A War of Sin

De Hooplessly

1.4K 34 15

RadioApple. Heaven declares war on Hell. Lucifer hope his bothers will finally listen. Angst, not necessarily... Mais



116 3 1
De Hooplessly

Having spent the night at the hotel, Lucifer awoke with the dawn, finding himself alone in the stillness of the early morning. With the other residents still lost in dreams, he silently made his way down the stairs, the wooden steps creaking softly under his weight. In the quiet solitude of the lobby, he busied himself with preparing a simple breakfast, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filling the air as he welcomed the new day.

Not long after, while engrossed in the latest news within the pages of the journal, Lucifer was joined by Vaggie.

"Oh, hello there, Vaggie, isn't it?" he greeted her warmly, his smile reflecting genuine pleasure at her presence.

"Do you always rise with the sun like this? It's a pleasant surprise to have company at this hour."

Vaggie returned his smile shyly. "Hello, Your Majesty," she replied, pouring herself a cup of coffee.

"Oh, please, just call me Lucifer. We're practically family now," he insisted kindly.

Vaggie nodded, a faint blush coloring her cheeks as she felt a sense of belonging in the easy acceptance of her girlfriend's father.

"Yes, I usually wake up before everyone else," she continued, taking a seat in front of him. "It's an old habit I can't seem to get rid of." Lucifer looked at her knowingly before closing his journal and standing up. "Yeah, Heaven tends to do that. I fancy some pancakes, do you want some?" She looked at him surprised, a bit confused about his mention of Heaven. "Oh, I wouldn't want to bother," she replied hesitantly.

He shook his head. "You aren't bothering. I'm the one proposing, I insist." And so he began to prepare the pancakes, taking the time to do each step meticulously, even though he could have simply made them appear. "I love to cook. That's something I never had the chance to do it when I was up there. As a Seraphim and one of the council and all that, we had people doing it for us, but you already knew that, didn't you?"

She smiled faintly. "Haha... What...?" she trailed off, looking down at her feet.

"It's alright... I won't tell anyone," he reassured her with warmth and kindness. "It is nice to have another angel to talk to." He handed her the plate, adorned with warm pancakes shaped like ducks, looking absolutely appetizing. "Here you go," he said with a smile.

She looked at the plate surprised and smiled. "It looks so good. We can see you enjoy cooking," she remarked. He seated himself in front of her, his own plate in front of him. "Haha, you are too kind," he chuckled before taking a bite of his food. "So, since it's just us, why don't you tell me what you did to end up here with us?"

Vaggie sighed and looked thoughtful, as if recalling painful memories. "I spared a kid on extermination day.." she began, her voice heavy with emotion. She looked at her pancakes in silence before continuing, "And... Adam, took my wings and my eyes and left me in Hell. Charlie found me right after."

Lucifer listened intently, nodding as he ate his pancakes. "I'm sorry for your eye, but if it's of any comfort I think your wings will grow back eventually. Adam is a piece of garbage. You did the right thing... I..." Lucifer sighed, sinking back into his chair. "I'm sorry, Vaggie."

She looked at him silently, a bit confused, as he continued. "I'm the one who signed the contract with Heaven for extermination day..."

Vaggie shook her head slowly. "But it wasn't your idea, was it? I'm sure you had your reasons," she replied, offering him understanding.

Lucifer smiled a little. "Thank you." They finished their breakfast in silence, soon joined by Alastor.

"Good morning," Alastor greeted as he entered the kitchen. "I see your Majesty is an early riser."

Lucifer looked away from his journal. "Good morning, Alastor. I made pancakes if you want some."

Alastor shook his head slowly. "I'm not one for sweets, thank you, but I'm sure the others will be thrilled."

Lucifer nodded, returning to his journal. Alastor then seated himself at the table with them, a rare occurrence as he typically didn't join others for breakfast. However, today seemed to be an exception. He drank his tea slowly, the kitchen enveloped in a serene and relaxed ambiance.

The soft morning light streamed in through the windows, casting gentle shadows across the room. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee lingered in the air, blending harmoniously with the subtle fragrance of pancakes.

The sound of utensils clinking against plates was accompanied by the occasional rustle of pages as Lucifer perused his journal. Vaggie and Alastor engaged in quiet conversation, punctuated by the occasional sip of tea.

Despite their differences, there was a sense of camaraderie and warmth that filled the space, fostering a feeling of belonging and contentment among the three of them.

As he continued to engage in quiet conversations with Vaggie, Alastor occasionally glanced at Lucifer, who exuded an air of casual elegance. he sat with one leg crossed over the other, his white shirt unbuttoned at the top, revealing a hint of his pale skin. His sleeves were rolled up, showcasing his delicate forearms, while his blond hair was brushed back in a disheveled yet effortlessly stylish manner.

Despite the relaxed attire, there was an undeniable aura of magnetism and allure surrounding him, his features sharp and chiseled. As he read his piercing gaze, he held a mixture of intelligence and charm that could captivates those around him effortlessly, Alastor being no exception.

As Lucifer turned the page of his journal, his gaze drifted towards Vaggie as she poured herself another cup of coffee, her words flowing effortlessly in conversation. Across the table, Alastor's eyes met Lucifer's, and for a brief moment that seemed to stretch into eternity, time seemed to stand still.

In that fleeting moment, the intensity of their gazes locked in a silent exchange, the air crackling with an unspoken tension. The demon, held Lucifer's gaze unwaveringly, his expression unreadable yet filled with a sense of intrigue.

However, it was Alastor who broke the spell first, shifting his focus back to Vaggie as she continued to speak. He cleared his throat, a subtle attempt to conceal the slight awkwardness that lingered in the air.

Lucifer observed Alastor's subtle retreat, feeling a faint warmth rise to his cheeks as their brief yet intense exchange ended. He redirected his attention back to his journal.

Despite the casual demeanor he tried to maintain, there was a lingering awareness of the momentary connection shared with Alastor. The hint of red on his cheeks betrayed the unspoken tension that still hung in the air, a silent acknowledgment of the unexpected interplay between them. Lucifer buried himself once more in the pages of his journal, attempting to distract himself from the thoughts and emotions stirred by their brief encounter.

As the rest of the Hotel's residents joined them, their faces lit up with delight upon discovering Lucifer's homemade pancakes. Charlie greeted him and Alastor warmly, planting a kiss on each of their cheeks, her smile radiant despite a small yawn escaping her lips.

Lucifer's expression soured slightly as Charlie greeted Alastor with affection, prompting him to roll his eyes in mild irritation. Across the table, Alastor observed Lucifer's reaction with an amused and slightly provocative glint in his eyes, clearly relishing the opportunity to tease him.


As the days passed, Lucifer found himself reluctantly returning to his Mansion to attend to his numerous responsibilities, leaving the Hotel and Charlie in the care of the radio-demon. Despite his inner reservations and frustrations, Lucifer begrudgingly acknowledged that Alastor was indeed taking good care of Charlie.

It irked him to admit it, but there was a sense of begrudging gratitude towards the demon for ensuring Charlie's well-being in his absence. However, that didn't mean Lucifer trusted Alastor in the slightest.

Every moment away from Charlie gnawed at Lucifer's sense of protection over her. Yet, he couldn't deny the subtle peace of mind knowing that Alastor was at least there to watch over her. He knew Alastor was aware that if anything were to happen to Charlie under his watch, Lucifer's wrath would know no bounds.

Amidst the chaos of dealing with a troubling case involving Cannibal Town, Lucifer's phone rang, interrupting his concentration. Seeing Charlie's name flash across the screen, he answered eagerly.

Her voice on the other end of the line was a welcome relief, despite the urgency in her tone. She requested his presence at the hotel, and without hesitation, Lucifer accepted, secretly grateful for the opportunity to escape the tedious paperwork awaiting him.

When he arrived, Lucifer greeted Charlie with a warm embrace, twirling her around playfully. "Hi Char-char! What does my favorite daughter want from her old dad?" he teased, setting her down gently. Charlie laughed, her eyes sparkling with affection. "Haha, I'm your only daughter, you know," she reminded him, matching his laughter.

Lucifer chuckled softly, his gaze softening as he looked at her. "That's true, haha. My favorite being then," he amended, his smile genuine and tender. Charlie's smile widened at his words as he continued, taking a seat beside her in the lobby. "So, what is it? What did you call me here for?"

Charlie took a moment to gather her thoughts before speaking, her expression serious yet determined. "I need... a favor. A pretty big one, actually," she began, her voice steady. Lucifer nodded, his curiosity piqued. "Anything for you, my little duckling," he assured her.

Charlie returned his nod, her confidence bolstered by his support. "I need you to help me arrange a meeting with Heaven's council so I can present them my idea," she explained earnestly. Instantly, Lucifer's smile faded, replaced by a look of concern and disagreement. He stood up abruptly, shaking his head. "Oh no, no, no. Anything but that," he protested firmly.

Charlie stood up too, her desperation evident in her expression. "But dad—" she started, only to be cut off by Lucifer's resolute denial. "No, Charlie, you don't understand. Heaven never listens," he insisted, his tone tinged with worry.

As Charlie met his gaze, her eyes filled with determination, Lucifer felt a pang in his chest. She reminded him so much of himself at her age, full of hope, innocence, and unwavering belief in the power of her ideas.

But, flying too close to the sun was dangerous. Memories flooded Lucifer's mind—of how no one had listened to him, how his dreams and ideas had been perceived as signs of rebellion. He remembered the sting of betrayal from his closest brother, the only person he had ever truly trusted. And then, there was Heaven—unforgiving, crushing him under the weight of its judgment.

Closing his fists, Lucifer looked down, his heart heavy with the burden of his past. "I've tried it before. Talking to them. You don't mess with humanity," he murmured, his voice tinged with bitterness and regret.

As he stood there, lost in thought, Lucifer felt the weight of his wings pressing heavily against his back, a constant reminder of his past and the pain he had endured. Flashes of Michael severing them flashed through his mind, a visceral reminder of the consequences of defying Heaven's will. He reached a hand to his shoulder, as if trying to touch them. "I... I don't want you to be crushed by them... Like I was," he confessed softly, his gaze meeting Charlie's with a mixture of pain and concern.

In that moment, Lucifer's eyes betrayed the depth of his emotions, the pain of his past etched into every line of his face.

Charlie stepped forward, wrapping her arms around Lucifer in a gesture of comfort and reassurance. "I know," she whispered softly, her voice filled with empathy and understanding.

As she took a slight step back, she gently took his hands in hers, her touch warm and comforting. "But I'm not alone, am I?" she asked, her smile kind and reassuring.

"And maybe, this time, they will? Give me a chance to try... Please," she pleaded, her eyes filled with hope and determination as she looked up at him.

Lucifer took a moment to consider the situation, his expression a mixture of resignation and concern. With a heavy sigh, he ran a hand over his face before finally relenting. "I... Okay. But... I won't be able to come with you. Will you be alright?" he asked, his worry evident in his tone.

Charlie's eyes lit up with joy and gratitude. "Oh my gosh, really?! I'll be fine, I'll take Vaggie with me thank you sooo much, Dad!! I gotta tell her the news!!" she exclaimed, planting a kiss on his cheek before darting off upstairs to share the news with her girlfriend.

Left alone in the lobby, Lucifer sank wearily onto the couch, fatigue washing over him. He removed his hat, running a hand through his hair as he allowed himself a moment.

In a swift movement, a silhouette emerged from the shadows before Lucifer. He looked up, already feeling a sense of weariness at the newcomer's presence. "Not now, Alastor," he sighed, his voice tinged with exhaustion.

"I was merely here to greet the king as the good host that I am. Far be it from me to bother his Majesty," Alastor said with a smile full of shit, his words dripping with sarcasm.

"Alastor, please," Lucifer interjected once more, his tone pleading, a silent request for him to cease his antics.

"Hm..." Alastor mused, his gaze lingering on Lucifer for a moment as he placed his cane in front of him, resting his hands on top of it. He observed the troubled king with genuine curiosity.

"May I ask what troubles you, your Majesty?" Alastor inquired, his tone softening slightly as he detected Lucifer's distress.

Lucifer froze at the unexpected question, his expression jaded as he regarded Alastor. "What's gotten into you all of a sudden, asking about my feelings and shit?" he retorted, his voice laced with skepticism.

Alastor tilted his head slightly, his demeanor surprisingly earnest. "I take no pleasure in annoying the pathetic, unfortunately. So I ask what it is that troubles you, in case I might be able to offer some assistance," he explained, his words carrying a hint of genuine concern.

Lucifer gazed at his hat, placed beside him on the couch, before lifting it to free the spot next to him. Taking this as an invitation, Alastor silently seated himself beside Lucifer, his smile never faltering as he observed the troubled king.

"There is nothing for you to offer assistance with. I just need to arrange a meeting with Heaven for Charlie," Lucifer stated, absently toying with the crown resting atop his hat.

"Is that so?" Alastor prompted, his tone inviting Lucifer to continue, a knowing glint in his eyes suggesting he sensed there was more to the story.

"I..." Lucifer sighed heavily, his grip tightening around the edge of the hat. "It's just..." Alastor placed his hand over Lucifer's, interrupting him. "You'll ruin your hat," he remarked, prompting Lucifer to relax his clenched fist, though Alastor didn't withdraw his hand.

As Lucifer looked away, Alastor maintained his delicate hold on his hand, silently encouraging him to speak. "It reminded me of my own experience with Heaven. I just don't want Charlie to have to go through anything like that," Lucifer confessed, his voice heavy with regret.

Alastor nodded understandingly, his touch a subtle gesture of support as he made Lucifer turn slightly to face him. With impeccable posture, he exuded is usual air of pride and pretension.

"She isn't you, your Majesty," Alastor stated simply, his tone reassuring.

"But if it eases your mind, I can make a deal with her," he added, a playful smile quirking his lips as he attempted to lighten the mood.

Lucifer looked at him, surprised. "Oh, shut up," he chuckled, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he relaxed in Alastor's presence.

Alastor then stood up, releasing the king's hand with a gentle pat. "Well, don't you have a meeting to organize, your Majesty?" he said, his voice emanating with the crackling warmth of an old radio.

Lucifer let out a heavy sigh and nodded in acknowledgment. Standing up, he adjusted his hat back onto his head, the familiar weight providing a sense of comfort and familiarity. Alastor observed his actions with a smirk playing on his lips.

"Nice trick to look less of an imp," Alastor remarked, his voice tinged with a mischievous tone. Lucifer glanced at him, dumbfounded by the comment, frowning in disbelief.

"Fuck you," Lucifer retorted sharply, his irritation evident in his tone. Alastor chuckled in response, his laughter echoing through the room.

"You wish," Alastor quipped, his smirk widening as he began to walk away. His voice lingered in the air, teasing and playful as ever.

As Lucifer watched Alastor walk away, a small, amused smile tugged at the corners of his lips. He couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth creeping into his heart, despite his initial reservations. There was something about Alastor's irreverent charm and playful banter that began to grow on him.

Turning away, Lucifer rolled his eyes again, though this time there was a hint of fondness in the gesture. A faint blush colored his cheeks as he realized how much he was starting to enjoy Alastor's company.

Despite their differences, there was something undeniable developing between them. And without knowing it, he found himself looking forward to the next time they would cross paths, eager for the banter that had come to define their relationship.

Lucifer returned home and promptly sent a missive to Heaven to arrange the meeting. Surprisingly, they responded almost immediately. It was Sera who accepted the invitation, agreeing to hear what Charlie had to say, but making no promises.

He scoffed at their lukewarm response. It wasn't much of a surprise, though. At least he had managed to get one of them to agree. He knew Sera would be the only one willing to meet Charlie, while her uncles were less than thrilled about the prospect of encountering "the devil spawn" as they so liked to call her.

He then called Charlie to notify her of the scheduled meeting date. Her excitement was palpable, but Lucifer couldn't shake off his underlying sense of worry. The meeting was set for next week, and as the days passed, his apprehension only grew stronger.

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