Transformers: Rise of the Bea...

By RemixGal

13.5K 317 224

Eva Storm is a beautiful woman, who seems to lead a rather regular life in Brooklyn, New York; for almost eig... More

Ocs Information
Brooklyn, New York/Noah's Interview
Second Job/"Kidnapped"
Meeting Mirage and the Autobots
Mission/Battle at the Museum
Transwarp Key Truth/Tension
A Dreadful Night
Heading/Arriving in Peru
Chased by Terrorcons
Meeting the Maximals
The Second Key
The Final Battle Pt. 2

The Final Battle Pt. 1

460 16 9
By RemixGal

Narrator's POV

The terrorcons were driving towards a mountain and as Scourge arrived, he placed the unconscious Eva inside a cage before combining the two pieces of the transwarp key together before everything around him began to change into something sinister. "Awaken, almighty Unicron" Scourge said presents the key to Unicron. "Your time has come and I present to you, your sparkmate" Scourge adds as he raises up the cage where he put Eva in as a large metal structure starts growing out of the ground. "Excellent work, Scourge" Unicron says evilly as if he was now smirking evilly.

Back with the Others

Noah stood near the edge of the hill as he stared out in the distance at where Scourge was bringing Unicron to earth, completely frowning and worried for his sister/aunt figure, who was taken away from him and the others. Neziha was sitting down with his face buried in his lap as he still refused to believe that he'd witnessed his Mother was taken away from him. Soon Optimus walks towards them and stands beside them and it was silent for a moment before Optimus says in a sad voice "I am sorry, Noah and Neziha" and his gaze trained on the ground. "You were looking out for your own. I can't even be angry at you for that" Noah said to him and then Optimus says "On my homeworld, we believed that the battle with darkness will continue till all are one" and this made Noah look at him as Optimus continued before looking at Noah, "I lost sight of that. You fought for yours as I fought for mine when we should've been fighting the darkness together".

This made Noah quiet for a moment and was about to say something until someone spoke.

"Well, I'm not done fighting"

Noah and Optimus both looked to see that it was Neziha as he stood up and wiped his dried tear stains away. "My Mommy is the most strongest and stubborn person I know. Knowing her, she won't go down without a fight. But I know deep down she's scared along with everyone else about what's gonna happen next. So I'm gonna be as brave as Momma was! I'm gonna keep fighting with all of my strength I have and share it with everyone!" and then Neziha gave a comforting, but bright smile as he looks at Noah and Optimus as he continued, "And I can do that because of you guys. You're heroes and warriors and you never give up! You and everyone else will find a way to save our homes. So why be sad when I know things will be okay in the end?" and this made Optimus and Noah stunned for a moment as they were processing by what Neziha had said to them.

"He's right... I ain't done fighting yet either" Noah said before he and Neziha both started walking back towards the others as he was surprised, but also stunned by Neziha's speech knowing that for a moment that the human little boy had spoken like a true leader before a small soft smile appeared on his faceplate and starts walking behind; following the two humans. "A'ight, everybody, squad up! Bring it in!" Noah yelled out, making everyone look at him. "There's gotta be a way to stop this bully" Neziha said and Primal jumped down from his spot above, beside Elena with a thump as he said "It's too late, little one. The Transwarp has already been activated" as a hologram form of the tower appears in the middle of them all, "It has more energy than a supernova. Any interruption will ignite it like a bomb" and this made Neziha frown before shaking his head and says "No! No! There's no such thing as too late! There has to be something! Anything!" and that's when Airazor finally says "The only way to stop this process is an access code installed long ago as a safeguard".

Elena and Neziha both perked up when Airazor said that. "Okay. What's the code then?" Mirage asked and Primal answered "The code was split, along with the key" but then Airazor frowned before admitting "Sadly, I cannot remember the second half of the code" and Neziha looked like as if he was ready to give up before Elena takes a step forward as she said "No, wait, wait, wait, I got it!" and this made everyone turn their attention to her as Elena picks up her journal before asking Airazor "The one hiding in your half of the key, right?" and Airazor nods as Elena tosses her notes together on a page and links them up before showing Primal while saying "That had markings in it. Just like the ones I found in that cave where you hid yours. Together, they must complete the access code" and Primal looks at it before Noah asks "So we got a chance now, right?".

"A slim chance" Primal said and then Neziha asked worryingly "But what about my Momma? She's still captured! How are we gonna get to her then?!" and Noah looks at him and gives a comforting grin on his face "Don't worry. I think Eva can handle it. Besides she's the toughest woman I know and has been an assassin for over 8 years" and this made Neziha feel a little better and then Optimus says "That is all we need!" before he looked at Primal and added softly "If you will show us the way, Primal" and Primal went into deep thought before looking at Neziha, who had a pleaded look almost looking like he was ready to cry and then Primal says "Alright. We need to move quickly. We have a small window before the portal opens large enough for Unicron to enter" and the hologram forms and a large beacon of lights shoots through the sky before a red portal rips through the makeshift sky. "The bridge is guarded by a series of tunnels" Primal explains as an orange line runs through the bridge and splits off into different directions, "They're too small for Maximals, but…".

"But not for humans" Cheetor finished his leader's sentence as he hopped down from his ledge before walking towards Neziha and gently nuzzled Neziha's head and the young boy happily accepted the offer. Primal continues as he finished, "If Noah and Elena reach the central antenna, they could use the code to shut it down, remove the Transwarp Key and close the portal before Unicron enters our atmosphere" and a loud humming sound was heard while the tower flashes red and finally closes before shutting down. "If there's a chance that we would find Eva, we'll try to bust her out" Noah adds and this made Elena nod and says "If we have time to do so" and then Arcee comes in the conversation as she says while throwing one of her servos in the air with a huff "But Scourge will be watching our every move. They'll do anything to stop us from getting the key and Eva back" and this Neziha immediately frowns as he realized this too.

"Then we bring the fight to him!" Optimus stands tall over his team with his voice strong and posture as he says to everyone "Autobots, and Maximals! We'll charge the bridge together and lure Scourge onto the battlefield" and this Neziha's eyes widened in awe by Optimus' determination and then Airazor adds as she looks down at the two humans "While Noah and Elena will sneak in through the backway. And along with Eva, who will act as a barrier to keep you two safe" and then a low rumble rips through the earth, making everyone look up and they stared at the terrocons' domain before Wheeljack said a little skeptic while he ran his servo across his helm "It sounds like we're all going to die" and this made Bumblebee nudge him.

Optimus then takes a step forward and glares at the tower from where it stood while saying "If we are to die, then we will die fighting…

All as one"

Back at the Mountain

Leah groaned as she slowly started to regain back consciousness before gasping and immediately stood up as she found herself in a cage.

"Well, well, well. Look who's finally awake~?" a voice said, making Eva look up and saw the same terrocon who captured her as she growled at him. "Scourge.." Eva hissed as she glared at him and Scourge said "Hello human" and Eva then demanded "Release me!" but Scourge simply replied evilly with a grin "I'm afraid not. Now it is time for you to meet your sparkmate and master" and then Eva looks up and gasps in shock and horror as she sees a portal starting to form in the sky. "This world is yours, master" Scourge said with an evil grin on his face and Eva growled with a glare as she grasped the bars of the cage and then Nightbird turned around and saw something in the distance. "Scourge?" Nightbird called out as she kept her gaze in the distance as she adds "They're back".

'What?' Eva questioned before she looked over to see what the terrorcons were looking at before she finally saw what was it or rather somone. It was Optimus standing far from them with determination on his faceplate. "Optimus" Eva breaths out with a grin appeared on her face and then it turns into a smirk when she hears Scourge growls/ordering "Prime. Protect the key. Don't let them get to the bridge or the human!" and then the metal walls glow red as tons of terrorcon drones appear to flank their master, which made Eva tense a little before she also got herself prepared while trying to find a way out and help her new friends/family. The Autobots and Maximals also all geared up for the ultimate battle. "Maximals!" Primal began. "Autobots!" Optimus spoke after before the two leaders exclaimed together "ROLL OUT!" and then they all charged into battle, making the terrorcon and the drones start charging forward and shooting them as well.

Optimus activates his blade and then Primal yells out "Rhinox! Cheetor! Airazor! MAXIMIZE!" and with that, the maximals turn into their humanoid forms and attack the enemy drones with the autobots. Eva was watching this scene before her as she was getting worried about this and while unknown to her, someone had managed to snuck through the battle and was heading towards her.

Meanwhile away from the actual fight, Mirage leads Noah and Elena to a tunnel on the side of the mountain. "At least the foot soldiers took the bait" Noah said as he and Elena were crouching down behind some large rocks and then Elena says "Yeah, but Scourge didn't. He's guarding the key" and then she asked "Are you sure leaving Neziha back at the village was okay? He did wanted to help" and this made Noah pause for a moment as he remembered what happened before they left.


"What do you mean I can't come?! I want to help protect my home and save my Mommy!" Neziha said to Noah with tears in his eyes as he watches everyone preparing for battle. Noah bends down to Neziha's level, places his hand on the boy's shoulder and says to him gently "Neziha, look... I have no doubt you are strong enough to help us. But we need you here to keep you out of harm's way and someone to look after the village. Can you do that for us?" and Neziha looked like he was about to argue when both Primal and Optimus came over.

"Don't fret, young Neziha. We will save your Mother and bring her back to you, but Noah is right. We cannot afford to letting you get hurt on the battlefield and I know Eva wouldn't want that" Primal says and then Optimus bends down and says "I promise I will return with Eva. I swear upon my spark" and Neziha stares at him for a moment before running up and hugs Optimus' digit before hugging Primal's servo as this surprised the two leaders and Noah. "Just. . . Be careful and bring my Mommy back... Okay?" Neziha said as he looks at them.

Flashback Ends

Mirage uses his servo to tug on the metal grate over the tunnel entrance with a grunt when it breaks off fast as he says while throwing the metal away somewhere behind "All right. This should lead to the bottom of the Transwarp control panel. Get the key, find Eva, and get the hell out of there" and Noah asked as he turned around "What are you gonna do?" and Mirage simply said "I'm gonna go distract Scourge" and Noah frowned at the idea and interjects "No, you can't take on Scourge alone" and Mirage assured him swiftly with a confident smirk linking his dermas and motioned to himself in a swagger way while saying "Relax. I'm Mirage, remember?" and then Noah called out to him "Hey" and then the two fistbump before Mirage leaves.

Eva was watching the battle happening as she had no idea what to do since she didn't have her backpack after she was taken away, but then suddenly a rope of a grappling hook was seen thrown onto the cage as this confused Eva before noticing someone was climbing up and who she was made her eyes widened in shock and horror.

"Mama.." it was revealed to be Neziha, who was wearing some type of armor on him.

Eva's eyes widened at in horror seeing her son here as she says "No. No, Neziha" and Neziha asks in worry "What did he do to you?" and Eva immediately shakes her head in fear while saying "You shouldn't have come here. You need to get outta here! Scourge will see you!" and ignoring his Mother, Neziha says while pulling out his Mom's dragon dagger "Mommy, I'm getting you out of here right now" and he starts trying to unlock the lock on the cage but unknown to both him and Eva, a terrorcon was on top of the cage before it let out a screech and tackled the young boy to the ground as Neziha screamed. "NEZIHA!!" Eva yelled in complete horror by this and Neziha quickly backed away as he says with a brave face "Hang on, Mama. I'll be back!" and grabs the dagger and throws it at the terrorcon as it manages to hit it in the eye, making the terrorcon screech in pain.

Neziha quickly gets up and runs off to distract the terrorcon while it manages to get the dagger out of its eye and starts chasing after the young child. Scourge sees the commotion and was about to interfere until he notices Mirage coming straight towards him and Eva sees this, making her eyes widened in worry as she thought to herself 'What is Mirage doing?!' and then Scourge transformed his arm into his blaster and starts shooting at Mirage, who dodges while creating his holograms. Scourge then activates his blade and tries to slice Mirage as it was just a hologram and then the real Mirage punches him out of nowhere as he says "One, two, three! WHOOMP! There it is! Pow!".

On the battlefield, Battletrap fires his minigun while Optimus hides behind a boulder as he shouts "Take Cover!" and Wheeljack joins him as he hides for cover. "Someone Give Me A Real Fight!" Battletrap yelled as he swings his mace before the ball gets caught by Primal. "It's a fight you want? You got one" Primal said with a glare on his faceplate. Optimus uses his blade as he drags it on the ground before cutting the chain while Primal pulls to rip Battletrap's arm off, making him yell in pain. Then, Optimus slices one of his legs, pinning Battletrap to the ground and as he was about to deliver the last strike, Primal came jumping up and started bashing Battletrap's head in repeatedly with the mace, killing the terrorcon. "He was mine" Optimus said as he gave the maximal leader a look on his faceplate, making Primal just chuckle with a shrug.

Meanwhile Back at the Bridge

Eva was watching in complete horror as she watches her son getting chased by the terrorcon while Mirage was keeping Scourge at bay. "Hang on, Mama!" Neziha shouts and Eva immediately starts working on the lock to free herself as she was focused on two things; keeping her son safe and helping Mirage. Neziha runs until he skids a stop and pulls out some type of wrist blaster and quickly puts it on his wrist.

"Get back, robot!" Neziha said and shoots at the terrorcon in the shoulder, making it screech in pain before trying to tackle the young boy but Neziha had a trick up his sleeve and charged towards the terrorcon before sliding down underneath it and shoots at it again but this time at the back of its helm, making the terrocon screech again. "Here, robot, robot..." Neziha taunts before the terrorcon leaps at the young human boy again but Neziha activates the armor shoes he had on as it made him leap high into the air and the terrorcon crashed onto the floor while Neziha managed to grab hold of Eva's cage. "Neziha!" Eva called out in worry but she was amazed by Neziha's abilities. Then the terrorcon starts looking around for the human child before Neziha landed on its back with a yell and says "Looking for me?" and this made the terrorcon start moving around wildly as it was trying to get Neziha off its back, but the little boy had a tight grip on it and meanwhile, Mirage keeps trolling Scourge with his holograms.


"Missed me!"

But unfortunately, Scourge gets a whiff of the real Mirage and made him crash on the floor, making Eva's eyes widened and yelled "MIRAGE!" and then Mirage yelled as Scourge picked him up from his helm and threw him away "Noah, Get To The Key!" and this made Eva froze after she heard him say that. 'W-What?! Noah and Elena are here?! Under the bridge?!?!' Eva thought to herself before she saw Scourge bending down and ripped something off the floor and pulled someone out as he said "What do we have here?". Eva gasped as she was breathing heavily before she starts shaking in rage as she says "No, no... NOAH!!" and in an instant, she ripped the bars of her cage apart and jumps off before racing towards Scourge with a furious yell.

Scourge laughed in a teasing manner that wasn't nice as he holds a wiggling Noah in his servo as he says "Brave, but futile" but then suddenly Scourge was shot in the chest, making him drop Noah as he shouts and falls but thankfully Eva slid down and caught Noah just in time. "Eva! You're Okay!" Noah says in relief and Eva looks at him and says "You have a lot of explaining to do after this! And what on Earth made you think it was a good idea to bring my son into this fight?!" and points at Neziha, who was still distracting the terrorcon, making Noah's eyes widened in shock and disbelief.

Standing a few feet away, Mirage slowly stood up from the floor with a servo clutching his wounded chassis and his other one had his gun aimed at Scourge as he yelled "Hey! Don't mess with my friends!" and reloads his gun and charged at the terrorcon. Mirage aims his blue blaster at Scourge, who didn't seem bothered by them and swings his metal arm across Mirage's helm, sending him flipping over and onto his chassis. Eva and Noah looked over to see what was happening and saw Scourge lifting up Mirage by the neck, charged his blaster in his other servo and aimed it towards Mirage's chassis; the same way he did with Bumblebee. Eva's eyes widened before immediately took action as she charged towards Scourge and leaps over while yelling "Neziha! My weapon!" and Neziha heard his Mom before jumping off the terrocon and shoots it away from him before pulling out his Mother's sword and shouts "Mom!" and throws it and Eva catches it as she lands down before taking a deep breath and throws her sword at Scourge as it manages to pierce through his back, making him yell in pain.

Using this opportunity, Mirage aimed an upper cut kick to Scourge's chin, causing the terrorcon to grunt and release Mirage, who did a backflip and landed on his knees. At Mirage's kick, he ended up kicking off Scourge's helm piece off and exposed what he really looked like without it. Mirage was on his knees as he had just gotten up, but was met with Scourge sending a kick to Mirage's chin and he went flying back and lands next to Noah, who slowly crawled towards him. "MIRAGE!!" Eva yelled before she gasp when Scourge shoots at her, making her quickly dodge and Neziha saw this and shouts "Mama!" but then he was tackled to the ground by the terrorcon as this made the young boy yelp. Scourge bent down to pick up his helm piece on the floor and held it in two digits with a low growl and says "No one will remember this pathetic planet" and then his optics landed on Noah, who froze in fear beside Mirage as Scourge adds "And no one will remember you" and he points his gun at Noah as he's ready to shoot him while throwing his helm piece on the ground.

Eva gasped and screamed in horror "NOAH!!!" and just before she could even move, Mirage quickly covered Noah as he got himself shot on the back strut. "Mirage, What Are You Doing?!" Noah yelled as he looked up in horror at his autobot friend/guardian. "Keeping my promise" Mirage strains out before another shot hits him, making his form jolt forward while grunting in pain. "NO!!" Eva yelled as she tried getting up to rush over to save both Mirage and Noah from Scourge but unfortunately for her, Lady Luck was not on her side as both of her legs felt numb and preventing her from getting up. 'SHIT! Shit, Shit, Shit! No, No, No, No, No, No!!! NOT NOW!!!!' Eva screamed to herself in her mind as she watches Scourge repeatedly shooting Mirage. "Mommy!!" Neziha's voice was heard, making Eva turn around and saw Neziha defending off the terrocon but noticed how her son was near the control panel along with being dangerously close to the edge where the lava was as well.

"Neziha! MOVE!!" Eva cried out in complete horror and terror by this. Unfortunately this distracted Neziha as he shouts back to her "What?!" and the terrorcon took the opportunity to knock Neziha's weapon out of his grasp, making Neziha gasp in horror before backing away a little. "NEZIHA!!" Eva cried out and then what felt slow motion; the terrorcon let out a screech before leaping towards Neziha, who looked scared for a moment before suddenly having a determined look on his face.

Neziha then let out a battle cry of his own and quickly pulls out the dragon dagger and stabs the terrorcon in the neck as it tackled him to the ground and the two rolled a bit before falling off the edge, much to Eva's complete fear and horror by what she had just witnessed as tears started falling down.

"No...!" Eva was the only thing that she could say as she refused to believe what she just saw right before her two eyes and then looks back and saw Scourge giving the final shot at Mirage, who falls on top of Noah, dead. Eva stared in horror as everything around her started to slow down. Her hearing starts ringing as she could only hear her heart beating faster and couldn't hear the muffled guns shooting in the battlefield. 'N-No... No..... M-My... My baby.... N-Noah.... Mirage... H-He..... He killed them.... Not again......' Eva thought as her tears couldn't stop coming down before clenching both of her fists tightly as her knuckles turned white and she growls as the tears run down her face, the sadness turning into rage. 'HE KILLED THEM!!!' Eva thought before she let out the most heartbreaking and anguish scream ever as it echos through the battlefield and her screams can be heard from miles and miles away, echoing.

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