Mikey has another sister? (To...

By Summer89high

42.9K 1.1K 603

Lilith was just a little girl who is part of the Sano family being the youngest of them all. She knows how to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 12

132 4 1
By Summer89high

3 weeks passed and Lilith's eyes slowly fluttered open. Finding herself in a hospital bed alone she looked outside of the window just to see that it was night time. She looked around and saw a digital clock on the wall across from her and saw that it was 1:32 AM in the morning.

There were a lot of IV tubes attached to her arm and she has those breathing tubes on her nose as well. She slowly sat up wincing in pain, she felt her chest and found bandages wrapped all around it.

'So they forced surgery on my body then?'

'It isn't much of a shocker considering I was postponing it for far too long than my body could handle... I probably could've died long ago with Shinichiro..."

"So they left my phone here..." Taking her phone from her bedside table she called her grandfather.

"Grandpa..." She called out as soon as he answered the phone.

"Oh... Dear heavens, Lilith, you're finally awake!.." She could hear him choke a sob out as he said that while trying to keep quiet since it's late at night. She could predict that her brothers are currently home sleeping and that Izana probably moved in as she planned. Judging by how relieved he sounded, he was probably afraid to lose another grandchild once again. After all, he just recently lost Emma...

"Yes, Grandpa... I'm feeling good and healthy. Have my requests been fulfilled while I was out?" She asked.

"Of Course." He choked a sob.

She sighed, "That's good then... I was worried." She smiled in relief.

Although with a smile, she felt like crying for an unknown reason. She knows exactly why. She felt the need to leave again... She couldn't help but face it. Every time she gets hospitalized before in her younger years... She felt all alone as she actually was... All she had was Shinichiro, but Shinichiro is gone. This fact confuses her every time, she doesn't know what to do after being hospitalized since Shinichiro is the one who always distracts her.

"I'm sorry for worrying all of you, grandpa..."

"Lilith, I know what you're thinking. If you're thinking about going anywhere... As always, please tell me so I could check up on you on a regular."


Looks like grandpa was already a few steps ahead of me... Well that's alright.

"Of course... I plan to stay here for a little longer through recovery. Could you tell my brothers when I'm gone here that I switched hospitals? Don't tell them where but I will actually switch hospitals just in case. I'll go to Yokohama for now..." She explained.

"Just be careful in Yokohama, you know how things are there. It's dangerous when the Port Mafia roams around." Her grandfather warned her.

"You need not worry grandpa, I know a person from there..." She subconsciously smiled at the thought.

"You mean that kid when you were younger?"

"Yes... Shinichiro sure didn't like him, but I did." She chuckled at the thought.

"Alright then, take care. I'll check up on you later in the morning, do you want anything for breakfast?"

"Some Yakisoba would suffice. Thank you, take care as well. Bye grandpa."

"Bye Lilith..." With that the call ended.

She internally sighed before calling another person.

"*BANG BANG BANG* Oh princess, what made you call me at this hour?" A low yet playful voice answers the call after a few gunshots.

"I just woke up from the hospital after fainting. They did some kind of surgery on me without my consent, but I guess it's fine since I'm alive... Pitifully so-" She cut herself off for a moment to process what just happened at the other end.

"And who in the pits of the abyss did you just shoot at?" She questioned.

"I just woke up from the hospital, I don't want to be a witness already..." She said quite playfully at ease.

"You don't need to worry about that princess. I'm just punishing a subordinate... Next time you mess up I'll punch you 2 times and shoot you 5 times..." She heard him from the other side talking to somebody.

"Oh that poor thing... You've changed a lot huh?" She responded.

"You did too. Back then you'd cry about death, but then again, you were only 5 at the time..." He said to her, from the sounds of it he was just walking up the stairs to exit the room.

"So what is it you need from me princess?"

"I'll be moving to Yokohama." from the sounds of it, he went for a stop.

"What? Who are you with?"

"Alone..." She heard him curse from the other line.

"Tell me when you're going, I'm handing you to Odasaku."

"The one who you keep talking about?"

"Yes, he's trustworthy enough to keep you in the meantime till you've decided what to do with your life."

"Alright then, thanks Dazai... If you need anything, tell me."

"Anytime." *beep beep* with that the call ended.

It's been a while since I've talked to Dazai... I haven't heard from him in a while but I'm glad he still remembers me.

Yeah, he better have remembered me after all the bandages I bought for him when I was younger. Lilith sighed at the thought.

In the Port Mafia

"Holy sh*t. You look like hell." Chuuya said after seeing Akutagawa still on the floor regaining his composure after making his men leave.

"I'm fine, Chuuya san." He stood up from the floor, wiping the blood off his mouth.

"Next time, don't kill the captives right away, it's better to drain all information out as we can. It would be such a waste and it would be extra work to find more of those goons." Chuuya advised him as he helped him up.

"Right... And Chuuya san." "Hm?"

"Do you know anyone who Dazai san calls as Princess?" Akutagawa thought it was weird how he prioritized answering the call while in the middle of scolding him, letting the one in the other end hear everything. One thing comes to mind, another special person in Dazai's life other than Odasaku.

"Like hell I'd know. I've never even heard of Dazai talking about someone as princess. If I knew any better it's probably a girl he's either attracted to or cared for." Chuuya answered his question.

"But if I knew Dazai. That person will probably be around him later on all the time." Chuuya added as Akutagawa only stared at him in thought while they walked their way out of there.


Weeks later Lilith moved to another hospital just to be released a week after that. Then there stood Dazai in all black clothing covered in bandages. In the meantime, she just stood there looking at him like he was some kind of weird specimen when she too is almost covered in bandages due to the IV needles stuck on her arms for a while. But instead of black, she was wearing a pretty white dress which she sort of hated. She never should've trusted Dazai to do clothes shopping without her...

"What is this? Yin and yang?" She questioned as she finally walked over to him.

"Hm, it wasn't really my choice to pull that out for you. I was caught sneaking out shopping by my ᧁׁυׁׅɑׁׅꭈׁׅժׁׅ݊ꪱׁׁׁׅׅׅɑׁׅ݊ꪀ and he ended up being the one choosing your clothing..."

"You have a guardian?" She asked him as he took her bag from her.

"Unfortunately so, let's go. The car is waiting." He said as he led her to a black luxurious car.

"You're so emo..." She sighed as she was shoved inside.

"Oh! Welcome! Welcome! Is this your friend you were shopping for, Dazai?" A cheerful voice from the driver's seat took her attention.

She noticed how Dazai grimaced at the man's reaction as he deliberately sighed as he seemed to have hesitated to speak. "Yes...Rika, this is Mori san, my guardian, Mori san, this is Rika, my friend..."

'There must be a reason why he used her fake name with his guardian...' She thought.

"Wonderful! Wonderful! Nice to meet you dear Rika chan. I hope you liked the dress." He said quite brightly which was so weird since he acts so childish like how Dazai normally is.

"I'm pretty sure the people at the hospital either thought of me as a ghost or angel walking out of there like a grim reaper after taking someone's soul but thank you for the dress choice." She said, trying hard to be nice.

The man smiled at that as he started to drive. "Not to worry if you don't like white, we have plenty more choices to choose from!"

"See? I told you! White after getting out of the hospital is a bad choice Rintaro!" A blonde girl with a red dress yelled at him from the front seat.

"I know, I know, this won't happen again, calm down Elise." The man looked quite fond yet troubled while calming the girl down who looked a little about her age.

"And that's Elise." Dazai pointed out for her without going much into detail which she found quite odd.

"Anyways, Odasaku seems to be too busy at the moment... So you'll be staying around us..." Dazai explained to her.

"I'm fine with that." She smiled at him.

A few minutes later they arrived in some tall building in Yokohama. There were a lot of men in suits waiting outside in the parking lot, Dazai didn't let her walk out of the car just yet and literally wrapped her in his black coat before running out of the parking lot, not even giving her a chance to question him.

He dashed through the halls filled with people just to enter an empty elevator glaring at the ones who attempted to go inside with them. Finally the elevator doors closed and he set her down.

"What the heck was that?" She finally asked him.

"This is the Port Mafia base, Rika. It would be bad if they saw your hair and let alone your face with me and the boss wouldn't it?" He gave her a goofy grin while she looked at him with a deadpanned expression.

"Well, I can't really expect anyone here not to be two faced especially that so-called guardian of yours. He's also the Mafia boss and that itself is a big no-no." She replied ever so casually as she looked back in front of them.

"Do you still do attempts, Dazai?" She asked him not to end their conversation and it sparked him like a charm.

"Why of course I do! I just consumed some poisons earlier this morning too!" He said rather cheerfully.

"You can't die while you're dealing with me, Dazai..." She irked.

"Then care for a double suicide with me?!" He said excitedly.

"When I'm older."

"But that's what you said last time! And the time after that! And the other time after that! And so on!" Dazai has always been so childish around her and she cannot deny- she is too.

"I'm still working on my goal okay! Wait patiently!"

"But it's taking so long!!"

"Shut up! You literally attempt on a daily and every time you survive like a roach from the sewers!" She snapped back at him.

He gasped, offended by her words. "If I'm a roach then you're a darn dolphin!"

"What the heck?! Why so specific?! I ain't a dolphin! That's even more messed up than being called a rodent!" She yelled at him as she kicked his face upwards.

"Ow! The heck?! Stop that!" He slapped her face.

"Ow! Take that!" She kicked his leg.

"F you! Ow!" He got cut off when she pulled his hair.

"Don't cuss at me!" Dazai also ended up grabbing her hair. "Let go! you little raffelsia!" "I'm a Lily you smart oversized dog!"

*ding* the elevator doors suddenly opened just to be caught by Chuuya with Yumeno, Akutagawa, and Koyou. Well, they seemed surprised at the sighed Dazai scrambling with another kid.

"Oh- Ow! Stop that!" Dazai yelled at her after being smacked at the face.

"Let go of my hair you waste of bandages!" She retorted, Dazai finally let go of her but not until she literally yanked his tie down.

"Hell! You're so annoying!" Dazai as he loosened his tie from choking him.

"Okay, okay, calm down children and get out of the elevator before you break it down." Koyou said as the two walked out of it not without Dazai snatching her bag from her when she picked it up.

"Pfft- What the heck happened to you?" The red head asked Dazai, laughing at him.

"That little gremlin kicked my face earlier!" Dazai pointed at her.

I could reach your level of pettiness too you know. She thought while she looked at him like he's stupid.

"Not my fault, your face looked so kickable. And for the record, your the gremlin out of the two of us"

"Pfft- Hahahaha! I like this kid!" Chuuya laughed at Dazai while smirking at her.

"Woah, you kicked Dazai san?" The smaller kid with them said while holding a small plush toy.

"I could deal with her if you want, Dazai san." The other emo guy in full black with missing eye brows glared at her.

"That's prohibited." Dazai said, moving her to the side behind him. While Dazai was busy scolding poor Akutagawa, she and the others were getting to know each other.

"What're your names? For me, you could call me Rika."

"The names, Chuuya. This kid is Yumeno, she's Koyou san, and that guy over there is Akutagawa."

"Pleasure to meet yo-" "Sorry to cut this short but we gotta go now princess." Dazai said while suddenly dragging her away from there.

"Who the heck drags a princess?!" "I do, congratulations." He said quite playfully as they left.


"Wait that's the person who Dazai san called as princess weeks ago?" Akutagawa said in surprise.

"Not gonna lie, the same Rika sounded quite familiar..." Chuuya said.

'Oh yeah, it's that girl Dazai keeps bragging about.'

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