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Aerahyasashi เคฆเฅเคตเคพเคฐเคพ

17.4K 1.1K 669

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1.1K 80 74
Aerahyasashi เคฆเฅเคตเคพเคฐเคพ



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LETTING OUT A SOFT hum, [Name] adjusted her position on the bed, before finally settling onto her stomach.   She gazed at the message on her phone, tilting her head slightly in curiosity. 
The offer of companionship from Suguru made [Name] ponder on his thoughtfulness.   She marveled at his considerate gesture, feeling grateful for his kindness. 
Deep in contemplation, [Name] started composing her response to Suguru's offer, typing out her message.

If it's not a bother then, i could use some company. Really need ‘to get sleepy

‘can't really sleep, supposed that i drank too many coffee

[Name] let out a heavy sigh, her chest rising and falling with the weight of each breath, as she recollected that she had consumed about four cups of coffee throughout the day. She gently rested a hand on her neck, running her fingers over the taut muscles while waiting for Suguru's response.

Suguru Geto:
ah, so that's why.

Suguru Geto:
Well, drinking coffee does make you alert and all, so i suppose that it's normal, huh?

it is, i suppose. 

I mean...   Caffeine is a substance that acts as a stimulant by boosting activity within the brain and nervous system after all. And it contains chemicals like cortisol.

Suguru Geto:
Haha, that's cute.

[Name] glanced at the message from suguru, pondering about the reason on why on earth he finds it cute. As she stared at her screen momentarily, the unexpected compliment lingered in the air, making her feel a sense of discomfort. After a brief pause, she composed yourself and resumed typing her response to suguru.  

I suppose it is.

Suguru Geto:
Hm, say, do you like science?

Yeah, It's interesting and all. I love anatomy and astronomy, physiology, biology and many more. I hate physics though and chemistry.

You: Cause what the hell is the acceleration of motorcycle on top of the mountain gonna do if i got stabbed?

Suguru Geto:
Haha, that's a shame, because i love physics. Satoru does too, he's really good at it.

Suguru Geto:
And perhaps the motorcycle will come down the hill and run over the person that stabbed you?

[Name] scoffed in amusement at that quip.

Though, she knew that Satoru indeed excelled in physics. As she glanced at the screen, a smile played on her lips, indicating her genuine enjoyment of the conversation.

Satoru seemed to have a knack for mastery in various subjects, with the exception of cooking, ofcourse. Despite this, he proved to be an exceptional teacher though.

Essentially, he was like her primary educator and all, even teaching her physics, chemistry or something like the quadratic equations and calculus that she doesn't even know if it would help her if she got stabbed.

She heard a ding in her phone, indicating that suguru sent another message.

Suguru Geto:
Speaking of Satoru... Don't i get a thank you for sacrificing my stomach for you? I think that we should thank Taiyohime senpai too, since she only left a little bit for me.. and none for you... She's so kind isn't she?

Suguru Geto:
I think that you owe me a drink for that, you know? I got a stomach ache from all of it.

A laugh bubbles up on her throat as she remembered her petty argument with suguru earlier, and their debate being whether who shall give taiyohime the food and get saved by not eating satoru's cooking.

[Name] had a strong love for her brother, however, she couldn't deny the fact that his culinary abilities were lacking and just straight up horrible. She kept this opinion to herself though, hoping that he would not go into the kitchen again and straight up praying that he would abandon his cooking endeavors.

Despite her silent disapproval though, she had allowed satoru to prepare dessert earlier, and she regretted it deeply. The appearance of the dessert was deceivingly appetizing, but the taste was nothing short of repulsive. It was like a mixture of unsavory flavors, reminiscent of unwashed bitter gourd, oregano, and uncooked egg yolk. [Name] was relieved that she had not consumed any of it. On the other hand, suguru seemed to have a different reaction to satoru's creation, as he actually ate it and may have suffered from digestive issues as a result. 

Taiyohime on the other hand...

Well, she had it worse because she ate almost all of it.


“Why does their food look so much better than mine?” Taiyohime questioned, black eyes narrowing to slits, slender fingers tightening their grip on the utensils, the metallic clinks echoing in the tense air.

Satoru leaned back in his chair, his arms crossed over his chest in a display of casual arrogance as he manspreads.

With a flip of his hand and a smirk playing at the corner of his lips, Satoru retorted sassily,

“Because this dessert is made with love, obviously.” A self-satisfied smirk danced on his face, clearly proud of his response, thinking that he ate with that shitty ass response.

“And I don't love you.”

“What kind of shitty response is that you—”

Before Taiyohime could bark back her insult at satoru, both [Name] and Suguru chimed in simultaneously, offering her their own portions.

“You can have mine—”

The two of them stared at each other dumbfounded, a silent struggle passing between them as they vied to be the more generous host.

“Oh, sure, thanks, I'll be taking it then..?” Taiyohime trailed off, eyeing the two.


Suguru mustered a smile, though beneath it lurked a sense of unease—It was tight lipped, and forced.

“Please take mine. she can have mine, you don't have to, Gojo.” The black haired man insisted, a tinge of apprehension in his gaze when he remembered Satoru's mention of love-infused food.

Typically, this would indicate that Satoru was the one who prepared the dessert. Even though Satoru did not explicitly state that he was responsible for making it, Suguru had a strong hunch that Satoru was behind it. Watching [Name] reject the dish and offer it to Taiyohime too confirmed Suguru's suspicions that Satoru was the chef. The idea of consuming something prepared by Satoru sent chills down his spine, as he realized that if Taiyohime refused his cooking or ended up with accepting [Name]'s dish, he would likely have to consume whatever Satoru had cooked.

“Senpai, have mine instead, it's really tasty.”

Suguru pushed his plate of food to Taiyohime.

“Don't mind if i do then, thanks geto” Taiyohime grinned.

Satoru was taken aback, his blue eyes growing wider in offense.

“Are you really going to give that void eyes woman the food that was made with so much care and love from both me and [Name]?” Satoru said, feeling offended by the idea. However, Suguru gave him a serious look, his eyes narrowing as he placed a finger on his lips, signaling for Satoru to remain silent. Satoru's lips formed a pout as he shot a glare at Suguru, he crossed his arms on his chest and huffed angrily.

Meanwhile, Taiyohime picked up her chopsticks, eagerly preparing to indulge in the meal set before her, but she noticed that, [Name]'s expression soured slightly at her gesture, so she paused and questioned.

“You okay, [Name]-Chan—”

Taiyohime blinked when [Name] swiftly pushed Suguru's plate back to him and offered her own plate to her instead.

“Eh? [Name]-chan? What's wrong?”

Taiyohime inquired with curiosity and concern reflected in her eyes as she glanced at [Name], noting the slightly disgruntled expression on the latter's face—The same Expressiom she would wear on her countenance whenever she witnessed other children receiving things they desired, while she remained at home doing chores and other tasks. 

“Hime Nee-san,” [Name] drawled in particularly sweet voice, as if trying to convince taiyohime.

“Huh? Yeah?”

“Have mine instead,”

Making eye contact with Suguru, [Name] mustered a small, forced smile to convey her feelings.

“You're our guest Geto-san, just enjoy the food ’n relax, kay?”

[Name] displayed a forced and strained smile, with her eyes twitching and her fists clenching slightly in evident frustration. Her expression turned sour as she recalled that it was Satoru who had prepared the particular dish before her. They do say appearances can be deceiving, and she suspected that the seemingly appetizing food before her was just a devil in disguise, and she's speaking from experiences. Satoru was skilled at many things, and can master everything, but cooking was not one of them, a fact that [Name] was well aware of. 

Consequently, [Name] was resolute in her decision to avoid consuming any of Satoru's culinary creations.   She then looked at suguru.

“Sorry Geto-San but you have to make a sacrifice on this” She mouthed, noticing the way Suguru's eyes widened slightly for a split second, meaning that he understood what she meant. He gave her a slight shake of his head and remained adamant, a tight-lipped smile aimed at her.

“No, no, it's fine, I don't mind, Senpai can have mine.” Suguru said, his eye twitching slightly.

“Hey, you guys, don't argue in front of the food” Taiyohime scolded but her words went ignored, much to her annoyance.

“Besides,” Suguru drawled, a charming smile on his lips, trying to convince [Name].

“Wouldn't it be ungentlemanly of me if i were to let a lady give her food up?” he entreated, his eyes conveying a wordless plea for her to acquiesce.

“Worry not, that wouldn't make you less gallant, Geto-san. ”

[Name] said with a calm smile as she closed her eyes contentedly, thinking that she was gonna win this argument.

“Ladies first, just as they say, ain't that right? That means that i must give her mine first.”

Suguru chuckled in response.

“But Ladies first is only applied when entering or exiting a room though,”  he stated, his eyes narrowing slightly.

“Well,  new rules can be added, can't they? Now ladies first applies to this one too.”

[Name]'s lips curled into a sardonic smile.

“I'm afraid it's not as simple as that,” Suguru responded with a small smile, leisurely tilting his head, his chin resting languidly on his entwined fingers. He couldn't help but notice the way she furrowed her brows in concentration, trying to come up with a witty response. 

Soon enough, the two of them were engaged in a  debate over who would have the honor of giving Taiyohime their food. 

Each time Suguru would slide his plate towards Taiyohime, [Name] would insist on pushing it back towards him while simultaneously offering her own dish to Taiyohime instead. However, Suguru would  pick up [Name]'s plate and slide it back in front of her. It seemed that they were both determined to avoid eating Satoru's questionable cooking by any means necessary. 

“—C’mon Gojo. Give u already. Satoru will cry if we kept on arguing, y’don’t want that, do you?” Suguru asked, eyeing satoru who immediately shot a glare at him.

[Name] wracked her brain for a suitable retort, a glimmer of an idea appeared. Yet, the solution demanded she swallow her pride whole, a bitter pill to swallow, which was a difficult task indeed. Mustering her courage, she took a deep breath and turned to face Suguru, blush dusting her cheeks.

“You know, Geto-san.. you really should just let me give Hime nee-san the food... Because you're a guest and uh..”

”I.. i spilled hot water on you and caused you to get an.. and..” [Name] said, the words stumbling awkwardly from her lips, a wave of humiliation crashing over her. Despite the overwhelming embarrassment, she resolved to prioritize not eating satoru's cooking over her own dignity.

“So..  it's only fair for me to let you enjoy the food instead and not.. bother you, i guess?”

Suguru's eyes grew wide, his throat tightening and his muscles tensing up.

It felt like someone had punched the air out of his lungs, leaving him gawking. And in that moment, his calm and composed demeanor crumbled, he suddenly became still and silent, the smile fading from his lips. His gaze bore into [Name], his face turning red.

His hands rose to brush aside some stray bangs that had fallen over his eyes as he forced a shaky grin, a faint blush on his cheeks as he decided to let go of his pride for a moment, risking his dignity just to not eat satoru's cooking.


[Name] was smiling like an idiot as she stared at her screen as she began typing her message.

Well, i suppose that we really do need to thank hime nee-san, she's such a hero after all.

Suguru Geto:
Mhm, she is.

Suguru Geto:
can't believe that she was fooled by the appearance though

Right? I feel bad for doing that to her though..  but hey.. can't blame a desperate girl, now, can you?

Suguru Geto:
Mhm, perhaps. I hope that she's okay though.

Suguru Geto:
by the way is ur brother still awake?

[Name] blinked in confusion, her wide eyes staring at Suguru's message on the screen. Her brows knit together slightly as she tried to make sense of the cryptic abbreviation “ur”.

Did suguru meant “urine”, “uracil” or something? The uncertainty in her mind left her feeling perplexed and slightly worried. She wondered if Suguru was asking about urine, pondering the bizarre question of whether her brother, Satoru, was having trouble urinating.

The thought made her uneasy, as she cared deeply for her sibling. Could Satoru be suffering from a urinary tract infection, despite having a healthy lifestyle? The idea of such a common ailment affecting someone as strong as Satoru seemed unlikely, but the concern lingered in [Name]'s mind.

Suddenly, a more alarming scenario crossed her thoughts—had Satoru's bladder burst, or had he regressed to a childhood habit of wetting the bed?

...If satoru's bladder exploded, that would mean that his urine would go all over his body and he would eventually die because his urine was inside of his body!

[Name] was horrified at her own interpretation.

Panic rising, [Name] sprung from her bed, practically throwing her phone and rushing towards Satoru's room, nearly stumbling in her urgency. She flung open the door, shivering as the cold metal brushed against her skin, and hurriedly sought out her brother. However, her panic escalated when she found Satoru's door locked, prompting her to frantically pound on it with her hands while calling out for him in a voice tinged with fear.



After a fleeting moment, [Name] detected a shuffle and low grumbles emanating from beyond the door. Satoru finally flung the door open, his visage cloaked in weariness and a hint of annoyance.

“Who the hell..”

“Ah, ‘s that you, [Name]?..” Satoru croaked, his voice raspy and rough.

“Nii-chan! Your bladder exploded!” she exclaimed, her gaze fixated on Satoru's pallid complexion.

“What? My bladder... exploded?” Satoru faltered, his features a canvas of disbelief and revulsion at his sister's alarming pronouncement.

“Yes! Geto-san himself confirmed it!” [Name] exclaimed, unaware that there had been a miscommunication causing this confusion. 

“Suguru confirmed it?!” Satoru's mind raced with the news. His thoughts were clouded, likely due to just waking up and being fed this ridiculous information by his sister. His brain felt like it was operating at only a fraction of its usual capacity.

“Yes, he did!” [Name] reiterated, maintaining their belief in the misinformation. 

Satoru was now beyond horrified. The idea that his bladder had exploded was almost too much to bear. His mind quickly spiraled into a panic, imagining the consequences of such a terrifying scenario. Just like his sister had imagined, he started to fear that his own body would be overwhelmed by his urine, leading to his death.  

WHATTT?!! WILL MY PEE CIRCULATE OVER MY BODY NOW?!” Satoru despaired, while [Name] tacitly confirmed and nodded, as she teared up.



Satoru grasped [Name]'s shoulders tightly as fat crocodile tears welled up in his azure eyes and his lips quivered. 

“WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO NOW?!” Satoru wailed.


The two of them then began to panic about satoru dying, and it went like that for 10 minutes before [Name] took a deep breath, and just decided to take satoru to either suguru or taiyohime for help.

[Name] took a deep breath to calm herself down.

[Name] then wrapped her arms around his back and behind his knees. With a gentle strength, she lifted him up, cradling him close to her chest with care and concern.

“...‘Toru.. ‘m not gonna let you die.”  [Name] proclaimed, satoru's face was pressed onto her chest, before Satoru lifted his head up and nestled his head on the nape of her neck instead.

“I got you,” [Name] said as she practically carried the man with ease, it was as if she never found him heavy just months ago.


Suguru stood alone on the balcony, the dark strands of his hair dancing in the breeze, a cigarette dangling between his lips as he gazed up at the night sky,  awaiting a response from [Name]. 
His eyes lingered on the moon for a moment, then he glanced down at his phone, disappointment creeping in as he realized that she still hadn't messaged him back.   Maybe she had dozed off?   Suguru couldn't blame her, since he had told her to keep talking to him until she fell asleep.

Though, Admittedly, he found her idiosyncrasies intriguing. She struck him as the type who was into science, it was weird and all, yet she had a certain charm about her.   She was different, in a good way. 
Comparing her to Satoru, who was already quite weird, just made her stand out even more.   Despite her weirdness, Suguru found her ability to engage in debates impressive and imagined she would be a fun person to be around.   Although her mood swings were a bit unpredictable, ranging from bashful to witty to chill, he couldn't help but be amused by her ever-changing demeanor. 
Leaning against the railing, Suguru held his cigarette between his index and middle fingers, taking a drag and releasing a puff of smoke, all the while contemplating the idiosyncratic girl. 

Out of nowhere, Suguru's ears picked up the unmistakable sound of someone knocking on his door. Curious and slightly puzzled, he cocked his head to listen intently to identify the visitor. It was late hour right now, so getting a visitor this time was weird.

With a weary sigh, Suguru raised his hand to massage the tense muscles on the nape of his neck, before carefully extinguishing his cigarette on the balcony railing. After a momentary stretch and a heartfelt yawn, he made his way to the door, unsure of what or who awaited on the other side.

As he swung the door open, his eyes widened in disbelief at the scene that greeted him.

[Name] had a determined look on her face as she held Satoru in a bridal embrace while satoru clings on her like there's no tomorrow. Both of them had tears streaming down their faces.

What the fuck.

Suguru gawked.



—Shoko heard satoru and [Name] crying on tge other room and was pissed.

—Satoru pissed the bed.

—Taiyohime had to go to a doctor.

—Taiyohime is mad at [Name] and Suguru.

—Suguru got a stomach ache from eating just a crumb of the food satoru prepared.



OK, SO i just realized how shitty it looks in Wattpad or something, it looks better on quotev's layout 💀💀

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