up for any other shortcomings. "Now let's go hear the Megillah"


Purim was one of the happier Jewish holidays. While some holidays were to commemorate genocides or fighting off conquerors this one was about one of the times the Jewish people triumphed and were accepted by the king of the time and allowed to live when they were supposed to be killed.

This holiday was celebrated by wearing extravagant costumes, the giving of gift baskets, and feasts. There was also lots of wine. It was a very happy time of year. To start all that off they had to go to shul, otherwise referred to as temple or synagogue, to hear the story read from the Megillah.


"I still don't understand why they can't read it in English" Kate Kane leaned over to whisper to her brother where he was sat in his Superman costume.

(Y/n) just shook his head in response. He jokingly thought that he wished they had gone to the adult reading instead of the kids one. Then he wouldn't have had to sit next to his sister since the men and women of the congregation were split and stood on opposing sides of the room.

Kate was about to whisper something else when the Rabbi reading the Megillah said the name "Haman"

In response to the name being read from the scroll all the children, and (y/n), in the room yelled "Boooooo!" and shook noise makers. Haman was the villain of the story and this was the traditional response, a way to have the children involved in the story and enjoying themselves.

Kate couldn't help but smile as she saw that her brother was still so involved in the ceremony. After her father's death Kate had been hesitant to remain with the religion but seeing her brother's enthusiasm assured her that coming here with him had been the right choice.

The booing stopped and the Rabbi continued his reading. Kate wished she had done better in Hebrew classes like her brother had so that she knew what was being said. She knew the general story but not the specifics.

"I love how into this you are" she whispered to her brother as she leaned her head on his shoulder.

(Y/n) put his arm around his sister's shoulder as she closed her eyes. He considered his possible responses carefully. "I'm glad you decided to come. Dad would be glad you did"

Kate just smiled at her brother's words as she listened to the Hebrew reading of the Rabbi. She was pulled from her relaxation a few minutes later when suddenly the kids all started making as much noise as possible while booing again.


"Well hello there!" The next morning had come and the two had just gotten home from the second Megillah reading moments before they heard a knock on their door. Kate had quickly grabbed a gift bag before opening the door again. "You look awesome!"

The kid from down the hall giggled happily at the praise she got for her costume. She was dressed as a scarily realistic dragon. "I made you this!" She whispered as she held out a gift bag with a large smiley face on it.

"Why thank you!" Kate took the bag and looked inside. "Ooh booze. You're the best, kid" she gave her a quick wink which elicited another giggle from the girl. "And in return here's what (y/n) and I got you" she held out one of their own Mishloach Manot bags.

The girl quickly grabbed it and looked inside as (y/n) finally came to the door and noticed their visitor. "Cupcake!" The girl giggled happily as she jumped up and down.

"Here" (y/n) grabbed another cupcake from another Mishloach Manot bag and threw it to the girl. "Just don't tell your parents who's responsible for your sugar rush. Chag Sameach, Esther"

"Todah Rabba!" Esther thanked them in Hebrew and ran away before they could change their minds. "Chag Sameach!" She returned the holiday greeting with a yell as she ran back to her apartment.

"Her poor parents" Kate chuckled as she turned around to face her brother.

"Glad I'm not them" (y/n) agreed as he reached past Kate and closed the door.


After a short walk and giving out most of their Mishloach Manot bags the siblings arrived at Wayne Manor.

Their cousin Bruce and his kids weren't Jewish but ever since the two sides of the family had gotten close Nightwing and Spoiler had insisted that they spend as many holidays as possible together.

"Welcome!" (Y/n) jumped and Kate laughed at him for his surprise as Cassandra Cain jumped out of a bush and landed on his shoulders.

"Hey Cass" the boy couldn't help but laugh once his shock had diminished. "Is everyone else inside or am I going to get jumped again"

"Inside" Cass spoke as she pat his head comfortingly. "No heart attack"

"I was not going to have a heart attack. I was not that scared" Kate again laughed as (y/n) huffed at the teasing.

"Mhm" Cass did not sound convinced as she pointed towards the house, telling the pair to enter.


Once the meal had begun it was chaos. Between Stephanie and Tim arguing over who gets the last meatballs, Damien sneaking around and scaring people since he was having a sugar high, and Dick and Jason teasing Duke for having a secret girlfriend it was a shock to (y/n) that he could stand all the constant noise.

Bruce was saying something but even only sitting a couple seats down from his cousin it was impossible to hear him, so he left the talking to Kate and hoped there were no questions aimed at him.

He looked across the table only to find his eyes those of Cass. She glanced around before lifting a small baggie out from under the table and throwing it to (y/n). She put a finger in front of her mouth to tell the boy never to mention this.

He looked down and his eyes widened. Cass would be in a lot of trouble if Alfred found out she had snuck dessert out before the main course was finished.

(Y/n) nodded at Cass to show his appreciation before taking out and quickly eating a Hamantaschen, the traditional Purim cookies shaped like the villain Haman's hat. She nodded back before nibbling on her own cookie. She then quickly lowered her cookie as she saw someone enter the room.

"Ehem" (y/n) quickly turned to see Alfred standing behind him. The whole room went silent once they noticed Alfred waiting for an explanation.

"I did not steal this. I was given it" (y/n) spoke quietly before throwing the hamantaschen into his mouth and finishing it. "If anyone should be in trouble it should be Bruce for not disciplining his kids"

Cass giggled at that, appreciating that he hadn't ratted her out. Bruce looked annoyed but then also laughed which lead to everyone else doing. the same.

Alfred just sighed before refilling the Kane boys wine glass. "Whatever you say, Master (y/n)"

Alfred walked away and (y/n) sighed in relief that he had gotten off easy. He quickly turned to Cass and glared at her which just caused her to giggle more. "Sorry" she whispered before everyone went back to what they had been doing.

"You're almost as Pale as I am" Kate spoke as she leaned over to her brother with a smirk. Everyone knew that Kate was almost unnaturally light so comparing to her was really saying something. "Here" she lifted his glass and handed it to him. "That should help your nerves"

(Y/n) just nodded before quickly downing the cup of wine. "Only day in the year when it's a mitzvah to get drunk. May as well take advantage of that" he whispered before Kate grabbed another bottle and refilled the glass.

"Yeah, I've already cleared my calendar so I can take care of you tomorrow if you're hung over" Kate spoke teasingly as she hit her brother with her elbow.

"You're a good sister" (y/n) smiled before taking another small sip.

"Ah! The wine is kicking in, good" Kate doubled down on her teasing, knowing he would not normally compliment her like that.

"That it is" (y/n) nodded as he took another hamantaschen out of the baggie Cass had given him. "Ooh this one is chocolate filled" he quickly took a bite.


"Here we go, careful" Kate Kane laughed as she watched her drunk brother stumble over to his bed. He caught himself on the bedpost before slowly sitting down. "You okay?"

"I'm fine" he replied a bit too quickly. "Just wobbly. I like the word wobbly. It's fun... wobbly"

"It's very fun" Kate agreed as she walked over to the bed before tucking her brother in. "You gonna be okay if I go to bed?"

"I'm not as think as you drunk I am" (y/n) yawned as his sister took off his kippah and put it on his bedside table.

"Sure" Kate rolled her eyes before turning to leave.

"I'm glad we spent the holiday together" she heard the words right before she closed the door. "I know with Dads death you didn't want to"

Kate gave him a sad smile before responding. "You're right, I didn't want to. But I'm glad we did in the end. Goodnight" she flipped off the boys light switch before closing the door and leaving him to fall asleep.

Word count: 1754

(Chag Sameach to anyone celebrating today! And if you aren't celebrating I still hope you have an amazing day!)

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