Undeniably Yours

By thescarredgoblin

244 27 45

Noah : Despite what I thought about love being a drug , Abhaya Kallam was my greatest high. I hated how mu... More

Introduction 🤌
The Morning
The Beginning
Her Flight
His Flight
A Vile Start
Unfamiliar Sensations
Turned On ?!
Vain Second Trial
Suspicious Stability

To His Surprise

11 2 6
By thescarredgoblin


I was so angry , I wanted to kill Logan. The boy had crossed all his limits and needed to be put in his rightful place. I was going to break his bones. I lost myself in agression again but I didn't care , it was a routine anyway. I hadn't had a gym day since I got back and this was a good workout. I was going to break his jaw until I was stopped.

" Hey ! "

A girl shouted at me and gripped my elbow while I was beating Logan. The boy had crossed his limits and needed to be taught a lesson.

I looked back to see who had the audacity to shout at me , to stop me, Noah Freaking Knight.

As I looked back , I couldn't believe my eyes.
It was her.
The girl I met on the plane. Those light brown eyes had turned dark and held so much anger. When I looked at her clearly , she stumbled back but masked herself again.

I never realized the girl who was scared on the flight held so much strength in her. In one go, she shoved me to the wall and gripped me by my collar.
She growled at me.
"What the hell is wrong with you ?"

I was in shock , utterly surprised and confused at the same time. I couldn't form words.
I did not bother to answer her , it's none of her business. I realised how tiny she was and yet could wield so much strength. I was calm and steady by then. Which again, was unusual.

I could hear the crowd's gasps. The realisation hit me , a little girl just stopped me in one go. Who does she think she is ? I gripped my palms around her wrists and told her to stay out but she didn't budge. Rather her grip got tighter in each passing second.

Woah !

She pointed out to me how badly Logan was hurt and that he would drop dead if I continued.

Until Dean entered the scene and asked what was happening. Her gripped loosened and she let go of me.
Her eyes held so much intensity.
I could still feel her tiny wrists against my palms. I didn't realise the closeness until she marched to Jeremiah and snatched her bag. I could finally breathe normally.
She practically ordered us to take Logan to the nurse.

Does she know who she's ordering around so damn casually , who she's talking to ? Who she shoved and growled at ?
No , it was evident.
She's new here , she's a student. It made sense , her being on the plane to London. She was here for Rivendell.

I saw her running to her class. I couldn't take my eyes off. She wore cream cargos and black sweatshirt. I could portray her thin waist.
I could still smell her. Sandal wood , just like in the plane.
Almost addictive. Almost.
Even after she disappeared, my eyes were still stuck there in the same direction.

" Dear Lord , what was that ? Too bold, brave and strong for her tiny self ", Aaron exclaimed.

Jeremiah said with sincerity, " I have to admit, She was scary in a way. "

" She stopped Noah. She freaking stopped him in minutes. She's definitely someone... worth checking out ", Aaron said with his signature smirk.
Did I hated it in that moment , a definite fucking yes.

" What the fuck happened Noah ?", Aaron asked me.

I groaned and started walking away.

" Take that bastard to the infirmary room. ", I said. Before Aaron could say anything I marched away with Dean who was standing there in silence enjoying the drama.

Was my ego badly bruised , yes.
Had this girl snatch my breath and attention again , yes.
This girl is the death of sanity for sure. She doesn't know what she's getting into. Who she has messed with. Who's attention she was grabbing.

I bunked my first lecture. I didn't give a damn about attending it. I aced every subject anyway with ease.

" So , What happened? ", Dean asked as he sat on the couch in front of me in the private study room made just for me. It wasn't that big but it was enough. Only the elite group , that includes me and my friends , were ever allowed to step in here.

My family owned Rivendell. The Knights had given blood and sweat to make Rivendell no. 1 University in London. I was privileged here. I bossed around and no one could say a word against me. I knew my limits and I never crossed them.

Yes , I was the Gangster in Rivendell.
I bullied alot but I've never hurt anyone innocent.
Logan was harassing a girl. He needed to be taught a lesson.
Everyone feared me and I loved it way too much.

" You'll be the first person I'll inform when I figure it out. ", I replied to Dean who was now reading a book. I closed the door and stretched myself on the couch.

" Sure. I won't torture you then if you don't bunk your lectures today onwards."
I groaned but it was a good deal. He cared for our studies more than us. I'd rather attend the lectures than to be tormented by Dean. He has his ways to trap people in his web and I would rather drown in mud.

My next lecture is Literature. Emily would be there which is an advantage. I wouldn't have to behave much. Emily got a chance in Rivendell due to my uncle. She's his fiance. She was the youngest professor here. She is kind and generous.


Dean woke me up from my nap. He sent me , Jeremiah and Aaron to attend the lectures.

On our way to the class , Aaron kept talking about the car race going to happen in the WitchTown Alley. Weird name but works. Every illegal race and dealings were done there. I didn't care much , I would mostly stay away as for my family's reputation.

As we reached the class , everyone stood up.
Did I love being the Gangster, Yes.

As I entered, I saw the last row filled with three girls. The last row was reserved for us only ever since we stepped in Rivendell. No one had the bravery to sit there.

I saw that girl again.
Of course, her.
Her courage and boldness.
Almost compelling. Almost.

She recognised me and ducked down immediately. Everyone was standing but she was sitting. I saw her taking out a brown hoodie from her bag , stretching herself to wear it under the desk. She was hiding her head under her hoodie. A chuckle unknowingly escaped from me. How can someone be so courageous and frightened at the same time ?

Aaron approached them so they would leave the place. She shouted at him.
Before Aaron could say anything more I dragged him and Jeremiah away to sit somewhere else. I made sure to leave some distance, I left four seats and sat down.

" Why would you stop me ? She needs to know that's our seat , the whole row is bloody ours . She needs to know her place. ", he said angrily sitting beside me.

" They're new Aaron. And it's just a seat. Look , there's no place left. ", Jeremiah reasoned.

For me , I couldn't tear my eyes off her. I could sense everyone, they were shocked and looked at the three girls who had the audacity to sit beside us.
No one was allowed to sit beside us.
Heck, no one had the guts to.

When the girl realised everyone's attention was on her , she immediately looked at me.
Her eyes , so goddamn compelling even though they were ordinary light brown. She didn't break the eye contact and it made me furious. No one dared to look me in the eye like that. No one dared to shove me and pin me on the wall.
But she was everything but ordinary.
I broke the eye contact first and smirked. I was familiar with my impact on her.
What bothered me was that she was resisting unlike other girls I have ever encountered but I also enjoyed her resistance.

The whole time I looked at her.
Her breathing slowed down , she was controlling herself not to look at me again. It was evident. Her chest, going up and down slower than before. She bit her lips and blood oozing out staining her lips. It would be more pleasing if I had done that. She kept rubbing her arms.

When the lecture ended , she ran away with her friends. I observed her every movement even though I didn't want to.
I felt angry at how easily she was gaining my attention.

Jeremiah and Aaron wanted to go to the cafeteria to grab some snacks. I accompanied them.

As we were walking to the cafeteria, students parted away to make a path for us. Even the seniors and professors. It satisfied me.

We entered and saw everyone quieter than usual. Their attention was on a particular table.
I looked up from a distance to see what was going on. I was taller than average gals and I could see everything from afar.

That girl , again.
Apparently, her name is Abby. Her friend called her out and tried to calm her down. I noticed her fists. So tiny.
The girl knows how to be the centre of attention even though she hates it. One of her other friend with short hair was arguing with Monica. Until Abby slapped her. The sound rang in the entire room.

Damn , this girl has serious anger issues.

The crowd had gathered and people were taking pictures and videos. That's exactly what Monica wanted. The bitch did everything to look like a victim. She was provocative and thrived when given attention. She was basically a cheap whore.

I strided my way to Abby and got a hold on her wrist. She looked at me angrily, I could see her red eyes. Monica definitely had said something she shouldn't. Before things got out of hand , I dragged her outside of the cafeteria and took the path straight to the study room.
Her friends followed her. That shit started to get annoying. Jeremiah and Aaron were behind them following.

The girl was shouting at me to let go of her and was trying to get her hand out of my hold.
She still had the audacity to shout at me. My grip around her wrist only grew tighter the more she tried to get  out of it.

As I saw my study room , I opened the door , pushed her inside with me and closed it immediately.


Thank You for reading my story. I'm a new and peachy writer. Ignore my mistakes even though I've checked a couple of hundred times.
Do not forget to vote.
Do comment or drop suggestions.

Adios Amigos

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