One Love

Von FictionistJB

115 3 3

Jen has recently landed her dream job at one of the top 100. She is young, successful and beautiful. Her whi... Mehr

Chapter 1 - Penny for your thoughts
Chapter 2 - You were drinking in a cocktail bar when I met you
Chapter 3 - Fun and Games
Chapter 5 - VIP Crowd
Chapter 6 - I Just Wanna Dance
Chapter 7 - Trouble Ahead

Chapter 4 - My Dare

11 0 0
Von FictionistJB

I turned around, checking out the jam-packed bar. Spotted a bunch of lively twenty-somethings fiercely guarding their good time by brushing off unwanted advances. Eager for a carefree night, they were all about having a blast without letting any guys mess up their night. I nodded toward the crew, Justin gave me a high five, hit the record button on his phone, and strutted their way.

Leo shot me a relaxed look, teasingly tutting. He took charge, ordering us another round as we kicked back, soaking in the unfolding scene. It was like a live show, and we were just chillin', enjoying the wild ride.

Justin swaggered across, taking his sweet time, and I could feel the suspense building up as I wondered what he was about to drop on the four scantily dressed young ladies. The tallest one among them spotted Justin heading their way, and her jaw practically hit the floor. Gradually, the other girls swivelled their heads in Justin's direction, curious about what had captivated their friend's attention. All of them fell into stunned silence, sporting the same shocked expression.

Justin strolled up, cool as you like, and propped himself against the tall table. The four girls inched in, practically glued to his every word, like they were scared to miss a beat. You could feel the buzz of anticipation in the air, and I couldn't help but get caught up in the suspense, eager to see what Justin had in store.

The tallest one, a brunette bombshell, oozed attractiveness in her curve-hugging black dress and killer black high heels.

The second tallest, another brunette, rocked a more laid-back vibe with loose waves instead of poker-straight hair. Her curves hit all the right spots, and she opted for a more conservative look in a flowing brown dress paired with stylish red wedged heels. It was clear she was taken and had zero interest in any unwanted male attention.

The other two were petite, fitting right into the typical size for this part of town. Sporting bright blonde highlights, their hair lacked originality, blending into the crowd without making much of a statement. Despite that, their pretty faces still managed to stand out in the vibrant atmosphere of the bar.

The tallest one was super animated, hanging on to Justin's every word, while the rest had clearly lost interest. From a distance, it was just Justin and the tall brunette, totally engrossed in their conversation. The other three had formed their own little semi-circle, gradually edging away from the pair. I couldn't help but be intrigued, thinking, "Come on, Justin, hurry on back!"

"So, what do you reckon they're chatting about?" Leo raised an eyebrow at me and leaned against the bar.

"Hmm, whatever it is, she's fallen for him hook, line, and sinker." I crossed my arms and nestled into Leo's side.

"Jealous much? I hear a hint of it," Leo teased, using his thumb and forefinger to demonstrate just an inch.

I turned to him, a tinge of guilt on my face. "Is it that obvious?"

Leo and I have what some people would call an open relationship. We're there for each other until one of us wants to play away, but only temporarily. Leo's got a knack for knowing my type, even before I realise it myself. He's out there playing away about eighty percent of the time, while I'm a bit more selective. The ones I go for have to be worth my time, and Leo's pretty spot-on with who and when. He insists I give out this strong scent, but I call it total BS.

I find myself paying extra attention to this one guy, suddenly interested in his week, who he dated before, where he goes for breakfast – you name it. When I like someone, they know it. I wear my heart on my sleeve and hate playing games. Well, except when it comes to Leo. We're like game masters, constantly outplaying each other. Being his playmate is enjoyable because he gives me enough freedom to feel like I'm single, but there's also enough attention to make me feel special, like a keeper. He's a blast to be around when he's not in one of his gloomy, serious moods.

I turned around to face Leo, wearing a teasing smile. "Besides, you're definitely jealous Justin has it, and the young models no longer give you the same reaction." I touched my forehead with the back of my hand dramatically and pretended to faint. Leo caught me in one swift, smooth movement, holding me in his arms and whispered in my ear, "We'll see about that."

I've now unleashed his competitive side tonight, and secretly, I'm praying the night won't end in tears.

One more drink later, Justin casually strolled back towards us, holding out his phone. "That was the most fun I've had in a while. They were on the verge of coming," Justin winked. I cringed a little when Justin quickly added, "They were up for a practice run for this video shoot." I was in disbelief; the girls didn't tell him to buzz off. Then again, most of the girls in here were after their five minutes of fame. What bigger kiss-and-tell story than a threesome with Justin? Hmm, I would contemplate saying yes too.

"So spill the tea, Justin. Which ones were genuinely into you? Three of them seemed to have turned their backs on you when I last checked. Did the brunette have a hint of pity in her eyes?" I cooed with faux innocence. Leo handed Justin a drink, playfully adding, "Don't pay attention to her; she's totally into you and might be a tad bit green-eyed," winking mischievously at Justin.

I could've killed Leo for the embarrassment, but instead, I shot him a smile and a look that could've been lethal. Turning to Justin, I said, "That's not what I meant. Come on, show me your video. I want to hear all about it."

Justin stood close, our heads almost touching as he held out his phone to play the video. I smoothly linked my left arm with his right, feeling the electric charge between us, and nestled my head into his shoulder. The air crackled with excitement, igniting a spark that seemed to dance between us.

Justin pressed play, skipping forward to the amusing parts. The club's music drowned out the video's sound, so Justin provided a lively commentary instead. He approached the table, audaciously asking if they wanted to help practice scenes for his upcoming music video. The catch? He needed volunteers to play his love interests, and not just one – several at the same time. I shook my head, recognising that any sane woman's alarm bells should have been ringing by now.

Three of them looked horrified, but the brunette seemed intrigued, wanting to know more. Justin continued spinning his web of lies, describing how he wanted to practice undressing her, making love, and then, to add a spicy twist, a friend would casually join in. "What the heck, Justin! Are you a genius or just really, really bad?!" I exclaimed in disbelief.

"Wait, there's more," Justin laughed with a sweetness that hinted at even more unexpected twists.

"I don't think I can watch this. I might have to slap you on their behalf!" I playfully slapped Justin on his arm, a mix of shock and amusement on my face.

"Seriously, it gets worse." We both turned our eyes back to the screen, and Justin pressed play, bracing myself for whatever outrageous antics unfolded next.

"Hey Kenz, come over here. I want to ask you a question," she called over one of the petite blondes. Kenz possessed a delicate beauty, with strikingly pretty blue eyes that sparkled like sapphires, a petite yet defined nose, and flawlessly contoured features. As the brunette explained Justin's proposition for the scene, a mix of surprise and curiosity crossed Kenz's face. Peering into her friend's eyes, she asked, inquisitively, "Are you being serious? Would you really want to...?"

The tall, stunning brunette nodded, a subtle plea in her eyes as she bit her lip. "Listen, you don't have to do much; it'll be just Justin and me for most of it," she explained, turning to Justin with a hopeful expression. "Right, Justin?" His response was a soft, "Whatever you feel comfortable with, babe." Another cringe-worthy moment unfolded, causing me to physically shrink. Justin then turned to me, wearing a confident smile. "See?" He paused the video, and I realised I was left speechless, my hand involuntarily covering my mouth. Leo, observing from the side-lines, finally broke the silence. "So, how did you leave it? I couldn't help but notice they didn't follow you back here."

"Nah, I told them to think about it and hit us up if they're down," Justin said, rolling his head back with a laugh. "I really hope I scared them off, and they won't be showing up."

Leo didn't think it would throw them off. "It's an open invitation. I've dealt with their kind before, and it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. They always go for it!"

I've managed to recover from the crude request. "It's quite unsettling that she was willing to do anything," I said with a shudder, downing my cocktail in big gulps.

"Steady on with your drink," Leo looked at me with concern. "You'll need your wits about you for your challenge." Damn it! I hoped he'd forget, my anxiety silencing me as I carried on finishing my drink.

"I better order one more then," I told the waiter, asking for the strongest short he had and knocking it back without saying a word. The hot, stinging sensation down my throat fuelled my determination to get it over and done with.

With silent determination, I snatched my phone from the bar and swiftly moved in search of the smallest, quietest-looking group of men I could find. I scanned the club; this was going to be tricky. Each group seemed like a no-go. A pack of ten? No. Two guys on the verge of passing out? No. Another group seemed decent until one of them inappropriately grabbed a passing female, bragging to his friends who all exchanged high fives. Definitely not. Then, I spotted a group of four men calmly seated on bar stools around a table. They weren't jeering, sleazing, or talking loudly. Finally, a potential candidate.

"Evening, boys," I greeted, savouring the sweet stickiness of the short drink lingering on my lips. Digging into my bag, I discreetly made a call. Glancing over to Justin and Leo , they had answered the phone and were now listening through the earbuds.

I can do this. I stand with my shoulders high, pretending to sway a little, or maybe I'm genuinely a bit tipsy. "Are you boys having a good time?" I ask, scrutinising each one of them to figure out who's up for some fun. Two are lounging back, absentmindedly toying with their wedding rings – take that as a sign they're not out to play. The skinniest one is very shy, nodding his head but eyeing me with suspicion. The stockier guy, with a preppy and handsome face, leans in closely. "We're having an awesome time. Do you want to join us?" I shake my head slowly. "No, I want you to come with me. A lady needs to eat, if you know what I mean," I say with my huskiest voice.

As he inches closer for a kiss, I halt him with a raised hand. "Promise me you're up for the time of your life, but I need to know you can back it up," I assert. He nods, leaning in even closer. "I'm not talking about feelings, sweetheart. I'm talking cold, hard cash." Pulling back slightly, he scans me from head to toe, a sly grin forming. "Of course. How much are we talking?" I reply with a hint of mystery, "Five hundred dollars for an hour." Intrigued, he raises an eyebrow and asks, "And I can do whatever I want?" I set my boundaries, "Not quite. I have standards. Nothing that leaves a mark or hurts, and 'no' always means no. So, if you can handle it, meet me at the double black doors over there." I point to the VIP cloakroom, a special spot reserved for the chosen few. Luckily, tonight, it's Leo's exclusive domain. The preppy boy whispers something in the skinny lad's ear, and they both follow me towards the cloakroom, ready for whatever awaits.

I glance over at Leo and Justin as I confidently strut towards the doors. Leo is holding Justin back, preventing him from following me. Leo always lets it go as far as possible. I feel secure knowing they both know my whereabouts. Justin appears uncomfortable with the idea, but Leo, having seen this scenario play out many times before, remains unfazed and untroubled.

As I turn the handle to the cloakroom, I spin on my heels and face them both. We're mere breaths away from each other. I look at the skinny lad approvingly, "Well, it was five hundred dollars for one, but now there are two. So, the price has doubled— a thousand dollars."

I swing the door open, unveiling a chic and modern setup. The room boasts elegant grey walls and plush grey carpets, accentuating the sophisticated atmosphere. Positioned at the centre is a sleek corner sofa that exudes contemporary charm. A stylish mini-fridge adds to the luxurious ambiance. I stride confidently into the room and extend a gracious offer, "Care for a drink, gentlemen?"

"So, how did you know this room is empty?" asked the preppy boy.

"Oh, me and the manager? We're like partners in crime. I get to use this place, and he doesn't ask too many questions."

"You mean you slip him some cash, right?" I laugh and shake my head. "No way! Not a single cent. I'm just a pro at working my magic."

I stroll deliberately towards the two guys lounging on the sofa, their legs spread wide. My gaze remains fixed on both of them simultaneously.

Reaching the sofa, I gracefully kneel down, crack open a miniature bottle of vodka, and down it in one go. Ugh, the burn in my throat is brutal – definitely doesn't look as glamorous as in the movies. I'm doing my best not to gag.

I unscrew the other bottle, attempting not to contort my face. First, I grasp the preppy boy's chiselled face, open his mouth, and pour half the content in. Then, I let the liquid trickle down the skinny guy's throat slowly, and he seems to be savouring it as much as I did.

"First order of business. Show me the goods, 1000 of them to be exact."

They both opened their wallets, revealing a massive pile of bills. After a hasty count, they managed to scrape together 500 dollars each. I took the money from them, not looking surprised, and casually placed it next to the mini-fridge to stretch out the anticipation even longer.

Damn, I had no plan for what comes next. I never thought they'd actually go through with it or part with a thousand dollars for a random encounter. Come on, Leo and Justin, open the door, barge in. Save me.

The stroll back to the sofa felt like the longest and slowest journey, my mind filled with hesitations and concerns. Kneeling down between the two of them again, I couldn't shake off the feeling of uncertainty. With a hesitant tone, I asked, "So, uh, who wants to go first?"

The preppy boy was so eager; he practically grabbed me in a rush, leaving me lying on the sofa, nearly winded. "Hey, slow down. We have an hour. There's no need to rush," I spoke softly, slowly lifting myself up to push him back upright against the sofa. He let me go as far as straddling him, and I was about to kiss him when he slowly overpowered me, lifting me up from behind and gently laying me back down on the sofa. This time, he wrapped my legs around his back and pressed down against my chest. "Please don't hurt me," I pleaded, my voice scarcely heard.

"You said we have an hour. I plan on making every dollar count," he asserts. I close my eyes, anticipating what comes next. He reaches down to lift my dress hem higher, revealing my hot pink coloured G string to Mr Skinny who has a full on view of my lower region. I can feel his the anticipation in his eyes, ready to catch a glimpse of my exposed buttock.

Mr Preppy slowly slides his hands down the inside of my thighs pushing them out wider, he moves the panties to one side, sucks his fingers and enters them in me. I gasp with shock and horror as the first finger slides in. I can't believe this is happening.

He looks down with impatience, "You're supposed to look like you're enjoying this. Have you not done this before?"

"Please stop. Listen I'm not a..." the words wouldn't come out as my throat is completely dry.

"You are so dry, I thought you were up for us to do naughty things . Are you just a tease. Kal, could you help her out by making her wet with your tongue. I can't wait to slip it in and make you go wild"

Suddenly, I gather my courage and speak up, "No, stop. Have your money back. It was not meant to go this far," the preppy boy shushes me. He shook his head. "Too late, and there's no point in screaming. No one can hear you."

Mr Skinny hesitantly went down on me whilst I was being pressed against the sofa, against my will. He held my thighs open; I could feel his head in between my legs. I feared for the unwanted sensations I was about to feel. He kissed the outer lips timidly and ran his tongue slightly beyond the insides. I closed my eyes. My body was frozen in shock but my mind had left the room. I couldn't move, couldn't make a sound, as I was trapped in the grip of shock.

Then I heard a loud bang; the music suddenly got louder. The door swung open, and to my immense relief, Leo and Justin rushed over to the sofa. Leo seized the preppy boy, while Justin took control of the skinny one, throwing them to the heavies.

The club security, commonly known as "heavies," were burly, imposing men with stern expressions etched onto their faces. They exuded an air of authority that commanded respect.  As they swiftly moved into action, their presence alone sent a clear message that they were there to maintain order and ensure the safety of the patrons.

"You're freaking disgusting!" Leo yelled in preppy boy's face, gripping him by the arms. Leo resisted the urge to shake him, mindful of avoiding any assault accusations. "She clearly said no!" Leo paced back and forth, running his fingers through his hair in frustration.

"She wanted it! I didn't hear a no!" Preppy boy yelled as he was escorted out of the room

Tears streamed down my face. Megan sat beside me, wrapping her arms around me tightly, providing comfort and support.

"She's not some escort or streetwalker. You can't even afford her, you..." Leo bellowed at one of his bodyguards, furiously pointing at the money left next to the fridge. "Give that loser his cash back!"

"No, she can keep it," he scoffed, his voice dripping with disgust. "She's nothing but trash!" The words tumbled out with a sharp edge,  highlighting the hatred in his voice. 

"No. You take it. She earns more in one day at her firm than you do in a month. So take your measly grand and duck off outta here before I change my mind," Leo declared, addressing the head of his bodyguards. "Take their driving license details so we know who the hell we're dealing with. Get them out of my sight." The command was delivered with a mix of disdain and authority, making it clear that he had no tolerance for their presence.


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