
By Persephones_Orchard

896 75 23

Marcus Flint had seen Heiress Hesperia Potter in her first year like everyone else. she was small, too small... More

Chapter 1


261 29 5
By Persephones_Orchard

Heir Marcus Flint had seen Heiress Hesperia Potter in her first year like everyone else. Her fiery curls were hard to miss. He had noticed that she had not kept her hair up like others of her status. But, he assumed that she just didn't follow them, much like her father didn't, nor did her godfather.

He, much like every other house, wanted her in Slytherin. It was Heiress Potter. She would be a popular ally, as well as a good political booster for any house. But she was sorted into Gryffindor, like her parents. That was that.

Or so he thought.

Her first year was a mess, the girl had landed herself into the hospital wing and apparently killed a teacher who had been harboring the Dark Lord on the back of his head. And currently, the girl was being held as the Heiress of Slytherin. They act as if the girl could truly cause someone harm, without reason. Especially if the reason was being a muggleborn. The girl was best friends with a muggleborn girl, as well as the fact that her own mother was a muggleborn.


Heir Adrian Puecy knew his friend unlike others. Most saw him as a brute with no smarts. But truly, the Flint Heir was quite intelligent. He just was always better at handy work, then theoretical. The Pucey Heir knew when something was bothering his friend. Sometimes it was quidditch, other times it was schoolwork, as of lately it seemed to be the Malfoy Heir. Apparently, something had happened that caused the larger boy to rip into the Malfoy boy.


Draco Malfoy was an idiot. That much Hesperia knew. And she was angry. The boy had always gotten on her nerves. Seriously, he was a bully who thought himself better than anyone around him and it annoyed her to no end. He was just like her cousin, except he wasn't so much bigger than her and couldn't physically harm her.

But he liked to taunt her sister constantly. It had just gotten worse this year. He was unnecessarily mean to Hermione, even though she mostly ignored him. But she wasn't expecting him to say such a horrid thing to her....


Marcus Flint was what most would describe as terrifying. Especially when angry. And he was furious. He knew the Malfoys were blood purist, but to see the Heir so willingly spit out the word 'mudblood' was disgusting. He had ripped into the boy immediately, as they got back to the common room. But it was the next morning, at breakfast, that surprised him.

He had glanced up from his food just in time to see Heiress Potter marching towards Heir Malfoy. 'Oh this will be interesting', The large boy thought. He nudged his friend, Adrian, who followed his line of sight.

"Malfoy!" the tiny redhead called, causing everyone's eyes to snap to her. Her eyes seemed to be glowing with magic and her hair practically sparked in rage. The Slytherins surrounding the blonde boy backed away as the girl marched towards him. He squeaked in surprise as the girl pulled him up by his collar.

Marcus just watched, eyes wide, as she punched the boy straight in the nose.

"If i ever hear you say that disgusting word to Hermione again, it won't just be your nose i break." the girl hissed harshly, her words coming out in hissy syllables. Marcus was in awe of the petite girl. She had stood tall, as tall as her short stature allowed, and eyed the blonde with nothing but hatred.

"You- my father will-" Malfoy started, but Marcus cut him off.

"Will hear nothing. I'm not sure he'd be too happy to hear you got your arse handed to you, the muggle way, by a lass half your size." The large boy fixed the blonde 2nd year with a harsh smirk.

Marcus glanced at Heiress Potter, but she continued to glare at Malfoy before she huffed and spun, walking back to her muggleborn friend. Said friend immediately hit the red haired spitfire across the back of the head with a grin.


Marcus groaned as the Heiress was back in the hospital wing, this time for defeating a Basilisk in, what was thought to be a legend, the chamber of secrets. The girl was going to drive him up the wall with her escapades.

Adrian just glanced at his friend from his book. He rolled his eyes, the larger boy was always worrying about the petite Gryffindor.


Marcus glanced from the feast towards the Gryffindor table, as he usually did, and saw Heiress Potter there, but something was different. He didn't know what it was, but it bothered him slightly.


No matter how hard Marcus tried to keep an eye on the red haired girl, she seemed to always have a penchant for trouble. Luckily this time, it wasn't Voldemort, it was her godfather. He knew, through his parents, that the man was innocent. But the Flint family don't often involve themselves in politics. They are a farming family, the most they did was keep an eye on politics without getting into it.


Adrian was getting annoyed. Marcus wouldn't stop ranting about the Potter Heiress. He had sent both her, and the studious muggleborn, etiquette books. Mainly because it was obvious that the potter girl was not being educated about it, and because Marcus wouldn't shut up about it.

But this year has been particularly annoying. Marcus seemed more worried. Adrian didn't blame him, he worried for both girls. This was the third year in a row that the two, and the weasley boy, seemed to get into mischief. Something about the whole situation had been rubbing Adrian the wrong way and he finally indulged Marcus in his suspicions during the summer before their 6th year.

To say Marcus was fuming was an understatement. They had come to the conclusion that Dumbledore was involved, as was the Weasley boy. It seemed things only happened at the end of the year, and oftentimes, the two girls seemingly felt fine with just leaving things be until the end of the year.

Lady and Lord Flint seemed to notice their son's annoyance and asked both boys about it. The two explained and the Flints looked at each other. Adrian let them know that their son's worry for the Heiress was a normal occurrence.

"She's a scrawny 13 year old with no sense of self preservation, and im 95% sure that isnt of her own volition." the young Flint grumbled out.

"And you're a 16 year old who's already 6'4" with the ability to scare most adults with just a glare. If you're that worried, you're feeling something for the girl and Imogen needs to get her protection jewelry." Lord Pius Flint said with a smirk.

Adrian watched with a small smirk of his own as Marcus argued with his parents that he didn't feel anything for the Heiress.

"I'll go to the Silver Raven tomorrow morning." Lady Imogen Flint stated with the tone that ended any argument. Marcus groaned and flopped onto the couch next to his friend. "And your father and I will be joining you on the platform this year, to see the girl. Maybe you'll actually have the courage to talk to her."

Word count : 1201

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