The Color Of You

By Stuieee

36.8K 1.2K 591

Falling in love is never easy, but what if your heart pulls you towards the two people you should never fall... More

Chapter 1 (Prologue)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 19

1.4K 46 27
By Stuieee

Chapter warning: Smut / NSFW

The only sound that could be heard in the lab was the soft clink of the glass beakers. You were currently trying to focus on examining a spore beneath the microscope while Peter leaned over the beakers, watching the process. Peter had tried to engage you in conversation on several occasions, but your mind was straying to the morning that seemed to be years ago. In truth, it had only been a little more than a week since your body was awakened, and you craved more. You could feel him moving in closer, and you only hummed in response to what he was saying. However, you weren't fully paying attention as your mind strayed again.

This was not how you had imagined things would turn out, but you had known that getting involved with Natasha and Wanda wouldn't be easy. It was nothing short of torture. Your moments together were reduced to stolen kisses and brief, precious catch-ups. But that wasn't the worst part. The new desire burning inside you was almost unbearable, a fire that consumed you more intensely with each passing day. It took all your willpower not to abandon everything for just another second, minute, hour, eternity, intertwined with their limbs, feeling their lips against yours, their hands exploring your body. You yearned to shout from the tallest building, declaring your love for them to the world. You wanted to grab Peter, grinning wildly, and tell him you finally understood what it felt like to fall in love.

The need to share the overwhelming emotions bubbling inside you was almost as intense as your need for them. But instead, you had to keep it all hidden away. Why? You knew why, and it made everything even more painful.

A sigh escaped your lips before you could stop it, betraying the turmoil within. You felt Peter's eyes on you, filled with curiosity and concern. You mumbled a vague excuse, inching closer to the microscope, your eye now pressed against the lens, praying he would take the hint and leave you alone with your thoughts.

With the newfound silence your mind strayed back to the feel of smooth naked legs intertwining with yours—the soft murmurs of their voices and the smell of Natasha's skin. That euphoric feeling of a pleasant ache in between your legs and the flutter in your stomach that accompanied every caress of warm, soft fingers against your exposed skin.

"Good morning, my little love," Natasha cooed against the crown of your head, gently pushing her fingers through your tresses, guiding your head back to kiss your forehead.

You hummed groggily as her lips trailed down your forehead, peppering kisses against the apple of your cheek.

"Did you sleep well?" She asked while caressing your cheek.

You groaned against the bright light as you cracked your eyes open, but to your delight, you were greeted by a soft-looking Natasha. The sight of her stirred a wonderful warmth in your chest, and you came to the conclusion that this was your favorite look on her—no makeup, hair messy from a good night's sleep, and a carefree, soft smile playing on her lips. You wanted nothing more than to burrow into her warmth again and feel her naked skin against yours. Preferably so close there wouldn't even be air between you.

Natasha's fingers tapped against your cheek, reminding you to answer her question. "Mmm, very." You hummed with a pleased smile and leaned in against the hand that gently cupped your cheek.

No longer able to resist your impulses, you snuggled in against Natasha, finally burrowing between her arms and sinking deeper between her breasts. The skin-on-skin contact was lovely—she was so soft and warm.

You lay contentedly for a while, not quite asleep yet not fully awake, in a comfortable in-between. Time melted into a blur, and you couldn't quite say how much of it had passed as you lay there together. Whether it was an hour or a handful of minutes was questionable, but ultimately unimportant. Eventually, Natasha spoke up, interrupting the calm silence.

"Are you going to wake up today, little duckling?" She teased gently.

You groaned softly against her skin. "No."

Her chuckle against the crown of your head tingled down your spine and you sighed happily when she curled around you.

"Aren't you hungry?" She prodded as your eyes reluctantly fluttered open. Her soft, slender fingers stroked slow patterns over your chest.

"A little," you admitted quietly, "but I don't want to get up."

Natasha hummed warmly. "I can get up and fetch something for you."

"But I don't want you to get up either," you pouted, peeking up at her.

She chuckled again as she sunk lower into the covers so the two of you were face to face, before s he leaned in and kissed your forehead.

"How sweet you are," she mused, " lovely girl." She leaned in again, but this time to place a soft kiss against your lips.

You hummed happily as you let your eyes fall shut again, leaning into the kiss eagerly, burying your fingers in wild red hair as your bare legs entwined with hers.

"Perhaps you're right," Natasha started, "I don't think I want to get up either," she grinned, leaning in to capture your lips again.

"Please don't," you whined between kisses, which made Natasha chuckle.

You wished your hands wouldn't shake as you grasped for her, but you were so eager, and all you wanted was for her to take you like last night. Never before had you felt so wanted, so desired, and you desperately craved for them to make you feel that again.

It almost seemed like time ceased to exist, and it was only when Natasha slowed down her kisses that you found yourself almost lightheaded. You gasped for air as your heart raced.

"Well, I'm starving," Natasha chuckled warmly, stretching her arms above her head languidly, and your pout turned slack as your eyes greedily soaked up the sight of her naked body.

"Like what you see?" Natasha grinned as she gestured over her body with her hand.

Your response lacked words, all you managed to produce was spluttering noises, as she got off the bed.

"Thought so." She threw you a flirtatious wink over her shoulder on her way to the bathroom.

You wetted your dry lips as you watched her naked butt disappear behind the bathroom door. You couldn't understand how Natasha had been able to go from making out on the bed to leave without finishing it. A huff passed your lips as you glared at the door.

Wanda's soft chuckle could be heard from a distance, and you instantly turned your head to look where she was. It didn't take you long to lock eyes with her across the room where she was seated in an armchair clad in a deep green silk robe. Even if she looked spectacular where she sat, you couldn't help but frown at the distance. But then your eyes fell to the sketchbook in her lap and the pencil that she brought up to tap slowly against her lips.

"Good morning, my sweet girl," Wanda said warmly as she lowered the pen down onto the sketchbook. While her words were gentle, her eyes were hungry as they traveled down your body.

"Hey," you breathed out quietly as you gathered the sheets to cover your body, moving closer to the edge of the mattress to be closer to her.

Your eyes followed her fingers curling around the pencil, enjoying the sound of it against the paper. "Ehm... so what are you drawing?" You asked as you leaned against one of the posters while your hand curled around the fabric to keep the sheet from exposing your chest.

"You," Wanda answered simply with a small smile.

You stared at her in surprise as your cheeks heated up again under her scrutiny.

"Oh.. Can I see?" You asked timidly while rubbing the sheet between your fingers.

She didn't answer, but you could hear her get up from the chair, and when the bed dipped, you looked up at her.

She offered you the sketchpad, and you looked down at the rough sketch of you and Natasha that she must have started while you were still asleep. She was so incredibly talented, and you marveled at her ability to capture even the smallest expressions on paper the way she could. You wondered if it would ever come a day when her talent would stop amazing you.

"What's the verdict?" Wanda asked softly as she traced her finger across your hand.

Your eyes flickered up to meet hers and you wondered if it was the light reflecting in her eyes or if it truly was a flicker of uncertainty there. She couldn't care that much what you thought? She wouldn't? Right?

"It's beautiful... I really don't know how you do it." You reassured her as your fingers hovered over the drawing.

You could see how she visibly relaxed next to you and the smile that tugged on her mouth did things to your heart.

You waited for her to say something, but instead, she removed the sketchbook from your hand and dropped it down on the floor. She caressed your cheek and you eagerly leaned in to kiss her.

"Mmm no," Wanda laughed as she stopped your advancement, "go on brush your teeth first."

You covered your mouth in embarrassment, and the laugh that slipped through her lips was one of your favorites, like a soft tinkle of bells. You knew that laugh by now, and it's the one she used when she found you adorable, because after each time she would tell you so.

Desperate to do what she asked of you, you clasped the sheet against your body before bolting to the bathroom. It was empty as you entered, which meant that at some point Natasha had left without you noticing.

When you were done brushing your teeth, you re-entered the bedroom and found Wanda sitting at the edge of the bed, beckoning you closer with her finger.

You scrambled over to her eagerly and only stopped by her outstretched arm.

"Drop the sheet, pretty girl."

Wanda's eyes grew darker as your hands loosened around the fabric, letting it drop slowly to the ground. You wished you had the same confidence with your nakedness as Natasha, but you couldn't help fidgeting, reaching up to cover yourself underneath Wanda's burning gaze as it licked across your exposed skin.

Wanda tutted slowly as she slid off the bed, tapping her finger across her lips while moving in closer. She circled you not touching but close enough for you to almost feel her.

"Tell me..." She murmured and you waited with bated breath for her to continue. "Do you want me to kiss you?" she breathed seductively against the shell of your ear.

You throbbed as you desperately wanted her to touch you in any way. The distance, even if small, felt too far to be considered fair.

"Yes, kiss me," you answered without missing a beat, feeling your mind fog with that familiar longing.

"Is that a command?"

Her breath was warm against your ear, making you squirm in need.

"No," was your instant response as you looked over your shoulder with concern.

"No..." Wanda parroted teasingly as she caressed your cheek, "then let's try that again, baby girl."

"Can you kiss me?" You asked. "Please," you continued softly, pleading at her with your eyes.

Wanda hummed as she circled you again, caressing you occasionally with the tips of her fingers, leaving goosebumps in their wake.

"You are beautiful like this," Wanda said suddenly, ignoring your previous plea for now, and you raised your eyes to meet hers.


"Mmm yes, my beautiful girl." Wanda responded warmly.

She caressed your throat with her fingers before grasping it softly, keeping you still as her dark eyes met yours. Her dilated pupils almost consumed her usually green eyes.

"I would give you what you want, but how about we make it into a little game, hmm? Do you want to play a game with me, sweetheart?" Wanda asked with a teasing tilt as her eyes traveled across your naked body.

Your brain felt all fuzzy and unfocused again, which seemed to happen every time they touched or kissed you in any way.

"I asked you if you wanted to play a game?" Wanda repeated with a smile when she seemed to pick up on the fact that you couldn't comprehend what she had asked.

"Yes." You answered this time without hesitation, wanting nothing more than for the smile on Wanda's face to stay.


"I want you to do exactly as I say," Wanda's warm breath fanned against your shivering skin.


"Good girl."

"Y/N, hello?"

Your mind returned to the present, and you turned to Peter, who looked you over with a furrowed brow.

"What's up with you today?"

You rolled your chair out and got up feeling flustered by your straying thoughts. You stretched your arms, creating some distance between you and Peter as you tried to shake the memories away. You cursed at the sticky feeling of your damp panties against your sensitive clit. You couldn't help the blush from crawling up your neck. This was beyond inappropriate and you had no idea how to stop your own brain.

"I'm just tired, okay? I'll make a cup of tea," you answered, walking over to the counter, offering Peter a smile that didn't reach your eyes across your shoulder. But non the wiser, Peter returned your smile but you didn't miss the flicker of worry in his eyes.

"You want some?" You asked as you fiddled with the kettle.

"No, I'm fine."

You looked down at your cup, and your vision wobbled as Wanda's voice crept in.

"Uh, uh. Remember the rules, pretty girl, keep those lovely hands of yours where I told you or lose the game."

You gulped, as your pussy throbbed from her words.

You closed your eyes as your head lolled to the side when Wanda's lips slid over the skin of your neck. She pressed open-mouthed kisses along it, teeth scraping and nipping and biting, the sensations coaxed a mewling sound from your throat as you desperately tried to stay still.

Your hands shook as your arms strained against the sheet. Your back arched as Wanda's sinful lips scattered over your puckered nipple. You started to realize that you had walked into a trap; you were doomed to lose this game.

"Your skin taste divine," Wanda praised, her voice sending a shiver down your spine as she groaned around your nipple, "absolutely divine."

Your fingers twitched wildly against the headboard, extending and retracting, desperate to grab onto Wanda and anchor yourself.

You looked up at the ceiling when your pussy clenched again, desperately trying to calm yourself down. But Wanda's mouth felt too good, and you craved the feel of her skin under your fingertips. You wanted it so much it felt all-consuming, terrifying, and sinfully wonderful.

You licked your dry lips and closed your eyes when Wanda's long, agile tongue swiped the swell of your breast.

"Hmnnn...Wanda," you moaned, "W-Wanda..." you mewled, desperate for her to move her hands lower to where you desperately needed her attention.

She shushed you softly as she stroked your quivering thigh with her warm hand, feigning comfort, "Oh, sweetheart, I'm barely even touching you..." she tutted softly, shaking her head, but you could see the growing smirk on her lips, "there's no need to get so worked up, baby girl."

"But I n-need you to touch me—" You whimpered, pleading at her.

"But I am," she cooed, stroking your thigh, "or do you want to surrender, little one?" she asked as she reached up to cup your cheek, staring into your eyes.

You whimpered again, "N-no," you breathed shakily.

"That's my good girl," Wanda praised, leaning down to place a kiss over your nose, chuckling warmly.

You offered her a small smile before it melted into another gasp and your stomach fluttered, as Wanda licked up the column of your straining neck.

"You look so lovely like this, splayed out and squirming for me. You're mine, aren't you, baby girl?"

"Yes..." you gasped, "I-I'm yours," you continued with a whine, gripping the headboard so fiercely your already white knuckles turned whiter.

Wanda slid lower, and you mewled as her soft wet lips left kisses against your sensitive skin. You gasped as she grasped your hips, licking your hipbone slowly. You looked down at her with disbelief as she kissed your inner thigh, her eyes dark looking up at you with filled with promises.

Oh my god.

"Your tea is done."

You squealed as you were brought back to the present, and in your rush to turn around, your mug met its demise as it tumbled to the floor, breaking into pieces.

"Damn!" You cursed in a flustered mess, as you dropped down to collect the larger pieces.

"Jesus, Y/N, maybe you should go home," Peter chuckled as he brought the broom to help clean up your mess.

"No, really, I'm fine. Just need the tea, and I will be fine," you huffed, shooting him another smile, "you just scared me," you chuckled nervously as you bent down, feeling your sticky panties against your throbbing clit again. You groaned quietly at the uncomfortable feeling as you tossed the pieces of the broken mug in the trash before taking out another mug and filling it up.

"Thanks for the help," you murmured as you both returned to work, and Peter shot you a wink before focusing on his book.

The tea did help, and you were able to focus on actually getting some work done, but as the hours went by, your mind drifted back to the memory of Wanda's sinful mouth.

"What ever shall I do with my pretty girl now?" Wanda hummed, letting her fingers dance over your flushed skin of your body, drumming them lightly in thought. "Maybe I could just sit back and watch you struggle for a bit; see how long it would take for your need to drive you crazy." She chuckled at your startled noise.

You gasped as she pinched your nipples between her fingers twisting them softly as she bent down over you, "Or maybe I should just fuck you."

A smirk flashed across her lips when your breath hitched.

"Decisions, decisions..." Wanda mused, absentmindedly as her fingers danced over your twitching stomach down to your aching core. You desperately wanted her to continue but to your dismay she stopped only to lean down letting her warm tongue slide over your hip bone closer to were you needed her most, "I suppose I could call for Natasha," her dark eyes crinkled at the corners as she smiled up at you. She cocked her head her smile turning gentle. "Or how about I ask you? What do you think I should do with you?"

You were gasping for air now. "Oh please! God, please touch me!" You begged.

Wanda tutted as she spread your legs, "But I am touching you, why don't you tell me exactly what you need."

You shivered as Wanda's warm breath fanned over your shaking thighs.

"Fuck me." You mewled desperately as you used all your willpower not to reach out to her.

"Oh my, how deliciously naughty of you, baby girl..." Wanda teased and you couldn't help but squirm as your cheeks heated up.

"Wanda please!" You begged as you tried desperately to stay still, "Please I need you."

"That's it," Wanda cooed as she finally eased up on the teasing and kissed down your inner thigh closer to your throbbing center, "just relax, you're doing so well for me."

You licked your dry lips, forcing yourself stay still and keep breathing as Wanda moved closer and closer to your dripping folds. 'Oh god is she going to kissing me there?' you thought when Wanda licked the wetness from your inner thigh closer and closer to your aching core. A moan soared from your lips at the feel of her slick tongue so close to your dripping folds.

"Relax," Wanda hushed as her breath fanned over your core making your bundle of nerves twitch, she positioned herself between your legs and caressed your thigh as she shushed you softly.

Soft lips teased around the sides of your core, "mmm, such a pretty girl and such delicious looking pussy" she praised, a finger stroking over your slit, a stunned whimper vibrated up your throat. You could feel Wanda's chuckle against your heat, "my pretty girl," she breathed before her mouth covered your wet folds.

Your mind blue screened as you felt Wanda lips against your wet heat, the hum she released travelled from her mouth in a wonderful vibration directly onto your clit and you clenched your fingers bucking up against her wonderful mouth.

Oh god!

Your chest heaved with desperation. "W-Wanda!" You cried, as she used her tongue to lick a slow stripe from your weeping opening up to your twitching clit.

"Mmm, wonderful." Wanda hummed against your folds before diving in with vigor.

It had been wonderful what they had done last night but the feel of her slick tongue and soft lips against your pussy was delicious on a whole new level.

You arched your back as Wanda hummed and moaned against your folds, she lapped and sucked at them. Sounds burst past your lips as you looked down at the sight of Wanda expression of bliss as she practically devoured you. You were close to coming as you watched her beautiful face between your legs, the erotic sight of her pink tongue sliding against your clit made you whimper.

"...You're being such a good girl." Wanda breathed against your pussy and you met her eyes and you couldn't help but suck in a breath at the sight of her slick covered mouth and chin. When she licked her lips seductively you almost removed your hands from the headboard, only for the chance to touch her. But before you had a chance to move your hands, Wanda pinched your thigh and you groaned. Her eyes danced with amusement as she winked.

"Close one, darling," Wanda husked as she licked another slow broad stripe over your slit while keeping her eyes on you, "I'm going to worship you." she said softly before lowering down taking your throbbing clit in her mouth and sucked.

It felt like you were going insane, each time you got close to the edge Wanda would slow down, and the orgasm you were chasing, was ripped from your grasp each and every time. You whined and struggled against her hold as you bucked up.

"I could do this all day." Wanda smirked up at you as she blew cold air against your aching clit. She cooed at your desperate whimper before soothing your clit with soft circles while keeping her eyes locked on you.

No matter how much you begged she wouldn't give you what you wanted. You were sobbing, twitching against each caress of her tongue, and your toes curled as her tongue slowly travelled down to your weeping opening. You gasped as her soft tongue slipped inside. Each time Wanda plunged her tongue inside of you in quick swipes her own moans would vibrate through your pussy pushing you closer to the edge of bliss.

"P-please," you sobbed, "please!"

You lost concept of time and your surrounding as you surrendered to Wanda, you stopped struggling and only moans and praise burst from your lips as she kissed and licked against your wet pussy.

You sobbed as Wanda again slowed the circles she drew against your clit so deliciously.

"How are you feeling, darling?" Wanda asked between swipes of her tongue.

She was slow and soft, probably to let you calm down enough to answer her. She was cruel in the most wonderful way.

"If I had known that it could be like this," you panted. "I would have... I would have begged you to do this to me the moment you kissed me."

"Would you have asked me to fuck you?" Wanda groaned against your skin before sucking your clit only to release it with a wet pop.

"Oh..." you moaned, ", I would have begged and begged."

Wanda moaned deeply by your words. You arched against her wonderful mouth, needing more of the soft strokes of her wonderful tongue.

"Do you think there's something wrong with me?" You mewled, "I have all this desire inside of me and it consumes me... I don't want it to stop."

You were scared of this new need that coursed through your veins and the fear that you would never feel this way again if you stepped out of their room. The thought of never feeling her or Natasha's naked bodies against yours again made your fingers twitched. The need to reach out for Wanda was strong.

"There's nothing wrong with you," Wanda breathed against your skin, and quickly kissed up up your trembling body, only to meet your lips in a searing kiss, "my perfect, precious girl," Wanda whispered against your lips before kissing you again.

As her lips consumed you and her tongue conquered your mouth her fingers caressed down you body. She whispered soft praise against your skin as she moved down your body again. With each kiss against your skin a match was lit until your body burned for her.

"You've been so good, and I believe it's time for you to come for me..." Wanda said and you met her eyes as she flicked her tongue over your oversensitive clit making you squirm.

"I want you to come in my mouth, pretty girl," Wanda groaned against your wetness and you moaned arching up as delicate fingers pressed down on your clit as Wanda's tongue slid inside your pussy. You weren't prepared to feel her enter you this way, and there was nothing stopping the wanton moan that burst from your lips.

She set a wonderful pace and you could feel yourself being catapulted in to the orgasm you have craved for what felt like hours. Your toes curled at the feel of Wanda's relentless and wonderful tongue working inside of you, and the pleased noise she made as she plunged inside of you again and again. This time was different, there was no more teasing, and it seemed like Wanda knew exactly what she was doing as she curled her tongue in the most delicious way.

"Oh god..." You moaned as you arched your back, and you more felt Wanda's hum than actually hearing it.

You clenched around her tongue as pulses of pleasure travelled across your body, Wanda softly helped you through your orgasm as it left you gasping and grasping for anything to keep you grounded. Your legs shook as waves of pleasure coursed through your body and rapid speed.

You felt Wanda gently removing her tongue and left a parting kiss against your tender folds.

"Oh..." You gasped as you tried to regain your breathing, "Oh my god..." You managed to force out breathlessly as Wanda crawled up your body only to hover above you her red hair draped down around the your blushing face like a curtain of red, the soft strands caressing your face.

"That was sinfully delicious," Wanda purred as she licked the slick off her lips with a proud smile, humming softly. She leaned down and kissed you gently and you could taste yourself as her tongue slipped past your lips to caress against yours.

Wanda released your lips only to lay down and gather you in her arms.

"You did so well." She hummed against your hair and your heart swelled by how proud she sounded.

"So, does that mean I won?" You piped up with a tired smile, looking up at her.

Wanda laughed warmly, hugging you close.

"Yes, yes you did, my sweet girl. You did so very well... So obedient, even with so much teasing," she gushed, her fingers now gentle as she caressed your body slowly, "I'm so proud of you."

You were brought back to the present when Peter slammed his book closed, and you looked over to find him rubbing his eyes. Your eyes drifted over to the clock, only to discover a new day had already begun.

Back in your dorm, you pondered when you would be able to focus again and if this desperate need for Natasha and Wanda would cease to consume your every thought. But it only brought you back to thinking of them and that wonderful morning. As you brushed your teeth after showering, you couldn't help but wonder if it was really your own determination that made you win Wanda's game or if the older woman had actually helped you to win. You seemed to unfold so easily for her, and it felt natural even before you became physical; you trusted them to take control. Pursing your mouth, you looked at yourself in the mirror. If she had wanted you to lose the game, she had made you lose the game. You thought back to how she had slowed down to let you compose yourself, and she had even pinched you a few times. At that moment, you hadn't understood why, but now, thinking back on it, you had been straying from your position.

"Damn it!" You cursed, slamming your toothbrush down into the holder after rinsing it.

You had been so proud of winning, and both Natasha and Wanda had praised you. The victory would have been sweeter if you had won on your own, but if you played a game again, you would tell them not to help you.

Curling down beneath the sheets, you sent them both a text before turning the light off. In two days, you would see them again, and you were nervous and excited that they would bring you to their club. You closed your eyes, letting your mind bring you back to the moment you noticed Natasha in the room with you and Wanda.

It felt good resting against Wanda as your body cooled down, your heart slowly returned to its normal beats. You caressed the swell of her wonderful breast, you adored how soft they were. Her rosy nipple was puckered and inviting, your thumb ghosted over it before caressing it more firmly. Wanda hummed as her fingers curled against your scalp pulling you closer. Encouraged by her reaction, you leaned and left a small kiss at the top of her breast. But Wanda held you firm guiding you in closer again when you didn't leave any more kisses and you huffed out a small chuckle before kissing her breast again.

"Mmm, good girl," Wanda cooed as she used her other other hand to grasp the back of your thigh swinging it over her body to keep you closer.

She guided you down to her straining nipple and you took it gladly in to your mouth. You loved the feel of the hard peak against your tongue, you sucked it softly. Wanda moaned quietly as her hand once again tighten its hold on you.

You enjoyed the feel of her hand against your back, so it startled you when a pair of fingers caressed your pussy lightly. Still sensitive you mewled against Wanda scooting in closer.

Wanda chuckled as she pushed you closer to her breast until you struggled for breath, when she noticed you struggling, she let up her pressure with a smile.

"Are you soar, my little love?" Natasha asked as she curled around your back kissing the back of your neck.

"Yes," you mumbled in embarrassment around Wanda's nipple.

You looked up at Wanda who cooed at you while caressing your cheek.

"But you were such a good girl," Wanda praised softly.

"Mmm... yes it was a lovely show." Natasha said as she squeezed your side fondly.

It surprised you that you had missed Natasha's presence in the room, and you couldn't help but wonder why she didn't join in.

"You were here?" you finally managed to ask when Wanda released you enough for you to let go off her nipple.

"Yes, for most it... Of course I will come looking when our girl make such pretty sounds..." Natasha chuckled, "you're our personal little siren," she continued softly, guiding your face closer to capture your lips in a searing kiss filled with desire, devotion and promises.

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