JJ Jones Skins Oneshots

By JadennaGoof

335 4 3


Meeting the guys
Boring disclaimers for the Karen's
what are we?
Pandora's Girls Only Party

A party to remember

55 0 0
By JadennaGoof

"Are you sure he isn't gonna flip out or something? I don't think he likes me very much..." you say over the phone to Katie, your newest 'bestie'

Everything about her seemed fake. From her attitude to her love life and most definitely her friendship. She's the oldest sister to a twin so your first thought was that she just wants someone else she can get away with bossing around.

"You'll be fine...if he says anything to you I'll break his nose promise. I'll pick you up in an hour with Effy and Pandora babes. Wear something hot. Pubs are full of sexy men" Katie replies

"Okay...fine....wait, don't you have a boyfrie-" You begin but she hangs up on you.

"Oh my god...what am I even gonna wear? Who even plans a party this short notice? Oh right. Cook. I wonder if JJ's gonna be there...I mean why wouldn't he be?"

You begin to go through several outfit choices deciding on this:

Once you put it on you throw on some eyeshadow, lipgloss and quickly run a brush through your hair and before you know it Katie's throwing stones at your window instead of knocking the front door like a normal person.

You stick your head out the window and roll your eyes

"I'm coming!" You whisper shout as you run around slipping some heels on that you can barely walk in because Katie insists you wear them.

You all arrive at the pub that looks kind of run down with letters missing on the front.

"Is this the place...?" Katie asks looking at Effy for reassurance. She just shrugs though.

Pandora opens the door not having any sense at all for danger

"Well there's only one way to find out" she then walks inside.

"Panda- wait!" Katie goes in after her leaving you and Effy outside

You haven't really spoken to Effy much. That's because she hardly speaks unless she's spoken to or until she wants to speak. So the silence is just a bit weird.

"Are you going to go in then?" She asks you

You look at her and smile nervously

"Of course um...it's just that...me and Cook got off on the wrong foot when we first met so...I don't wanna upset him by showing up" you say quietly

Effy just stares at you and smiles throwing her cigarette on the floor.

"Come on, let's head inside. He won't do anything" she reassures you and takes your wrist dragging you inside.

As you head inside you see Cook chugging beer while some big old guy, apparently his uncle, cheers him on. You notice JJ and your eyes meet for a split second and you look away immediately. He's about to approach you but Katie steps in front of him.

"Hey bestie, I wondered where you was. This parties a bit shit. Sorry for making you wear heels. There's not one fit guy within a mile from here." Katie says laughing

You however look over her shoulder at JJ who's gaze still hasn't left your direction. You blush and look back at Katie

"You okay Y/N? You're looking a bit flushed. Do you want some powder on your face to hide it?" She asks

You shake your head as you see Cook approaching you. You're just about to piss yourself but he comes up and hugs you.

Katie backs up and everyone just stares as he pulls you into a warm embrace. You don't even hug him back you just keep your hands pinned at your sides until he finally let's go of you and kisses your forehead. You look at him confused

"You alright princess? Didn't think you'd show if I'm being honest. It's about time some sex appeal entered the pub"  he said smiling at you

You just stared at him with wide eyes and he laughed loudly

"Ya look like you've seen a ghost mate are ya alright?" He says squeezing your shoulders and smiling

You swallow hard and nod

"Fine...I'm fine...um...happy birthday...?" You say, your voice dry as anything.

Cook pulls you over to the bar and orders you a larger beer

"I...don't drink" You mumble

"Suit yourself." He says before chugging it.

'Why is he being so nice?' You thought to yourself as you all sat in a booth watching Cook neck shot after shot. You glanced at JJ not feeling his eyes leave you once so you decided to stare back causing him to turn bright red and look down

Emily and Naomi show up and sit with you all

"Ugh who invited her..." Katie complains nudging you as if to say you should laugh but you just remain silent.

"I brought a cake-" Emily began as she set it on the table.

JJ reached out for some but Cook slapped his hand away and began eating it like a wild animal that had never seen food before. Everyone stared in astonishment as he scoffed the whole thing.

"What the fuck..." Emily said looking around at everyone to see if they saw what she did.

"This party is shit!" Katie piped up. Causing everyone to join in and agree.

Cook looked at you intently "Do you think this parties shit?"

You avoided everyone's expectant gaze and stared at your bracelet

"Um...." you mumbled

"Speak up for God's sake man" He said getting annoyed

"I-" you said a little louder but you got interrupted by JJ

"Yes Cook. This party is a bit of a shit show. We're all gathered around the table like a bunch of 40 year old divorcees watching you stuff your face with a first class ticket to diabetes and liver failure." JJ says seemingly unbothered by what Cooks reaction will be

You look up at him and cant help but smile, he returns the smile with a rosy glow on his cheeks

Cook flips out and smacks the table

"Well fuck yous then! Can't appreciate a good fucking party can ya? Ungrateful twats" he stands up and goes outside.

You all look at one another in silence.

>Timeskip to Karen's friends engagement party<

You all approached some venue where Cook claimed there would be an actual party. As everyone walked ahead you trailed behind, mostly because of the stupid fucking heels that were cutting your feet. You tried your best to walk with a sway in your hips like Katie effortlessly did but yours was more of a guy in heels walk. Everyone walked ahead but you noticed JJ slowing down. Glancing back at you every so often.

Eventually you all got to stop as Cook tried to persuade the security to let everyone in. You bent down and tried to fix your heels that were cutting into your feet. You were so preoccupied you didn't notice JJ walking over until he spoke.

"Are you alright, y/n?" He asked curiously.

You whipped your head up and immediately stood up. Even in heels JJ was slightly taller than you so you still had to tilt your head up ever so slightly to look into his eyes. You fixed your skirt and smiled slightly nodding

"Oh...yeah I'm fine JJ. Just...these heels are cutting into my feet and it really hurts like a lot..." you say softly with a small smile

JJ stares into your eyes like a lost puppy, his gaze shifting from your left eye to your right. And every so often your lips. You both just stare at each other that is until Katie drags you by your arm into the venue that Cook somehow managed to get you all into.
In the venue it's full of a mix of middle aged and university aged people. You look around as Katie drags you into a back room where you're all cramped together. Cook gets out a little packed of snorty stuff and everyone takes turns having some. However, JJ doesn't. You decide against it too but you're pressured into it by Emily.

You inhale some of the powder and cough shaking your head and rubbing your nose. The others laugh at you and JJ looks concerned. The laughing stops when Pandora eats the whole packet.

(I've never done any drugz so I got no idea what coke does. I'm using my knowledge from Google and watching skins so don't hold me to the effects of it  lmao)

"What the fuck??" Cook exclaims as Pandora swallows it.

She looks confused and everyone leaves the cramped space and into the main hall, Pandora pulls you onto the dance floor with Effy and Katie and you all begin dancing...

Around 30 minutes in you start to feel the effects of the coke, you get really excited and giggly. You start dancing, Katie notices and dances with you, JJ watches with Freddie from a distance as your dancing starts to get more sexual and confident. Definitely drawing attention.

"U-um Freddie..should we go and get her?" JJ asks not taking his eyes off you

Freddie's eyes are on Effy, and he smiles "Why? She looks like she's having fun. Plus stopping her would be an eye sore"

JJ bites his lip nervously watchin you eagerly. He then sees John White watching you a little too intensely.

"No...Freds I mean...y/n....Mr white is making me feel uneasy....w-with the way he's watching her and all" JJ says as his eyes go from her to him

Freddie finally looks over at you and then Mr white. He then looks at JJ and nods

"Okay yeah...I see what you-" he begins

Just then all the lights dim and Mr white goes up on stage. You look at him and start laughing loudly, it's due to you being drugged up but he doesn't know that. Katie looks at you and smiles, JJ and Freddie run through the crowd to shush you. Mr white continues on and you laugh even louder, Pandora joins in and you're both a giggling mess. Mr white seems to be getting pissed and walks down. Cook then walks on stage and starts singing drawing Mr whites attention to him. You start dancing to Cooks singing and JJ becomes increasingly concerned while Katie laughs

"Wha-what did you guys give her? Why is she acting this way?" JJ says nervously trying to stop you

Katie looks at JJ with a hint of discust on her face and she walks up to him

"Why are you so bothered? She just had the same as everyone else. Do you like her or something?" Katie says harshly

This causes you to interrupt, pushing Katie weakly

"Yeahhhh I do like him....he's super.....handsome" you say booping JJ on the nose giggling loudly

Katie looks at you in shock, Effy with amusement and JJ blushes profusely with a dorky smile on his face as he stares at you

"What??! No way! She doesn't mean that JJ. She's not herself because of the drugs that's all. Right y/n??" Katie asks you

You smile and roll your eyes at her

"Oh...ssshut up...Katie fucking bitch..." you say before passing out.

You're about to hit the ground but JJ catches you by your underarms. Katie scoffs and attemps to leave. But a fight breaks out. JJ puts you over his shoulder and the gang makes a run for it.

Eventually you all reach an underpass and JJ sets you on the floor while he catches his breath. Everyone's arguing with everyone

"What the fuck Cook??? You couldve gotten us killed!!" Freddie yells

"Guys..." JJ says

"No, I'll tell you what! That fucking y/n is a two faced fucking bitch!!" Katie shouts

"Aw fuck off man, it was fun!" Cook yells back

"Guys." JJ says again

"Nah man. That was the last straw. I can't do it no more!" Freddie yells louder

They all go back and forth yelling over one another while JJ is crouched by your side trying to wake you up. Effy walks over and yells loud enough to shut everyone up. They all look over at you on the floor with JJ

"Fuck! Is she okay??" Katie panics as she runs down by your side grabbing your wrist to check for a steady pulse

"Shit...man...shit!" Freddie puts his hands on his head and paces up and down

Cook walks over "is she alright mate?" He puts his hand on JJ

JJ stands up and grabs Cooks arm. Everyone looks up at him

"Does she look alright...mate..." JJ says calmly

Cook smiles seeming to take JJ for a joke however everyone else is on edge.

"I mean she looks a bit battered but other than tha-" Cook says smugly

JJ then snaps.

"Youre a selfish, uncaring, FUCKING PRICK. YOU DONT GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT ANYONE. NOT EVEN YOURSELF." He yells with a tight grip on Cooks arm.

Cook flinches and looks surprised. Infact everyone does. Freddie's quick to rush to JJs side to try and calm him down

"Hey...hey....JJ..it's okay...shhh....." Freddie pulls him into a hug

JJ pulls away and rushes to your side moving your hair out of your face and feeling your forehead

"No, it'll be okay when y/n's okay." JJ says firmly while picking you up and flinging you over his shoulder

Katie stands up and fixes your skirt while shaking her head at Cook in disapproval.

"What's the plan now then?" Katie asks JJ

JJ holds onto you tightly and sighs

"I'm going to take her home of course" JJ says confidently

Cook laughs loudly and shakes his head

"It's 2am mate...ya can't take her home to her parents as a boy are you mad" He says inbetween laughs

JJ looks nervously at Freddie for advice

"As much as I hate to say it JJ...Cook has a point. You can't just dump her on her doorstep in that state...at 2am..on a Saturday night." Freddie adds

Katie puts her hands on her hips and smiles at him

"Take her back to your place if you like her so much." She says

JJ seems nervous. Taking his crush to his place after he's only met her twice seemed bad...but he'd be lying if he said he didn't want to do that. So he agreed and took you to his place.

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