
By LizzyPeltonWrites

1K 196 21

A harmless arrangement. A harmless great thing. While Eva has always known her powerful Father would arrange... More

Roman Empire
I Do
Regret and Choice
First Date
Stay With Me
That's My Wife!
I Will
Our Future


35 8 0
By LizzyPeltonWrites


I paced the one stall employee bathroom after freshening up my makeup and felt anxiety spike in my body. The navy blue jumpsuit I chose for today fits my curves well and I smoothed my ponytail while staring in the mirror.

Jay will be here at 4... which is in about 15 minutes.

We had a relaxing day yesterday.  The pressure from my parents first visit had dissipated so after our intense conversation first thing it was easy to unwind.  Jay and I each had work to do but grabbed our laptops then set up shop in the living room so we could binge watch Food Network.  After having bagels with smoked salmon for breakfast we polished off some leftovers around 2 then ordered takeout Chinese food for dinner.

I've never eaten as much takeout in my life as I have since marrying Jay.  My Mother had a chef that took care of our meals and made sure I was eating the right amount of calories to keep me slim.  The massive amount of caffeine and unending pressure to succeed were enough to stop me from overeating, but my parents would never listen to my opinion.

Jay promised to take care of me and truly is a man of his word.  Sara makes sure we have plenty of groceries as well as meals prepared but if he wants to get our meal delivered I won't complain.  My husband is now well versed on what to look for so I am not exposed to allergens.  At this point I trust his judgment more than my own.

He apologized for not being more attentive but I did my best to reassure him.  I have no idea how much more Jay expected himself to offer, but as long as we are able to connect every day I am satisfied.  If he wants to spend more time with me then I will absolutely accept.  The pressure he puts on himself is intense.  Now that we've opened up more about our expectations I will more easily be able to show my husband how much I appreciate him.

Monday started with a bang since we had a middle school class ready at 8 for a tour.  They recently finished lessons about the Titanic and were carrying notebooks with questions for me, as well.  Our new exhibit is ready for the public so they were the first guests getting a peek at what we have arranged.  I had my fair share of ridiculous questions about whether Jack and Rose actually existed but for the most part it went smoothly.

Now, though...

I set up a private tour of the museum with myself as a guide when I arrived today.  Jay is serious about giving us a new beginning so I want to do the same.

He is right.  My Father may have arranged our marriage with some deception, but we deserve a chance. To be fair, if I had met him randomly or even connected on his visit the day before our wedding everything would have been different. I would have been more open and excited, even though we were still strangers.

I would have known he is harmless.   A man that I can trust immediately. The initial attraction was just one part of our connection.  Jay showed he has a sense of humor as well as ability to fully focus when we are together.  Work keeps him extremely busy but we make the best of even our short commutes each day.

When we planned our meeting today I mentioned skipping Sushi for lunch just this once.  Jay begrudgingly agreed as long as we go out for dinner as a compromise.  He has gotten used to our Monday lunches which is even more proof our marriage will work.

As much as Jay feels like I was doing all the work, that is absolutely not true.

After a few deep breaths I made sure my inhaler was in my fanny pack and made my way to the entrance of the museum.  I chose to wear a gold pair of heels today that Jay complimented a week or so ago.  He is always so encouraging which just motivates me to choose outfits I know will be appreciated.

Then again, his eyes roam my body the same way if I'm in sweats and an old shirt.

Jay was waiting by the check in desk and flipping through a museum brochure when I approached and extended my right hand. "You must be my next tour. I'm Eva."

God, he's attractive.  The navy blue slacks and tan blazer he chose today fits him perfectly, especially with a button down that he is wearing without a tie and a few buttons undone.  Maybe I need to randomly mention how hot it is when a man rolls up the sleeves to his nice shirt so you can see part of his forearms.  All it will take is throwing out that random idea in passing once and I know for a fact he would be suddenly doing just that.

Both of us are paying attention. 

Jay looked up at me and grinned, his eyes glimmering with a hint of mischief.  While shaking my hand then holding it a beat longer than necessary he replied, "Great to meet you, Eva.   My name is Jay.  Thank you for showing me around."

Having some control over the situation helped me feel more confident, though his presence is always a comfort.   I may have married him just over 2 weeks ago but that only made my stomach flip even more when Jay bumped into me while we walked or said my name.

I gestured for him to walk toward the first exhibit and began my regular tour spiel, though Jay interjected poignant questions while allowing me to take the lead. It felt like a welcome balance between sharing basics and digging deeper on a few pieces he is interested in studying.

We made a stop in the Roman Empire space and I debated how to handle my role this time.

Then I realized I can just lean into nostalgia.

"Jay, are you familiar with the recent meme about the Roman Empire?" I asked, head tilted and eyes locked on his.

My husband nodded while fighting a grin.  "I... yes, actually.  I've seen a few Tiktoks that explain how it's a way to share something you're obsessed with."  He paused, then asked, "What is your Roman Empire, Eva?"

I had to stop myself from taking his arm and leaning against him.  This is more difficult than I would have ever thought.  After considered a moment, I answered, "Well, for awhile it's been Ancient Egypt since I am fascinated by the pyramids, but I have to admit the Food Network has taken all my spare attention lately."

"Anything in particular?" Jay asked, now actually laughing while we continued to play our little game.

"I'm a big fan of dessert and found one of those cake competitions OnDemand.  It is incredible to see the way chefs are able to turn a bunch of random ingredients into stunning masterpieces that also taste amazing."

He nodded as I spoke and flashed me a bright grin.  "Do you bake at all?"

A laugh escaped me as I shook my head then looked away briefly.  "I wish.  I've been trying to learn but growing up never had the opportunity.  The more shows I watch, though, the more comfortable I feel in the kitchen."

We were quiet a moment before I asked, "Uh, so, what is your latest Roman Empire?"

Jay thought a moment while continuing to fight laughter then let out a long sigh.  "Can I get back to you on that?  I'm not sure I have a solid answer quite yet."

"Of course.  For now, though, shall we continue through the exhibit?"  I kept my voice light and gestured toward a replica of the Colosseum while he followed along.

I've never flirted intentionally before but this is a lot more fun than I expected.  We spent the time teasing one another while I still led a semi-coherent tour, though I could feel the tension between us as Jay kept himself from holding my hand or being affectionate.

As our time was winding down we ended up in the new Titanic exhibit.  I had been excited to show him around the space, especially the artwork.  He stared at a painting of the ship when it was close to sinking, lights still shimmering in windows and bodies scattered throughout the ocean.

"What a horrible way to die..." Jay said softly as he shook his head. "To feel like you had no way of surviving, to just wait for the end. It's just such a tragedy."

I nodded and stood next to him, considering his comment. "I've always felt like fire or drowning would be the worst way to go... then again, an allergic reaction is also terrifying."

He met my eyes and asked, "Do you have severe allergies?"

Hearing a question he knows the answer to made me smile.

Jay is a good actor.

I nodded, "I have a severe tree nut allergy so any exposure will cause my airways to close quickly. I also have bad asthma and keep an inhaler on hand in case it's needed." I pulled the device out of my fanny pack with a wry smile, "It's been this way since I was a kid, but that doesn't make it easier to manage."

"I'm sorry. How do they keep you from getting exposed here or at college?"

"The museum is nut free as far as our café goes and people are only allowed food in designated areas. I steer clear of those places to stay safe. There are a few restaurants in town that are safe but I don't eat at the school cafeteria as a precaution."

"Sounds lonely," he noted, holding eye contact the same way he has every day since we met.

I shrugged, "Last time I was exposed was when someone brought a PB&J into a lecture last fall. They were a row ahead of me and I noticed quickly so it wasn't a horrible reaction but I had to leave the room immediately to prevent my throat from closing. If I catch it fast then I can prevent using an EpiPen and a trip to the emergency room but I still feel like garbage for a day or so after."

Jay smiled softly at me then looked around, seeming to realize we were alone. "Eva? Uhh... can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Are you single?"

I considered how to answer while studying his strong jawline and piercing green eyes. Technically the answer is no, but since we are pretending to be strangers....

"Depends on who is asking," I replied with a breathy laugh.

He grinned and seemed more bold as he responded, "I am. Will you go out to dinner with me?"

"If it's you, then yes. I am available and would love to have dinner with you."

My answer is honest. I know I care about Jay, especially after he has been so understanding since the moment we locked eyes in the chapel.   A strong undercurrent of connection intensified as I recognized how much this means to both of us.

Jay paused then gestured for the entryway. "Lead the way so we can get your things then I know a great seafood place nearby that should be safe for you. How does that sound?"


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