Love Won't Hurt [A Lenore The...

By Bleachro

24 0 0

A rather retelling of "Lenore's Last", where an additional character joins the universe of Roman Dierge's Len... More

Vending Machine Mayhem
Dinner Plans
Vending Machine Mayhem 2:Electric Boogaloo
The Snitch

Miss Ophelia Arrives

8 0 0
By Bleachro

Ragamuffin is laying in his VERY tiny bed (a crib of which he ripped off the side parts off) and is snoring. The vampire doll gets up momentarily, rubs his eyes, and walks downstairs to get a glass of water or blood they got from a neighborhood douchebag. Grabbing his drink, he sits on the couch and watches TV.

Not even a moment later, there was a knock on the door. Ragamuffin then, rather annoyed, gets up from the couch and quickly went on to grab a stool. He carries it to the door in order to be able to grab the door handle.. and after a couple of tries he manages to answers the door.

There stood a rather tall, well dressed and young woman on the doorway. She was clutching a pretty big brown bag with both of her hands. She looked around for a second confused about who opened the door. After a split second she looks down, obviously grossed out by the 'thing' in front of her
"... Hello..." she said firmly

Ragamuffin raises his eye to the woman, his eyes a purpleish color. "Hello, miss. Do you need something?"

The woman pauses for a moment "Does a young lady named Lenore live here?" she asked, eyeing the doll

"Yes she does. She's upstairs. Shall I go get her?... Also, would you like to come inside?"

"Thank you." The woman replies as she quickly walks inside the house, she eyes everything around sternly as the sound of her high heels echo on the floor.She stands in front of the staircase waiting for the little girl's arrival downstairs

Ragamuffin gets onto his tippy toes and starts to yell. "LENORE! COME DOWN HERE! A WOMAN WANNA TALK TO YA!" A little while later, Lenore runs down the stairs, a bag of sugar in her hands.

The woman's expression changes from skeptical to a mix of surprise and anger

"Young lady, what is this!?" she asked pointing at the bag of sugar in Lenore's hands, the woman's hand was slightly shaking as she was pointing

Lenore just tilts her head."Um- it is sugar, madam. Why do you ask..?"The woman lets out a small but loud sigh,putting her right hand on her forehead after hearing her response"Well at least you're well mannered..." she muttered to herself

"You mustn't eat sugar out of the bag and especially so much..." The woman turns to speak at Lenore in a more calm tone now "But what can I expect when a little girl is being raised by, excuse my language, whatever the hell this is" she glares at the doll thing while she talks

The vampire doll narrows its eyes, looking at the woman in a not-so-nice tone. "Listen, lady. Lenore is my friend, and she's got a sweet tooth. You've got NO right to tell her what she can and can not eat."

The woman scoffs "Friend!...." "Young Lenore here," she continues "Is in need of a strong female role model." Which is why I'm here."
She bended a bit down to look at the doll as she talked "Now excuse me, I have a job to finish." Then she turned to look at Lenore with a small smile.

The doll makes an expression that resembles being annoyed. It scowls and makes a mean face."Strong role model? What is this? Barbie?"

The woman turns her gaze at the doll,
"Barbie at least has hair." she replied firmly

The vampire doll is obviously offended by her comment. It makes a loud gasp and covers its head."...Did you just insult my bald head?"

"Oh yes I did." she turned around putting her hands on her hips smiling. She then looks at Lenore and takes her by the hand "Let's get going now, young one."she gave a final mocking glare at the doll before Lenore handed over the bag of sugar at Ragamuffin and then she and the woman went upstairs.

As soon as the woman and the little girl left, the vampire doll went back to drinking it's glass of blood, grumbling to itself about what happened. "That was the biggest load of horseshit I've ever dealt with. What is she gonna teach her to do, drink tea?" it muttered to itself...

Meanwhile upstairs:
"You hurt Ragamuffin's feelings!" Lenore protests while holding the woman's hand.
The woman chuckled to herself, letting go of Lenore's hand and bending down to her height she says: "Oh so he has a name?"

"Yea! Everything and everyone has a name!" Lenore frowns slightly

The woman replies "Well my name is Ophelia, she spoke in a sweet voice
"And I'm here to protect and guide you properly. Unlike that...Thing..."

Ragamuffin, who has been peeking through the railing and eavesdropping on them, is getting angrier and angrier. It wants to tear the woman called Ophelia to pieces! It clenches its fists and grits its teeth together. "I have a damn name!" he muttered to itself.*

"He's NOT a thing!" Lenore yelled, clenching her fists and stomping her foot "He's my friend! And for your information he used to be a vampire!!"

The woman put her hand on her chest, visibly angry

"Don't raise your voice at me young lady!And don't make up silly stories!" She was, however, a bit thoughtful about the vampire thing but she didn't fully believe it.

"But it's true! Go ask him if you don't believe me!" she pointed downstairs looking sad

"I won't waiste my time talking to that thing Lenore! I have more important things to do. And in fact I'm going to throw him out!"

"No!" Lenore cried

"I'll get you new and better toys if you're good!" Ophelia reassures Lenore

"But Ragamuffin has nowhere to go!" Lenore said upset

"Well, since you said he's a vampire, I'm sure he is capable of taking care of himself." She spoke rather thoughtfully, as she was still unsure if this was a lie or not. Although she had been informed that there were odd things around she didn't really think Ragamuffin was actually a vampire himself.

Ragamuffin is still standing by the railing, and it has heard EVERYTHING. It makes a loud growling sound, like an animal. It is pissed off! The woman is probably the worst and dumbest woman it has ever met in it's lifetime so far,

...That's saying a lot!

Ragamuffin clenches its fists and its teeth together and clenching its jaw down. Grrr!...

Ophelia turns her gaze down the stairs and gets startled to see an angry Ragamuffin. She gets up from the ground where she was before and stands next to Lenore
"I think your dog has rabies, Lenore dear..." she says pretty afraid, clasping her hands

"Oh miss Ophelia! You've hurt Ragamuffin's feelings!!" Lenore said saddened, with a hint of surprise

Ophelia smiles slightly to herself "I think I can live with that."

Ragamuffin is beyond angry now. Its fists are tightly clenched, and its teeth are clenched tight as well. The eyes are red with rage. It looks up at Ophelia and growls. It bares it's fangs at the woman and growls louder. Clearly, there is no way that the vampire is letting her insult him like that again!

"See I told you he's a vampire!!" Lenore yelled looking at Ophelia

"Well I believe you now..." Ophelia looks at Ragamuffin, she's very afraid of him.She slowly takes Lenore's hand. "...How about you show me your room?" She asked Lenore, her gaze still fixated on Ragamuffin

The vampire's eyes narrow as it watches her every move. It is definitely not gonna let anyone take Lenore with them so easily. It growls and snarls, getting down on all fours like a wild animal and moving closer towards Ophelia, not letting her out of its sights! It lunges for her legs, trying to get her to the ground and stop her from getting further near Lenore!

Ophelia takes a step back holding Lenore's hand still.Ragamuffin suddenly jumps and grabs Ophelia by her leg and pulls her back, causing her to fall with a thud while the little girl looks on in horror.

Ragamuffin growls and glares at Ophelia as he gets closer towards her. It's fangs are bared and its eyes are red with rage. It doesn't appear to be messing around as it tries to reach Ophelia's neck. It is not letting anyone kidnap it's friend...Ophelia tries to crawl away but Ragamuffin is surprisingly strong for a vampire doll and he holds her down to the floor by her leg.

She closes her one eye in pain and she looks at the floor with her other eye halfway open. Ragamuffin growls and snarls as Ophelia is pinned to the floor. It's eyes are still red with rage, it doesn't seem to be going anywhere. It reaches up towards her neck, getting its fangs even closer to biting her! Clearly, this little vamp doll does not take kindly to being mocked and insulted...

Lenore's covering her mouth with her hands as she watches Ragamuffin biting Ophelia's neck. She looks annoyed at Ragamuffin as he bites her but she doesn't look to be in much pain. The thud on the floor probably hurt her more than the bite itself. As the doll let's go of biting the woman there was no marks on her neck whatsoever.Ophelia had a slight smile on her face as she slowly sat up from the floor, she and Ragamuffin exchange eye contact

Ragamuffin looked shocked that the woman didn't even get a scratch from it's bite... How did she do that..? It's teeth are razor-sharp, and it clearly bit her neck. This made the doll even more furious, and it continues to growl and snarl at Ophelia. The red in it's eyes was now shining really brightly as it was really angry, making it's vampire features really apparent.

"I am an angel of God," she muttered, clearly in pain from falling down previously. "Your vampire bite", she continues, "does not harm me." Ophelia was more angry than hurt at this point but she chose to hide it.

Ragamuffin doesn't believe that for a single second. It growls and snarls again. "Liar! You aren't an angel! " It's features still seemed mad and scary as it tries to lunge at her again. Clearly, it doesn't believe a word she said.

Ophelia sighs "... I am an Angel as much as you are a doll." She replies as she slowly manages to get up from the floor, swiping the dust off her"
Or a vampire, doll, that's to be more exact.." She corrects herself rather annoyedly, she can't believe the situation she had put herself in.
"I was sent here to take care of this young lady." she continues, addressing Lenore's whereabouts. "And that's what I shall do."

"How dare you! I am NOT a doll!" It said through gritted teeth, baring its fangs at her again. The vampire glares at her with a scary look. "You can NOT take Lenore from me. You are LYING and just want to take her away from me!"

The woman stares down at Ragamuffin "I won't be taking her away from you. I will be staying here with her,like a nanny. Exept I'm not paid for it..." she paused for a moment

"So I assume you are some sort of guardian to her?" she crosses her arms raising an eyebrow

"Yes! I am definitely the guardian to her. And I don't think you're suited for the job. She doesn't need someone like you."The doll glares at Ophelia, still baring its fangs at her. It seems that the more it talks to her, the more it hates her.

"Well that's too bad."Ophelia replied firmly "I was sent here on this, God make it, place specifically for the purpose of taking care of miss Lenore. So I'm not planning on leaving any time soon. You may have to leave, perhaps it'll be the best for both of us."she said the last sentence mockingly

"You want me to leave? Leave my friend? You're trying to steal her away from me! And I'm not planning to let that happen. I will not step out of the way for a stupid Angel."
Its angry tone is obvious. She is REALLY getting under its skin now. It continues to glare at Ophelia with a mad expression.

The two of them are full of glaring at each other at this point which makes Lenore a bit afraid. She quickly walks up closer to them and in order to try to get between them she says:"Please don't argue!!You can both take care of me!" she yelled a little, the worry was obvious on her face and voice.

Hearing this made the doll's eyes narrow even more and it's lips curl up into a snarl. It seems very angered that Lenore would even dare mention of them taking care of her. "I was here first, and I will be the one to take care of her. You have no right to be near her"

"You were also the one who puts her into danger and doesn't take care of her properly, I'm sure of it! Otherwise she wouldn't be holding that bag of sugar in her hands the moment when I came here!"
Lenore puts her head down ashamed

The doll's face is filled with rage at the woman's comment. It doesn't like being disrespected and called an improper guardian. It turns towards the little girl, wanting to respond, but something is stopping it. It doesn't want to yell at her, the doll is obviously hurt by the comment.
"That sugar was for baking, and we both enjoy eating it!" Ragamuffin turns back to Ophelia "I have taken care of her properly for many years!" He continues, having to repeat himself once more.

Ophelia puts her hands on her hips "Oh really?! Then why is the poor girl dressed in such gloomy clothes and looks like a overwatered plant?? You call that good parenting?!" Ophelia yells at Ragamuffin, pointing at Lenore's face with her index finger

The doll's mouth quakes with rage as it closes its eyes. Its features are definitely not happy about the angel's comments about the young lady's appearance. The doll speaks through gritted teeth."Her clothes are fine, she doesn't need new clothes. She's got enough! She does not dress depressing, she does not look like a 'overwatered plant'. She looks perfectly fine! You know NOTHING about parenting! Nothing at all!!"

Lenore just kept on looking back and forth as Ragamuffin and Miss Ophelia argued with eachother. Then suddenly a thought passed through her head;that these two argue like a married couple!She smiled to herself slightly after thinking that, since they argue about none other than her, it was like as if they were both her parents and she was the child.For the first time in her afterlife she felt like she had loving parents. Intrigued now, she continued to watch the argument.

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