
By whitelightning_

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He might not know it yet, but Carrie Lancefull, a senior student who's about to graduate from Edison high sch... More

Chapter 1 
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 
Chapter 4 
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9

Chapter 7 

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By whitelightning_

What if I was in Futuramous, A Virtual Reality RPG?

Chapter 7:Emotions and deniability



6:45 always seems to come too quick every morning. With my bus picking me up from my house as I grabbed my sweater since the temperature right now is somewhere around 50 degrees just until later on today when it hits 74 degrees Ferin Hight. Stepping onto the bus with my bus driver greeting me , thinking about the students who were riding with me, we had this lady who normally sticks to herself who goes by the name of Stacy, then we had Jose, Michael, and unfortunately Owen, but thank God he never bothers me. Before I was able to sit down though, I heard Jose's voice from the seat behind me and said, "hey, uh... Carry?"

Taking a seat in the front, I replied, "Yes?"

As I heard him hesitate like if he is thinking about asking and as I was about to ask again, he finally said, "so, prom is coming around the corner and..." he started having issues speaking and as I thought he was gonna ask me out which, I am blessed to be asked out and I do not mind hanging out with some friends, but Jose and I have never been close. Not like Lucio and I. Yeah, we will talk during our gym class by the locker room. However, I just don't feel comfortable around him like this gut feeling that would have whenever speaking to him like if he is trying to slide himself into your good graces then behind your back, he will backstab you when you're not looking. Finally getting his words together, he continued, "sorry, I mean... I want to ask if I can take Kayla out to prom. Before you ask why I am asking you, it's just, you both seem very close and I thought asking you for permission would be the safest... you know, thing to do." I imagine him rubbing the side of his neck in embarrassment.

Corking an eyebrow surprise that he asked me first instead of her. However, it does seem reasonable since we are pretty close even though a lot of my acquaintances, friends, and even my mother said that she wants to be more than friends which, I have been speculating especially with the recent passing days on how she has been extra close to me literally and physically, but as I think about it, I do love her as a close friend since we do see each other every other week-end. More with her than Lucio, but him and I have a man's way of showing we both respect one another, but with her? It's... complicated. I want to take the next step if speculations are true. However, is it rejection that I am scared of or is because my heart not ready for her yet? Or... is it because if I do get rejected then our friendship becomes awkward? Either way, Jose is asking and I guess... in order to know if your heart is made for someone, you must let them go. I know what Lucio will say. "Dude, I know that saying if you love them then you should let them go, but what if you do let her go then you do lose her?" Chuckling to the thought then giving out a sigh, I would tell him that if I can't have her, then it wasn't meant to be. Although sad, it is true. Knowing Jose is patiently waiting for an answer, I finally got myself together and said, "you can. However, it's all on her. She is a very stubborn woman. If you can have her say yes, you have my... blessings." I nearly cringed while my heart for some odd reason tangled up within itself.

Don't worry Carry, she will be fine. That's if I can. It was hard enough to even ask you. I don't even know if I even have the balls to ask her." He chuckled.

"Oh, would you two just shut the fuck up with your fucken fantasies and just fuck each other now?" Owen said more as a rhetorical question.

Rolling my eyes as I placed my backpack at the corner of the buses wall, lying my head on it, I closed my eyes until we approached the school. Waking up surprised to be rejuvenated since normally I am not a morning person, but as I stepped off from the bus with the driver telling us to be safe, using my ears to follow the crowd of students and using my cane to guide myself into the building, suddenly, I felt a hand that I didn't recognize land on my shoulder and before I was able to ask, the voice told me who it was.

"Hello Carry, it's Griselda. Nice meeting you here in this crowd of students."

Trying to recall the name of Griselda, a sudden flashback brought me back to yesterday. "secretary Griselda?"

"Ah, you have not forgotten. I know it was just a quick hello yesterday when you were summoned to John Matters office. It was just unfortunately that we couldn't speak as a proper greeting."

Stepping into the school smelling the familiar scent of books, markers, and chalk, which gets me questioning, __why the hell are we still using chalk when we have digital touch computing systems? Heh, probably they want to stick with the old fashion 20th century technology even though we are in the 22nd century.__ As I was about to step forward, Griselda grabbed my shoulder and turned me to the right to an intersecting hallway. "Huh?" Before I was able to ask, she just told me to hush until we stepped away from the other students.

Heading towards the end of the hallway were the students like myself with a visual impairment would head to for O&M or job meet-ups for volunteering experiences. Before we turned to the door or up the stairs, hearing buttons being pressed and a handle being pulled, she issued me down the stairs and as the door closed, she told me, "down the stairs, I will like you to turn right then the first door on the left is the one I will like you to enter." Nodding my head, I started wondering what she had in mind since I have never been down in this section of the school since it is normally restricted for only employees. Taking my right then traveling the left side of the wall until I approached the first door. As I was about to open it, she giggled and said, "you think doors are just going to be open?"

"Never know, maybe... you left it open knowing that you were going to kidnap me away from my first period technology class."

With a soft but beautiful chuckle  although, why am I thinking like that especially of an employee who is most likely working for Mr. Matters which leads, why is she having me speak to her down here?

Closing the door until I heard a (click.) Finding a comfortable chair with cloth patting, taking a chair across from me, she asked, "You like?"

With a brief smile, I said, "it's comfortable."

Hearing a smile on her lips, she said, "no worry about missing technology. I have already spoke to Mrs. Dozak that you will be missing." As I corked an eyebrow, she continued. "I am here to discuss your case with Ms. Sung."

Shocked that it is the same woman who brought me to Mr. Matters office even though it was brief, but her? Working for Sammy Sung? __Could she be trusted since she is an assistant to him?__ "You work for Ms. Sung? It's hard to believe  that someone who is his assistant would work for the head leader of Futuramous." I stated matter of fatly.

"Ha, ha, ha! I was told you were an observant one. To be honest, I think you're a little paranoid which is a good thing. It keeps your awareness up, but yes. You can trust me. Before you tell me that anyone can say that, which is true, but have you ever thought that maybe I'm working with him to be against him?"

Thinking about it, it can be a possibility. However, when I finally said, "True, it seems that Sammy is working against him and even though you are his assistant, it doesn't seem you're the obeying type. Listening to your voice, you would rather be free and do your own thing. Am I correct? Which gets me thinking, are all of you trying to kill one another in Futuramous or is there more?"

"Corking an eyebrow, she said with surprise, "whatever do you mean?"

"Don't give me that. We both know what I mean. How many of you are after Mr. Matters and how many of you are trying to use one another? I won't give you any information unless I know that I can trust you, which leads me to my next question. Why did Sammy send you and where is Sammy?"

Pausing to think over her next set of words. Once she got herself together, she said, "This might be a hard stretch, but did you ever watch The Great Tournament?"

Raising an eyebrow of my own, I said, "yeah, but it was only when Lady Lynn fought until she lost ten years ago against the current king. For 5 years ago, I stopped watching."

"Everyone was a big fan of Lady Lynn, even I as a little girl, I always told myself that I will someday be as good as her if not better. Where I'm going with this is that 5 years ago, I started training with my older sister who is a part of the GCA, which stands for, (Garth's Central Agency.) Her name is Kiersten. Maybe that might not mean anything to you, but one day on a har extensive training with my sister and I and what you should know is that my family believes in arrange marriages. While training, we met up with an elderly lady who at the time we didn't know that it was Thee Sammy Sung and during this time, my sister was supposed to marry this Japanese business owner and when she asked to spar with us. Originally, we didn't want to accept because she said she wanted to take us on 2 to 1. However, when she said she can gift us with only one wish if we won against her. Although hesitant, accepting her challenge because we both thought this woman was battle hungry even at an old age, she did give us a battle of a life time. It wasn't until I went down first that my sister was able to capitalize and win it for us. I have never seen such finesse from an elderly in our life. Again, at first, we didn't think she was going to withhold her promise, but once she introduce herself as Sammy Sung, we instantly knew who she was. When we bowed to her, she told us that wasn't necessary and that she will give us one wish. Telling her about my sister's situation that she does not want to marry the man that our parents arranged for her, I don't know how she did it, but she did and so, my det is in her collection. That is why you should trust me that I am not working for Principle Matters except as an office clerk."

Interested in her story and most likely I can verify with the woman herself, I asked, "What was your wish?"

Hearing a smile appearing on her face, she said, "simply, I asked her to help train me to get better and so, for one whole year, she brought me to a place called Lezid that is North of the kingdom. She gave me a brief history about the land that use to be the old resting spot for the kingdom and our very own Goddess of light. I never knew she actually existed. The whole time I thought she was just some designed character to represent some kind of secret mission or the face of Futuramous that allowed us players to join the next generation of virtual reality. When she gave me a picture of a common sick blond girl who was one of the very first players besides of the designers and scholars to the part where she is older and where she is being shown risking and giving up her life to the mighty dragon king of all Futuramous, King Andrew. I don't know why she gave up her life, but I think it is foolish. This world in Futuramous would have been a better place if she was still around. Sorry, I have gotten off track. For the last past four years, I have been the champion of The Great Tournament making me their empress."

Thinking about her answer, letting down my defenses, I said, "fine." I gave out an exasperated sigh and continued. "So, I told her about my experiences of meeting the twins of Garth—"

"Aislinn and Eirian?" She asked interrupting me.

Giving her a nod, I said, "I told Sammy that when I read Eirian's class and rank because I am an S rank then finding that Aislinn is a bard and Eirian is an assassin, I told Mr. Matters up front that I wasn't comfortable with them and that Eirian with her sister were going to assassinate us once we start logging out."

"More as in an explicit way." She chuckled. "I can just imagine how it played out." I could hear a smirk appearing on her lips.

"Heh, yeah... it's as what you are expecting"

"A big disaster, but Sammy and you told me that you are a rank S? May I scan you? I mean... I saw the stats for every participant who will be joining the tournament and when I saw that you are a level one across the board with your first skill of mix martial arts, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Do you mind if I scan your body with a scanner that I was given by Sammy Sung? I wanted to check if it was just a bug in the system."

"I can't." I started to explain. "I am band from accessing in."

"That's why there are other ways to go around it Carry." She said mockingly. "I'm quite aware of your situation. This device will bypass your restriction." Waiting for my response, with deliberation, I finally agreed. Hearing her pulling something out from her desk from the other side of the room, coming next to me, she asked me to stand up so she can guide me to stand next to this bare wall which I expect it to be where she can use her monitor to scan me with. Feeling iron braces being placed on my wrists, I asked what they were for, but she simply told me that they are there for identifying my Futuramous stats. Hearing her monitor after when she left to mess with her computer. Running like some ancient machine trying to boot up, finally I heard her say, "Okay Carry. We are about to scan you. You might feel some odd sensations but nothing more than that." Giving her a nod, she started the examination.



Watching Carry's neutral expression, she thought to herself, __Huh? I just started the test and normally students or clients who believe their stats are wrong from their outside stats from other virtual reality consoles get squirmy unless he has a higher tolerance to these types of tests.__ Continuing to wait for his results, she started thinking back to the discussion with Sammy. She said she spoke with Aislinn who saw Carry and his rank and elemental. Sammy wanted to gain some further insight of his motive level, growth rank and elemental, because if Aislinn is correct and not knowing what his real motive level is currently. He can become a threat. Aislinn has also told Sammy that he was once a motive level 100% however, 10 years later, for some odd reason, the system has him at a zero percent which makes things fishy. Did he do anything in between those 10 years? Even if he was just a kid. Carry have also told her that he stopped coming to Futuramous five years ago due to life changes. Could it just be that he hasn't been in Futuramous for those many years and the system is penalizing him due to him not accessing the system? She knows that if you do not return back to the roam of Futuramous for 30 days, you will lose your home, and if you're adopting a child then you leave Futuramous for no more than a week, either two things are going to happen: Either the Futuramous head quarters are going to contact you that you will need to come back and take care of your charge or else the system will remove them from your care then, you will never be able to take care of an adopted child ever again. Unless someone informs the HQ that something has happen to the player and they will not be able to access Futuramous. However, she believes if it's the ladder and it is because of leaving Futuramous for an extensive amount of time, it must be a glitch in the system because it would be unfair to the player if they have a motive level of 0 just because they left for a while. As she pondered on that thought, her device chimed and finally gave her his results. "Finally!" She said out loud to grab Carry's attention.

"Cool, what does it say?" She heard him say but her focus was too much on the monitor because what she was seeing is too hard to even believe.

Placing her fingers by her lips, she read his basic information such as his motive level is 100% and yes, there is a glitch in the system. No, his stats is level 1 down the board, but he does have high potential to learn with his S growth rank. He does have his first skill with his race that he has selected which is a shape shifter/ mimic and for his skill of MMA, he must have learned outside of Futuramous because whatever skills you show in Futuramous is placed in your skills list for example: if you learn how to fight with a sword in Futuramous, it will also show who taught  you. However, if you are taught outside, you will not receive the person who trained you, only that you know how to fight. Once she read his elemental being as what was told, next to it showed a restricted tab. Clicking it then placing Sammy's information to access the data, she instantly regretted it because now, it shoed that she was cursed from reading a restricted file.

WARNING! You are now reading a file that is under restriction! We know it is you (Griselda) who is reading Carry Lanceful's information. Between only you and Sammy Sung the Head corporate of Futuramous. You are the only two who is able to speak amongst each other about Carry's full background. You cannot tell no one including Carry himself or else there will be severe consequences that will lead to death including those you include. Do you accept to these terms because if you don't, we won't show these details. Also; if you do break your promise, Futuramous bounty hunters do know where you are and we do track conversations everywhere you go. When signing up to Futuramous, you agreed for personal tracking including yourself. When you joined, we injected a tracking/ hearing device within you that cannot be removed until death. Again, do you agree to keep Carry's information safe?

Then it shows the agree and disagree option. "What the fuck did I just agree to?" She mumbled. Typing out a question, she asks, "what if Carry finds out on his own?"

Responding back, it said, "then yes, you are able to speak to him about it and those he has spoken to."

Giving out a nod thanking God that Carry is blind because he would certainly be thinking that she was crazy. Selecting (agree) she saw things that she wished she didn't.

Carry Lanceful's information:

Mother: Crimson – The Angel of death. First wife.

Abilities: Anti-manna

Father: King Andrew – Dragon Husband of three.

Abilities: Life drain, Polly-manna, Anti-manna, Teleporting, Telekinesis, and cloning.

Step mother 1: Lady Persephone – Angel of Life and the previous Queen of Futuramous.

Abilities: Polly-manna

Step mother: Lady Athena – Angel/ Phoenix of War

Abilities: Fire, inferno, chaos, negotiation, resurrection and peace.

Half-sister: Kayla Grey – Princess of the Angel of life & half dragon.

Abilities: Polly- manna, life drain, heal, telekinesis, teleporting, and cloning.

Half-brother: Onyx – Prince of The Angel of War/ dragon and a half Phoenix.

Expected abilities : Fire, chaos, inferno, negotiation, life drain, cloning, telekinesis, teleporting and resurrection.

Carry – Half dragon & The Prince of Death.

Expected abilities: Anti-Manna, teleporting, Telekinesis, life drain, ???, cloning, ????,????

"What the fuck!" she accidently cursed out loud. __A sibling to Kayla Grey who could be the next strongest fighter for this tournament if she joins, but who is this Onyx kid? Nobody has heard from Lady Athena since the king's passing. Lady Crimson hasn't showed her face since the new era of Futuramous and the old queen? Why did she become queen when Crimson was his first wife? Could it be because she is or was the angel of death? Now the biggest question I would like to find out is, how did all three of these ladies become angels and how did the king hide all of this information from the public?__ Before she was able to think further about it, Carry asked her if she is alright.



Asking Griselda if she is okay after cursing out loud which made me jump when she shouted with what sounded like surprise which tells me that she has found something very important and as I was about to asked again, she said with embarrassment, "sorry. There's some classified information that I am mandated not to tell you. Until you know yourself, I cannot discuss."

Corking an eyebrow, I said with a cryptic eye, "is it about my growth?"

"Kind of, it's more about your family, I mean—" She hurried to explain. "I cannot tell you anything more about your heritage." Giving her a nod, I could tell that her mind started running to a faraway planet as her voice faded away into the distance.

"Have I been excused?" With an absent nod then remembering that I am blind, she said, "yes, you are free. I will guide you back upstairs so no one will question you why you were in a restricted doorway." As she said that, she thought to herself, __I need to speak to Lady Sung immediately. I don't even think she even knows." I better write her a cryptic message because if any of this shall ever leak out, Carry will have a rough time especially with Mr. Matters.__


10:15 A.M. Resource Period


Sitting in room 223 catching up with some up due assignments by connecting a Bluetooth earpiece which can pull up either a holographic screen of what the teacher has assigned them to by sending it to their student portal which, Lucio has it connected from his phone into his Holoeye, but instead it showing him a screen, it is also voice accessible. Typing out his answers for his history class which is also is his next class, typing out on an invisible keyboard out in front of him, his mind was elsewhere. Thinking about his best friend Carry on how oblivious he is on how much Kayla really wants to have him to take her hand like, come on! How obvious does she need to be? She might not ask him out for a date, but even he knows like a silent whisper is that is what she is asking out of him. If someone doesn't tell him out right, he's afraid that he might be too late because like everyone else have said before, they fit each other like a glove. Finishing up his third question, he gave himself a couple minute break so his hands don't start cramping up from typing so much. When he heard Mrs., Lyon ask if he was okay, he said, "just taking a short break for my hands." Giving him approval, he continued thinking within himself. __Hell, even I know that Crystal likes me and with certainty like Kayla, she speaks without speaking. She uses jesters to speak her unlistenable language and by feeling her cues, sometimes... I think I'm even falling harder than I suppose to. Thinking about it, why haven't I given her my number yet? Could it be that I'm even scared to ask her out? Maybe it's not that Carry is oblivious to her advances, but maybe, he's scared that if he trusts his instinct, maybe he might be wrong. I guess... in order to fight through your thoughts of her denying him is just to ask. However, easier said than done I suppose because if that is true, I would have already asked Crystal.__

Knowing that he has been sitting there doing nothing a little too long, he heard Mrs. Lyon say, "Earth to Sanchez, your break is done. Get back to work."

"Uh... I'm sorry Mrs. Lyon. Won't happen again." Then he got back to work with his history. Continuing to think to himself while typing away, he can't wait to tell Kayla and Carry about the news he received after gym class yesterday. Talking about gym class, what the hell was Carry thinking about to snap at the most beautiful Elf and her sexy ass hot headed sister? Disrespectful if he must say. Maybe he'll find out during lunch. Thinking about food, his stomach started rumbling which made his cheeks red. After 30 minutes of working then looking over his work, with frustration, he placed whatever he was thinking of as one of his answers. Continuing to look it over, he even placed down that he was hungry and without restraint, he accidently cursed out loud. "Son of a bitch!"

"Sanchez! Profanity is not allowed in this class understand?" She demanded. "This is your last warning! The next thing that comes out from your lips is a demerit, got me?"

"Yes ma'am." He quickly replied.



Sitting so close to Carry who is probably catching up with his work and since this morning she didn't see him in the halls when she was heading to her Geography class and due to his technology class is just down the hall from hers, they would normally walk together. She did see him getting off the bus but there were too many students which were intercepting her vision and when she went to search for him, he was gone. However, she was approached by Jose of all people awkwardly asking her if she would like to join him for prom. Although, she really wanted to ask Carry and at first, because Carry didn't really care for Jose, but honestly, she hasn't really had any issues with and why not? Carry always seems to be bewildered of her attempts of him noticing her even how obvious she has been, but deep in her soul, even though it sounds cliché. From deep within, she knows that she has to have him either as a lover or as a connected friend. She doesn't know why, but whenever she is around him, with a strange sensation, of comfort, it feels like they belong with each other in some kind of way.

Giving out a sigh, she mumbled softly to herself and said, "oh Kayla, what has gotten over you? Going and getting yourself attached with a boy who probably doesn't love you in the way you want him to."

"Did you say something Kayla?" Carry asked giving her a brief glance towards her.

"Oh no, I was just muttering to myself." Giving her a nod, he went back to his work and with another sigh, she thought to herself, __well... maybe I should agree to his request and go out with him.__ But as she thought about it, an uncomfortable squeezing feeling tugged at her heart telling her no, but with another breath she told herself that it will just be for that night only. Convincing herself that if Carry won't say yes to her, then she will take Leticia's offer of going with Jose. Feeling resolved with her choice, she saw Lucio coming in for there history class marking it the end of the period.


Lunch period:

Stepping out from our history class again which again, is boring as hell. With Kayla leading Lucio and I like yesterday down the hallway full of statue students, with none of us saying anything probably in our own thoughts, but as we approached the stairway, about to go down, without her paying attention, she accidently have me walk into a student who nearly fell down a flight of steps, but with my hands being able to move quickly, with my swift reactions, I grabbed him by his... tux? As I stable him and deeply apologized for walking into him and that I couldn't see, he cut me off and said, "you dear to bump into me and ruin a nice sport jacket that my father bought me that now has a wrinkle in it you disrespectful ignoramus?"

"I mean, I'm sorry. I can't see you and since we are blind—"

"So, using an excuse that you are blind to push me down the stairs then catch me to be heroic while at the same time you are here to purposely destroy my clothing?" This rich fuck said making me want to just punch him like... I just saved him and for an exchange for gratitude, he tells me off like a real prick.

Trying to speak, I said, "no, I honestly—"

But he cut me off again. "Do you know who I am?" Although I could give two craps who he is, but knowing him, he's going to tell us anyway and once the first word came out of his damn mouth, I was correct. " My name is Pierz Ignatius Bulgari and I am a noble born of a first-generation business owner of Futuramous. My grandfather and my father are co-owners of the fierce known mercenary guild named the GCA A.K.A (Garth Central Agency.)

"I do deeply apologize for my foolishness of not paying attention my highness. I too understand the frustration of having damaged luxurious ware thou as I am noble blood too." Said Kayla trying to prevent an altercation.

Noticing the man's demeanor change by his voice, I heard him say, "oh? Noble blood? Maybe you're perhaps single then?"

Now I was pissed, but before I was able to do anything, I felt Lucio's hand on my shoulder then by giving me a squeeze, I just waited for her next answer and prey that she can solve this predicament. Because even how much I really want to punch this mother fucker in the face, since he is a noble with stupid amount of power, I will need to trust Kayla with her charm even how much it does piss me off.

"Yes I am."

"If I shall ask, what noble house are you in?"

Imagining her puffing out her chest, she said, "I am the air of the Grey family as my father is King Andrew."

"Uh Kayla... is that wise?" Lucio asked, but he was silenced by Pierz.

"My God. I had no clue that King Andrew of Futuramous has an air. I do apologize my madam. Please, take my hand for an arranged marriage thou our houses can build a healthy relationship with each other and of course, you have my condolences of the passing of your father." Feeling eyes all over us, I felt very uncomfortable.

"I do thank you sir or shall I say Lord Bulgari—" she paused then added, "but I do apologize that I must denied your offer.

Feeling everything that is about to go wrong like he has a hidden devilish smile with other motives, trusting my instincts, again, I was correct because the next thing he said to her nearly turned me pail white. "That's a shame because if you have forgotten my dear Ms. Grey, my family does run the GCA and if you do deny, your friend not including the big guy since he knows how to keep his mouth close while in the presents of a noble. I will have my men target your friend, but if you take my hand for marriage, all of this will be forgotten." With the second bell ringing with those students who have been watching disappear from the hallway, I can feel Lucio's hand holding my shoulder in a death grip and knowing that he is as pissed as I was in that moment. We both knew that we couldn't do anything in that moment.

"Let me get this right, your name is Pierz Ignatius Bulgari?" She asked stammering for some extra time.

"Yes, third generation noble. Why do you ask?" He lifted his nose in the air with distain.

"And your initials spell out PIB, correct?"

"Yes..." Not knowing where she was going with this, with Lucio and I about to start cracking up because we shared the same idea with Kayla of his initials.

With Kayla speaking our minds, he got pissed once she said, "Meaning... you are an off brand of Dr. Pepper?"

"Wait, what?"

"Yeah... that stuff that you can get at an Aldi's or Amazon Express that flies to your door, but never mind about that, you are Mr. PIB! Oh my God! You're not superior after all!" She gave out a cheeky smile. Not that Lucio and I can see, but it was at least what we imagined like one of our Japanese anime, but as all three of us started laughing at him, he started stomping his foot like a little child.

"You dare compare me to an off-brand soda pop? You know what? I have no time for this, I am running late for my class, but I can certainly tell you that you have not seen the last of me." Then finally, he left with Lucio relaxing his grip on my shoulder, the only thing I can tell you that having a big man gripping your shoulder with a death grip is not pleasant to have hatched on you. Actually, it's quite painful, but At least he is gone. However, we are dead last in the café's line.

While standing there waiting for our food, Lucio perked up and finally said, "was it me, or was I the only one who wanted to shove my size 12 foot up his ass?"

"I hope it's your foot and not—"

"NO!" He quickly interrupted which made both of us chuckle. "well, if you're done laughing at my foot size, I have something really exciting to tell you that I just found out yesterday after when everyone left gym class."

With both of us intrigued in the exciting news, finally; approaching the front then ordering our food, then as we sat down, I asked, "so, what's the news buddy?"

"That you suck." He said which caught me off guard.

"Huh?" But before I was able to ask, he continued.

"What the hell was that all about man?"

"Yeah!" Kayla agreed with Lucio.

Giving out a long sigh as I took a bite out of my pepperoni pizza, I finally said as I thought everything over and said, "you guys are going to call it bullshit, but listen to me." As I heard silence from my two friends minus the others around us until an unexpected voice called out towards us.

Corking an eyebrow of the unexpected interruption of Candice's voice, she said, "I'm sorry for interrupting, but I as well am interested in your blow off towards Principle Matters, Aislinn, and Eirian."

Although, I can feel Kayla's glair landing on Candice, I just placed my hand in front of her and said, "no worries Kay. I have no problem explaining what happened. So again, it's more out of instinct. So, there's roomers that due to Lady Lynn's 21-1 streak, Lord Flinn is killing off newbie's either if it's because he wants Lady Lynn's streak to be membranal or it is because he does not want another person to fight so, if he kills off new players leaving them with a perma-loss, even if they do win the royal tournament and though they can ask for one wish. They cannot face the king—"

"Unless they have a clean slate." Kayla finished.

"Yeah... and so, if you do lose and it's not from death, it will not stay on your win/ loss ratio. It will only stay for one year."

"That explains that, but where did you hear this roomer?" Lucio asked with Candice asking the same question.

"And how did you know Eirian is an assassin?" Candice asked.

"Do you remember earlier that day when we entered through Futuramous when Mr. Matters announced our growth rank?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I wasn't really paying attention."

"Let's just say, in order to read somebody's class, name, and even rank. You must have a higher growth rank than them." Kayla said after sipping on her juice.

As Candice stared towards Lucio then seeing his two cartons of milk that are empty, she asked, "didn't you... I mean... those milks were just—"

"Full?" I heard the devilish smirk appearing on Kayla's lips as she spoke.

"Y, yeah..." she said as it seems that her head was about to explode.

"Yup." Lucio said with a belch. "Finished them within 5.0 seconds."

"The absolute fuck." Candice said not knowing what to say so, she turned her attention back at me. "The last time I remember, Eirian's growth level is..." then I felt her eyes become wide and before she was able to speak, Kayla reached over the table nearly knocking over her food.

"Yes, and that's why we keep it as a secret except for the students that is in our gym class."

"To tell you where I have heard these rumors, let's just say, even though I do not keep up with the tournaments, I do keep up with Futuramous news and catalogs of new players saying that they just started and being given tutorials and as soon they finish up with their session, then when the adventures guild tells them that in order to inquire their equipment, they will need to exit the game. Whomever is assisting them, they will bring them into a fake saferoom and as they are waiting for their bodies to be brought back to the real world. Also, because your body is frozen in that process, anyone is able to kill you."

"Hmm... that does make sense." Kayla started to say.

"Yeah, when you say it like that because after when you were sent out of Futuramous, it seemed like Mr. Matters had to change his mind on something."

"What do you mean?" All three of us asked Candice.

"I know you wouldn't be able to tell Lucio, but Kayla, did you not see how angry he was after when Carry left?"

"Yeah, but I just thought it was because Carry being disrespectful." She replied as she swallowed her food.

"That too. However, I don't think he seen me behind him because after when Carry left, he immediately started messaging Eirian about something about walking without a loss."

"Oh shit." Kayla cursed.

"You know what is going on Kayla?" Lucio asked.

"Unfortunately, Carry is right."

"Which means?" Candice said.

"Meaning... not just Mr. PIB who is after Carry with assassins, but it also sounds like because of his interference, he's going to send an assassin after him too."

"Mr. who?" Candice asked.

"Rich fuck. Never mind about that." Kayla said waving the comment off.

"Well, you are possibly right, but due to me visiting Mr. Matters, in order to gain favor with the twins, I must participate in the high school's tournament that is on Monday."

"I knew I saw your name on the list, but I didn't know why, but wait. You can't train in Futuramous right?" Kayla asked.

"Correct." I nodded.

"Sorry for being silent, but Candice, why are you at our table?" Lucio asked after coming back to the table after throwing away his trash.

"Maybe it's because I just wanna be here." She smirked.

"It's a possibility, but I got a feeling that it's not the case." He said.

"Well, I really hate to admit this and I really hope that we can fix this because I have been a real bitch and maybe... we can start over Kayla."

"What are you yapping about?" She asked as she finished her food.

"I mean, I am so sorry for spilling false information about you. I want to start over and maybe, I can., I mean... we can patch things up slowly—"then the rest bit she said quickly. " I know that it's going to take time to prove that I am sincere with my actions, and maybe I can be one of your trusted servants once you take seat of the royal empire?" Not knowing what to say, Candice continued, "I know that I brought this upon you so fast and soon, but my actions of treating you with disrespect should be recommended."

Shaking her head getting out of her shock, she replied with confusion, "listen, I don't want you as a slave—"

"No, I'm proud to serve my highness."

"Cut that out!" She scowled.

"Enough peasant! I will not have you bowing to my feet when I am not for sure that I am strong enough to take on the lord himself. Not until I can receive more training and levels. Also, why do you want to serve me anyway? Is it because I am royalty? If that is, then your request is—"

Then Candice quickly interrupted and said, "no, I made a foolish mistake and I want to make it up for you even if you are not queen. As my princess or even as a normal adventurer, I will love to give out my services to help and protect."

"Are you scared of me Candice? Actually, what I should be asking is, why now? Why did you spread false roomers about me and Lucio? Then, say that I had sex with him when that is far from the truth that it actually stinks? Oh wait, were you jealous of me when I transferred to Edison High because I took your popularity away just because I am more beautiful than you? I mean, if you would have spread lies about Carry and I, then I wouldn't take you down with my gravity magic so aggressively."

"Huh?" I asked trying to keep up with Kayla.

"Ignore that Carry." She said.

With silence from Candice, she finally replied slowly, "well... yes. Both you and Lucio transferred at the same time and by the way how you both spoke to each other, I figured why not try to spread false information so I can regain respect with my... you know... they're sort of my club or gang ? It was working perfectly because as soon big boy here. No offense for you Lucio, but you did make a stir with the ladies." With Candice staring directly at Lucio, she could see the blush forming on his cheeks that placed a slight smirk on her lips. "But once I started seeing some shifts on your... interests—" she emphasize on interests. "Then again, because people were able to see through the lies, like a coward, I hid just until public display of my spread of lies dissipated. So, for this year, because I knew the school's curriculum was changing and that Futuramous is becoming more than just a simple virtual reality video game due to its technology where instead of students are being sent into classrooms to study, teachers are sending their students to an off-brand version of Futuramous where instead a teacher is teaching their students. They are inserting knowledge into this chip that is in our brains to carry information so, when our teachers send us off, they're actually testing us to force us to use that information that we were given and if it doesn't register in our minds that well, then for those students who couldn't, then they are removed from that class and brought into another class and see if that class is a strength for them and remove the old information that is conflicting with their minds. If it is a success, then whatever studies that is their strong suit, teachers refer them to that set of branches for them to choose their major." Letting everyone to catch up on what she have just said, she finished by saying, "Again, I am sorry for getting off topic. What I was trying to say is that I wanted to prove that I was better than you. I don't care if you have the looks of a diva queen. Why do you think I chose a dwarf as my race? Watching you with Carry and even alone, I saw that you are a lot more athletic than I am and I told myself that I needed to beat you then seeing how you are with others and finding out that you our royal blood, I told myself why try to fight you and make a fool of myself because if you didn't know Kayla, one way or another, you being princess is going to spread around this school like a wild fire and so, why not join you and allow me to prove that I am sincere with my word that I Candice Bocelli will serve you with honor." She bowed.

With a loud slap that radiated off the walls of the cafeteria which made students stop what they were doing and start staring at us, Kayla said, "I will not allow your perception of reality and fantasy to intertwine with each other. This is Earth Candice. Either you be my friend or be my enemy , but God forbids if you are nothing but a dog following orders because if I have to pick crap from an animal, were going to have problems and its not just me lying you flat on Futuramous's floors. I will desecrate you and make you wish that serving me was a crime rather than an honor. Do I make myself clear Candice?" Hearing murmurs around us of the girl slapping that chick, with Candice rubbing her cheek she gave Kayla a nod and gave out her apologies.

With everyone slowly getting back to what they were doing, I awkwardly asked Lucio, "so, uh... how about that good news buddy?"

"Oh! Yeah! That!" He gave out an embarrassing chuckle then said, "it goes both ways actually. The good news is that I was offered to join the royal army from Mr. Matters then I received a noticed from my Futuramous account from a private discussion chat with Lord Flinn with him showing interests of having me by his side as a commander either captain or lieutenant. However, that bad news is that I am not the only one who will be trained under his highness because Owen is also being trained under him too and what I have heard is that we will be trained by Captain Jack and his lieutenant commander Sky."

"That is great." All three of us said to Lucio."

"So, when is practice?" I asked.

"Starting after the tournament."

"Does anybody know how many participants are in the tournament?" Candice asked as she stood up and threw away her garbage.

"If I am correct, the maximum is 32 and the minimum is 16. If I'm also correct, it looks like we're gonna have the maximum." Kayla said stretching allowing her abs to show from her baby blue glittered skirt winking towards Candice who didn't understand why show off especially when I couldn't see.

Talking about me, not knowing what was going on around me I continued the conversation and said, "so, it's normally a 5-day event?"

"Depending if we have 16 or 32. Because if we had only 16, then it is a four-day event." Giving her a nod wishing that I would have grabbed a second juice, I just allowed the conversation to circle around me.


Gym class...

Leaving and heading towards gym, Candice asked shyly, "may I... uh... walk with you guys?"

With Kayla rolling her eyes, she said, "it's a free land we live in. So, come or go, you choose."

Briefly Candice thought it over then said, "then perhaps so you're not looking like a Kongo line, I can take either Carry or Lucio?"

Seeing turmoil raging within Kayla then with her finally saying, "I can do it, but if you want to take... Carry." She said with hesitation until a brief decision came over Kayla who finished with, "and I will take Lucio."

With a nod from Candice, and with me not understanding what the hell has gotten over Kayla who hasn't really spoke to me all day except for brief hellos and nods besides the brief interactions during lunch, but even then, most of the conversation was towards Lucio or Candice. I held onto Candice's arm and when I felt her long sleeve what felt like custom made stitched in lace which crossed over another like little X's. Telling her that her sweat shirt is pretty just to be nice, although I didn't know didn't mean that Candice couldn't see Kayla giving her the stink eye. With her giving me a thank you, we made it to the locker room.

Stepping in with Lucio searching for our damn lockers since we were coincidentally right next to each other. After finding the right one then taking off our locks to grab our gym clothing since Mr. Brownsworth didn't say we did or didn't have to change, I looked towards Lucio and asked, "hey dude, does it seem that Kayla has been acting... I don't know, strange?"

"Well dude, let's just say that you didn't forget that I am only in your History, lunch, gym, and math with both of you then tell you honestly that I only have two fucks of knowing what the hell both of you are doing on the sidelines when I'm not with both of you because if you have forgotten, I am only in four of your eight classes not including passing period."

"Duh... I know that man, but ever since the end of yesterday, I would normally receive at least a message of her telling me that she made it safe then talk about some stupid things like the different types of new technology that is being produced, how television shows are no longer shown by broadcasters but now being shown on Netflix Demand or some shit like that. You know what I mean? I mean, normally I would see her as we are stepping through the doors but I had an awkward conversation with Miss. Griselda this morning as we were getting off of our buses."

"Wait, hold the phone." Lucio interrupted until I placed my phone in front of him to feel. "Huh? Real funny Carry. I mean, you spoke to the assistant principle?"

"May I call you tonight then talk about that? Because that steps into dangerous territory. To let you know about that really quickly until tonight, there was a bug in Futuramous about my motive level being zero. It is actually at 100%."

"That is good." He said as we were finishing up placing on our attire.

"But no, I don't know. For example, during lunch, it seemed that she was avoiding me. I understand that I did something absolutely stupid or absolutely brave to save us from our demise and no one will ever know that I saved all of us, but still, if she wanted to say anything, then why not speak to me about it? You know?"

"Okay dude, with my true opinion? First, it's possibly because she wants you to cool down and allow you to have a little bit of you time. Second, and I hate to point this out to yah and I am also going to be hypocritical, but I don't care. Has it ever dawned on you that she might actually like you?"

" I know she likes me. Why do you think we're friends?" I said not understanding where he is going with this.

"Like- like bro. Meaning—"

Giving him a sigh knowing where he was going with this, I said, "I'm not that oblivious. I'm just, I don't know, maybe—"

"You're afraid of assuming she will deny you or if she really is interested in you, but you want to wait for her to ask you when your job is to actually ask her out?"

"... Yeah. Fuck man. I won't lie that I too have been getting really close to her, but I don't want to... you know. The whole denying thing."

"Well man." We started to leave the locker room. "Like they say, in order to confront something or someone, in order to be a man, you must grow a pair." Giving him a chuckle, I slapped the big man on the back then left the locker room.



Stepping into her locker room changing with the other girls and with Candice a few lockers down, she started to fight with herself of asking her for any advice especially to a person who she has hated since she came to this school because her aunty Jane who has no affiliations with Futuramous and who is currently taking care of her just until she graduates from high school, they have left Iowa due to money and ever since her father past away, he does have a saving since he was the king of Futuramous... more or less, the lands of Royal City through the East of Maplewood, the North of Lezid, West of the Hilly Dooms which boarders the land of The Silver head Medallion's, then the South of Garth. However, her father even told her when she was young that she will receive his savings, but not until she hits 21 when she learn how to learn life without depending on his money if he ever should pass. As her thoughts continued to drift back to Carry like if she was obsessing with him like... in an unhealthy way, but she can't help herself and if she doesn't tell him soon, she might never will. Then... she will lose him. Shaking her head, approaching Candice, Leticia intercepted between both them and said towards her, "I heard that Jose asked you out for prom." She stated matter of fatly.

Not wanting to interact with this broad and knowing that Leticia cornered her between Candice and her, she knew she should have just got dressed and left, but now, here she is stuck between a rock in a hard place. Thinking on her feet, she quickly said, "yes, he found me in a crowd full of students heading into the school. I did not give him an answer yet, but I will by the end of the school day."

Then suddenly, Leticia started walking towards her even closer while moving her hips seductively like if she is playing the kitsune character, which to her, she is doing pretty well. With nowhere to go, Leticia said in her neutral tone, which is soft and hypnotic, "so, he's on your mind isn't he?" She said he which told Kayla exactly who she was referring to.

"Oh definitely." Candice said with a smirk who also blocked her from behind. "I seen her eyes." She started to chuckle. "If you look deeply in her eyes Leticia, you can see how thirsty she is. If you gave her the chance, she might just... pounce on him." Candice said while giving her a seductive smile while licking her lips.

"Fuck both of you." Kayla growled while blushing hard which made her cheeks turn 50 shades of red.

"Oh, look it Leticia. The leper is getting defensive." Candice teased knowing that she is pressing Kayla's buttons.

"Ah... she is." Leticia smirked. In this moment, Kayla just really wants to punch them both, but as she took some deep breaths and as Leticia spoke again, this time, Leticia was practically nose to nose with Kayla nearly in kissing distance. Feeling her hairs on her neck stand up then feeling the goosebumps up and down her spine, Leticia said, "look at you Kayla." Smelling the mint off of her breath, disturbing thoughts started running through her mind of wanting to actually... kiss her like, what the fuck is wrong with her. With Leticia snapping her back into their conversation, she continued to say, "Your clock is ticking. You're about to explode. I see it in your eyes. I bet if I kiss you, you wouldn't even resist." Feeling frustrated of Leticia being right, because if she did, she does not think she could resist especially if she does, all of it would make her think of... him and she really wants to taste his lips.

Thinking to herself, __fuck me. Why am I acting like this? I shouldn't be reacting like this, but... it seems that she is right. I just can't help myself. I've never experienced anything like this. It's like if I am—" Then Leticia interrupted her inner dialog.

"You're thinking about it." She said sweetly while playing with Kayla's emotions.

"No, I'm not!" She snapped.

"Oh? Is that right?" Leticia said while using her fingertips to caress Kayla's neck and to state her point. Softly, she glided her fingertips up and down her neck which, she could feel Kayla's body starting to reciprocate to her touch. "Then why is your body reacting to my touch?" She continued to smirk.

Feeling wetness forming between her legs confirming what she was afraid of, with a slight moan escaping her lips, she instantly covered her mouth with her hand then glared daggers towards both Leticia and Candice who has her lips corked up in a full-blown knowing smile.

"Thought so. Remember what I said yesterday. Choose who you are interested in then ask one of them out for prom. You can choose Jose or express your feelings towards Carry because you are running out of time Kayla. Or... maybe not, because a girl like yourself can certainly find yourself a handsome gentleman, but by the looks of everything, you're going to have to situate your... issues." Her eyes drifted down her crotch seeing how wet she was even with her navy-blue gym shorts which made Kayla's cheeks turn into a deeper crimson color. "Good luck Kayla." Leticia suddenly kissed Kayla on the neck letting it linger there for a second later before she left the locker room with Candice.

Walking out from the females locker room spotting most of the students lining up next to the wall then seeing Mr. Brownsworth speaking to some woman with dark curly brunette hair wearing the traditional white skirt with a navy-blue sweater showing the Edison High memorabilia symbol on the top left breast side of the shirt. Getting closer, she saw that it was assistant principle Griselda Hashomi. With Candice leaning over towards Leticia, she whispered, "did you have to tease Kayla that hard? I mean, I don't think she will be able to hide that..." Her voice started to fade away as she tried to figure what to say next. Because how close Leticia was, she could see how tempted Kayla wanted  to kiss her, then seeing the assistant principle, something told her that Kayla would be fucked if anyone would spot the same thing that both of them have saw.

"It's a little... push to allow her body to feel how tensed up she is. She's like a dog in heat."

"Meaning she needs to get fucked, right?"

With a chuckle from Leticia as they made it to the wall a few feet away from the other students, she said, "kind of. More or less, she needs to discover her feelings and then once she does, with my... little push. I am for sure she'll think with her emotions and her body to guide her to who she wants to be with."

"I don't know if that will work, but if it does work, then I'm all for it."



Stepping into the hallway with Lucio, I heard a voice from the left of me which, I recognized instantly since we spoke earlier, but the main question is, why is she here? I guess I will find out shortly. Using my cane then guiding the blind man by a blind man, I helped him to the wall. Well, almost, because I nearly accidently ran Lucio into Michael who moved out of the way. Apologizing to him, I heard Mr. Brownsworth say towards my direction, "Mr. Lanceful, you will be with Ms. Hashomi for the remaining of this period."

Before I was able to say anything else, Owen and others said, "ooh... someone is going back to the principle's office. You know you should not have come back, Carry." Owen finished with snark in his voice.

"Mr. Parks, keep your mouth shut unless you know what's really going on. I don't care if you and Lucio are in training for the royal guard, you will not disrespect him. For those who have not heard, both Lucio and Owen are being trained by captain Jack and Lieutenant Sky from our own Futuramous military."

"And you didn't bother to tell me Lucio?" Crystal asked.

"I... uh... I was going to tell you but—"

"Uh huh... yeah, when?" She placed her hands on her hips. "Did I not give you my number for instance like this?"

"Uh... no." He said slowly, but cautiously.

"Oh my. I thought I did. Either way, we had Phycology together. You could've told me during then."

"If you are done, I want the rest of you at the East gym."

With nods, Crystal finished with, "don't think we're finished yet, Lucio." She aggressively pulled him by the hand.

With a smirk from Griselda then a nod from Mr. Brownsworth, she said towards me who was leaning against the wall with my arms crossed, "okay Carry. Come with me to the South balcony." Without saying anything else, she gave me her elbow then started guiding me up the stairs.

"Can't get enough of me huh?" I said with a slight grin on my lips.

"I guess I can't now can I." She play flirted with me that  brought my slight grin into a smirk. Not saying anything else until we made it up the stairs, before I was able to say anything more, she placed her finger by my lips then as we turned left instead of right where my class and I went to yesterday for programing our bodies into Futuramous  then we went through another set of doors which, in front of us, is the dance room/ yoga room. As she pushed open the door then issued me in. Closing it, with a sigh, she said, "I know you have questions and I am going to answer them, but back there, we had to leave from prying ears because what I told Mr. Brownsworth is considered a little white lie."

"Are we safe for right now?" I asked standing there waiting for further instructions.

"For right now, yes, but I am afraid that we only have less than an hour for what I have in stall for you."

"And you told Mr. Brownsworth..." I allowed her to finish my sentence.

Stumbling for a response, with a moment of quietness as she started tapping on some keys. Finally, she said, "I told him from the behalf's of Mr. Matters, I told Mr. Brownsworth that I will need to take you upstairs for further examinations due to your mind set for the upcoming tournament because of your actions from yesterday. You know, to make sure you are permitted to be qualified for your match on Monday?"

"Yeah... but that was a white lie, right? Then what is your true motive for bringing me into the dance room?"

With another sigh, she said, "the truth is, I was given permission from Sammy Sung to allow you to join me in Futuramous by using my account. Normally you cannot join by using another's account due to information leaks. However, since I am an admin with the okay from Sammy herself, I can bring you with me if you agree to meet up with a friend of hers."

"And that might be?" I crossed my arms again curious of who Sammy would want me to see. Well, I mean hear since... you know, I'm blind and such. Uh... fuck it. Just read the fucken story reader so I can think alone.

"You know her." I felt that she winked towards me. "Are you coming, or are you going to just stand their like one of those manakins?"

"One more question?"

"We don't have all day." She said tapping her foot that I heard.

"Are you the one who will be training me?" I asked approaching the equipment.

With her placing the bands around my wrists and a bandana for full immersive gameplay. Looking at her screen so she can teleport us to Futuramous, she said, "I'll tell you more once we get in. All I will tell you is that I was able to transfer your information into my device so you'll be playing with your own character instead of mine." Giving her a nod, we were transported into the echoey room of the saferoom. Hearing some music coming from the speakers from up above, telling me to use, (guide) which is an accessibility feature that allows me to be guided to the person that I am locked on and as I followed her while hearing a voice coming from my installed headset, She said, "so, I am not able to train you like I want to because first, what I am doing right now, is against the rules since you are restricted from Futuramous. Because of me working with Sammy Sung, I was given this opportunity to at least give you this one day of training to see how fast I can level you up with combat practice. However, your training from here is not over just yet because the person that I will have you meet, she will guide you to another person who can, just as long you don't get on her sharp end of her blade then, you are good."

Stepping outside into the cool 66-degree afternoon of Garth and by my interface, it also told me that it is currently cloudy with a chance of rain in the next hour and as I allowed the door to close, I asked, "then who are we meeting?"

As soon as those words came out from my mouth, a familiar voice called out and said, "Hello Carry."

Stopping in my spot, I heard three decisions from my device telling me: (fight, fleet, or speak.) Choosing (speak) I replied with shock, "Aislinn?"

Hearing her chuckling in such a mellifluous way that even I nearly ended up like Lucio from yesterday gawking at Crystal, she said, "I completely forgot that being such a low level, you still are demanded to use roll playing controls just until you hit level 20 when you can disable those silly options. I consider them as a nuisance because what if you need to run, but your body it just stuck there just until you click on that silly option. I just consider it as a hindrance, but designers are designers." Clicking on (speak) I felt my body give and allowed me to move around in conversation mode.

Identifying her level, I was given half of her information such as:

Aislinn's Stats:

Name: Aislinn no last name

Level 1 Bard

Rank: ???

Strength: 15

Agility: 19

Dexterity: 13

Cognition: 24

Perception: 24

HP: 100/100

MP: 240/ 240


Singing: LV 50

Charisma: LV 90

Persuasion: 50

Instruments: LV 75

After looking over her stats, the first thing that caught my attention is that I couldn't see her rank which means, she's higher than me, but why can I still see her stats? The second thing that caught my attention is that how does she have such high stats even as a level 1? Then my third question is that how can she disable the roll playing controls if she is the same level as I am? Feeling her eyes on me, she must have seen the confusion in my eyes because she asked, "You seem confused, if I may ask, what is on your mind?"

Thinking on my feet and preying that it wouldn't be disrespectful since it is people's privacy of their own stat sheet, but telling her, "how is it that I can't read your rank but I can read your stats? Also, how is that you can disable the roll playing controls?" I felt that I might've made a mistake for asking and as I wanted for her answer, I could tell that she was pondering my question carefully.



Feeling surprised that even being a rank below her that he can still read her stats, she started thinking to herself, __so, Sammy is telling me the truth, but even if he is an S rank, he should not be able to read my stats even if I did hide my information from him which, I did for these purposes only so he wouldn't believe that I would backstab a newcomer and as it seems, he broke through it which tells me, he's no ordinary S rank. He must be a high S that can possibly push to G rank and if that is correct, he can be a threat. What is his motive level?__ Scanning him quickly, she saw that there must have been a glitch in the system because now, it shows that he is a 100%? __Hmm... even after snapping off at us, his levels are still so high. Normally, including myself, it's extremely hard to even achieve 100% motive level because in order to have it, you have to be a saint to Futuramous. When thinking about myself, the highest that I was able to achieve was a 90%. I don't seem to understand, but if he is a 100%, then I guess I can trust him. Now the biggest question is, why am I judging him anyway? I know that I had a hard life while growing up, but that doesn't mean that I should treat him any different from anyone else. Maybe I'm looking at him on how he is looking at me. He doesn't trust me because I was with my sister who is an assassin and here I am judging him just because he's nearly my rank. I mean... it wouldn't bother me if he didn't have anti-manna, but having such an ability can throw this world into chaos and if the designers are choosing not to address this anomaly, it must be due to higher officials which gets me thinking... who is that woman that I use to see who would visit King Andrew? Looks like I'm going to have to do my own research. Well, it doesn't matter now. If Sammy feels like she can trust him and since she's a dean of his high school. I guess I can give him the benefit of the doubt and hell, Sammy has been a great friend ever sense I've been a little girl when I was critically sick in the hospital and since she has a great eye for things like this, why not trust her?__ Noticing that Carry was still waiting for an answer, she completely forgot to answer him and with her cheeks turning red she finally replied.


Continuing to wait for Aislinn to respond, Griselda said, "what a nice dress you have on Aislinn."

"Huh?" She finally came too back to planet Futuramous, she finally got herself together and replied, "oh... yeah. Sorry. I just zoomed out for a minute. I do apologize. For you Carry, I am wearing a bright iridescent dress that changes from the colors of yellow, orange, and pink. Back with your question, my stats are given by King Andrew for reasonings I cannot say right now and for my rank. Unfortunately, at this moment right now I cannot answer that truthfully for reasonings that is currently hard to describe and since we have limited of time between yours and Griselda's training time which, I will be there for the Edison's tournament, but I can tell you that the reason why I can turn off the controls for roll playing mechanics is as you've seen, my skills are all above level 20 and so, it doesn't matter if I have a level one."

Feeling in disbelief of what she have just told me, taking a deep breath then telling myself that I knew that it was the best plan to tell my classmates because even though none of her stats show any boosting enhancements, but she can easily use her instruments to do just that. Preying that Sammy will keep her word that I will not be struck down from any assassination and that we're just gonna have a casual conversation of who is going to train me after today.

"First, before we do anything, I do apologize again that you felt threatened from my sisters and my class. It is unfortunately that my sister is in that line of work then seeing me with her, I can understand why you would flip and I will agree that what you did. If I was in your shoes especially seeing an assassin and a bard, must likely, I would do the same thing. So, I don't want you to think that I am upset about what you said because what I want you to understand is that even if my sister had instructions to__" She took a deep breath then released and continued on her next set of words then said, "kill you all. I would never participate in such an act. Honestly, I do not know what she fully does or who she fully works for and I do know that you think that it is an excuse, but whatever she does, I cannot control, I cannot predict, and I will never try to figure it out because I will never participate in whatever she is a part of." Pausing for a minute, she finished by saying, "follow me. We can finish our conversation once we make it to my own private training ground that is just a few blocks down." Using my controls to lock onto Aislinn, I started to think to myself that this is where they will ambush me and I will not be able to defend myself. However, as we continued to walk across the intersection of a four-lane highway, all I heard were the flying cars above us, the sounds of birds chirping from the nearby buildings, and the sound of the wind as it blew passed us. With Aislinn slowing down until she was next to me and Griselda behind me not saying much, she continued off of her last conversation. "Listen, I know that we got off on the wrong foot and I do want to help not just because Sammy told me to but genuinely. I am interested especially since you do have such a high rank of S and I guess I can be distrusting of others and normally I don't say this, but when I saw your motive level at 0,I was very weary of you, but as soon as you stood up for your classmates, something told me that there had to be some kind of glitch in the system because if you had a motive level of 0, you would have backstab them and escape as soon as you noticed there was trouble. I know you are very observant even without sight and so, that's why to offer you something."

As we turned down the block on what felt like cobble  ground for horses and as I listened to Aislinn trying to figure out her game, I finally said, "observant yes, my mom always told me to be careful towards others and now since I do have a high rank which I am still shocked to even have because I do not deserve it and for whatever reason this game me this rank. I have no clue because I wasn't born from a noble. Well, at least that I don't know of since I do not know who my father is and my mother haven't played Futuramous ever since I was born because she told me that she has overgrown such childish mechanics and that it is made only for the next generation. So, my question for you is, how is it that you can read me?" Then suddenly, I stopped in my tracks with Griselda running right into me nearly having me face plant into the cobble ground and as I regained my balanced, Aislinn questioned me of why did I stop but as soon I gave her a suspicious glance, she quickly knew why.

Hesitating to answer since I heard it in her voice, she said, "can we please make it to the training center?" She gave Griselda a pleading look telling her that, that type of conversation belongs in a confidential place where there is no prying eavesdroppers.

With Griselda finally saying something since she has been quiet for majority of our conversation or more or less, Aislinn talking my ears off explaining her innocence, Griselda finally said, "uh... Carry. Just like you, that is also pretty personal. Whenever we have time, maybe... Aislinn will tell you but for right now, let's make it to the training arena before we run out of time."

Giving both of them a nod, I said after a while as we approached an open arch, which Griselda started describing the many statues of king Andrew in his human and his draconic form. Once Aislinn stepped passed the pillars of different decorations, and as we stepped next to a panel where she placed her information in, I said, "so, who would you like me to train with if Griselda is not able to?"

Stepping into an open space where I can hear my shoes cling off  of the floor that echoed off of the walls that are around us, with Griselda telling me that the floor was made out of black shiny marble and the pillar that the statues are sitting on seem to be made out of stone and other minerals and if we stared up towards the sealing, there is this million-dollar crystal chandelier hanging over us. Now, I can honestly say that I've just stepped into a nobles house.

Trying to keep my astonishment off of my face while failing at it because I felt Aislinn's eyes on me expectantly and by the feel of them, it also followed a smirk. When she coughed to grab my attention, she placed a note in my hands and asked, "can your device read handwritten notes? If not, then I will send it to your device."

"If it was digitally printed then yes. Anything else, unfortunately, no." I said.

"Well, then I will send it to your device, but I will tell you who you will be meeting up and the digital note will guide you to an address where you will find her. However, I do want you to give that note to the woman who will train you. Before you ask why or how, it's because she owes me a favor." As she crossed her arms, I could hear a smile starting to build as she continued describing this so-called woman that will train me. By the sound of it, this woman is a capable fighter and it also sounds like she knows her pretty well. Once she finished, a full-blown smirk appeared on her lips which told me that whatever is going on, it must be payback in some kind of silly game that they are playing and by the looks of things, it seems that Aislinn has won.

Shaking my head, I asked, "who is this woman that I will be training with? And what is this building that I will need to search for?"

With her smirk turning into a huge smile, she said, "the place you will be going to is called Eris Run Down Tavern."

"What a mouthful." I chuckled by the bizarre of it.

With a chuckle of her own, she replied, "yeah, but most of us call it the run-down bar because the outside looks like a dump, but once you go in, you'll find that it has a wrestling arena for people I guess... to beat the living crap out of each other and also, I guess  she gets a kick out of it. As a warning for you, she can be pretty... violent, but once you give her that note, she won't put a finger on you, but if you just sit in there and not order anything, then she's either going to throw you out or in the ring."

"That's reinsuring." I said sarcastically.

"Sounds like my kind of lady. Say, do you know if she fights in tournaments? Because by the sound of it, she sounds like she can be a beast on the battlefield.""

"Mmm..." she thought about while trying not to let anything to slip. "She did, but she has retired but I can tell you is that she is still pretty good and before you ask, she will even tell you herself that she is not interested in a  spar. It will be hard enough for Carry to persuade her even with my note but because of her det of gratitude, she owes me one favor and if she does give you issues Carry. I will situate it myself so she does accept you." She winked towards Griselda who didn't seem to understand what the hell Aislinn was talking about.

"That's great and all, but what is her name?" I asked while tapping my foot in impatience.

Giving me an oh with her mouth just by her voice of sarcasm, she said, "Oh? You should've just asked instead of me just rambling on, on how dangerous she is." Giving her a disbelieving sigh, she giggled like a child which actually placed a grin on my lips and said, "her name is Cassady."Start writing your story

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