
By LizzyPeltonWrites

1K 196 21

A harmless arrangement. A harmless great thing. While Eva has always known her powerful Father would arrange... More

Roman Empire
I Do
Regret and Choice
First Date
Stay With Me
That's My Wife!
I Will
Our Future


63 12 1
By LizzyPeltonWrites


Our week at the lake was as close to perfect as I could imagine.

Perfect for us means a splash of chaos, of course.

We slept in every day then had brunch before relaxing on the dock or hiking in the woods.  Eva found a perfect climbing tree on our second full day and got a nasty gash on her leg when we were playing around. I got some gorgeous photos while the light was filtering through maple leaves then tried not to panic when she gasped in pain after catching her calf on a sharp branch.

Thankfully a nearby Urgent Care only had to give her 3 stitches. It looked a lot worse than it is but the Doctor gave a normal spiel about keeping the wound clean and using antibacterial ointment.

My Angel is clumsy but handled it like a champ. She apologized for messing up our trip while I just felt guilty she got injured. In the end we came to the agreement that neither of us need to feel bad when life happens.

All we can do is keep moving ahead.

While we were in town we stopped at a coffee shop and checked our email, then spent about an hour catching up on work. I also insisted we stop at a pharmacy for more first aid supplies as well as more beer. Eva suggested grabbing dinner while we were at it so we found a small bistro with incredible vegetarian options and a patio.

Every day was more relaxing than the last. I somehow mastered the grill after only burning two veggie burgers while she made the best homemade salsa and guacamole I have ever eaten.  We took out a whole family size bag of tortilla chips making veggie nachos one night with no regrets.

My Angel and I work well as a team but are also endlessly willing to compete when given the opportunity.

We spent evenings relaxing inside by the fireplace or on the deck with the firepit blazing. My wife mentioned getting ingredients for s'mores since she knows which brands were safe for her. I had not roasted a marshmallow since I was a child when I went camping with a friend's family so the idea created yet another amazing memory.

The first s'more I enjoyed in probably 25 years was absolutely incredible. Each of us ate way too much but that is to be expected.  We also drank too much a couple of evenings, mostly thanks to talking for hours on the dock or by the firepit.  I learned that Eva cannot handle any loud noises when she's hungover and she learned I get nauseous smelling anything but bread if I've had too much to drink.

It was a fitting adjustment.  Our first morning was rough but we took it in stride.  Eva wore her sunglasses and one of my hoodies while making toast while I groaned in bed, then brought our coffee along with the food so we could stay put.  She has meds on hand like Tylenol as well as a lot of stronger pain and anxiety prescriptions.  I had no idea that my wife's parents would basically keep her drugged up sometimes when she was younger so she was more compliant.  It's a miracle she does not deal with addiction... except to caffeine.

Fishing was even more successful than I expected, though I caught my finger on a hook and Eva had to carefully get the barb out while I tried to not whine. She numbed the area with ice after steering us back to the cabin and I was relieved my tetanus shot had been updated a couple months ago.

It could have been worse, of course. In the end my finger was sore but nowhere near as bad as the cut on her leg. There was no way I wanted to go to Urgent Care for something so tiny when Eva is willing to help.

A storm rolled in halfway through our time but we stayed where we were, enjoying grilled cheese and soup while watching the clouds from our bed. I never feel like I have to fill the silence with my Angel. We are comfortable talking about whatever is on our minds or just relaxing as lightning crashes through the sky. I picked up a crossword puzzle book while we were in town so it was fun to solve puzzles together but we each had books to read and enjoyed our chance to unplug.

Our physical connection slowly intensified, as well. Eva quickly became even more affectionate and I began initiating more often. What started as tentative brief kisses turned into make out sessions where we finally separated then I took a shower. She enjoys teasing me and I do not mind the tension.

It has become obvious that while I started calling my wife "Angel," she is more than capable of sin.

We made our way home late on Saturday afternoon so we could get settled Sunday before work on Monday. I was dreading the necessity that is going back to the office but have a lot to catch up on after leaving early Thursday, working remote Friday, then vacation for a week.  Our short stops at a coffee shop in town allowed me to catch up on a few things but there are projects piling up that need to be handled.

"How do you feel, Jaanu?" Eva asked me as we got closer to home.

I smiled at the nickname that makes my heart flutter every time she says it, then sighed, "I kinda want to just stay in the cabin forever.  We will have to visit again when we have the chance."

She let out a breathy laugh while slipping her hand into mine. "So, would it be okay if we keep sleeping in the same bed?"

Her question made a grin spread on my face. "I think we are going to need to. Will you move into my room? The bed is bigger and we would have more space."

"I thought my bed was more comfortable?"

"I think that was just because you were there, Angel," I confessed. "The small bed in the cabin was perfect even though the sheets were scratchy and my feet hung off the end."

Eva giggled at my comment and leaned into me as I pulled off the highway. "We can get things moved through the week. I will get my name legally changed, too. It should be easy enough to run over to the Social Security office Tuesday when I have a couple other appointments.  I have a copy of our marriage license ready to go."


She nodded, "I want to make sure my diploma has my married name. My Father may be angry at the change but would understand the desire to make sure the public buys into our relationship. This is what I want and will piss him off. That's what we call a win/win."

I thought for a moment then asked, "Do you think he ever expected you to be happy with what he chose to do?"

"Absolutely not. He just hoped his decisions would have a good impact on his platform. My happiness never mattered."

We were quiet before she added, "I mean, my Mother reassured me that you were a good man but my opinions and feelings have never meant anything to either of them. I'm really happy, Jay. Happy with you, with our marriage... especially now that we are getting closer."

"How much closer do you want to get?" I asked with a growl.

Eva shuddered which made me grin. "Let's get home so we can decide that in our room together."

Sara was waiting as we pulled into the driveway and looked worried, approaching the car when I put it in park. I opened my door as she stated, "The Whitestone's will be here in about an hour. The Governor said he texted you but I reminded him you did not have service so he insisted."

"Shit. My phone died earlier and I didn't charge it yet," I groaned, grabbing the cooler from our car. "Let's hurry and get everything unloaded.  Thank you, Sara."

We made quick work of getting laundry tucked away while Eva moved her toiletries and some clothes to my room. 

Our room.

That simple shift makes me happier than I ever expected.  Everything that once only belonged to me is now shared with a woman I love.... a woman that chose me.

Sara let us know she has a vegetarian lasagna in the oven along with fresh bread and tiramisu which smelled amazing.  My wife threatened to swipe some of the custard from our dessert but it was perfectly covered in cocoa powder so she knew it would be noticeable.

I changed into khaki pants and a button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up my forearms while Eva picked a pale pink long cotton dress that made her tan even more golden. She wove her hair into a French braid that trailed down her shoulder then swiped on simple makeup.  Eva calls it a Katniss braid, since that's how the heroine of the "Hunger Games" movies wears her hair.

My breath caught as she brushed on bronzer across her cheeks then down her neck and collarbones. She smiled at me through the mirror and turned, leaning back against the bathroom counter. "I'm sorry for the interruption."

"It's not your fault. We should have known this would happen."

Eva nodded, then let out a long sigh. "I will let them know about the name change while they're here. May as well drop that bomb in person."

The doorbell rang and I leaned closer to kiss Eva hard. She let out a moan then wrapped her arms around me before I gently gripped her chin. "Let's get this over with so we can discuss what the word closer means to each of us."

Her hand stayed in mine as we descended the staircase while her parents took off their shoes at the door. "Ah, Evangeline. How was your trip?" the Governor asked, presenting a bottle of wine to Sara so she could open it for us to enjoy.

I smiled brightly and turned to my wife as she blushed. "It was a wonderful break after finishing school. We hiked in the woods, went fishing, and relaxed on the deck... I'm glad I have a husband that set up something so perfectly suited for us.   On the drive home I was browsing fire pits on Amazon since we are going to need to make s'mores all the time now."

Her parents looked surprised at her response and her Mother studied both of us closely. "You have a lovely tan, Eva.  Sounds like a relaxing break after finishing college strong then dealing with such a terrifying allergic reaction.  I am sure the extra rest was needed knowing how hard you have worked to succeed at school."

We welcomed them inside and I poured each of us a glass of wine as we sat at the table to enjoy a salad. Sara let us know dinner would be ready in about a half hour so we made small talk about the Governor's work as well as our plans now that we are home.

I have never treated Sara like hired help. She is essentially a housemate, sharing space while getting paid for the extra work. The fact that Eva was the same way from our wedding day means a lot to me. Seeing the Governor essentially treat a woman that helped raise me and was my Amma's best friend like she does not matter hurts my heart.

There is nothing we can actually do to fix the issue except make sure Sara knows that we do not share his opinion.  He will probably always have some power over my wife.  That is to be expected, but we will continue allowing our relationship to blossom no matter what they choose to do.

Once dinner was served he looked at me closely but Eva cleared her throat. "Father? I wanted to inform you I will be changing my last name this week.  My husband and I agreed it made the most sense to have my married name on my diploma for appearance sake so I am sure you understand.  The press is aware this was an arranged marriage, of course, but that does not take away our responsibility to do what is appropriate."

He sat back slightly at her statement and I realized this may be the first time she ever told him something she was going to do instead of following her parents' instructions. This newfound confidence made me beam, especially since I knew it was because of the way our relationship has grown.


We have bloomed.

The Governor let out a long breath then nodded, "That is a good point, Evangeline." He paused before continuing, "I was informed that you were injured while away so we wanted to make sure everything was okay."

Eva laughed lightly and rolled her eyes before looking at me with a glimmer of mischief in her expression. "You know how clumsy I am. We found a tree I wanted to climb but I fell and got a cut on my leg. Jay was so sweet, though. He rushed me to Urgent Care so I could get a couple stitches then insisted we get more first aid supplies before eating dinner at a lovely little place downtown.  Oh, Mother, they had the most delicious olive oil poached fish I have ever eaten.  Just perfect."

Pearl gasped as her daughter spoke and looked between us. "You climbed a tree?"

I chuckled then pulled out my phone to show them a gorgeous picture of my wife grinning from above where I stood. "Eva insisted so I was there to spot her but she got caught on a jagged branch on her way down. To be fair, I got a fishing hook stuck in my pointer finger a day later and it took my sweet wife about an hour to numb the area and get it taken care of for me.  It was not a bad injury at all, but I tend to be dramatic.  Looks like a splash of chaos will follow us where we go."

My wife gave me a winning smile as Governor Whitestone looked at the photo.  He seemed to warm a bit as he could see how happy his daughter is.  Maybe there is hope that her parents truly care but just have no idea how to show it.

He finally replied, "Well, I am glad everything turned out okay. We were concerned but hoped you would notify us of anything serious."

"I can show you the wound if you would like, but it is not as bad as it seemed. I got 3 stitches and was honestly more annoyed than anything else.  Jay has an updated tetanus shot so it was good we could handle his injury from the cabin."

Her parents relaxed but I was unnerved by the way they knew so much about something that happened in a small town 3 hours away. Are they following us? Do they really have connections everywhere?

Once dinner was finished Pearl asked for a tour of the house. Eva showed them the room she used before and laughed about how she did not want to take over my entire closet before we allowed them to peek into the Master suite. The Governor stepped inside and seemed to relax when he noticed makeup and hair products on the bathroom counter as well as her phone charging on the side table. I led them to the back deck we planned to use more now that summer was starting, relaxing by the patio table we have never used.

"We will have to invite you over for a barbecue after Eva's graduation ceremony," I offered with a smile as my arm easily slipped around my wife's waist.

Pearl smiled and nodded happily, "That would be wonderful.  Eva mentioned you're getting good at shrimp kebabs and veggie burgers."

"Oh, we had the most amazing roast potatoes with peppers and mushrooms at the lake, too.  Jay even put some garlic on the grill to roast ," Eva noted.  "Jay is continuing to learn more about how to grill so it's been fun to watch him evolve in his skill level."

Her parents joined us for pieces of tiramisu on the deck as the sun set then apologized for stopping by without warning. I let them know we RSVP'd for the donor dinner in July and would be laying low awhile longer as Eva adjusted to her new hours at the museum.

It was a more peaceful evening than I expected but questions filled my mind while we showed them out. Sara had gone to her apartment and the house was quiet while I shut off lights and Eva grabbed us each a glass of water. She let out a loud yawn on our way up the steps which made me grin.

"You okay?" I asked.

She chuckled and nodded, "It's been a long week and that was not something I anticipated facing tonight." Eva seemed to notice my anxious energy and paused as I shut the bedroom door. "Are you?"

"How did they know about you getting hurt?" I was careful to school my tone so she knew it was a genuine question and not accusation. The last thing I want is to make this conversation even more difficult than it already will be.

"I'm still on their insurance so I assume that's how."

"Ohhh...." my eyes widened at her statement and I huffed out a laugh. "Well, I will get you added to my health insurance on Monday. We still need to get you a new phone as well."

"I'll have my own insurance with my new job but I'm okay either way," Eva said with a smile. "Honestly, though, I have a feeling my parents will find a way to track us down no matter what we do. We could be on a private island and somehow Father will know what kind of Margarita's I drank at dinner."

"You never have any privacy?"

She shook her head while approaching and wrapped her arms around my waist. "Not until I married you. They may be overbearing and powerful but even my Father would not want to know every single detail about our relationship." Eva was quiet a minute then shared, "It was a relief to see how kind you are. I really didn't know what to expect so you've been a surprise all along, Jaanu."

I leaned in and kissed her gently, my hands tracing her sides before I pulled her closer. "I promise to protect you, Angel. I will give you the life you deserve."

"You already have."

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