CUPID | (ONC 2024)

By Magic_Dew

137 35 73

I shot Cupid because I didn't want to fall in love again. Kore is a young maiden living on an island owned by... More



20 6 10
By Magic_Dew

"You put up your defenses when you leave. You leave because you're certain of who you want to be."

Icarus, Bastille


"I can't wait to marry you!" Xene shouts from the top of his boat. The widest smile spreads across his face as he sits on one of the mass poles above. Since Kore agreed to come with him, his feet have felt light, and his heartbeat has a strong flutter to it.

Kore giggles from the deck. A hand shields the sun from her eyes as she looks up at Xene. "I just met you," she tells him once again but is delighted at his statement. Her eyes never leave Xene's body as he climbs back down the pole. He jumps off the lowest part and rushes towards Kore. Kore's nose fills with Xene's natural scent of sea salt and sunshine as he embraces her in a hug. His arms squeeze the small of her back tighter to him before he picks her up and spins her around.

Kore squeals while being danced around by the energetic man. Between the tangles of fingers and the exchanging of smiles, love is present between the young couple. Leaving the island was the best decision she had ever made. It's like her world is filled with more colors now. Xene slows them down until Kore is standing right in front of him. She beams while he lets go of her hands to hold her face. He stroked her rosy cheeks lightly, taking a moment to notice the freckles on her tanned skin.

"I just," Xene scoffs in disbelief at the marvelous girl in his hands, "I just genuinely don't know why my brain goes blank when I look at you. I think I'm going crazy." Kore rolls her eyes but gently strokes Xene's arms. Xene might be crazy, impulsive, and a little too beautiful, but she wouldn't be anywhere else. Standing on a sunny ship deck with wind in her hair and a lovely boy to keep her company feels like a fairytale.

"You are crazy," Kore tells him before glancing at his face to see his reaction. He pauses for a second and takes a hand off her to put on his chest in shock. His eyebrows raise, and his mouth pops open. Kore gives him a devilish grin to follow up on her statement.

"I'll show you crazy." Xene quickly bends down to grab Kore by her waist. He lifts her up and onto his shoulder. Kore smacks his back as he holds onto her legs while moving across the ship. She orders him to put her down, but Xene ignores her pleas. He makes it to the end of his ship to place Kore on a wooden lounge chair. She bounces onto plushy cushions before fixing her white sundress. Xene pulls another chair up to hers.

"You are crazy!" Kore repeats, but this time with light visible in her eyes. She hits his shoulder one last time before settling down in her chair. Her gaze goes out to the calm, blue ocean that stretches for miles. Xene joins her company. They sit together while resting under the warm sun.

After some silence, Kore breaks it. The same thought has been circling her head, and even though she has been with Xene for over a few days, it still hasn't left her. "Do you think Claypso is mad at me? It was unfair to leave without saying anything." Images of a furious Calypso have filled Kore's nightmares, and a pang of worry circles her heart. Xene turns towards her and shakes his head slowly.

"You shouldn't worry about that," he assures her. "We are miles away from that island. You are with me, and we'll have a great life together." Kore nods and decides to drop the subject. She has brought it up a few times, and every time, Xene seems to make her feel worse. Maybe because she should worry about things like that. But Xene is also right, so Kore pushes her dark feelings away again.

Xene speaks again, "I sailed to Ogygia, your island, by myself just to find a lovely woman like you. Now that I have you, I won't let anyone take you away from me. Even if a fly were to nip on your perfect skin, it would be slain. Do you hear me? I am for you, and you are for me."

Kore takes in these words. She blushes at his thoughtfulness and loyalty to her. There is no doubt in her mind that she didn't make the wrong decision. Plus, if Calypso were mad, she would have already done something about it. It's been three days of nothing but the feeling of love and peace with Xene.

Xene changes the subject. He sits up from his lounge chair. His gaze turns back to the water they've been idly sailing in. "There is land up ahead that I would like to visit. You would love the beach there. Once we arrive I promise you we'll go swimming." Kore praises the wonderful idea. She looks forward to doing all things exciting with her love.

Xene announces that he needs to go back to the steering wheel for a little bit, and Kore volunteers to make lunch. Days like these are what Kore enjoys the most. Nothing is planned, and there is room for adventure. She had very few days like that on the island, but with Xene, adventures are limitless. Xene plants a small kiss on Kore's forehead before parting.


Kore enters the kitchen, which is underneath the deck. The room is dark as she stumbles through to open some curtains. Little light flows through the room, but it'll do. Before they left Calypso's island, Kore had managed to steal some food to bring onto the ship. Now, the cabinets are filled with all types of ingredients for her to work with. Kore hums to herself while grabbing a few pieces of fruit to chop up.

Her back faces the door that creaks open. Footsteps sound closer to the table Kore works on. "Xene, do you like lemon in your water?" She asks while concentrating on making food. She wonders why Xene didn't say 'hello' right as he walked in. He must be hungry. There is no response as the footsteps come closer.

They stop behind Kore. She rolls her eyes to herself at Xene's weird behavior. Next time, she'll start making lunch earlier. A hand then caresses her neck. She stops cutting the food as she feels the tingly sensation across her skin. The knife in her hand is placed on the cutting board. Kore closes her eyes as a pair of lips go to her hair. "Xene," she says as he touches him. But the voice that finally responds does not belong to Xene.

"I wouldn't jump to conclusions," a deep, charming voice answers. A voice that isn't familiar to Kore. Her eyes go wide before she spins around to push the random man off her. Her breath is heavy as she searches for her knife instead of the stranger's face. The man backs off as Kore settles for an apple to use as a weapon. She chucks it at him with great force. It lands in the middle of his gut.

Kore's vision clears, and focuses on the man doubled over in pain. One hand rests on the table while the other clutches his stomach. "You have a strong arm on you, you know," he grunts. Kore grabs another apple. He holds up an arm to stop her. Kore freezes with her arm ready to chuck the fruit at the hurt man. She takes in his appearance. At first, she assumed he could have been a secret crew member Xene didn't tell her about, but the way he's dressed gives the impression that he doesn't mop the deck for a living.

His dark curls match the dark clothing he's wearing. But the most striking and unusual feature is the pair of white, feathered wings that are attached to his shoulders. The unknown man straightens up, and his height hovers over Kore. She stares at the creature with confusion in her face and fear in her gut.

"Who are you?" Kore hisses. She prays that Xene will come downstairs and save her from the strange winged man. The man holds out his hands and tries to step closer to her. Kore raises the apple in her hand. He backs off again.

"My name," the man starts, "is Eros, but preferably called Cupid. A name given to me by the Romans." He looks deep into Kore's eyes, which widen. The name sparks a pain in her chest as recognition floods her brain. Kore had never seen an image of him, so of course, she wouldn't be familiar with the stranger. Even with a God standing right in front of her, she refuses to treat him with respect.

She had just hit the God of Love with an apple. But does she regret anything? Not at all.

"Just because you're a God doesn't mean you can touch me like that!" Kore yells at Cupid. She travels to the other side of the room to put space between them. She would run out the door, but he was standing too close to it. "What are you doing here? Get off my ship." Rage overpowers all fear.

Cupid's jaw goes tight. He scoots out a chair for him to sit in. His feathered wings fold to the side. "I have a message for you," He tells Kore, who keeps herself in the corner. "From your old friend Calypso." A dark smile creeps across his lips at the last part.

"Calypso?" Kore whispers to herself, but Cupid still responds.

He nods, "That's right. Calypso is furious with your decision to leave her. She said that if you wish to keep your powers of immortality, then come back to her." Kore stares at him. Processing all that he just said. Her brows scrunch together as she tries to piece herself a plan out of this mess.

"You will have to tell Calypso that she can't expect me because I'm not coming back to the island. I am happy with my life away from her," Kore snaps at Cupid, who has now kicked his feet on top of the table. He clearly couldn't care less that Kore's life had just been hit with some tragic conflict.

Cupid pinches the area between his eyes before giving Kore a why won't you cooperate look. "Oh but then I would have to get involved. Just go back to the island, and I won't have to continue doing Calypso's dirty work." Cupid just wants to get his payment and move on to the next God who needs his help. All he wants is for this young maiden to go running back to Calypso, and he'll be out of everyone's hair.

Kore buries her face in her hands before sliding up to grip her hair. "I won't!" She yells. "I won't go back to her. Xene wanted me to come to his homeland and that is where I will be spending my time." She rants to Cupid, who doesn't seem at all amused.

A few beats of silence go between them before Cupid smirks. "I mean, I see why Xene wanted you. Your beauty puts most Goddesses to shame," Cupid compliments while looking at Kore's figure.

"Excuse me?" She shouts. Before Cupid could say anything else, the kitchen door flew open. Xene finally enters the room with a sword in hand. Kore calls out to him. Cupid jumps from his seat. Xene shouts random words, but Cupid doesn't show any fear.

"Go back to Calypso, or else," Cupid calls out to Kore before disappearing into the air. Xene jerked his weapon at the God, but it didn't make contact before Cupid vanished. Kore and Xene stare blankly at the floor where Cupid was just standing. Their heavy breathing comes into sync. Both are left confused about what just happened.

Kore starts to cry, "This can't be happening! I told you Calypso would be mad at me. Turn this ship around. Our lives will be destroyed by her and Cupid if we don't go back." Her hands grip the fabric of Xene's shirt. Hot tears roll down her face, which tilts towards the floor. Violent sobs escape her as she realizes she made a terrible mistake.

Xene softly shushes her. He takes her broken body in his arms. Kore's sobs calm, and Xene tries to reason with her. "You have to trust me, Kore. Nothing will happen to us. Cupid is known as a joker and conflict starter. I bet he only came here to mess with you," Xene assures, but Kore doesn't feel better. Xene continues, "Please, come with me to my land. We are almost there. Even after you visit, if you wish to go back to the island, I promise I will take you."

Kore sniffs and wipes her watery eyes. She looks up at Xene's genuine face through her blurry vision. She considers the offer and then agrees. "Alright. I will continue to sail with you. Upsetting Calypso is dangerous, but it would be harder to part with you, Xene."


2200 words

Created March 8, 2024

Thank you so much for reading chapter 2! Finally, Cupid has made an appearance, what do you think of him?

Have a good rest of your day. God Bless!

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