After Rebirth, I Married the...

By 28antoine

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Ten Years of Marriage! An'nuo thought she had married the perfect man. Little did she know, this man would le... More

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101 - 110

882 14 1
By 28antoine

Chapter 101

An Nuan faced all the people in the high-level conference room.

She smiled slightly, and said neither humbly nor arrogantly, "Does Director Chang think there is something improper about me taking on the position of Market Sales Director?"

"Nonsense!" Chang Deyue's face sank, obviously very unfriendly.

"What does Director Chang find improper about me?" An Nuan's attitude remained steady, and she did not appear flustered at all by someone questioning her.

"First, the An Group is ranked second among state-owned enterprises in North Wen Country. Within the group, only elites are present, even the most basic employees must be graduates of universities ranked in the top 50 nationwide, or have rich experience and outstanding achievements. Second, previous Market Sales Directors of the An Group have all been employees over 35 years old who have slowly worked their way up from the bottom with abundant market experience and outstanding performance. No one has ever been parachuted in directly like this." Chang Deyue listed two points, looking at An Nuan with utter disdain, "Tell me, Miss An, without education, experience, or even ability, how do you feel you can serve as the Sales Director of one of the top 100 companies in the world?"

His words were well-reasoned.

Obviously prepared beforehand.

An Nuan glanced around at everyone present without any change in expression, glanced at An YanKun, seeing his sarcastic yet smug smile, not hiding it at all.

Her eyes flickered.

She glanced at An Yanyuan.

Seeing that he clearly wanted to speak up for her.

At that moment, she spoke directly, "Regarding Director Chang's doubts about me, I understand and fully acknowledge them. Without mentioning the An Group's national status, just based on me, a clueless little girl, it is indeed difficult to take on such heavy responsibilities."

"Hmph." Chang Deyue sneered, looking down on her.

He probably thought after being admonished like this a couple times, the little girl would become timid.

At that moment, An YanKun was naturally also very happy.

This high-level meeting was deliberately organized by him, to have Chang Deyue publicly humiliate An Nuan, which was also deliberately arranged by him. On one hand, it was to get back at his daughter, to let An Nuan know that just because she was An Yanyuan's daughter did not mean she could casually bully An Xiao, she did not yet have that privilege! On the other hand, of course, he did not want An Nuan to appear in the An Group. Even if she were to appear, she absolutely could not hold such a high position, he absolutely could not let An Nuan accomplish anything in the group, in case it ruined his big plans, the losses would be too great.

In such an advanced conference room.

A group of people ganging up against An Nuan like this.

An Yanyuan naturally could not stand to see it happen.

He also expected that today's meeting, convened by high-level executives, definitely harbored ill intent towards An Nuan, but standing from a fair and just perspective, he also could not be too protective of An Nuan, so he naturally agreed, just did not expect that some people really would not give him any face.

He spoke again.

But his voice was suppressed by An Nuan.

"However, since I can appear here, since I have assumed the position of Sales Director, I must have my reasons for taking on this role."

"What reasons?" Chang Deyue mocked, "Being the Chairman's daughter?"

"Yes." An Nuan readily admitted it.

At this, not only Chang Deyue, but the other executives couldn't help but laugh.

They probably truly felt she was too shameless.

She had the audacity to use the backdoor so matter-of-factly?!

"Because I am the Chairman's daughter, I have been immersed in the company's affairs since I was little because of my father, so I am more familiar with the company compared to ordinary people. In fact, my father has told me about many of the An Group's major projects. For example, the bidding on the municipal planning standards building project half a year ago, the construction of the Bamboo Garden premium club, the land acquisition of the public welfare plaza, etc. I am very clear about the entire negotiation process and results. So for Director Chang's accusation that I lack experience, I cannot fully accept that. After all, although not extensive, I certainly do not completely lack experience. Besides, experience is only one aspect of assessing work capabilities, and cannot fully prove whether or not I am capable of taking on this position."

Chang Deyue was about to retort.

An Nuan gave him no opportunity to speak at all, "Secondly, regarding Director Chang's questioning of my academic qualifications, I do not know whether a dual master's degree in International Business and Economic Studies from Qingcheng University would allow one to enter the An Group. If not, then during my undergraduate and master's degree studies, when I received an invitation from Foss University, the world's highest institute, to study at Foss as an exchange student, and obtained Foss University's annual Green Ribbon honor, I wonder if that would qualify me to join? Oh right, those present may not know exactly what the Green Ribbon represents. To date, fewer than 50 people worldwide have obtained the Green Ribbon, including international economics master Will, current Minister of Economy Starr of Country M, and world's richest man Kostra."

An Nuan's words left everyone dumbfounded.

No one knew An Nuan had these academic credentials.

In everyone's mind, An Nuan was just a woman wholeheartedly intent on marrying into a rich family. It was completely impossible that she could have such high achievements.

Moreover, once explained this way, An Nuan was admitted to Qingcheng University and studied the same elite major as Gu Yan Sheng, so why did everyone only know about Gu Yan Sheng's academic background and accomplishments, yet no one knew An Nuan was also at this school in the same major, although the two had an age difference of three grades. Logically, a couple with such outstanding results should have been heavily reported on long ago. Why was An Nuan so unknown?

An Nuan also knew everyone's doubts.

After all, at that time, she had kept an extremely low profile. No one in her class knew she was the An Group Chairman's daughter. She never told anyone she was studying at this school, let alone that she had studied abroad at Foss and received such a high honor from Foss. And all of it was because Gu Yan Sheng disliked it, disliked her being too outstanding. Ostensibly he said he didn't want them to be too high profile, but in reality it was because he didn't want her to outshine him and take away his sense of superiority.

It was only after rebirth that she realized all this.

"You're just spouting nonsense, where's the proof?" At this point, even An YanKun could not stand it anymore. Apparently he could not accept An Nuan having these accomplishments.

If she really had such results, wouldn't it just highlight how ordinary his own children were?!

An Hao had only graduated from an average key university. An Zhao barely got into a college by paying money. An Xiao was a little better, having attended a university ranked in the top ten, but added up, it was still not comparable to the honor An Nuan spoke of.

Most importantly, over so many years, he had never heard of where An Nuan attended school or received any honors.

Chapter 102

An YanKun remembered very clearly.

Initially, after An Nuan and An Xiao graduated from high school together, because An Xiao did well on the exam, he deliberately showed off and asked An Yanyuan how An Nuan did. An Yanyuan casually said that she went to a local college and didn't mention at all which college she got into. He was firmly convinced that she didn't do well on the exam and had thought that it was possibly just a vocational school. At least, he had never heard how well An Nuan did on the exam over all these years.

However, now she was saying she had such high education.

He absolutely did not believe it even if he was beaten to death.

An YanKun stared fiercely at An Nuan to see how far she could pretend.

She was simply lying without preparing a draft!

"Chairman, may I borrow the conference room's computer and projector?" An Nuan asked.

"Of course," An Yanyuan nodded.

He was naturally very clear about his daughter's education background.

However, it was indeed the first time he had heard her mention the Green Ribbon.

At this moment, he couldn't help but look forward to it a little.

The staff in the senior conference room hurriedly prepared a computer and a large projector for An Nuan.

An Nuan stood at the podium in the conference room. Her slender fingers nimbly tapped the keyboard while saying, "This is the official website of Qingcheng University. To enter the official website and check information, only university teachers and students can log in. And students log in with their student ID and use the last six digits of their ID card as the password. I'm entering my student ID from when I was attending now."

As she spoke, An Nuan finished entering it.

She instantly logged in.

It opened to a basic information page. At the top of the page was a brief introduction about An Nuan, her ID photo, name, gender, age, grade, etc.

An Nuan put the mouse over the education section and clicked to open it.

An electronic version of her diploma appeared before everyone.

Without a doubt, An Nuan had attended Qingcheng University and majored in International Business and Trade, obtaining a dual master's degree.

The scene had obviously shocked everyone.

Because they were so shocked, the conference room fell silent for a time.

An Nuan didn't have too much of a reaction to everyone's astonishment. At this moment, she exited Qingcheng University's official website and entered Ford University's official website, saying, "Logging in is the same as with Qingcheng University."

Everyone then watched as An Nuan entered Ford's official intranet.

It must be known that this was the intranet of the world's top university. Although most people here had high education levels, no one had graduated from this school.

An Nuan entered "Green Ribbon" in the intranet, and then a page popped up.

On the page were photos of all the students who had received the Green Ribbon honor, displayed on the webpage.

An Nuan's photo was placed at the end, meaning she was the most recent person to receive this honor.

"So," An Nuan looked up to face An YanKun, "Uncle, do you believe me now?"

At this moment, An YanKun's expression was truly uglier than eating shit!

He really had not expected at all that An Nuan would truly have all this.

"Uncle?" Without getting a response from An YanKun, An Nuan deliberately called him again.

"I believe you!" An YanKun said unpleasantly, "What are you showing off for?"

"I'm not showing off, I just wanted to confirm that everyone had seen clearly. Once everyone has seen clearly, I'll close out the website. After all, this is an intranet that only students who have attended Ford University can log into. Showing everyone now goes against school rules."

In fact, there really weren't any secrets. The school also didn't have clear rules against others seeing it. It was just that as the top institution, it naturally had an innate sense of superiority. So it made people feel that being able to freely access the school's intranet was an exceptionally honorable thing.

"Why is Uncle so angry? Could you be jealous of something?!" An Nuan's seemingly casual sentence.

At that moment, it directly made An YanKun explode.

He was already angry to begin with.

He had originally wanted to avenge An Xiao, but now he had instead let An Nuan show off in front of all the group's executives.

He said fiercely, "What nonsense are you saying? When was I angry? Not to mention being a little better at studying, what is there to be jealous of? Besides, doing well on exams doesn't prove anything. How many top scorers have you seen accomplish great things!"

"Uncle is right. I've heard that more average students are the most promising. Like cousin, and my aunt and uncle's children, who knows, maybe they'll surpass me in the future." An Nuan smiled slightly, looking very sincere.

In fact, she was sarcasitcally referring to An YanKun's very mediocre children.

An YanKun was so angry his teeth hurt.

This An Nuan was becoming more and more ungrateful!

An Nuan didn't waste any more time on An YanKun. She turned off the computer, then walked down from the podium and returned to where she had entered, facing Chang Deyue, whose face was as black as Lord Bao's, "Director Chang, may I ask if I'm qualified now for the Sales Department General Manager position?"

"Just knowing some things about the company and having a slightly higher education, what does that prove?!" Chang Deyue certainly would not admit defeat so easily.

"I haven't gotten to demonstrate yet, Director Chang has directly suppressed my abilities already. How can I show you?" An Nuan retorted.

"I didn't say I wanted to suppress your opportunities to perform. You can start from the bottom. Once you have results and can withstand the company's trials, promoting you will be a matter of course. It won't make so many people question your abilities or make so many people question the chairman's nepotism. The general manager position is very important to the company. We can't casually give it to someone who seems capable only on paper." Chang Deyue spoke righteously.

He and An YanKun had already discussed earlier that An Nuan must not be allowed to take the general manager position. At worst, just make her an ordinary supervisor or, like An Xiao, a department manager.

At that moment, An Nuan fell silent.

She seemed somewhat at a loss for words.

At this point, An Yanyuan really couldn't speak up for his daughter anymore either.

Earlier, he could still say a few things for her, like about experience and education. An Nuan had already talked about most of that herself. At this point, if he tried to defend his daughter and show favoritism as the chairman, it would seem a bit too obvious.

So at this moment, he also chose to remain silent.

And was secretly thinking about what was the lowest position he could fight for An Nuan to get.

Seeing that An Nuan didn't respond, Chang Deyue thought she had no rebuttal. So next, he took the initiative to speak again, even with a sanctimonious air, "Actually, I don't want to play the villain here or offend the chairman over this matter either. But looking at it from the group's standpoint, I do need to consider what's best for the group. At least I have to be accountable to myself, to everyone here, and to An's tens of thousands of employees. Let's do this then. I suggest letting An Nuan be a department supervisor in the Sales Department. For one, it doesn't waste An Nuan's glittering resume. Secondly, she is the chairman's daughter after all. I also believe she will have more potential for development than the average employee. So I personally suggest that An Nuan can start from supervisor. This will prevent a lot of people from questioning her abilities in the future or questioning the chairman's nepotism."

Chapter 103

"I agree," An YanKun immediately echoed, "Starting from the grassroots cadres, we can better understand employees and face the market more directly! This will be more helpful for An Nuan's future management."

"I disagree," An Nuan said bluntly.

An YanKun's face changed again.

Just a second ago, he thought An Nuan had compromised.

Now she suddenly became assertive again.

"Since this is only to test my ability, why go through the extra effort to make me start from supervisor? Why not let me take this position directly and get everyone's approval? Once I can't handle this position or even get everyone's approval, then let me leave the position, why waste everyone's time!"

"Do you really think the business world is your playground?" How important is the position of Sales Department Director? One wrong decision can lead to the collapse of An's Group's entire market. How can I let you mess around?" An YanKun spoke with a very stern tone, "Besides, does it wrong you to be a supervisor? If you weren't the chairman's daughter, even if your resume is dazzling, you would still be just a clerk when you come in. Now Chairman Chang lets you start from supervisor, which shows his trust in you. Don't be shameless!" Even if you're still young and don't care about face, don't embarrass your dad!"

"Uncle, shouldn't the one who should be embarrassed be you?" An Nuan said bluntly.

"Yes. I'm also embarrassed, after all, you call me uncle! Your attitude really loses face for the An family." An YanKun righteously stated.

"I'm saying, Uncle spoke so righteously, as if he forgot, Uncle's son An Hao, went directly to the position of Director of the General Affairs Department after graduating from college. Uncle's daughter An Zhao, went directly to the position of manager of the marketing department of the sales department after graduating from college. Uncle's youngest daughter An Xiao entered the company on the same day as me, also a rookie, she can also take over her sister An Zhao's position?"

An YanKun was suddenly ridiculed by An Nuan's words, his whole face turned green.

He was ridiculed as much as he had ridiculed An Nuan just now.

"What's wrong? Does Uncle think that only you have this privilege to let your children take up important positions as soon as they enter the company, while the chairman's child does not have the qualifications?"

"You, you..." At this moment, An YanKun was really rendered speechless by An Nuan.

He really couldn't find the words to refute.

The scene was extremely awkward for a while.

At first, people may not have thought of it, and still felt that An YanKun was quite right, and was not biased towards anyone, after all, An Nuan was still his niece, after all, in the eyes of outsiders, An YanKun and An YanGui were still brothers. But at this moment, it was really a slap in the face.

A typical case of "Official is allowed to set fires while the commoners are not allowed to light lamps"!

"Of course, I agree with Chairman Chang's point of view." She meant that she did not agree with her uncle's selfish behavior.

At this moment, Chang Deyue was also a little embarrassed by An Nuan's words.

After all, no one had mentioned the cases of An Hao and An Zhao and An Xiao entering the company.

On the contrary, An Nuan was so troubled as soon as she entered the company!

"From the company's perspective, it is indeed inappropriate to let someone with no visible capabilities take up an important position. And the reason why I still want to fight for this position is not because I can't let go of face or because I don't dare to undergo the test, it's just that I don't want to waste time. For humans, time is the most precious wealth!"

"So, in order to dispel the concerns of the senior management, and not to waste my precious wealth, I hope I can negotiate a condition with the senior management! Now in front of all the senior management, I set my flag! If I don't achieve it, let alone starting from the bottom, from now on, I won't set foot in An's Group again. But if I do, I ask the senior management to recognize my position as Director of Sales!"

An Nuan's words were sonorous and forceful.

At that moment, it just made people feel that she had an aura.

She didn't look like a 22-year-old who had just graduated at all.

"What flag?!" Chang Deyue hurriedly asked.

It was also because of the previous embarrassment that he found a way out at this time.

"Within three months, I will lead the sales department to complete 80% of the company's sales tasks for the second half of the year. The total sales of my sales department in half a year will double on the basis of last year's whole year!" An Nuan said categorically.

There was an uproar across the room.

Such a big tone, I'm afraid no one present would dare say that.

Where did An Nuan get the confidence to say so decisively?

"Nuan Nuan, think thrice before you act." At this moment, even An YanGui had to remind his daughter.

Probably because her tone was too aggressive.

According to market economy, the second half of the year is indeed a peak season for sales, but it doesn't mean that performance will double to this extent.

It should be known that An's enterprise's market share is already astonishingly high. Maintaining last year's sales performance is considered a success. Now An Nuan is directly promising to surpass last year's double in half a year!

He really broke out in a cold sweat.

"I've thought about it very clearly." An Nuan was full of confidence.

The words that came to An YanGui's mouth were swallowed back.

After all, he couldn't say too much in front of so many people. If he said too much, it would obviously show favoritism.

Seeing that her father chose silence, even though he obviously didn't understand her impulsiveness, in the end he still had to choose to support her.

She turned her head to the others and asked, "Is this condition okay?"

No one answered.

An Nuan had to ask Chang Deyue, who had the most opinions at the beginning, "Director Chang, do you think it's okay?"

"I have no objection. I'm just afraid that some people will set it up but not execute it in the end." Chang Deyue clearly felt that An Nuan could not do it, so he deliberately spoke plainly!

"Since I dare to boast in front of all the senior management, I will definitely keep my promise."

"Okay." Chang Deyue naturally agreed, "I agree."

An Nuan can't do it anyway.

An Nuan didn't care what Chang Deyue was thinking. After getting a positive reply, she turned to An YanKun again, "Vice President, do you agree?"

"I share the same view with Director Chang. As long as you don't go back on your word later, I have no opinion."

"Then it's agreed that I'll be the Sales Director." An Nuan concluded.

No one said another word.

It seemed to be recognized.

After all, if An Nuan could really achieve that performance, being a director would be more than qualified!

"Next, should we talk about An Hao and An Xiao who were parachuted in?" An Nuan changed the subject.

It directly made An YanKun lose all expression on his face!

Chapter 104

"Could it be that uncle has forgotten that both An Hao and An Xiao were directly parachuted in?!" An Nuan looked at An YanKun with sincerity and said, "I believe uncle has always treated everyone equally, he wouldn't just be targeting me, right?!"

"When have I ever targeted you?!" An YanKun was truly angered by An Nuan until his face turned green.

"Since uncle is not targeting me, does that mean uncle thinks his own children should go through trials and tests just like me before they can smoothly take over positions?" An Nuan asked him.

Rendering An YanKun speechless.

He could not agree nor disagree now.

He was so embarrassed by the situation he was stuck in.

An Nuan gave a look to her father at this time.

Now was when her father could chime in with a fair word.

An Yanyuan picked up on the signal from his daughter and nodded in understanding.

In the group, An YanKun relied on his status as the eldest son to disregard his prestige and make things difficult everywhere for him, sometimes rendering him unable to hold his ground. He knew without thinking that today's meeting was definitely him deliberately making trouble. And now he finally knew what it felt like to be hoisted by his own petard.

An Yanyuan cleared his throat and said, "After being reminded by An Nuan, I also feel that it was somewhat inappropriate that I agreed back then to let An Hao and An Xiao join the company just like that." Director Chang spoke sensibly just now that familial relations should not allow people of unproven ability to take on important responsibilities. While it is a minor matter to be subject to idle gossip, if the company truly suffers unnecessary losses, the crime would be grave."

Rendering An YanKun speechless once again.

From his position, he definitely could not say anything more.

Anything he said would just make it seem like he was deliberately targeting An Nuan, he could not lose face to that extent.

An Yanyuan also waited a while, and seeing that An YanKun did not speak, took the initiative to say, "Since no one has any objections, then it is decided."

An YanKun's face changed color again.

He hadn't even spoken yet, what grounds did he have to say there were no objections?

He quickly signaled to Chang Deyue with his eyes.

Chang Deyue was no fool either, he knew that opposing now would admit to targeting An Nuan, he had not shamed himself to that point yet.

He pretended not to see the signal, and kept his head lowered tapping away on his phone, seemingly busy with some urgent matter.

An YanKun gritted his teeth.

From his standpoint, he definitely could say even less now.

Anything he said would just make it seem like he was deliberately targeting An Nuan, he could not lose face to that extent.

"As the General Manager of the Comprehensive Department, it is indeed very difficult for An Hao to produce significant results there. Since the current General Manager of the Public Relations Department has expressed interest to return to his hometown company for a position, why don't we have An Hao temporarily resign from the General Manager position of the Comprehensive Department, and have the Deputy General Manager take over as acting head, while An Hao goes to lead the Public Relations Department." An Yanyuan started arranging work assignments.

As soon as An YanKun heard he had to take on work again, he could no longer remain seated, disregarding composure. He directly said, "This seems rather inappropriate, An Hao was doing well, suddenly changing his job position is clearly overly formalistic. Furthermore, I agree that An Xiao needs more experience since he just joined the company. But An Hao has already been with the company for three years and produced results in his current position, I am not playing favorites here, I just feel this is going overboard unnecessarily."

"I heard uncle seems to not have produced any results." An Nuan cut in.

An YanKun was furious, "Didn't your father just say? The Comprehensive Department does not produce quantifiable results like the Sales Department, it just handles internal company affairs!"

"That's why father suggested assigning uncle to the Public Relations Department."

"You!" An YanKun was angered until spitting blood.

An Nuan said, "Could it be that uncle is truly favoring someone?"

"You shut up!" An YanKun made no attempt to conceal his anger, and was finally about to erupt.

"Enough!" An Yanyuan's expression sank, full of prestige.

That moment also left An YanKun taken aback.

Ultimately in the company, An Yanyuan was still the Chairman. In aura, An YanKun clearly fell far short.

"Everything must be fair! Since An Nuan has to go through so many trials upon joining the company, so must An Hao and An Xiao!" An Yanyuan's voice rang loud and clear, his aura bursting forth, "Starting today, An Hao will take over as General Manager of the Public Relations Department. And my reasons for this arrangement are twofold. First, the company currently has several major public relations projects that require tackling, it is the perfect time to temper and assess someone's abilities, having An Hao take over is most fitting. Second, the Comprehensive Department manages all the company's internal affairs, being able to arrange internal affairs properly requires interpersonal skills as a prerequisite, and the Public Relations Department is one of the best places to hone interpersonal skills. Once An Hao produces results in the Public Relations Department, when he returns to the Comprehensive Department he will have everything at his fingertips, and recommending him as Executive General Manager of the Comprehensive Department in the future will also be logical."

An Yanyuan's words were clearly much more high-minded. On one hand he explained the reasons for doing this, on the other hand he made future plans for An Hao, rendering it impossible to pick out any flaws. Instead, it highlighted An YanKun's narrow-mindedness prominently.

"I am now setting a goal for An Hao, counting back according to An Nuan's timeline. Within three months, tackle the company's currently most difficult international amusement park project. Within half a year, assist the Marketing Department in doubling the total revenue from their sales orders compared to last year!" An Yanyuan enunciated each word clearly and powerfully.

An YanKun was truly infuriated to death.

Such a huge goal, how could an ordinary person possibly accomplish it?

But compared to the goal An Nuan just set for him, there were no discrepancies anywhere, he just could not find any reason to object.

"As for An Xiao." An Yanyuan did not bother soliciting anyone's opinion anymore, and took on his leadership qualities, decisively and firmly saying, "Independently complete a marketing proposal within three months, requiring it to increase marketing performance by 100% over current levels. Within half a year, work together with An Nuan to double the sales performance of the Sales Department!"

An YanKun's expression turned ugly again.

An Yanyuan's arrangements were clearly meant for An Xiao to die together with An Nuan!

If An Nuan failed to complete her goals, An Xiao would be implicated as well!

He was increasingly feeling that An Yanyuan and An Nuan were deliberately plotting against them!

An Yanyuan paid no heed to anyone's emotions, and directly continued, "As An Nuan said earlier, if she is unable to complete the goals, she will never set foot in An's again, that is An Nuan's own decision, and I have no objections. However, I am not that harsh on An Hao and An Xiao. If they cannot pass the trial, they just start from the bottom positions as Director Chang suggested earlier!"

Chapter 105

An YanKun had never imagined in his life that one day he would be so embarrassed like this.

It was a total failure in trying to attack someone, but ending up hurting himself instead.

Not only did he not succeed in shaming An Nuan, he had instead jeopardized the future of his own children.

He was extremely upset.

"The work arrangements for An Hao, An Nuan and An Xiao have been decided. Secretary Tang." An YanKun spoke strongly.

"Yes, Chairman."

"Record and file it. Conduct assessments after three months and six months. Strictly implement according to today's meeting."

"Understood." Secretary Tang responded respectfully.

After An YanKun had arranged everything, he looked around at all the senior executives present. "If the senior executives have no other matters, An Nuan can leave first."

No one in the room spoke.

An YanKun signaled to An Nuan with his eyes.

An Nuan nodded, then respectfully said to everyone, "Senior executives, I'll take my leave now."

After saying that, she left the conference room.

Once she was out, An Nuan's mouth curled into a faint smile.

An Hao and An Xiao probably hadn't even thought that disaster would suddenly befall them!

She was not afraid at all.

After all, she had lived this life once before, and was very clear on market trends and future development directions.

It would be wishful thinking for An Hao and An Xiao to want to accomplish anything.

An Nuan returned to her office.

She had just sat down.

An Xiao knocked and entered.

At this moment she had a smiling face, probably still unaware of what had happened.

Or perhaps she had heard that An Nuan was called to the executive conference room, and thought she must have been humiliated somehow, so she came now to deliberately gloat.

An Nuan remained expressionless.

Hearing An Xiao's tender voice calling out, "Cousin sister, I've prepared the staff profiles for our department that you asked me to."

As she spoke, she placed a thick stack of staff profiles in front of An Nuan.

An Nuan looked at her and said, "In the company, call me Manager An."

An Xiao's smile clearly stiffened.

The next moment she still obediently nodded her head, "Yes, Manager An."

"If there's nothing else, go back to work."

"Okay." An Xiao nodded.

"Right." An Nuan called An Xiao again, "From now on we're in the same boat."

An Xiao was clearly surprised.

An Nuan smiled slightly, "Your dad will tell you soon. Go on now."

An Xiao felt somewhat puzzled.

She returned to her office.

The first thing she did was to immediately receive a call from An YanKun. She hurriedly took the call, "Dad."

Her voice was deliberately sweet.

"I'm informing you of a company decision. Just carry it out accordingly." An YanKun's tone was clearly unhappy.

An Xiao also keenly sensed something amiss at that moment, and obediently said, "I'll do whatever Dad says."

An YanKun coldly told An Xiao about the decision made in the conference room today.

After listening, An Xiao was shocked. She said in disbelief, "Dad, why do I have to take on the same wager as An Nuan? And I even have to be tied together with An Nuan, so if she doesn't complete it, won't I suffer the consequences too?"

"Don't ask anything else. Just do as I say!"

Knowing An YanKun was in a bad mood, An Xiao didn't dare ask another word, and quickly agreed, "Alright."

After speaking, An YanKun directly hung up the call.

Holding her phone, An Xiao's expression had clearly changed too.

Wasn't it supposed to be her dad going to make things difficult for An Nuan? Wasn't it supposed to be her dad going to get revenge for her? How did it end up not only not giving her any benefit, but also dragging her into it!

The more she thought about it, the angrier she felt.

The door suddenly burst open.

An Xiao's expression darkened, just about to flare up.

She saw the one who had pushed the door open was An Hao. An Hao immediately closed the door again.

Just as An Xiao was struggling to force a smile to face An Hao.

Slap! An Hao fiercely slapped An Xiao hard across the face.

An Xiao was instantly stunned silly by the slap.

Her eyes turned red, as she covered her face feeling extremely wronged, "Brother, what did I do wrong..."

"Shut up! You damned jinx, bringing you back to the An family, was it to let you sabotage me like this? If not for you saying An Nuan was targeting you, would Dad have deliberately tried to shame An Nuan in front of so many senior executives?! If he didn't do that, An Nuan and Second Uncle wouldn't have gotten hold of his handle, and in the end ruined my future! What exactly are you, with what right must I accompany you to death, you wild bastard child of a whore!" An Hao got angrier the more he spoke.

An Xiao was shamed beyond compare by An Hao's words.

Her tears kept streaming down non-stop, knowing that she had no right to retaliate at all now.

Yet in her heart she still hated him to death for trampling her like this.

"If I find out again that you're making any moves, watch me kill you!" An Hao threatened viciously.

Completely disregarding An Xiao's anguish, he turned and left.

If not for his father's sake, this cheap slut An Xiao, he would have beat her to death long ago!

An Xiao gnashed her teeth as she watched An Hao's departing back.

The pitiful and aggrieved look in her eyes just now instantly turned extremely sinister.

One day, she would make all the An family bow subserviently at her feet, begging for death!


An Hao left angrily.

If he didn't vent it out somehow, he really couldn't swallow this grievance.

Thinking of how well he had been doing, only to suddenly have his position changed and made to undergo some trial, he wished he could strangle An Xiao to death!

His footsteps halted slightly.

He saw An Nuan coming out of her office ahead.

The blazing fury that was hard to conceal, upon seeing An Nuan now seemed even more obvious.

An Nuan instead smiled lightly, appearing utterly calm and unconcerned, "Cousin brother, I heard you changed positions."

"Don't be too pleased with yourself." An Hao walked right up to An Nuan, saying viciously, "A silly girl like you who doesn't know the immensity of heaven and earth, won't necessarily have a good outcome either."

"I'll say the same to cousin brother too."

An Hao's expression darkened.

"Without self-awareness, there really won't be a good outcome."

"What did you say?!" An Hao gnashed his teeth.

"Didn't cousin brother hear me clearly?" An Nuan looked straight at An Hao, without a shred of timidity left.

Recalling the past, she had really suffered endless bullying from An Hao.

An Hao was older and stronger. When they were young and no adults were looking, he would hit and threaten her.

Once unable to endure it anymore, she reported it.

As a result, without even asking what happened, her grandma had scolded her severely, saying she had no propriety, was disrespectful to her elder cousin brother, and had even learned to tattle!

After that, she never dared to report again, and developed a shadow of An Hao.

For a long time afterwards she didn't even dare appear before An Hao, let alone look straight at him like now.

An Hao of course also noticed An Nuan's difference now.

An Nuan was the one he had bullied since young, doing whatever he wanted with her, hitting her when he wanted, spitting at her when he wanted. An Nuan had always avoided him in fear since small, and would never meet his eyes. This kind of behavior now instead made him feel very uneasy.

He felt like the woman before his eyes could not be bullied at all anymore!

Chapter 106

An Hao was certainly not afraid of An Nuan either.

From childhood to adulthood, because of Wen QingCui's preference for boys over girls, An Hao was deeply ingrained that as a man, he would be superior.

So at this moment, even though he felt An Nuan was a little different, it was impossible for him to really produce any kind of fear.

On the contrary, he still didn't take An Nuan seriously.

Those big talks that An Nuan boasted at the senior executive meeting, he was just waiting to see her make a fool of herself.

"Looking for death on her own." An Hao threw down a sentence and left angrily.

An Nuan watched An Hao's back.

The one looking for death was not her?!

She went to the lounge outside to make herself a cup of coffee.

Because today's executive meeting was delayed, she estimated that she would have to work overtime tonight!

So she needed a slightly relaxed moment to build up her energy.

She drank a cup of black coffee.

She went back to the office.

There was already a woman waiting for her in the office.

The woman was wearing a very professional black suit, her hair tied in a ponytail, and she was also wearing black-rimmed glasses.

Seeing An Nuan appear, she looked very respectful, "Hello Ms. An, I'm Luo Si, your personal secretary."

"Um." An Nuan nodded slightly, "Sit down."

She let Luo Si sit opposite her.

This secretary was selected by her father for her.

Coming to the company alone, she was completely unaware of the personnel situation of the company. In the sales department, which had been harmed by An Xiao before, she had no one to trust, so she needed her father to transfer a secretary to assist her.

"You're 31 this year?" An Nuan asked.


"A secretary for 6 years, just a member of the chairman's secretariat?"


"I'm 22 years old this year, with no work experience. Do you feel it's beneath your abilities to follow me?" An Nuan raised her eyebrows.

"I do," Luo Si said frankly, "But the chairman said you have at most only half a year. After half a year, I can return to the chairman's secretariat."

An Nuan couldn't help laughing.

So her dad really didn't believe in her.

She had thought her dad was quite handsome with his swift and decisive style at the executive meeting.

"I have to tell you, I have set myself a seemingly unrealistic goal, and if I don't achieve it, I will be kicked out directly," An Nuan said bluntly, "So I need you to assist me now."

"I will do my best." Although Luo Si did not approve of An Nuan, her basic professional ethics were still there.

"Now I'm going to make personnel changes in the sales department and I need your opinion."

"My opinion is that you shouldn't make personnel changes on your first day of work, you will lose the hearts of the people."

"What if I insist?"

"I will naturally follow orders." Luo Si compromised.

"Then don't ask any more questions."


An Nuan did not dwell on it either. Her eyes flickered, "Tomorrow morning, help me make an appointment with the HR director, I will discuss tomorrow's personnel changes with him."

"Yes." Luo Si said respectfully.

"It's 8pm now." An Nuan looked at the sky outside.

Unknowingly, it was this time already.

"Go home early." An Nuan said to Luo Si.

"The most basic professional ethics of a secretary is that I cannot leave work until my superior leaves work."

An Nuan looked at Luo Si.

Luo Si looked very serious.

At this moment, An Nuan couldn't help being curious, "Are you married?"


"Are you dating?"


No wonder.

An Nuan got up from her office chair and said, "Then I'm off work, look at the time and leave on your own."


An Nuan was also a little tired.

She went into the garage and got into her car to go straight back to Ye Jinghuai's villa.

That guy said it would take him several days to come back.

She didn't know how long his "several days" would be?!

An Nuan suddenly smiled.

What did it matter to her when Ye Jinghuai came back?

She parked the sedan in the villa garage and walked into the hall.

Uncle Zhong was waiting for her in the hall, "Madam."

"You haven't rested yet."

"Waiting for Madam to have dinner." Uncle Zhong said respectfully.

An Nuan was taken aback.

She had eaten dinner at the company after working overtime in the evening.

Uncle Zhong seemed to have noticed and quickly said, "It doesn't matter. But the young master made me cook bird's nest for Madam, to bring it to Madam to eat in the bedroom, or does Madam want to eat here?"

"Ye Jinghuai asked you to cook it?"

"The young master said you must have worked overtime on your first day, so he asked me to prepare some bird's nest to nourish you."

An Nuan didn't know what feeling it was.

She just felt... somewhat warm.

She said, "I'll eat here."

"Very well, Madam, I will serve it to you right away, please wait a moment."

An Nuan nodded slightly.

She sat down at the dining table.

After thinking about it, she still sent Ye Jinghuai a message, "Thanks."

She didn't actually know why she sent those two words.

"You're welcome, it's mainly for myself too." Came the very matter-of-fact reply.

It was as if he had been waiting for her message.

An Nuan suddenly thought of her previous life.

And her previous life with Gu Yan Sheng.

She was at home all year round, while he was often socializing.

Whenever she sent him a message, it would always take a long time before he would perfunctorily reply with one sentence, and later, he didn't even bother to reply perfunctorily, choosing to ignore her completely.

An Nuan's throat moved, telling herself not to overthink.

Wasn't she starting to get revenge bit by bit now?!

In the end, she would make Gu Yan Sheng suffer a fate worse than death!

She looked back and edited the message, "Why?"

She didn't understand Ye Jinghuai's meaning at all.

"If Miss An's health is well maintained, my user experience will be better." Came the very matter-of-fact reply.

An Nuan got angry and put her phone down directly.

All the previous feelings of warmth were gone!

Damn it!

Was she an object? What user experience?!

And who said she would give him any experience?!

An Nuan was furious.

The man on the phone, however, had a face of joy like a spring breeze.

"Jinghuai, your smile is too lecherous." Qin Jiang couldn't stand it and reminded him.

Ever since An Nuan appeared, he felt that the Ye Jinghuai he saw was no longer the Ye Jinghuai he knew.

What magic power did that woman have?

To melt an iceberg of ten thousand years into a puddle of spring water?!

Chapter 107

The next day.

An Nuan arrived at An's Group.

Luo Si had already made her a cup of coffee and placed it in front of her.

An Nuan nodded slightly, "Thank you."

"President An, let me brief you on your schedule today." Luo Si said respectfully.

While drinking coffee, An Nuan looked at the secretary with a straight face.

"At 10 am this morning, I scheduled a meeting with the HR director to discuss internal personnel changes in the sales department. It is expected to last until 12 pm. 12 pm to 12:30 pm is your lunch break. I have made reservations with the cafeteria in advance. 12:30 pm to 2 pm is your nap time. From 2 pm to 4 pm, I have summarized all the key tasks you assigned yesterday for your review. After that, there are still 2 hours of work time. Do you want me to make arrangements to communicate the personnel changes discussed with the HR director this morning?" Luo Si asked.

"Not for now, let's talk about it after we see the results today." An Nuan said.

She couldn't help but admire Luo Si a little in her heart. She had only asked Luo Si to make an appointment with the HR director yesterday without saying anything else. Yet Luo Si had done her homework in private and arranged An Nuan's affairs properly today. No wonder her father valued Luo Si so much.


"You can leave now."

"President An." Luo Si did not leave.

"Anything else?"

"I just received internal news that Vice President An brought his daughter An Zhao to hold a press conference with the media, which is starting live broadcast at 9 am this morning." Luo Si said, "If you are interested, President An, I can switch you to the live channel."

An Nuan just looked at Luo Si like that.

Luo Si felt a little awkward under An Nuan's gaze, "Is there something on my face?"

"As a secretary, in addition to getting work done properly, shouldn't you also have the ability to observe worldly affairs?"

"Only I do." Luo Si was not modest at all.

"So should I try harder at least to deserve having you as my secretary?"

"You flatter me too much, President An." Her attitude was neither humble nor overbearing.

An Nuan smiled, "You can leave now. I'm interested in watching it myself."

"Then I won't disturb President An's work."

Luo Si left.

An Nuan focused her attention on work.

After thinking about it, she still opened the live streaming platform and found An YanKun's live room.

At the moment, there were many media reporters in the room, and it didn't seem to have started yet.

An Nuan just put her phone aside and processed her work.

9 am.

The live broadcast of the press conference officially began.

An Nuan glanced at it and continued typing on the keyboard, listening to An YanKun's voice inside.

In fact, An Nuan had already guessed what An YanKun was going to do.

The meeting with Gu's family yesterday must have been unpleasant. Given An YanKun's temper, he would absolutely not swallow this grievance.

In the live video, An YanKun's voice rang out, "The reason why I held a press conference today and invited so many reporters, even broadcasting it live, is to give everyone an account of what happened between An Zhao and Gu YanSheng a few days ago. At that time, I was too rushed at An Nuan's wedding, which caused misunderstandings. Today I will make a public explanation."

After speaking, An YanKun took out the 5 million cheque that Gu's family had given. The Gu Corporation seal was on the cheque.

As soon as An YanKun said this, not only did the screen explode, but the scene was also in an uproar.

Reporters began asking questions one after another.

"Mr. An, do you mean that the video of your daughter An Zhao and Gu YanSheng at An Nuan's wedding happened because An Zhao was deceived by Gu YanSheng?"

"You mean your daughter truly fell in love with Gu YanSheng, but Gu YanSheng was just playing with An Nuan?"

"So isn't Gu YanSheng a typical two-timer and scumbag?!"

The scene was extremely excited.

An YanKun answered them all one by one, even portraying himself and An Zhao as victims.

An Nuan watched a few times throughout the process and didn't feel that An YanKun would succeed.

Even now, everyone was siding with An YanKun and An Zhao, vilifying Gu YanSheng across the internet.

After about 10 minutes.

Something unexpected happened.

Gu YanSheng appeared at the scene of the live broadcast.

An Nuan, who was typing on the keyboard, put her hands down.

She watched the screen.

She was really shocked by Gu YanSheng's sudden appearance, which also shocked the scene.

He looked very calm and said, "I also just received the news that Uncle An brought his daughter to accuse me of evil deeds on site. Originally, I thought I would just let this matter pass since no matter how it happened, An Zhao did have a relationship with me in the end and suffered a loss because of it. But I really can't stand Uncle An forcing me to marry An Zhao over and over again, and threatening me that if I don't marry An Zhao, he will maliciously slander me and smear me. I didn't give in to his threats, so it turned into what happened today!"

"I was just telling the truth. How did I slander and smear you!" An YanKun retorted to Gu YanSheng.

"Uncle An, I really don't want to make things too embarrassing for everyone. Since you insist on taking it this far, I can only play along to the end." Gu YanSheng's face darkened.

He suddenly gestured.

Several staff members appeared on the scene.

The staff directly opened a computer, and suddenly indecent pictures appeared on the screen.

In the pictures was An Zhao and several men in extremely outrageous scenes.

When An YanKun saw that, his eyes widened.

He completely did not believe that the person on the screen was his daughter.

Although An Zhao and Gu YanSheng's video being exposed earlier had caused him to lose face, he could accept what happened between them. But now seeing An Zhao doing this with so many men...

He turned his head sharply and glared fiercely at An Zhao.

The previously well-behaved and pitiful An Zhao beside him had now turned pale.

It was because the indecent pictures were made public again, which made her extremely ashamed.

"No, no, Dad, it's not..."

Slap! In front of everyone, An YanKun angrily slapped An Zhao in the face with great force.

It was so powerful that it directly knocked An Zhao to the ground.

"It's not like what you see, Dad. It was Gu YanSheng, he harmed me, he deliberately framed me..." An Zhao covered her face in agony and suffering.

Chapter 108

It was last night.

Last night, Gu Yan Sheng called her and said he wanted to talk to her, not wanting the two families to become too stiff.

An Zhao had hoped for Gu Yan Sheng originally, although she was mocked miserably by Gu Yan Sheng, but if they could be together, she was still willing, so she dressed up a little and went to meet him.

But she didn't expect not only didn't wait for Gu Yan Sheng at the appointed place, but was caught by a group of hooligans who forced her into an apartment, and then the scene on the computer happened.

An Zhao barely made it back home. Having experienced such an earth-shattering event, she didn't dare to say it, because she would definitely be beaten to death by her father if she said it, so she could only hide it. At that time, she didn't even suspect that it was done by Gu Yan Sheng. After all, later Gu Yan Sheng sent her a message asking why she didn't arrive. Although she didn't reply because she hated him to the extreme, it was this message that made her not think in that direction at all, or rather, she couldn't even think that Gu Yan Sheng would be so cruel!

She was completely devastated.

At the warm wedding, her face was humiliated, at least there was still Gu Yan Sheng with her, now it was all her embarrassment naked.

Stark naked, forcing her to die!

"What kind of person An Zhao is, I think everyone should be clear. Why I slept with An Zhao that night, I said before it was because An Zhao drugged me, so I won't waste everyone's time explaining more here. The only thing I want to say is, An Zhao, anyone will be in a hurry when forced, it's best for you to know yourself." After finishing speaking, Gu Yan Sheng turned and left.

After walking two steps, he suddenly stopped again, "The 5 million was indeed given by me, but it was because Uncle An insisted on it."

This time, he really left without stopping.

An Nuan saw this and closed it too.

All results have been settled.

Gu Yan Sheng won completely.


An YanKun simply couldn't compete with the Gu family.

Of course she had expected it long ago.

Although she deliberately arranged this contradiction, it was not to let Gu Yan Sheng take the opportunity to clear himself. Sooner or later, Gu Yan Sheng would be able to come up with this way to prove himself. The reason why she promoted the war between them was only to accelerate revenge and give An Zhao more lessons at the same time.

Thinking of An Zhao in her previous life, after she married Gu Yan Sheng, she resented him all the time, insulting her in front of others, and clamoring for all the young ladies of the upper class to look down on her.

An Zhao should also doubly taste the feeling of being insulted by others.

"President An." Suddenly there was a knock on the door outside.

"Come in." An Nuan responded.

For An Zhao's fate, or perhaps her even more miserable fate to come, she would no longer have any emotion.

Good and evil will be repaid!

"It's 9:50 now, you can get ready to go to the office of the HR Director." Luo Si reminded.


An Nuan went directly to HR Director Ning Lianghui's office with Luo Si.

Ning Lianghui was very enthusiastic about An Nuan, "President An, please sit down."

"You're too kind." An Nuan smiled and sat across from Ning Lianghui.

"Secretary Luo has already told me that President An wants to make personnel changes in the sales department?" He seemed a little surprised.


"I personally suggest that President An just started working, there's no need to rush, after all, people's hearts are very important, once lost, it's hard to repair."

"I also know this principle." An Nuan said neither hastily nor slowly, "But Director Ning should also have heard that I made a commitment in front of senior management, so my time is limited. I only have three months or six months to complete the tasks I must complete. I can't do everything according to common sense."

Ning Lianghui obviously didn't react to An Nuan's meaning for a moment.

An Nuan smiled at the corner of her mouth. She said straightforwardly, "Within the limited time, I need my own team."

To be able to take up the position of director in a Fortune Global 500 company, one must naturally be a smart person. With An Nuan's reminder, as long as he thought about it deeply, Ning Lianghui understood what An Nuan was talking about.

What he didn't expect was that An Nuan, who had just started working for two days and had never been in contact with the workplace before, could think of this so quickly.

It had to be said.

An Nuan's time was limited, she couldn't waste time and energy on intrigue to delay her work progress. The only best way was to cut the mess quickly, pull out all those forces that were not good for her, and build her own team. Once people's hearts were hers, what she wanted to do would be twice the result with half the effort.

Ning Lianghui figured it out.

Luo Si also figured it out in their conversation just now.

Although she strongly approved of An Nuan's arrangement of personnel, she still did not approve of An Nuan's approach of moving people as soon as she arrived. But obviously, from An Nuan's standpoint, building a team loyal to herself was critical given her tight timeline.

At that moment, Luo Si couldn't help but be amazed at An Nuan's delicate mind and foresight.

"Since President An has decided, I will definitely do a good job of support and follow-up." Ning Lianghui quickly stated his position.

"Thank you, Director Ning." An Nuan was very polite, and at that moment there was still a hint of profound meaning in her tone, "I've heard that Director Ning has been working in HR for more than ten years. You must know better than me who should be in what position, so I hope Director Ning can give me some professional advice."

"I will do my best." Ning Lianghui hurriedly agreed, "I will never fail the company or the chairman's cultivation of me!"

An Nuan smiled at the corner of her mouth.

Ning Lianghui was naturally a smart person. At this moment, her approach was to confirm who could become her own people. Ning Lianghui immediately clarified his position.

Of course, some things were best left unsaid.

An Nuan's eyes turned, "Secretary Luo, release my plan for Director Ning's review."


In a morning.

All the adjustment lists were finalized, the efficiency was amazing!

"I want to see the internal document on personnel adjustments released first thing tomorrow morning." An Nuan said directly.

The style of doing things vigorously and swiftly really made it impossible to see that she was only 22 years old and just graduated from college!

Chapter 109

In fact, she wasn't really a new college graduate. She died at 32! It's just that now she's fortunate enough to return to the age of 22 that year.

After communicating everything with Ning Lianghui, An Nuan took Luo Si back to the office. Just after getting back, she saw An Xiao seeming to be leaving with her bag in hand.

An Nuan's brows furrowed slightly.

Seeing An Nuan, An Xiao's entire being was completely without any aura. She hurriedly said, ", President An, I'm asking for half a day off. My sister ran into some things, I have to go back for a bit, I'm afraid my sister might not be able to cope."

An Nuan gave a cold laugh.

An Xiao was probably not worried that An Zhao wouldn't be able to cope, she was probably worried that An Zhao would cope too well.

An Nuan nodded to grant permission.

Since she could profit by having the two sisters kill each other, why not?

An Xiao hurriedly expressed gratitude, then hastily left.

The moment she left, she couldn't help but look back at An Nuan one more time.

Looking at her spirited appearance.

An Xiao gritted her teeth.

After she kills An Zhao, the next one will be An Nuan!

She swiftly left An Group, hurriedly rushing back to the An family manor.

Just as she walked in, she heard Liu Feng's heart-wrenching sobs.

"An Zhao must have been framed by Gu YanSheng, it must be. How could An Zhao do something like this..."

"Enough! Don't cry and wail here in front of me!" An YanKun's voice was angry to the point of yelling hoarsely, "You keep saying you're a young lady from high society, looking down on Li YaJu's birth?! Look at the daughter Li YaJu was able to raise, An Nuan, and look at the thing you've raised! And today I actually stood up for An Zhao in front of the whole internet?! Now when I walk outside I feel like I, An YanKun, am a joke!"

"An Zhao absolutely isn't that kind of person." Liu Feng still wanted to try to speak up for her daughter.

"Shut up!" An YanKun was extremely angry, "No matter what you say today is useless. Today I will beat An Zhao to death no matter what."

"YanKun, don't, don't..." As Liu Feng spoke, she wanted to grab An YanKun.

An YanKun pushed Liu Feng away with one hand.

Liu Feng lost her balance and An Xiao hurriedly ran over to support her, "Auntie, are you alright?"

"Slap!" Liu Feng looked at An Xiao, suddenly pushed her away forcefully, and heavily slapped An Xiao's face, taking out all her anger on her, "You cheap, lowlife b*tch, what right do you have to touch me! If it wasn't for you suggesting that An Zhao seduce Gu YanSheng back then, An Zhao wouldn't have become like this. Today I will beat you to death no matter what, you jinx, it was you who deliberately framed An Zhao..."

As she spoke, Liu Feng wanted to hit An Xiao.

At that moment An YanKun was already extremely angry, and seeing Liu Feng disciplining her own daughter poorly and then wanting to reprimand An Xiao, his temper exploded. He went forward, grabbed Liu Feng, and fiercely shoved her to the ground.

Liu Feng lay on the ground, looking at An YanKun in disbelief.

"You said An Xiao is a cheap b*tch, but you're not even as good as a cheap b*tch!"

"An YanKun!" Liu Feng completely erupted.

Wen QingCui in the great hall also couldn't stand to watch any longer, sharply reprimanding, "Enough, you've quarrelled apart the whole family!"

Facing Wen QingCui, An YanKun still didn't dare get too angry.

So he endured.

"An Zhao disgraced the family, she should be punished, Liu Feng shut your mouth."

"Mom, I just feel like this matter must have been Gu YanSheng..."

"I told you to shut up!" Wen QingCui yelled angrily.

Liu Feng swallowed her belly full of anger.

"An Xiao isn't at work, what are you doing back?" Wen QingCui's gaze shifted.

An Xiao covered her face, looking weak and helpless as she said, "I wanted to come back and see how my sister was doing. When I saw the news about her I was afraid she would be too upset..."

"From now on no matter what, work comes first!" Wen QingCui scolded.


"Go back to your room first, I have things to discuss with your father."


An Xiao left.

As soon as she turned around, her expression changed.

In Wen QingCui's eyes anyway, she was just a nobody.

One day she would make that old hag Wen QingCui understand her capabilities.

She walked into the inner courtyard, of course not going straight to her room, but rather to An Zhao's room.

From inside the room came the sound of An Zhao ceaselessly smashing things.

Today's events were probably enough to drive An Zhao insane.

An Xiao smiled wickedly.

She pushed open the door and walked in, "Sis."

"Get out!" An Zhao screamed madly.

"The one who should get out is you." An Xiao sneered coldly.

"An Xiao you cheap b*tch!"

"I'm guessing grandma and dad are probably discussing sending you away now. You've disgraced the family so much, you should be kicked out!"

"What did you say?!"

"I said you have no shame, you're vile and filthy! How could the An family produce trash like you?!" An Xiao didn't hold back her insults at all!

"An Xiao!" An Zhao shrieked, she hadn't expected An Xiao to actually say these words to her!

She actually dared speak to her this way.

She was just a bastard child, yet she actually dared be so arrogant!

"Back then when I told you to seduce Gu YanSheng you actually went? You didn't even see what you are, you actually thought you could seduce him? If there really was something good like that, would I have let you go, wouldn't I enjoy it myself?!"

"An Xiao!" An Zhao's eyes were bloodshot.

At that moment she really wanted to kill An Xiao.

It seemed to only sink in at this moment, everything was actually An Xiao's sinister plot!

"If I were you, I really would just commit suicide." Faced with An Zhao's breakdown, An Xiao was extremely calm, "How on earth do you still have the face to go on living?!"

"An Xiao, I'm going to kill you!" The hideous expression on An Zhao's face in that moment, she really wanted to take An Xiao down with her.

Of course An Xiao deliberately provoked An Zhao.

The moment An Zhao rushed at her to grab her, An Xiao suddenly took out a small knife from her bag.

An Zhao didn't pay it any mind at all, only wanting to kill this cheap b*tch An Xiao.

But An Xiao had strong purpose.

She grabbed An Zhao's arm, and when An Zhao least expected it, the knife directly slit An Zhao's wrist.

An Zhao seemed to freeze for two seconds in shock in that moment, and the next second when she saw the blood spurting from her wrist, she was frightened and about to scream.

An Xiao covered her mouth.


An Zhao collapsed on the ground because of excessive blood loss.

She collapsed on the ground.

An Xiao hastily put the knife by An Zhao's side, creating the appearance that she committed suicide.

At the same time, she shrieked, "Ahhhhh..."

The sudden scream naturally attracted the attention of the whole family.

An YanKun was the first to rush in.

Rushing in, he saw An Xiao kneeling by An Zhao's side, covered in blood, while An Zhao lay in a pool of blood.

Clearly she had committed suicide.

Next Liu Feng and Wen QingCui rushed in, along with the family servants.

Everyone who saw this scene was frightened.

Liu Feng immediately threw herself on the ground, hugging An Zhao's body, so scared she was incoherent, "An Zhao, An Zhao...wake up, wake up!"

Heartrending cries rang out in the room one after another.

An Xiao looked at the horrific scene before her, a flash of malice passing through her eyes.

From now on, she had completely taken over An Zhao's position!

Chapter 110

An Zhao's death still surprised An Nuan.

She thought An Zhao might live a fate worse than death, thought An Zhao's days would definitely not be good, but did not expect that An Xiao could be so ruthless.

Based on her understanding of An Zhao, at worst, An Zhao would not seek death, unless...

An Nuan turned to look at An Xiao who seemed to be crying to the point of fainting, looking at her with swollen eyes, constantly blaming herself, "It's all my fault, if I had gone to my sister's room earlier, I could have discovered that my sister was doing foolish things, and would not have... it's all my fault..."

At this moment, all the An family had rushed to the hospital.

After An Zhao's "suicide", An YanKun immediately sent An Zhao to the hospital. She had already stopped breathing when she arrived at the hospital. The doctors tried to save her to no avail and pronounced her dead.

After receiving the news, An Nuan and her parents also rushed to the hospital quickly.

When they arrived, they saw An Zhao's pallid face, lying motionless on the hospital bed.

Liu Feng held An Zhao's hand, calling An Zhao's name over and over again, crying her heart out.

An YanKun was angry at first, but now he had no sharpness at all because of An Zhao's death. His face was filled with guilt and self-reproach, and he was obviously very upset too.

Wen QingCui sat on the sofa in the ward, unusually lacking her strong aura. Her eyes were red again and again as she kept sighing.

The room was filled with immense grief.

Perhaps no one had imagined that this kind of thing could actually drive An Zhao to death.

In fact, whether she was really forced to death remained questionable as An Nuan glanced at An Xiao several more times...

She began to suspect that she had underestimated this woman!

Two days later, An Zhao was buried.

In North Wen Country, the funeral of a person without children would be very simple, without any memorial service. After cremation, the deceased would be sent to the An's ancestral grave, becoming the youngest deceased in the An family.

On the way back from the cemetery.

An Nuan and her parents sat in a sedan car.

An Yanyuan couldn't help but sigh, "I really didn't expect that An Zhao would choose to commit suicide. Although she was usually arrogant and overbearing, leaving like this still makes me feel uncomfortable. "

Li YaJu also nodded, very regretful, "After all, it's the child I watched grow up. How could she just leave like that?"

An Nuan just looked out the window silently, not saying a word.

The sedan arrived at An's villa first, and Li YaJu got out of the car. An Nuan and An Yanyuan went to the company together.

"Nuan Nuan." An Yanyuan suddenly grabbed An Nuan's hand.

An Nuan was startled, "What's wrong, Dad?"

"You must not think too much." An Yanyuan said heavily.

An Nuan couldn't help laughing.

So her dad was worried that she would be like An Zhao, choosing to commit suicide one day after being emotionally hurt.

She said, "Dad, don't worry, I cherish my life. Even if the sky falls down, I will never choose to commit suicide."

"That's good." An Yanyuan sighed in relief, patting An Nuan's hand heavily, as if to reassure himself.

The sedan arrived at Anshi Group.

The moment they got out of the car.

An Yanyuan and An Nuan had already regained their composure, and the two walked into the company with an aura.

They went back to their respective offices separately.

An Nuan sat down.

Luo Si followed An Nuan in and reported on her work, "Ning Zhong, the head of HR, was looking for you this morning. He heard that you were attending An Zhao's funeral and asked me to tell you that if you return to the company, please go to him. Some small situations have occurred regarding personnel rearrangement."

"What's the situation?" An Nuan raised her eyebrows.

After An Zhao's death, An Nuan had been helping to handle An Zhao's aftermath.

Of course.

Apart from feeling a little surprised about An Zhao's death, she didn't have too many emotions.

She was not saintly enough to have compassion for someone who had been extremely vicious to her.

She was just sending An Zhao off on her last journey out of humanitarianism.

And as soon as she left, the personnel rearrangement was naturally handled entirely by Ning Lianghui.

So she didn't know what had happened these past two days.

"Collective protest." Luo Si answered.


It was not a small situation after all.

"Yesterday morning, a notice was issued requiring all employees to move to new offices according to the latest job titles, and to complete all handovers today. However, up until now, all employees who need to be transferred are still sitting in their original positions, still doing their original work, showing no intention of moving at all." Luo Si reported, "Ning Zhong originally wanted to persuade the employees one by one, but everyone refused to talk to him."

"Has the ringleader been found out yet?" An Nuan asked.

There was always a ringleader in everything. Once the ringleader was caught, everything would be resolved.

"Not yet."

"Then don't do anything for now, just let them be until that person is found. Making an example is enough." An Nuan cut straight to the point.

"Yes." Luo Si was genuinely beginning to admire An Nuan's wisdom and... dominance.

"Also let Ning Zhong know about our plan."


Luo Si left.

An Nuan didn't linger either, and immediately immersed herself in work.

The phone suddenly rang at this moment.

An Nuan glanced down and saw the caller ID.

Seeing who was calling, her eyes paused noticeably.

She thought for a moment before answering formally, "Hello."

Deliberately using an aloof tone.

"How could you have deleted my number so quickly. " Gu Yan Sheng's voice came through, sounding humorously self-deprecating to himself.

"Yes, Jinghuai doesn't like me having too much contact with other men."

"Jinghuai, Jinghuai... you've only known him for a short time, yet you address him so intimately." Gu Yan Sheng was clearly suppressing his anger.

"I haven't known him for long, but he's now a part of my life." An Nuan said. She didn't want to waste time chatting with Gu Yan Sheng, "Why did you call me?"

"Can't I call you without any reason?"

"I'm very busy."

"I heard you started working at Anshi Group." Gu Yan Sheng asked.

"Do we have business to discuss?" An Nuan maintained her aloof attitude.

"Why do you have to be so cold to me, after all the years we were in love?"

"If there's nothing else, I'm going to hang up." An Nuan really didn't want to waste time on Gu Yan Sheng.

"Nuan Nuan." Gu Yan Sheng suddenly called her anxiously.

An Nuan paused, still holding the phone.

"Can I invite you to dinner tonight?" Gu Yan Sheng asked.


"Shouldn't we at least talk things through clearly between us? At least give me a chance to redeem myself."

Gu Yan Sheng's voice sounded so humble, it was as if he was begging.

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