Genshin Impact Infection AU

By QAnwarah78

174 2 0

Inspired by the MLP infection AUs! In Mondstadt, Windblme has arrived, but unfortunately, deadly events had o... More

Infection progress
Chapter One, Part One
Chapter One, Part Two
Chapter One, Part Three
Chapter One, Part Four
Chapter Two, Part One
Chapter Two, Part Two
Chapter Two, Part Three
Chapter Two, Part Four
Chapter Two, Part Six
Chapter Two, Part Seven
Chapter Two, Part Eight

Chapter Two, Part Five

13 0 0
By QAnwarah78

The wind flew against Amber's hair as she raced through Wolvendom, jumping in between the gnarled trees and over cracked boulders. She had her goggles on, her windglider ready when need be. Although it was a beautifully warm day, her entire body was covered, besides her face. With the disease running around, she didn't want to take chances. Seeing as she was a clumsy girl, often falling and obtaining bruises and scratches, it would be easy to contract the disease that way. She couldn't become the best outrider if that were to happen. Therefore, unlike most citizens of Mondstadt, she covered up and kept herself clean, especially after making her rounds in the wild.

Jean advised against continuing her outrider activities, but Amber insisted discontinuing it could risk Mondstadt's safety. Without anyone patrolling the outside, animals and possibly hillichurls could be spreading the disease, creating an army without the city knowing. It also continues to serve its purpose of keeping monsters and scammers away, as well as helping lost travelers. Jean, as well as many Knights, are paranoid of newcomers, so a policy has been placed where only sellers and traders can enter. The news must've spread fast, because less people are on the roads throughout Mondstadt. All of the hillichurls are acting fine, keeping their distance as they should. She also hasn't run into a single sick animal. It made Amber's job all the more easier, but also more boring.

Today, she was doing a special commission. While visiting Jean a few days ago, she ran into Klee and watched over the child for a short while since Jean was so busy. As she played, Klee asked if she could check up on Razor while out patrolling. She said she missed her friend very much, but due to the lockdown, couldn't see him. Amber promised to check up on Razor when she had time in her schedule. Seeing how there weren't any issues at hand, and it was a nice day, Amber took the time to travel to Wolvendom and search for the wolf boy. With the sun shining brightly in the middle of the sky, she knew she had plenty of time.

Circling around the abandoned well, she scanned every inch in front of her, listening closely. Birds chirped overhead, the rushing wind overcame any silence, and in the distance, wolves howled. But she didn't want to get close to the howling. Razor knew who she was, and she knew he wasn't the type to be aggressive toward people, but she couldn't say the same about the pack he ran with. She knew better than to take the risk and hope he was there. Instead, she'll linger around and hope she comes across him by chance. Her bow and arrows are one move away from being drawn, in case of an emergency.

She moved deeper into the forest, the howling increasing. While she wanted to avoid running into the pack, she couldn't seem to avoid it, as the wolves appeared to her right, left, and up ahead. With this many wolves, Razor was definitely among them. She just didn't know which group.

Once the howling got so intense it blocked out the wind, she climbed up and hid into a tree. Behind her was the side of a mountain, in front of her a hidden dirt trail that looked like it was used by deer more than humans. A couple small lamp grass heads and wolfberry patches scattered the area below her, but mostly tall grass and bushes donned the forest floor. Here she waited for some time, watching, listening, waiting for Razor to run by. It was fine. She wasn't in a hurry.

After some time, her moment finally came. A couple large gray wolves sprinted by, sniffing the ground as they went. One teetered off and began investigating the area Amber walked, its nose digging deep into the ground. Behind the animals was Razor, struggling to keep up on all fours. When he was directly in front of her, she shouted his name. Both he and the wolf turned their heads toward her, and slowly, she began her descent down the tree.

The wolf growled, tail raised, its unblinking yellow eyes staring her down. Razor, his forehead shining with sweat, looked at her in confusion. Amber took off her goggles and walked up to him, keeping the wolf in mind. While it was obvious the wolf didn't trust her, it made no moves to attack. Still, she knew better than to give it headpats.

Razor cocked his head to the side as he studied Amber, his eyes widening when he realized who she was.

"You," he said. "You are Klee friend. Good person."

Smiling, Amber replied, "Yup, that's me, outrider Amber! Klee asked me to check up on you."

"Where is Klee?"

She frowned. "I'm not sure if you know, but there is a disease going around. Mondstadt has been on lockdown for our safety. Klee isn't allowed to leave the city because we're scared for her health. She's been worrying about you, so I came to confirm you're okay."

"What is disease like? Razor might have seen."

"We don't know much about it yet, but it affects animals and half-species. It makes them really sick and violent. Our team is working hard on studying it and taking caution to prevent the spread. You didn't happen to see anyone in your pack acting out of the ordinary, right?"

"There was one. Lupical act strange. He attack own family. Razor step in, use big sword to fight back. He bit me, then ran off. That lupical gone. Razor not seen him since."

Amber's heart skipped a beat. There hasn't been a single human recording, everything has been animals. There was Diona, but she was of the Kätzlein bloodline, meaning she had feline in her. Figuring this disease only affected animals, people took caution against animals only, but could it possibly...

"Um, do you mind showing me where you got bit?" Amber gulped, fearing for what she'd see.

Razor turned to his left, showcasing an ugly black mark on his right arm. A large bite mark was visible near his elbow, and from it black lines zigzagged up to his shoulder and fingertips. There was no use denying it. Razor is infected.

Which means humans can get infected.

Amber felt nauseous upon seeing the sight, and she had to turn away to catch her breath. Head spinning, she tried to think about what to do. For sure she had to warn the Knights. But what to do with Razor? As far as anyone knew, there was no cure, no way to slow or prevent the disease other than staying safe and healthy. Sumeru scholars were on their way, but it would take them days to get here. Razor didn't have days to spare. That bite looked pretty bad; if she had to guess, he was nearing stage two of the disease. Or so she heard Sucrose mumble when Amber was in the lab a few days ago. If only she had listened closer that time, then maybe she would have found a way to slow the progression.

"You are quiet," remarked Razor. "Is something wrong?"

Amber had no idea what to say. She held a hand over her mouth, processing what she saw. The wolf that had remained near Razor's side cautiously approached her, sniffing her limp arm. Scared, it took a couple steps back, never blinking.

What should I do, she wondered. I can't leave him here. I should also hunt down that wolf and take care of it. But Razor... If the disease is spread from the bite, then maybe...

Amber turned toward Razor, a nervous smile on her face. "Hey, Razor, can you come to Mondstadt with me?"

He cocked his head. "Why?"

"Klee might be able to see you after all. You want to see her, don't you?"


"Then, come with me, alright? Um, here. Cover your arm with this." She handed him a light coat she held in her pack in case of emergencies. She watched as Razor put it on, feeling uneasy about the decision she was about to make. Since she was part of the knights, she doesn't need to go through an interrogation as to why she was bringing in an outsider, but if Razor showcased his infection no doubt paranoia will run wild.

Razor looked at the wolf. "Lupical, return to family. I return soon." The wolf stared at Razor then, hesitating. Razor scuffed its fur and gave it a couple headpats, and by then, the wolf stalked off, clearly nervous to leave him behind. When the wolf was out of sight, Amber and Razor began their journey to Mondstadt.


As expected, Amber and Razor were let into the city without a word spoken to them. Windblume decorations lingered, but most were already taken down. Few people were scattered around, most of them being vendors debating on packing up. On one hand, it was good there were so few people around. On the other, it made Amber all the more nervous.

"Hey, it's Razor!" Called out a voice from the left.

Oh no, Amber thought, her heart racing. Drawing attention is the last thing we need!

Bennet ran up to them, smiling and waving his arm ecstatically. He was one of the civilians that covered up, seeing how he was the embodiment of bad luck. From head to toe, similar to Amber, only his head and hands were uncovered. A couple bandages remained on his face, as did his goggles, but he seemed to be in good health otherwise. Ever since the warning was issued, his dads didn't allow him to go outside a lot, in fear his bad luck was going to come in contact with the disease. That didn't stop him from running errands and taking care of his family, though.

"Bennet," said Razor, his body relaxing. "You are well?"

"Yup! All is well with me! Sorry I haven't seen you in a while. Not sure if you know, but there is a disease going around, and my dads have me staying here for my safety. But I'm glad to see you! Seems like my bad luck is taking a break today, heh."

Amber gulped, eyeing the two for any unnatural behavior. The three of them kept good distance from each other, and even while walking here, Amber kept a far ahead distance from Razor. Things should be okay... she hoped.

"Where is your other glove," Bennet pointed out. That's right, Razor wore gloves. But only his left hand wore one. The infection could be seen on his right hand.

Razor lifted his hand and inspected it. "Hand hurt. Took glove off for comfort. Not help much."

Bennet took a couple steps forward. "Wow, you have long nails. Maybe I can-"

Amber jumped in front of Bennet before he could advance further. "Uhhh, we have important things to tend to!"

Behind her, Razor began chewing on his nails. With Bennet's comment, he became hyper aware of their uncomfortability.

"Razor is here for a visit with Grand Master Jean. It's getting late, so we have to hurry before she falls asleep at her desk again. Sorry, Bennet."

"Oh, alright," Bennet sighed. "Well, at least I get to see that my friend is okay. Take care, Razor! You too, Amber!"

Before she could stop it, Razor placed his infected hand on Bennet's shoulder. All the blood drained out of her body, and she let out a quiet yelp as she stood there, dumbfounded.

"Take care," said Razor. "I be back soon. We go hunting together again." With an innocent smile, Bennet agreed. Taking his hand off Bennet's shoulder, Razor turned toward Amber. The two began their walk to the Knights of Favonius headquarters, waving goodbye to Bennet.

Unknowingly, Razor's nails had cut through Bennet's clothes and into his shoulder.

Status: Healthy
Not immune
Sanity: 80%
She continues her job as an outrider, fighting away evil monsters and criminals. With the disease running around, she's taken extra caution to notice any odd behaviors and lift up spirits. The hillichurls seem fine.

Status: Infected, stage 1
Not immune
Sanity: 70%
Bitten by fellow lupical. Arm hurts a lot. Fighting takes lots of strength. But lupical family strong.

BENNETStatus: Infected, stage 1
Not immune
Sanity: 85%
Benny's adventure team will have to wait a while longer. He happened to see Razor enter the city, and couldn't help but say hi! He's been feeling under the weather lately, but he assumes it's due to his bad luck.

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