Midnight Bite 🔞

By Olivia_Bellmore

441 15 0

The story is set in a world where vampires have taken over, and Lily, a young woman from a lost prestigious r... More

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LILY(Lily gets Kidnapped)
The KrinxTomb Empire(Rivalry Empire)
Marked by Lord Asher.
The Soothsayer's Message
2nd Bite


28 2 0
By Olivia_Bellmore

Joana's voice trembled with concern as she leaned closer, her eyes searching Lily's. "When... when did it all happen?" she whispered, the weight of the unknown pressing down on her.

Lily's gaze drifted away, lost in the gravity of the memory. "It's been almost two days," she replied, her voice barely above a hush, a mix of surprise and sorrow dancing in her eyes. The silence that followed was heavy with unspoken fears."

Lily had been unwell, missing school for two days due to nausea and a high fever. During this time, Hannah provided her with care and support. Mrs. Wu, feeling the strain of the situation, initially asked Lily to help with household chores. However, Hannah intervened, suggesting they discuss the matter with Mr. Wu to ensure Lily could fully recover without additional stress.

"Oh Lily, how do you fare?" inquired her friend with a sigh, the concern evident in their voice. "To be absent for two days, confined within the dreary walls of home, with naught but silence for company... it's a dismal fate, indeed. I, too, have known such numbing stillness, such aching solitude. It weighs heavy on the soul, doesn't it?"
"I'm feelin' well now, much better than I have come to school today," Lily mumbled with a forced smile. Joana caught a glimpse of something off in her expression. Her face wasn't quite right. She sensed Lily's worry, the fear lurking beneath. Quietly, she tugged Lily aside.
"Lily, I need to talk to you," Joana stated with unexpected firmness.

Lily's eyes widened in surprise. "What happened? Why did you pull me aside?" she questioned, her voice tinged with astonishment.

Joana mirrored her surprise, "That's exactly what I want to know, Lily. What's going on? I can tell you're upset. Can you share what's bothering you?"

Um um--murmured Lily.
Lily tell! Spill it out.
You won't believe it.
Tell me, Lily, I believe you.

Lily's voice trembled as she recounted the eerie events of the previous night. "And then, there's Lord Asher," she whispered, a shiver running down her spine.

Joana chuckled, brushing off the chill in the air. "Vampires, really? This world's vast and mysterious, so who knows? They might just be lurking in the shadows."

"But what if he comes after me?" Lily's eyes widened with fear. "My sisters, my family... my father! If anything happened to them because of me, I'd never forgive myself."

"Listen," Joana said, placing a reassuring hand on Lily's shoulder. "We'll face whatever comes together. Fear won't rule us. Now, let's figure out our next move."

Lily is still scared.

"Relax, Lily," Joana chuckled, her laughter echoing in the dimly lit corridor. "We don't even know if he's real. And Lord Asher? He's too high and mighty to bother with us mere mortals."

Lily bit her lip, the flicker of doubt in her eyes betraying her calm facade. "I hope you're right," she murmured.

Joana reached out, her hand resting reassuringly on Lily's shoulder. "Come on, let's head back to the circle. Our friends are waiting."

With a nod, Lily allowed a small smile to grace her lips. Side by side, they retraced their steps, their shadows merging as one in the soft glow of the lanterns that lined their path back to the meeting circle.

Unbeknownst to the chattering duo, their words found an unintended audience in Risa, a peer from Lily's class. Though their acquaintance was nothing more than a series of exchanged glances and nods in the hallway, the gravity of the overheard conversation weighed heavily on Risa.

With a determined whisper, "I must share this," she vowed, her voice barely rising above a breath as she glided past the unsuspecting pair.

Later, amidst the fervent buzz of the group discussion, Risa harbored the secret, a silent promise to relay the clandestine tale.

As they entered the group discussion circle, Rendy's voice rang out loud and clear. "Where have you been? We were so worried about you!" She ran towards them and hugged them tightly. "We thought you had left us behind."

Neesy smiled and patted her back. "Calm down, Rendy. They are fine. They just got lost for a while." She looked at their faces and saw the relief in their eyes.

Oh we were just-" Lily started, but Joana cut her off.

"Ice cream!" Joana blurted out. "We had ice cream, right, Lil? We love ice cream! It's our favorite thing ever!"

She spoke so fast, it was hard to catch every word. She sounded excited and nervous at the same time.

Wow! You really went to ice cream shop, didn't you?" she exclaimed. "But you didn't buy anything for us!" She pouted, pretending to be hurt. Reesy was Neesy's twin sister and also the class monitor.

Joana chuckled and shook her head. "You're such a drama queen, Reesy. And what do you mean by 'us'? You're the monitor, remember? You're supposed to be in the staff room, not here." She teased her friend.

Reesy rolled her eyes and shrugged. "Nah, I don't care about that. I'm here to hang out with you guys." She said casually. "Anyway, what's the topic of today's discussion, Joana? Do you have any juicy gossip to share?" She asked eagerly, leaning forward.

Oh yes abt that --
Yes? Said Lily.
I guess you just..

"You guys go on, I'll be back later," she said in a low voice, She turned away and walked out of the room.

Why don't you take Alex for a spin, huh? He's been eyeing you for ages , go on, have some fun with Alex! He's totally into you, you know! Rendy teased.

Don't be shy, go out with Alex! He's been waiting for you forever! Rendy giggled.

How about you and Alex, eh? He's got a crush on you, that's obvious! Neesy winked.

Lily bit her lip, unsure of what to say.

"Shh!" Joana hissed, glancing around nervously. "Zip it, ! If you all don't keep quiet, she'll hear us and everything will be ruined!" She gave them a fierce stare.

"Okay, okay, we get it!" ,they said.

"I'll leave you alone, said Lily.I'll just go to that corner over there and pretend I don't exist. You can have your little chat without me." She turned and walked away, feeling hurt and left out. She wondered what Joana was hiding from her, and who she was talking to.

Lily left.

Joana looked around the table, where her three best friends were sitting. She bit her lip nervously, then cleared her throat. "So, about the discussion," she began, "you all know that Lily's birthday is coming up, right?" She smiled, hoping to see some excitement on their faces.

Neesy nodded eagerly, her eyes sparkling. "Yes, yes, we do! And we have to do something special for her! She's our best friend, after all!" She clapped her hands, then leaned forward. "How about we give her a surprise party?!"

Joana nodded, pleased with Neesy's enthusiasm. "That's a great idea, Neesy! A surprise party would be perfect for Lily! She loves surprises!" She looked at Rendy and Juliet, who were sitting quietly. "But we need to plan it out orderly. We can't just wing it. We need to decide when the party will be held, at what time, who all will come, and where we'll do it."

Rendy stroked her chin, thinking. He was the most practical of the group, always weighing the pros and cons of everything. "Well, we can't do it on her actual birthday, because she'll be expecting something. We have to do it before or after. Maybe the weekend before? That way, we'll have more time to prepare and invite people."

Juliet nodded, agreeing with Rendy. She was the most creative of the group, always coming up with new ideas and suggestions. She looked at Joana, who was waiting for her input. "Juliet, what do you say?" Joana asked.

Juliet smiled, then said, "I think we should invite her friends, which include us, and...
We can call Alex.
(Juliet secretly liked Alex. She felt a surge of mixed emotions - admiration, envy, and longing. She wished she could be in Lily's place, laughing with Alex and holding his hand. She was Lily's friend, but she also wanted Alex for herself. She hated the way Alex looked at Lily, as if he owned her. She wanted to keep them apart, somehow. )

I can try to rewrite this passage in a more interesting manner, using dialogues and punctuation. Here is one possible way:

"Let's call him and see if he can join us," Joana suggested. "But I'm not sure if he's available or not."

"What flavor cake should we get?" Neesy asked.

"Mango, of course!" Joana exclaimed. "Lily loves mango flavor!"

"I've got the decorations covered," Rendy said. "My dad works at a party supply store. I'll talk to him about it."

"You're awesome, Rendy," Joana said, smiling. "You always come through for us."
"I'll text Lily and confirm the date and time for the surprise party tonight," Joana added. "And I'll also call him and hope he says yes."

Neesy glanced around the cafeteria, her eyes sparkling with mischief. 'He's here, you know. At school. We could totally invite him over.' She nudged Joana with her elbow, grinning wickedly.

Joana shifted in her seat, feeling uneasy. 'I don't know, Neesy. He's our senior, for Pete's sake. And we barely know him. What if he thinks we're weird or something?' She lowered her voice, hoping he wouldn't hear them.

Rendy leaned forward, his face eager. 'I know him! He's in my tuition class. He's really cool and smart. And he plays guitar.'

Joana sighed. 'Fine, fine. If you think you can do it, Rendy. Go ahead and ask him. But don't blame me if he rejects us or laughs in our faces.' She crossed her arms, bracing herself for the worst."

Rendy went to call Alex.

Rendy scanned the room nervously, looking for Alex.

"Excuse me, is Alex here?" Rendy asked politely.

The friend looked surprised and then smiled. "Oh, you're Lily's friend, right? Yeah, Alex is here. Wait a sec, I'll call him." He shouted across the room, "Alex! Alex! Someone wants to talk to you!"

Alex emerged from a corner, where he had been working on his laptop. He was sweating and breathing hard, as if he had just run a marathon. "What's up?" he asked, wiping his forehead.

He saw Rendy and recognized her from Lily's photos. "Oh, hey, you're Rendy, right? Lily's friend?"

Rendy nodded and greeted him warmly. "Hello, Alex. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you could spare some of your time to join our group discussion. It would be very kind of you."

Alex said, "Sure, why not? I could use a break. What's the discussion about?"

Rendy smiled gratefully.

Alex's eyes lit up. "Let's go then. Lead the way."

Rendy thanked him and led him to the group discussion circle, where his teammates were waiting eagerly. Alex followed her, curious and excited.

Rendy dashed ahead, taking swift and large strides. Alex followed her at a slower pace, pretending to be fascinated by the natural scenery. His eyes scanned the surroundings, secretly searching for Lily. He saw the lush greenery of the trees, the colorful plumage of the birds, and the nimble movements of the squirrels that scampered up and down the branches. The beauty of nature was breathtaking!

Lily was perched on the bench, her gaze adrift among the clouds, lost in a silent reverie. As Alex and Rendy strolled by, Alex's eyes caught a glimpse of sun-kissed, wavy locks that shimmered like spun gold. It was unmistakably Lily; her hair was the whisper of legends in their school, a radiant halo that set her apart. With a gentle lean, Alex sought her face, and as fate would have it, Lily turned, their gazes intertwining in a silent ballet. A tender smile graced Alex's lips, a blush painting his cheeks with a rosy hue. Rendy's mirth bubbled over, a soft chuckle escaping her. Lily, puzzled yet charmed, lifted her hand in greeting, but Alex, carried away by the moment, drifted off, leaving a trail of warmth and unspoken promises in the air.


The group circle was buzzed with the electric energy of shared secrets and suppressed giggles. Rendy's voice cut through the chatter, her words laced with a playful excitement that only good news could bring.

"Guess who decided to grace us with his presence?" she teased, her eyes dancing with mirth.

Neesy's face lit up like a beacon, her voice a melody of warm welcome. "Oh wow, Alex! How's everything?"

Alex, caught in the crossfire of friendly faces, mustered a grin. "I'm good, I'm good. What's all this about?" he inquired, his gaze flitting between the eager faces.

Joana leaned in, her voice a conspiratorial whisper. "Well, you see, it's about Lily's birthday. And since you're, you know, *fond* of Lily..."

Alex's cheeks tinged pink, a silent admission. "Ohh, that-no-" he stammered, but Joana was quick to interject.

"We've seen the way you two are together, Alex. No use hiding it now," she said, her tone teasing yet gentle.

"Do you think Lily likes me back?" Alex's voice was barely above a whisper, hope threading through his words.

Reesy chimed in, her laughter a soft chime in the air. "Not sure, but we're all rooting for you. So, when's the big proposal happening?"

Oh yes about that, Alex blushed while saying this.

"Alex, my man, you're redder than a beetroot!" Neesy chuckled, nudging Alex with a playful grin. "C'mon, seize the day! Lily's birthday bash is your golden ticket-pop the question!"

Joana, ever the mediator, tugged at Neesy's ear, her voice a hushed whisper. "Shhh... Neesy, show some respect. He's our senior, remember?"

Juliet, unable to contain her rising jealousy, interjected with a shout that cut through the banter like a sharp knife. "Of course, we all know he's our senior, and we should act accordingly!"

Her words hung heavy in the air, a clear signal of her inner turmoil. She desperately wanted to steer the conversation away from Lily and Alex's rumored romance.

Neesy, catching the undercurrents of Juliet's discomfort, softened her tone. "Oh, yes, of course," she said, her teasing smile fading into a more apologetic one. "My bad, senior Alex."

"When is the date? The venue?" he asked, his voice a mix of hope and trepidation. "I... I hope I get the chance to propose."

Joana, with a reassuring smile, replied, "I don't think she would do anything embarrassing. She cares about you, Alex."

Nodding, Alex let out a sigh, "Hope so," his eyes scanning the familiar faces, seeking silent support.

"We'll send you the birthday card through courier. Be alert. And don't go off to vacation within these two weeks," Joana instructed, her tone firm yet friendly.

"Sure, I wouldn't," Alex affirmed, a determined glint in his eye.

With a collective nod, the group seemed to seal the pact. "Uh-so all are planned, I guess," Alex concluded, a hopeful note lingering in the air as they all imagined the upcoming proposal.

The group's conversation was a gentle hum of camaraderie, punctuated by laughter and the occasional serious undertone as they rallied around Alex, bolstering his courage to propose to Lily. Their dialogue meandered through every conceivable topic, a tapestry of shared experiences and individual stories.

Juliet's eyes, however, told a tale of their own. They danced across the space between her and Alex, lingering just a moment too long, revealing a depth of emotion she couldn't voice. Alex, aware of her gaze, returned it with a subtle acknowledgment, though his eyes reserved a different, more intense sparkle for Lily.

As the day's light dwindled, painting the sky with strokes of crimson and gold, the group dispersed, each to their own sanctuary. Juliet's gaze held fast to Alex, a silent yearning in her eyes.

"Bye," she whispered, her voice barely rising above a breath, her cheeks tinged with the softest blush.

Alex, caught in the whirlwind of the day's emotions, could only muster a boisterous farewell. "Oh yeah! Bye!" he called out, his voice carrying across the distance, not quite matching the tenderness of Juliet's parting word.

As the twilight embraced the world in its serene quietude, the day's events settled like stardust in the hearts of those present. Juliet's soft farewell echoed in the cool evening air, a tender note that hung wistfully between the parting friends. In that moment, as shadows lengthened and the first stars began to twinkle in the firmament, their lives felt intertwined by the delicate threads of unspoken emotions and the poignant beauty of what might have been. And with the night's gentle arrival, they each carried away a piece of the sunset-a memory, a hope, a dream-tucked away within the silent chambers of their souls.

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