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The story is a veryyyyy interested story read to find out love😘 More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 6

183 10 0

Skyler Nelson/Sky (18)
March 18,Monday

Feeling someone slightly shake my body I hissed and pull the sheet up more to my neck.

Sky a time fi uh wake up now I heard someone said, slowly opening my eyes I stared at Jamal sitting in front of me smiling.

A wah I asked. Just a watch how uh ugly when uh just wake. Fuck off and move from yah suh I said as I feel for my phone on the bedside table.

Taking up my phone I looked at the time and it was 6o clock.

Fuck uh a wake mi up suh early fah Jamal and school nuh start till 8

Uh nuh have uh sis fi get ready are she nah guh a school.

Shit I said jumping up out of bed running to Kaylee's room and I hit my hand on the door.

Ouch I said rubbing the spot. Fuck a uh Jamal said while laughing.

Hate the fucka uh see him just terrible.
Mi fi get seh mommy nuh deh yah enuh.

My dad hire a taxi to bring Kaylee to school everyday so all I have to do is get her ready.

I went into kaylee's room and she was still a sleep.

Kaylee, I called as I gently shake her leg. She turned but did not opened her eyes. Kay baby uh have to wake up now I said as I shake her again and she slowly open her eyes.

She sat up and the bed and I playfully squeezed her cheek and she smiled.

Uh can cool off and go take ur shower. I already take out ur uniform it's on the bed right there I said pointing to the uniform on the bed.

What do u want for breakfast. My favorite cereal would be nice she said with a smile and I nod.

Kaylee went to the bathroom and I went back to my room and Jamal was not there.

A weh him gone and nuh tell mi.

I then went downstairs and went to the kitchen to make kaylee's breakfast and also pack her lunch pan.

Taking a pot from under the cabinets I put it under the pipe to catch water. I then turn on the stove placing the pot on it.

While waiting for the water to hot I went to sit down around the kitchen counter and went on my phone.

I went on WhatsApp and view a few status, the water was now hot I got up take a bowl and pour the water inside and added the milk and sugar but I did not put the cereal in yet because I don't want it to get saggy.

Kaylee came down after a while and I add the cereal and and place the bowl on the table in font of her and she start eating.

Few minutes after it was now 6:49 am
and the driver was now here to pick her up finishing eating I take the bowl from her and place it in the sink, pick up her bag and walk her outside.

Bye I said with a smile she smiled back and wave. She went into the car and watch as it drive away.

After Kaylee left I went back to my room. I then went to the bathroom and have a shower and went back downstairs to look about breakfast for myself.

I take out 1 egg, 2 frankfurters and 2 nuggets.

After finish frying dem I went to the cupboard and take out 2 slice of bread placing the bread on the plate I went to sit down and start eating while I was eating I try to call Jamal but he did not answer.

What a way him leff and nuh seh nothing to mi.

After I was finished eating I wash the dishes and went back to my room. I then went to the bathroom releases my bladder wipe myself,brush my teeth and do my skin care routine.

Cyah leff and nuh do mi skin care.

I then went back in the room look at my phone and it was now 7:20am.

Shit mi aguh late again fi the people dem class.

Hurrying to put on my clothes I text shanice and tell I will be driving so if she want me to pick her up.

She text back saying no she will drive her self. I replied with a simple okay exiting the chat and lock my phone I take up my bag and exist the room.

Exiting the house I went into my car putting my bag in the backseat I then start the car and drove out.



8:15 am

Arriving at school I went straight to class which was English A.

I entered the class and miss Williams was already writing on the board.

I take a seat at the back taking out my notebook I place it on the desk scanning the classroom to see if Jamal was here but he wasn't.

Wonder a weh him deh and why him nuh reach here yet.

15 minutes after English class end I leave the room and was now heading to accounts class when I saw shanice and Melia talking. I walk up to them and greeted dem.

Girl a weh uh did deh, uh know how long we did stand up a wait pon uh shanice said. Did inna traffic suh mi reach late.

We talk for a while and I told them later because I have accounts class now.

After leaving I went to class and sit down. The teacher was walking around handing out papers she then give me a paper it was to fill out some accounts shit and I hissed.

Mi Nuh like the class enuh suh mnk why mi tek up mi nuff self did come in yah fah.

Trying to do the paper I did what I understand and place my head on the desk.

I will be collecting the papers at the end of class make sure u do everything miss rose said.

15 minutes later

Hearing the bell rings it was now lunch time I put my things in my bag. Handing miss rose the paper I was about to leave the class when I heard her call me.

Skyler come here one minute
Yes miss I said as I walk over to her table. I realized that u haven't been showing much interest in my class if u can't handle the subject or u don't want to do it u can switch and don't waste ur time.

A tell the lady a try tell mi seh she nuh waa mi inna har class under quite. Nuh u seh u nuh like the oman class likkle gyal.

I replied with a simple ok and then walk away.

Walking over to where my friends was I realized it was only Melia, shanice,rere and Jay there.

A weh Jamal deh how mi nuh see him from him leff dis morning and him not even seh nothing to mi.

I sat down looking around the place hoping I could spot him.

Skyler uh okay, shanice asked
Yeah, I said with a smile and she nod

Have any of u see Jamal from morning. Him nuh come school Jay replied.


Suh how him nuh seh nothing to mi him leff dis morning and dont tell mi and mi a call him but him nah ansa.

Him good mn a sumn him gone deal wid a town.

Oh ok.

Suh how uh nuh gone wid him. Mi have training dats why cah mi soon affi cut leff uno mi did go guh wid him stills but him seh him will maths it up.

Oh suh a wah him gone deal wid
Mi nuh know enuh he said while looking out of space. If uh seh suh

Anyways mi aguh home after lunch because mi nuh have no more class.

Yeah same Melia said and shanice looked at us with a pout.

A wah do uh now I asked
It's just that I have a next class after this and u gize are leaving and a mi alone aguh deh yah.

Suh mi a nuh nobody rere said cause mi have one more class to and u a say a u alone aguh deh yah suh mi company nuh count.

Girl mi neva know seh uh did aguh deh yah mi think uh did a leff to.
No sah mi have chemistry girl.

Jay left after a while saying he had training and honestly I could feel some tension

Sumn up.

A mi alone notice. Notice wah Melia asked. Jay just quite from we deh here which is weird cause uno know him always have sumn fi seh to shan.

Yeah mi think a did mi alone seet shanice replied him just look like him a worry bout sumn.

Wonder a wah him a worry bout suh mi just hope Jamal alright enuh.

10 minutes later

Lunch time was now up and I was leaving.

Later my babies I said hugging shanice and rere Melia also joining in.

Amelia and I then leff and she asked if I could drop her off because she did not drive today and I said yes.

Getting to the car Amelia went around the passenger seat I went into the driver's seat and drove off.

Do u ever feel confused about ur love life, Amelia ask me as I turned to look at her and then look back on the road.

Wah uh mean by. Like I don't know but sometimes it feel like I like girls then another time I feel like it's guys and then another time I feel like it's both she said sounding frustrated.

Girl yah bi uh like both pum pum and buddy I said as we both laugh.

I guess ur right but I feel more attracted to girls though. But the thing is people would have a lot fi seh if mi guh deh wid a girl.
Babes at the end of the day u gotta do wat makes uh happy uh cyah a worry bout wat others will say.

Dats true but if mi deh wid a girl uno would a happy bout dat.

Melia it's ur life uh affi do wah mek uh happy and yes mi would a be happy fi uh as long as uh happy girl we good and mi sure the others will agree I said and she smiled.

We talked for a while until the rest of the drive was silent few minutes after I reach her house and she pull the car door.

Thank you she said with a smile
Ur welcome. Love u. Love u more girl I said blowing her a kiss and she smile.

She got out open the gate and went in I then drove off and went straight home.

Right now mi aguh home guh sleep cause mi tired.
Kaylee is either at our auntie house or mommy come back and collect har.

Getting home I get out of the car and went in side the place was quite so I know my mom wasn't back as yet.

Going inside I went straight my room I went into the bathroom pee wipe myself and flush the toilet.

I then wash my hands and went back to the room. I sat on the bed taking up my phone I decided to call Jamal again he still did not answer.

Now mi worried enuh a the first mi ever deh call him and him nuh ansa.

Getting off the bed I went to take a shower after I was finish showering I decided to call my auntie before mi guh sleep.

I called her and she answer on the third ring

Hello, she spoke first. Evening auntie Kaylee deh over there. Yes honey Susan seh she will collect har when she a come home but uh can come fi har if uh want har.

No it's fine mi just come back from school and mi did waa mek sure seh she alright.

Yes she okay she and Abby Inna the living room a play. Okay well mi tired suh mi aguh wull a sleep if mommy nuh come by time mi wake mi come fi har.

Alright mi niece weh Rhianna cause mi nuh see she come here yet. She have a next class mi neva have nuh more suh mi leff she will soon come. Oh ok. Anyways later auntie. Alright later she said and I hang up.

Rere is my cousin my favorite cousin at that my mom and hers are sisters.

After I was finish talking to my auntie I looked at the time and it was now 3:26 pm putting my phone down on the bedside table I went straight to sleep.



6:37 pm

Hearing a knock at the door I got up rubbing my eyes as I made my way to the door.

Opening the door I saw my mom. She entered and we both walk to the bed.

Uh okay baby she asked as he sit on the bed. Yeah I'm fine, how was ur trip. It was good I had a great time. Glad fi hear dat.

Mommy Jamal call cameal today at all. No she even try calling him and didn't get him. Him neva deh a school today she asked. No and mi try call him to but him nah ansa.Suh nobody nuh know weh him deh. Jay seh him gone a town gone deal wid some business. Oh well maybe him busy dats why him cyah ansa mi hope him okay though. Yeah same.

Mi did stop a burger King and get sumn fi Uno eat mi get uh a double whopper uh can come down come eat. Just put it Inna the fridge fi mi mommy mi nuh feel hungry right now I said as she nod and left.

After my mom left I then take up my phone and called shanice she answered on the second ring.

Hey baby she said. Wat a gwan. Nothing much deh yah a try finish up miss combs homework. Oh uh betta before tomorrow when u guh a school wid out it she nyam off uh head I said and we both laugh.

Suh weh uh a so yah now. Nuhn nuh too long wake up and still waa sleep. Mi rawtid a breed uh a breed sky. Girl bye nuh bwoy cyah breed mi I said and she cleared her throat.A wah do uh throat. Nothing. Oh think a dry it dry I said and she laugh.

We talk for some more time and I told her I was going back to bed and hang up. After I hang up I place the phone down and went back to sleep.

Yes mi love sleep a wah a nuh breed mi a breed oh caz mi a virgin.

The next chapter will be a continue for this one


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